Roleplay Paradisu
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Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Empty Crescent Island (Kuresento shima)

Tue 18 Sep 2012, 4:57 pm
This is well after the events of the original pokemon story and I figure we should try to do something a little different around here.

It's been nearly 200 years and a new group of trainers are ready to start their pokemon journey to see who will be the new pokemon master. There are new gym leaders and new challenges awaiting as well as a new region.

Cresent Island
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Moonisland

Each trainer will choose one of these pokemon that are listed to start out with.

Starter pokemon: [You can come up with the pokemon's abilities, just make sure it makes sense because they are starter pokemon. Need examples, read the characters already made.]
Snivy - Grass
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Snivy
Azumarill - Water
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 004
Vulpix - Fire
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Vulpix

Character Sheets:

Right/Left handed:

Other relatives:

Highest education:
Employment History:
Describe living place:
Main mode of transportation:

Food preference:
Sleeping habbits:


Special memories:
Special places:
Character History:


Pokemon Sheets: For when you catch them, but make sure that the attacks are fair people. And no catching legendaries.
Note: Only limited to six pokemon total [Including starter] so make sure it's a kind you want when you go to catch it. As for abilities, there needs to be at least one move that isn't an attack. Moves can be learned by training them, but each is limited to four moves only and it has to have the ability to learn it. EX: Pikachu can't learn surf, etc.

List of Pokemon
Pokemon Move List


Name: Nurse Haruka
Age: 19
Personality: Sweet and Caring. She had deticated her life to helping others.
Pokemon: Marill [Water] [Female] [Hydro Pump, Water Sport (Weaken the power of fire-type moves), Withdraw (Raises user's defence), BubbleBeam (May lower opponent's speed)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Marill
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Himitu0626

Name: Officer Karu
Age: 20
Personality: A bit of a hard ass kind of girl and hates when people don't respect the law.
Pokemon: Sneasel [Dark/Ice] [Male] [Bite (May cause flinching), Flatter (Confuses opponent, but raises its special attack by two stages), Night Slash (High critical hit ratio), Powser Snow (May freeze opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Sneasel
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) C5e0cf3e-2217-4d2c-a079-baed0cd836f2_zpsad0875ef

Gym Leaders:

Name: Eiko
Age: 26
Personality: A little hyperactive and loves a good challege. She perfers grass and bug type pokemon.
Grovyle [Grass] [Male] Razor Leaf (High critical hit ratio), Fury Cutter (Power increases with each consecutive hit), Leaf Blade (High critical hit ratio), Absorb (User recovers half of the HP inflicted on opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Grovyle

Roserade [Grass/Poison] [Female] [Energy Ball (May lower opponents special defense), Giga Drain [User recovers 50% of the damage inflicted on the opponent), Leaf Storm (Sharply lowers user's special attack), Poison Sting (May poison the opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Roserade

Swadloon [Bug/Grass] [Male] [Leech Life (User recovers half of the damage inflicted on the opponent), Steamroller (May cause flinching), Aromatherapy (Cures all status problems in your party), Grass Knot (The heavier the opponent, the stronger the attack)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 541_Swadloon

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) PokemonTrainer

Name: Katashi
Age: 31
Personality: Can be kind of a dick, but once you show him how strong you are, he starts to show you respect. Perfers rock and steel type pokemon.
Terrakion [Rock/Fighting] [Male] [Bulk Up (Raises user's Attack and Defense), Head Smash (User recieves recoil damange), Rock Tomb (Lowers opponent's speed), Rollout (Doubles the power in each of the five attacks)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 639Terrakion_Dream

Genesect [Bug/Steel] [Male] [Metal Sound (Sharply lowers opponent's special defence), Metal Claw (May raise user's attack), Rage Powder (Forces attacks to hit user, not teammates), Fury Cutter (Power increases with each consecutive hit)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Genesect

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Newguy06

Name: Arata
Age: 25
Personality: A bit of a cocky bastard and hates to lose. Perfers electric type pokemon.
Jolteon [Electric] [Female] [Volt Tackle (User recieves recoil damage), Thunder Fang (May cause flinching and/or paralyze opponent), Electro Ball (The faster the user, the stronger the attack), Thunder Wave (Paralyzes opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Jolteon

Pichu [Electric] [Male] [Spark (May paralyze opponent), Thunder Punch (May paralyze opponent), ThunderShock (May paralyze Opponent), Charge (Power of your electric-type attacks increase)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Pichu

Elekid [Electric] [Male] [Bolt Strike (May Paralyze opponent), Wild Charge (User recieves recoil damage), Thunderbolt (May paralyze opponent), Magnet Rise (User becomes immune to ground-type moves temporarily)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Elekid

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 9022774_m

Name: Hajime
Age: 38
Personality: Calm, cool and always sarcastic. Perfers fire type pokemon.
Charizard [Fire/Flying] [Male] [Fly (Flies up, then attacks), Sacred Fire (May burn opponent), Flamethrower (May burn opponent), Defog (Lower's opponent's evasiveness and clears fog)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Charizard

