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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Thu 23 Jan 2014, 12:00 am
Kyle glanced at Danae as she revealed a bit about her own past as well. "I see..." She could relate to him a little. It was nice to know. He nodded and relaxed a little when she said that he shouldn't resort to violence. He watched as she walked over to the man, a bit curious as to what she was up too. Though he did like the little show she began to put on. He raised an eyebrow to her question to the man. As they dissappeared into the bathroom, he soon heard a loud thud and chuckled. "Nice. I like a woman who can handle herself," he flirted. He was definately going to like this chick, despite their quarrels when they first met. He walked over to Danae and looked at the guy knocked out on the floor. "He isn't going to be happy when he wakes up. No tail and ass kicked by a woman. Ouch. Talk about lowering your self esteem."

Blaine rolled his eyes. He felt like she was having too much fun with this. He smirked and smacked her ass in a playful manner. "No need to announce my 'problems' to the world honey. I doubt you'd complain after a night with me," he teased, trying to get a reaction out of her this time. It was a bit of revenge for the situation she put him in. He watched as she went over to a med kit and smiled. "It's not broken. Not much reason to treat it." He looked away for a moment out the window, then heard her scream and quickly looked back. A fear overcame him as he saw a gun pointed at her head. "Hey! What the bloody hell gives you a right to point a gun at an unarmed citizen?!"

Samantha sighed and nodded as she continued to follow Dimitri. She wanted to know more, but he seemed irritated with her questions. She walked through the doorway shortly after him and saw Dimitri pointing a gun at a familiar face. She ran up to him, placing her hand on his arm holding the gun. "Hey, put that thing away before you hurt someone. They're my friends, not a threat," she said, looking up at him. "Oi, Sam, you know this wacko?" Blaine asked, his tension reliving a bit. Samantha looked at Blaine and kind of laughed nervously as she removed her hand from Dimitri's shoulder. "I guess you could say that."
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Mon 03 Feb 2014, 3:28 pm
Danae giggled at Kyle as she raised up the cloth up to her shoulders, trembling a bit from the pain at her back, she soon started sweating a lot. "Alright... Let's go. It seems he was the only one guarding this wagon." she said with a few pants, moving forward. She was now fully covered in sweat. She kept wipping it off her forehead and neck multiple times using her sleeves, but in the end it was not enough. Kyle was behind her, so he couldn't see her. As Danae kept hanging from the passengers seats, suddenly a hand reached towards her and gently grabbed her wrist. Danae startled glanced at a granny and then the granny told her "Are you okay young girl? You seem sick." Danae not wanting to worry anyone she smiled and gently moved away the granny's hand. "I'm... I'm fine, I was just running." she said and then proceed to move forward. She soon heard a loud scream coming from the next wagon and glanced back at Kyle worringly. "What's going on?" she asked while wipping her sweat.

Anita was about to faint from the sight of the gun pointing at her so closely, and was shaking in fear. Before Dimitri could ask any questions, Samantha had already ran to him and prevented him from doing any actions. He listened to her, and then noticed Anita was really scared of the gun, and that she was just a teenager. He placed his gun back to his case and then listened to Blaine's and Samantha's conversation. As soon as Dimitri drew his weapon, Anita, scared, run behind Blaine and then whispered to herself "Gosh, what does he think he does in front of innocent people" Dimitri noticed that Anita had gone behind Blaine and then smirked "Look at this brat, at the sight of a gun she almost fainted." It was one of the few times Dimitri actually talked, and said something else other than giving orders. Anita glared at him and then yelled "Who are you calling a brat?!"
Dimitri then glanced at Samantha and said "Come on, move it. These people need help." waiting for her to move forward.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Fri 07 Feb 2014, 1:23 am
Kyle stared at Danae for a moment, a bit concerned if she was really ok. He sighed and nodded as he began to follow her. He could tell she was having some trouble, despite how much she tried to hide it. He stopped when she was grabbed and looked at the elder woman. So it wasn't just him. He glanced at Danae when she answered the woman. She was such a liar. He looked towards where the scream was, then back at Danae. He was more concerned about how she looked than whatever was going on in the next car. "We'll go check it out. But first," he started and leaned over, picking her up without warning in a bridal style fashion. "I'm not about to watch you walk around looking so miserable. I don't want any ifs, ands or buts about it," he finished and started heading towards the next car to see what was going on.

