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The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Sat 28 Jul 2012, 1:59 pm
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Valcia___regional_fantasy_map_by_thevalcian-d1y7ico

The era has medieval styled weapons though with a twist of fantasy, fantasy races and fantasy armor. There are magic abilities and mythical creatures and bosses. The technology is sewing, smithy, building, cooking, alchemy and use of herbs.

Our heroes have taken the ship on a routine trip between villages in their home land, but the airship crashes caused by a curse lying within the land of Valcia and they end up in the Northern Valcia in the middle of the beach.

In the land of the mysterious Valcia lies a curse(One way dimensional port) hidden to draw in ships from the land which the characters live in. The land holds a village Highsteep in the middle by the mountain lake. The land also holds a vast number of mythical bosses, creatures, dungeons and shrines. One obtains ones power through power gems and transformation gems, so everyone start with one ability and the additional powers will be received at random through the gems.

The mountain village called Highsteep was made a year ago by people from a previous crash the year before and has flourished and thrived as many races settled down, buildings were built and many goods were being traded in the village. The village has an economic system.

Everyone own a melee weapon and max 1 ability(Power gems or transformation gems are found in dungeons or fall off bosses)

The characters were on a journey through the skies on an airship and crashed. We start in the crashed ship lying on the shore and no creatures around yet.

I will make the bosses as we go along and control the gems' powers(I will be fair:))

The current gem colors are(Each has a different essence):


The currently available symbols are(The symbols on the gems determine the ability. They have names but the meaning behind them is hidden for now):
The Walking Stick
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Chokureisymbol
Peace Sign
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Black+peace+sign
The Shuriken
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjo3hy9c6lyrq5ukpbCM-upCvxONgKh8Iy0qcnbjvR8TguhIJLdIokrGnc
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Mandala-triskle
The Ring
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) 2a
The Eye
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Egypteye-med
The Change
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Black_sun

Class List:

Dragoon: Spear
Knight: Sword and Shield
Sword Master: Sword
Rogue: Daggers
Martial Artist: Cestus
Berserker: Axe
Reaper: Scythe
Monk: Claws
Beast Warrior(Wears fur armor): Dual Hachets
Healer: Staff
Archer: Bow and Arrow

The character sheet is:


Last edited by Elemental on Tue 31 Jul 2012, 4:46 pm; edited 18 times in total
Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty Re: The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Sat 28 Jul 2012, 2:05 pm
Name: Kayla
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race: Blood Elf
Ability: Agile
Weapon: Spear(Dragoon)
Personality: Adventurous, Careful, defensive and kind.
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) BloodElf3

Name: Kale
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Human
Ability: Sword Play
Weapon(Class): Swords(Swordmaster)
Personality: Sly, Loner and Calm
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) 764810-bigthumbnail

Last edited by Elemental on Mon 30 Jul 2012, 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 32

The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty Re: The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:46 pm
Name: Mira
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race: Human
Ability: Highly accurate striking ability
Class: Bow and Arrows ( Archer )
Personality: Very quiet and withheld, calm and friendly.
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Archer_ragnarok

Name: Lyra
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Elf
Ability: Stealth
Class: Rogue ( Daggers )
Personality: talkative, kind, very rash with decisions
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) 785993-bigthumbnail

Approved By Elemental*
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The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty Re: The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Sun 29 Jul 2012, 11:40 pm
Name: Aerith
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Human
Ability: Quick movement
Weapon(Class): Sword Master
Personality: straightforward, blunt, cocky, kind, tomboy

Name: Violet
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human
Ability: Good sight
Weapon(Class): Archer
Personality: Rarely talks or shows any emotion, gentle, kind

Approved By Elemental*
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Age : 29
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The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty Re: The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Mon 30 Jul 2012, 11:56 am
Making this before we get too far in the story and it's too late Smile