Ponyta [Fire] [Male] [Blaze Kick (High critical hit ratio. May burn opponent), Flame Burst (May also injure nearby pokemon), Sunny Day (Makes it sunny temporarily), Fire Blitz (User recieves recoil damange. May burn opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Ponyta

Slugma [Fire] [Female] [Flame Charge (Raises user's speed), Ember (May burn opponent), Overheat (Sharply lowers user's special attack), Will-O-Wisp (Burns Opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Slugma

Houndoom [Dark/Fire] [Male] [Flame Wheel (May burn opponent), Bite (May cause flinching), Flamethrower (May burn opponent), Torment (Opponent cannot use the same move in a row)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Houndoom

Torkoal [Fire] [Female] [Heat Crash (The heavier the user, the stronger the attack), Eruption (Stronger when the user's HP is higher), Sunny Day (Makes it sunny temporarily), Magma Storm (Traps opponent, damaging them for a temporary amount of time)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Torkoal

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 408034

Name: Tsuneo
Age: 21
Personality: Acts like the cool guy on the block and loves to flirt with a cute girl. Perfers ground type pokemon.
Trapinch [Ground] [Female] [Dig (Digs underground and attacks opponent from below), Mud-slap (Lowers opponent's accuracy), Sand Attack (Lowers opponent's accuracy), Mud Sport (Weakens the power of electric type moves)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Trapinch

Gabite [Dragon/Ground] [Female] [Magnitude (Hits with random power ranging from 1-10), Dragon Rush (May cause flinching), Dragon Dance (Raises user's attack and speed), Bulldoze (Lowers opponent's speed)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Gabite

Rhyperior [Ground/Rock] [Male] [Earthquake (Power is doubled if opponent is underground from using dig), Mud Shot (Lowers opponent's speed), Rock Slide (May cause flinching), Sandstorm (Creates a temporary sandstorm)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Rhyperior

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) PokemonBlackBoyTrainer

Name: Yuu
Age: 16
Personality: Can be a bit of a spaz at times, but knows when to get serious. Perfers water type pokemon.
Dewott [Water] [Male] [Bubble (May lower opponent's speed), Water Gun, Muddy Water (May lower opponent's accuracy), Aqua Ring (Restores HP a little)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Dewott

Tirtouga [Water/Rock] [Female] [Water Gun, Withdraw (Raises user's defence), Smack Down (Makes flying-type pokemon vulnerable to ground moves), AncientPower (May raise all user's stats at once)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Tirtouga12

Golduck [Water] [Female] [Surf, Water Pulse (May confuse opponent), Hydro Pump, Rain Dance (Creates rain temproarily)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Golduck

Seel [Water] [Male] [Dive (Dives underwater and comes up for an attack), BubbleBeam (May lower opponent's speed), Water Sport (Weakens the power of fire-type moves), Aqua Tail]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Seel

Lanturn [Water/Electric] [Male] [Whirlpool (Traps opponent in a whirlpool), Spark (May paralyze opponent), Thunder (May paralyze opponent), Charge (Power of your electric-type attacks increase)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Lanturn

Quilfish [Water/Posion] [Male] [Rain Dance (Creates rain temporarily), Poison Tail (High critical hit ratio. May poison opponent), Smog (May poison opponent), Coil (Raises user's attack, defence and accuracy)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Quilfish

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Pokemontrainer2

Name: Kimiko
Age: 22
Personality: She can have quite the attitude when she feels like you aren't a worthy trainer. Perfers Dark type pokemon.
Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] [Male] [Rock Slide (May cause flinching), Ancient Power (May raise all user's stats at once), Snarl (Lowers opponent's special attack), Hone Claws (Raises user's attack and accuracy)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Tyranitar

Poochyena [Dark] [Female] [Crunch (May lower opponet's defence), Punishment (Power increases when opponent's stats have been raised), Night Daze '(May lower opponent's accuracy), Taunt (Opponent can only use moves that attack)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Poochyena

Absol [Dark] [Female] [Payback (Power doubles if the user was attacked first), Dark Pulse (May cause flinching), Nasty Plot (Sharply raises user's special attack), Memento (User faints, sharply lowers opponent's attack and special attack)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Absol

Stunky [Poison/Dark] [Female] [Fake Tears (Sharply lowers opponent's special defence), Bite (May cause flinching), Poison Tail (High critical hit ratio. May poison opponent), Acid Spray (Sharply lowers opponent's special defence)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Stunky

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Pokemon

Name: Kazuo
Age: 19
Personality: Always seems like he's excited about something. Perfers flying type pokemon.
Honchkrow [Dark/Flying] [Male] [Flatter (Confuses opponent, but raises its special attack by two stages), Aerial Ace, Peck, Gust (Hits pokemon using fly/bounce with double the power)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Honchcrow

Pidove [Normal/Flying] [Male] [Cut, Acupressure (Sharply raises a random stat), Drill Peck, Wing Attack]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 519_Pidove

Swanna [Water/Flying] [Female] [Aqua Jet, Tailwind (Doubles speed temporarily), Feather Dance (Sharply lowers opponent's attack), Brave Bird (User recieves recoil damage)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 581_Swanna