Blaine looked at Anita as she ran behind him. Great. He'd have to take a bullet for a girl he barely knew if it came down to it. Then again, he probably would've anyways. He glared at Dimitri as he made fun of her. Damn Russians always think they're superior. Samantha sighed at Dimitri's comment. "Sir, you really should be nicer to others. You're going to end up alone and miserable if you act like that," she teased as she smiled up at him. She didn't realize he once had a a wife and child once and really meant no offence by it. She pouted a little as he told her to keep moving. She nodded and moved ahead of him, grabbing the med kit as she walked over to Blaine. "So how'd you hurt yourself this time?" Blaine rolled his eyes. "It's not like I did it on purpose ya donut," he said as he smiled at her. Samantha giggled. "I know. You're just accident prone. Let's just take a look at that arm," she said, motioning for him to sit.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Wed 19 Feb 2014, 5:45 pm

Danae tilted her head in confusion as Alex wasn't concerned about the scream but rather... About her. She didn't expect of him to carry her bridal style. As he was picking her up, she backed away a bit, refusing but he ended up grabbing her anyways. "Oh no, you don't have to do that. I'm perfectly fine!" what a great liar she was. She was sweating so much, that it would be obvious Alex's hands would be sticky later. She was panting heavily, almost feeling as if the world started to slowly fading out, but she would snap back to reality after a gasp and sudden realization. She didn't protest at Kyle's actions, he was right, but she also had no strength to do anything, or even speak. She simply warped her arms around his neck.

Dimitri ironically chuckled at Samantha's remark. What's he use of being nice anyway? The ones you love are going to die anyway, they won't even remember you, but you will and that's very selfish of them. Why did his life had to be so messed up? He only had a simple job, but ended up quiting it because of this tragedy too. He became so heartless that various organisations recruited him, made him an agent. Not a human being anymore, just a tool. He knew it and didn't mind. It's not like he was some place to return to, or someone to be with. He sighed as he was ready to give an answer, but something else caught his attention, and so he stopped, glancing behind Blaine and Anita. It was Kyle with Danae. Danae feeling worse than ever, if anywhere were to see her, they would think she was already dead. Dimitri quickly moved towards them and called Samantha to come that way.

Anita glanced back at her, watching the state Danae was, she gasped as she yelled "Oh my God! It's the girl who sat next to me!" and then glanced up to Kyle who was holding her. "Is she dead? What happened to her?"

Dimitri observed Danae for a few seconds and then raised his hand, slapping Danae's cheek with all the force his had. Danae shuddered at the hit, as she woke up but didn't even have the strength to get angry at him or anything. She simply let out a pant "W..hat?" Anita gasped once again at Dimitri's actions and quickly grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away "What the hell you think you are doing to a sick person?! Wasn't it you that earlier said Samantha has to help those in need?" she yelled at him in anger. Dimitri didn't budge an inch. He simply let go of her hand and responded "She probably has internal bleeding, probably poisoned too. Did she eat anything on this train?" he asked before continuing "Did you also notice anything weird... Like the way she speaks or anything? Like having difficulties to speak or move, or even think."

Anita glanced at Samantha and Blaine, then back at Kyle and asked him "You were with her all the time, did you notice anything like he said?"

Danae was still grasping through sleep and reality, coming back and forth. Not even knowing what was going on. She had gotten worse.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Tue 15 Apr 2014, 8:29 pm
Kyle sighed when she struggled, but managed to pick Danae up after a few seconds of it. It was strange. She already seemed warn out. Something wasn't quite right. "No you arn't. Let me help you." He gave her a sincere smile, trying to convince her. He could feel her sweat all over his hands, some of it soaking through his own clothes the longer he held her. As he took a step forward, he listened to her breathing. It was heavy. He held her a little closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Was he actually worried about this stubborn brat? "Everything will be alright," he whispered into her ear just before opening the door.

Samantha glanced at Dimitri as he chuckled at her, finishing up Blaine's bandaging. Was what she said really so funny? She stood up and turned to face him. As she went to say something, she was interrupted by the door being opened. She looked to see Kyle, carrying Danae? Could never leave a girl behind, could he? "Coming," she said as she followed Dimitri. Blaine glanced back at them as he stood up, a bit shocked by the girl's condition. "Dare I even ask what you two have been through?"