Name: Akara
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Night Elf
Ability: Able to drain life and heal others with it(Trees and plants have life too)
Weapon(Class): Healer
Personality: Mysterious, not very talkative, rational thinker, helpful and smart
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Anime96
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Join date : 2012-10-27
Age : 26

The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Empty Re: The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi)

Sat 27 Oct 2012, 7:45 am
Character name: Reika Casull
Character's nickname: Rei
Sex/gender/race: Female, Human
Age: 25
Right or left hand: Right
Any piercings or tattoos, scars: N/A

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Masao Casull (Older step brother, age 30)
Children: N/A
Other relatives: Unknown
Enemies: N/A
Religion: Worships an elven god
Ethnicity: Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: N/A

Highest education: N/A
Degrees: N/A
Occupation: Archer
Employment history: N/A
Salary: N/A
Status and Money: High class
Own or rent: N/A
Describe living place: Forest (Not much to describe there)
Describe work place: N/A
Main mode of transportation: Walking

Fears: Darkness and being left alone
Food preferences: Berries
Sleeping habits: Normal
Music: Elven songs that she plays on her flute
Ambitions: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Obsessions: N/A
Hobbies: Exploring
Leader or follower: Follower
Book preferences: Anything
Group or alone: Group

Date of birth: Unknown (Just the day she was found) Tuesday, May 15th
Allergies: N/A
Handwriting: Kind of sloppy, but readable

Tricks: She can jumped extremely high and is a great acrobat
Talents: Skilled Archer
Passwords: N/A
Special Memories: She was found by her 'brother' when she was 8 years old and has attached to him ever since.
Special places: In trees listening to the birds

Reika doesn't know who her parents are or even where she came from. She had been exploring the forest and had lost her memories when she fell down a cliff and hit her head. Her 'brother' Masao, a forest elf, had found her wandering around with a blank stare, only remembering her first name. She almost never leaves Masao's side and is glad that he taught her how to defend herself.
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Anime35

Character name: Masao Casull
Character's nickname: N/A
Sex/gender/race: Male, Forest Elf
Age: 30
Right or left hand: Both
Any piercings or tattoos, scars: Has a scar across his nose and one on his cheek. Also has a scar across his right eye, but his hair covers that eye because he doesn't like people to know he's blind.

Parents: Fatora Casull (Mother, age 67) and Shin Casull (Father, age 71)
Siblings: Reika Casull (Younger step sister, age 25)
Children: N/A
Other relatives: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Religion: Worships and elven god
Ethnicity: Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: Yuji (A hawk that he can communicate with)

Highest education: N/A
Degrees: N/A
Occupation: Rouge (But does have Archer skills)
Employment history: N/A
Salary: N/A
Status and Money: High class
Own or rent: N/A
Describe living place: Forest (Same as Reika)
Describe work place: N/A
Main mode of transportation: Walking

Fears: The people he cares about getting hurt, being helpless and feeling like he can't protect someone.
Food preferences: N/A
Sleeping habits: Very light
Music: Elven music and natural forest sounds
Ambitions: To protect everyone
Addictions: N/A
Obsessions: Keeping his sister out of trouble
Hobbies: Sharpening his daggers and observing people
Leader or follower: Leader
Book preferences: Anything
Group or alone: Group

Date of birth: Sunday, November 5th
Allergies: N/A
Handwriting: Extremely neat

Tricks: Can throw his knives and always hit his target
Talents: Animal Empathy (Can communicate with animals and tell how they feel just by the way they act, but not necessarilly talk to them)
Passwords: N/A
Special Memories: He grew up living the high life as the son of the elven leader. While doing a patrol one day, he came across a little girl and decided not to leave her all alone. His parents decided to adopt her and she hasn't left his side since.
Special places: Anywhere there's water

He's a fairly quiet person for the most part. He doesn't trust people except those he cares about and always has a soft spot for a girl in distress thanks to his sister. He may sound like a dick when he actually does speak, but once he warms up to you, he's actually a very caring and loving person.
The land of Valcia (Valcia no tochi) Ninja
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