Butterfree [Bug/Flying] [Male] [Silver Wind (May raise all stats of user at once), Defend Order (Raises user's defence and special defence), Gust (Hits pokemon using fly/bounce with double power), Defog (Lowers opponent's evasiveness and clears fog)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Butterfree

Farfetch'd [Normal/Flying] [Male] [Mirror Move (User performs the opponent's last move), Fury Attack (Attempts to hit opponent 2-5 times), Headbutt (May cause flinching), Double Team (Raises user's evasiveness)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Farfetchd

Crobat [Poison/Flying] [Male] [Poison Fang (May badly poison opponent), Venoshock (Inflicts double damage if the target it poisoned), Coil (Raises user's attack, defence and accuracy), Wing Attack]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Crobat

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Poketrainer

Elite Four: Mainly a mystery but as the information is found out in the roleplay, I'll post it here on their information.

Name: Keiichi
Age: ???
Personality: ???
Pokemon: ???
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Pokemon_Trainers_by_MarckPF

Name: Shin'ichi
Age: ???
Personality: ???
Pokemon: ???
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Owlboy1

Name: Raiden
Age: ???
Personality: ???
Pokemon: ???
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Ice

Name: Miwa
Age: ???
Personality: ???
Pokemon: ???
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Pokemon-001

Pokemon Master: Same as the elite four. A mystery for the time being.

Name: Masaru
Age: ???
Personality: ???
Pokemon: ???
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 469169-bigthumbnail

Team Pheonix:

Name: Ryota [Team Leader]
Age: ???
Personality: Kind of a dick and you can never tell what he's thinking. Perfers psychic type pokemon.
Xatu [Psychic/Flying] [Male] [Confusion (May confuse opponent), Light Screen (Halves damage from special attacks temporarily), Peck, Chatter (May confuse opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Xatu

Espeon [Psychic] [Male] [Psybeam (May confuse opponent), Agility (Sharply raises user's speed), Psychic (May lower opponent's special defence), Extrasensory (May cause flinching)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Espeon

Smoochum [Ice/Psychic] [Female] [Mist Ball (May lower opponent's special attack), Hypnosis [Puts opponent to sleep, if it hits), Ice Beam (May freeze opponent), Haze (Resets all stat changes)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 238-Smoochum

Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] [Male] [Zen Headbutt (May cause flinching), Calm Mind (Raises user's special attack and special defence), Double Kick, Force Palm (May paralyze opponent)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 000743

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 6318140_m

Name: Nao
Age: 18
Personality: Very protective and loyal to his boss. Perfers ice type pokemon.
Sealeo [Ice/Water] [Male] [Ice Fang (May cause flinching and/or freeze opponent), Aurora Beam (May lower opponent's attack), Ice Ball (Doubles in power with each of the five hits it attempts), Water Sport (Weakens the power of fire-type moves)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Sealeo

Vanillite [Ice] [Male] [Ice Beam (May freeze opponent), Icy Wind (Lowers opponent's speed), Hail (Creates hail temporarily. Non-ice types are damaged), Freeze Shock (Has to charge before it can attack)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 6Vanillite

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) 95

Name: Akemi
Age: 18
Personality: A bit dorky, but has a major attitude when she doesn't get her way. Perfers anything that looks cute.
Flaaffy [Electric] [Female] [Thunder Punch (May paralyze opponent), Spark (May paralyze opponent), ThunderShock (May paralyze opponent), Magnet Rise (User becomes immune to ground-type moves temporarily)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Flaaffy

Chikorita [Grass] [Female] [Razor Leaf (High critical hit ratio), Vine Whip, Magical Leaf, GrassWhistle (Puts the opponent to sleep, if it hits)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Chikorita

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) PKMN_Trainer_ID_by_minjii

Last edited by MischievousFox on Wed 22 Jan 2014, 12:48 am; edited 5 times in total
Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Empty Re: Crescent Island (Kuresento shima)

Wed 19 Sep 2012, 12:57 am
Name: Kaede
Age: 14
Personality: Very shy and sweet and can get a bit over excited at times. Doesn't really have a preference on types of pokemon.
Occupation: Trainer/Contest Trainer
Starter Pokemon: Vulpix [Fire] [Female] [Flame Wheel (May burn opponent), Ember (May burn opponent), Tail Whip (Lowers opponent's defence), Headbutt (May cause flinching)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Vulpix

Captured Pokemon: None
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Dd4f433f4454d8212f3e6845bc6b80e7d81

Name: Akio
Age: 17
Personality: Fairly caring towards others and very protective of his younger sister. Doesn't have any preferences on types, but does perfer dragon type if possible.
Occupation: Breeder
Starter Pokemon: Snivey [Grass] [Male] [SolarBeam (Has to charge before it can attack), Razor Leaf (High critical hit ratio), Tackle, Attract (If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to attack)]
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) Snivy

Captured Pokemon: None
Crescent Island (Kuresento shima) WhiteBoyBunny
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