Kyle looked at his friends, then the other girl that sat next to them just an hour before. Then another caught his attention. He took a moment to study Dimitri. Looked Russian. Interesting. He didn't have a change to answer Anita and Blaine's questions before Dimitri approached them with Samantha. He gave the man a look that could kill after he struck Danae. Samantha sighed and pushed Dimitri out of the way as she looked at Kyle. "So?"

Kyle nodded, calming down a little. "Yeah, everything he just said just started happening a moment ago." Samantha looked at Dimitri. She had already been told of what it was. She knew enough to slow a poison though, but as far as a cure, she wouldn't be able to do much without knowing what it was exactly. She looked back at Danae, brushing her hand along the girl's forehead. "Go lay her down." There had to be more medical supplies...wait. Near the engine room. They always kept extra supplies for emergencies in the car just before it. But first, she looked at Dimitri. He may know how to cure it without her having to run through 8 cars and who knows how many guards. Though if he said he didn't, she'll snag Kyle's knife before going. "I can't treat her with the supplies in that kit. They're not meant for this situation."
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Thu 29 May 2014, 6:20 pm
Danae glanced for a glimpse at Kyle, not really wanting to part ways. Kyle was warm, Danae liked that, she liked being held by him. Not because she had any special feelings towards him but because it had been such a long time since anyone ever touched her or even cared. Before Kyl was about to lay her down, she tugged his shirt for a moment, not wanting to let go and later smiled.

Once she laid down, she felt as if knives were stabbing her back, probably because of her earlier trauma at the bar. She bit her lip, trying to make no sound as her vision was getting blurry again.

"I'm afraid it's not something you can treat yourself." Dimitri stared at his watch "The train will stop at a small country near California. They will seal the train and put everyone on quarantine, treat those who are already infected. She will get medical attention there." Yeah, sure. Knowing the Russian and American ways, the train would probably end up being blown with everyone inside so that they wouldn't take any risk.

"California?!" Anita uttered "But we are still in Canada! We haven't pass the borders yet... Or have we?"

"No, we are near the borders." Dimitri responded, shaking his head. His accent was heavy. "We will not accept any passengers, all train stations are already informed." he then turned to Danae "Don't share any objects with her, don't get close to her and definitely don't touch her. Make sure she doesn't fall asleep though."

Anita titled her head in confusion "How are we going to make sure she is awake then, if we cannot touch or even get close to her?" she gulped "What's wrong with her? Can't you tell us more details, so that we can inform the rest?"

"That information cannot be shared with you. I don't care how you are going to do it, or if you even want her to survive. It's not my business. Someone brave can just stay close to her and become infected, not my business."

Danae groaned at the background, slowly closing her eyes as she let out a sigh that could be translated into giving up.

Anita's body shuddered, making a step back, not willing to be that 'brave' person. She was hesitating, she didn't want to do it. Deep inside her, she was hopping for someone else to come forward, or even better, not help her at all.

"Samantha" dimitri turned to her side "You follow me. We are going to the engine room. We need your help."
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Fri 30 May 2014, 2:53 am
Kyle almost didn't want to let her go either. He smiled back at Danae as he sat down next to her. He saw the pain in her face, despite her trying to hide it. Apart of him wished he could take her pain away. He looked up at Dimitri as he spoke about what the plans were for this train.

Samantha looked down, feeling helpless. She wanted to do something.

"Near the borders already? So, we don't have much time left." Blaine sighed. "Being quarantined and treated like animals will be fun," he said sarcastically, rubbing his head. He looked over at Anita, wrapping his arm around her. "Hey, calm down. It'll be alright." He watched as Dimitri left, then looked at Kyle who reached over and took Danae's hand, squeezing it tight. "Woah, you're gonna get sick too."

Kyle shrugged. "I don't care." He smiled at Danae, placing his other hand on her cheek. "You've got to stay awake. I'm going to make sure you get off this train, alive. And I wont leave your side til your better." He knew he would get sick, but didn't give it a second thought. He had already been in contact with her anyways and was most likely sick. And with how fast it kicked in with her, it was only a matter of time before he showed symptoms as well.

Blaine watched, wondering if Kyle meant that. Maybe he was just trying to comfort her in case she didn't make it? He wasn't sure, but he hadn't seen kyle like this before. It almost seemed like...he actually care about that girl. Blaine looked down at Anita. "Well, I guess we play the waiting game now..."

Samantha looked at Dimitri, then at her friends and the girls. She sighed, nodding. "I'll do whatever I can to help." She followed him, taking one last glance back at her friends. 'Don't you guys die on me...' She continued, walking close to Dimitri. "So, what are we going to do in the engine room?" She wondered, a bit curious on his plan.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Sun 31 Aug 2014, 12:18 am

Dimitri sighed, rubbing the back of his neck at Blaine's response. "I'll be honest." he paused, glancing at everyone "You are part of the few people that are still healthy. And you, Samantha, you can be of help to us. My men are getting sick too. We don't know what exactly this is, but we need to stop. And we need to stop it before the FBI barges in and ruins everything." he briefly turned to Kyle and Danae, watching them and then back to the other three "There is no time. The virus is being transferred via blood, saliva and sperm. If you exchanged any body fluids then I'm sorry but you are going to get sick... and you need to stay behind. I can't bring you with me if you are not healthy." he stated.

Anita lowered her glance, this all sounded tooo macabre for her. She was on the verge of panicking but for now chose to listen carefully to the CIA agent. She didn't trust him but he seemed to be telling the truth so far. "It will be alright my ass." she copied Blaine's words with a whisper, mocking him and then stared at Kyle, who bravely stood by Danae's side. "He is crazy! Look at her, she is almost dead if not already." the words escaped her lips without thinking. She gasped and quickly sealed her mouth. "I'm... I'm sorry..." she said and turned her back to hide in embarrassment, reaching the wagon's corner.

Danae faintly laughed, it almost sounded like a cough. "I'm not dead already." Her body shivered at Kyle's touch as she smiled, reaching for Kyle's hand and then held it tight. "I'm sorry for having you to go through this. I'll be fine though, you can go. "If I remember correctly, we didn't exchange any of the fluids the agent told us about." She was lying,her eyes were already trying to shut and that trauma to the head wasn't indangerous. She didn't want to hold Kyle back though, they were strangers, he wasn't obliged to help her, moreover to take care of her. She thought she could manage on her own.

"Not we, I am. I'm going to the engine room, you guys treat the other passengers on the train and avoid getting too close to them. In the emergency kits there are masks you can wear. Those who are sick... Put them in the cabins and shut them completely, away from healthy people. As soon as we pass the borders the FBI will try to get on the train with the Quarantine guys from CDC. We need to keep FBI off." he smiled, touching his gun on his belt "Now... Who knows how to handle a gun?"
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Sat 20 Sep 2014, 3:33 am
Samantha looked at her friends, then let out a sigh as she turned back to Dimitri. "Okay. Just tell me what to do," she said as she waited for him to answer. She was more concerned for her friends. They were the only real family she had anymore. And she wasn't about to let innocent people die if it could be helped either. She looked down at his gun and shook her head. "Sorry. I've never even held a gun before, much less used one. But I'm pretty good with self defence if that helps at all." She wasn't sure how it would be, but she did know how to disarm people with weapons. She had taken self defence classes for a few years, but never needed it before. It could be useful in this situation.

Blaine looked at Anita, then at Kyle and shook his head. "Leave him be. Once he's made a choice, you can't change it. He's probably the most stubborn out of the three of us," he pointed out, referring to Sam, him and Kyle. He glanced over at Dimitri and raised an eyebrow to his statement. He wasn't even sure if he could trust the Russian yet and he expected everyone to follow him now? He rubbed his head as he pondered on what he should do. After a moment, he stood up. "Fine. I'll go." He blinked as Dimitri asked everyone if they knew how to use a gun. "I used to hunt when I lived in Britian..." He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of having to kill people, but being a hunter, he could aim accurately and has paitience. He hadn't used a handgun or anything other than a hunting rifle, but it wasn't like he had much choice with his shoulder in the condition it was in. He wouldn't be able to use any two handed weapons. "Kyle probably has the most experience with guns since he was in a gang once."

Kyle looked at Danae, knowing she was trying to cover for him in case he had gotten sick. He hadn't started to feel anything just yet so he wasn't even sure. He rolled onto his back, using his other arm to support the back of his head as he stared at the ceiling of the train. He held her hand tighter as he listened to the conversations around him. He closed his eyes, replying to Blaine's comment, "That was back in highschool. Besides, I would rather not touch a gun ever again if I can help it." He let himself relax, not planning on moving. "You guys go on ahead. I'll keep an eye on Danae. I can always kick anyones ass who tries to come through here, so you wont have to worry about people coming from behind."

Blaine and Samantha looked at each other, having the same concerned expression for their friend. After a moment, Samantha finally crossed her arms and spoke. "We can't make him go Blaine. Just leave him be. Besides, it'll be good to keep someone behind to make sure we aren't ambushed like he said."

Blaine nodded in reluctant agreement. He looked at Anita and offered her his hand. "Come on. You aren't sick either and I really don't want to leave a pretty girl behind," he said with a warm smile. At the very least, he could try to prevent her from getting sick too. He wondered though in the back of his mind, if Kyle was sick and just hadn't showed any signs yet. Is that why he wants to stay behind?
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Wed 24 Sep 2014, 10:30 am

Dimitri sighed as it seemed it would be a difficult task to find someone who knows how to use handguns. He glanced briefly at Samantha and then responded "I'll need you to treat those who can still make it. The symptoms at first are like the common flu. At 38 degrees, they can still survive. Fever higher than 38 degrees is non curable as we were informed. Do what I said earlier, sick in the cabins and healthy to the cafeteria." He then turned to Blaine, a faint smile was drawn on his lips as soon as he heard the boy had some basic knoledge over guns. "It's more than I expected, you will be of great help." He then listened to the short conversation the two had, shooking his head. "Doesn't matter. He can't come anyway. I can't risk my men and the remaining healthy passengers to him." There was still one more person that he could use, Anita. Dimitri knew that he had to be fast and not let the FBI barge in the train. He already risked most of his men by exposing them to the virus without his knowledge. Having them fight against the FBI would be another disaster.

In the meantime, Anita stood silent at the wagon's corner, listening carefully to everyone's words, sweating as she was thinking she was useless for not knowing anything useful. Not that an underage kid should have known... She gasped in surprise when Blaine approached her and offered his hand. She hesitated at first but then gave in, making a step forwards. "I... Does videogaming shooting count?" she expected everyone to stare at her like she was an idiot and was nervous. Danae tried to hide her laugh resulting into a funny expression appearing on her face as Anita glared her back and whispered "You bitch."

Dimitri stood silent for a few seconds, thinking of whether to take Anita with him or not. He then smiled with a nod "That's better than nothing I guess." he reached for his radio "This is Hawk Eye, calling Snake Eater. Requesting firearm supply at Wagon 2D. Civilians to be recruited. Proper equipment is needed." he said seemed to be a response from the other end. Dimitri placed his radio back on his belt and then stared at everyone. "Some agents will come here and supply you with everything needed to defend yourselves. Remember, if a sick person shows resistance, shoot him. There is no way for them to survive and they will only spread the disease." Anita raised her eyebrow at the agent's words and glanced at Blaine as if she was questioning him if she heard the right thing.

Danae blinked a few times, not believing her ears. She raised her back on a siting position as she glared at Dimitri "Shoot them?! They are innocent people. It's not like they chose to become sick. I thought your job was to save us, not kill us!" she yelled at him and Dimitri seemed to be expressionless at her words. He slowly approached her, pointing his gun at her. "I'm only following orders which are to prevent this hazard from being exposed to the rest of the world and help those who can be saved. Should I shoot you for resisting? You are carrying the virus, do you want to expose everyone in here?" Danae gasped as she saw the gun being pointed at her and glared at him. "I'm sick but you don't know if it's terminal. Maybe I can still be saved. Would you shoot someone who can be saved?" Danae's words seemed to be working as Dimitri made a few steps back, glancing at the rest. "Come on, we are moving out. You know your orders." he said and moved to the next wagon.

((Train structure = coach end/start(1A), engine room(1B), 2 first class coaches(1-2 C) (rich brats there), restaurant/cafeteria(1C), 3 normal class coaches(1-3D), economical class coach(1F), coach end/start(2A).))
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Sat 11 Oct 2014, 6:47 pm
(Nice MGS references Liz Razz)

Samantha looked up at Dimitri with surprise. "Kill them...? I..." Before she could finish her sentence, Danae had pitched in to give her opinion on the subject. She wasn't going to lie. She agreed with the girl. Her eyes grew wide as Dimitri pulled a gun out on her and was almost tempted to grab his arm, but breathed a sigh of relief when he lowered his gun and left the room. She looked at Danae and Kyle. "We'll come be careful." She smiled kindly at the two of them and followed Dimitri out of the car. She wasn't sure what to say or do, or what to even expect would happen from this point forward. But, it was too late to back out now.

Blaine glanced over at Danae, then looked back at Anita. "Don't listen to her. At least you can actually do something to help," he commented and gave her a friendly smile. "Besides, I wont let anything happen to you," he said, trying to reassure her. He looked over at Dimitri and let out a sigh. "Let's just get this over with." He didn't like the idea of killing people, but if he had to do it to survive, he would. He held Anita's hand and led her to the next car, glancing at Kyle as he left. "That idiot better know what he's doing," he mumbled to himself with a sigh.

Kyle glared at Dimitri, but had a feeling that he wouldn't shoot Danae. It was a waste of time and it would only draw attention. He nodded towards his friends as they followed the man to the next wagon and watched as the door closed. He looked at Danae and placed the back of his hand on her forehead. "Your fever is still low enough. I'm going to try to find something to keep it from getting any higher." He released her hand and stood up, walking over to the luggage scattered around the floor and began searching through them. "If I can at least find a way to keep it from getting worse, even if it's just a temporary fix, it still buys you time." He found a few medicine bottles and started reading them, seeing if any of them would be useful.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Sat 19 Sep 2015, 10:19 am
Dimitri lead Samantha to 1C after passing from the cafeteria, seeing only about 10 people from the approximately 2000 on board. He sighed, turning to Samantha. "2000 people here and only 10 healthy. Just what the hell is this... disease... virus." he said in a heavy Russian accent. "My men should have prepared the weapons by now. I think it's time we start killing them. We cannot risk any more passengers. Or my men." he glanced back at Samantha, making sure she was okay. "I know you can't kill people. You are not trained or faced something like this before but trust us. We are specialists. That's why CIA sent us. And the FBI is a lot worse than us, so we can't let them in. Who knows who else might come. I'm sure America will send their army too. And that means death for all of us. They can't distinguish between healthy and healthy. We all just seem dangerous to them." He turned over to Samantha again, worried. He was scared too, of the unknown. He had no idea what they were dealing with and that scared him, a lot. "Who knows, even if we are healthy they might kill us too because they want to silence this incident.I don't blame them. They don't want to get their hands empty." he said and proceeded to open the door to the next wagon, the engine room.

Anita followed Blaine to the next wagon, 1F, the last wagon that had any passengers on it. "Well, let's start from the end I guess..." she muttered as she found a health kit near the door. "Is it really okay to leave your friend behind? He seemed pretty healthy to me." she said worryingly as she opened the kit, grabbing a thermometer. "Never thought I would do ever something like that in my life." she said loudly to herself as she approached the first person she could find. "Sir..." She gulped. "We are here to help you. Please let me check your temperature." Anita said with a forced smile, glancing around the wagon. Luggage everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, food, coffee, clothes and blood. The ground seemed like a battlefield and the passengers weren't in the best shape either. Anita sighed as she moved on to the next patient, after sending the first one to the cafeteria, where the healthy go. The passenger groaned in pain. His legs were both broken and a pool full of blood was formed under him. She was scared as she slowly glanced at Blaine, her hand shaking, not sure how to patch him up. She was only 16 years old after all. "All these people need hospital, not a temperature check." she whispered to him as she reached for the med kit, hoping the supply Dimitri requested would come soon.

"Kyle..." Danae sighed as she slowly closed her eyes and then opened them, glancing around. Everyone was pretty much gone from that wagon. "You might already be sick too. You still have time though, if that's the case. Treat yourself first, I don't think I can make it either way." She sighed again, adjusting her seat so that she could lie down comfortably. "I mean look at this?" Danae showed with a fake laugh. "The CIA is on board, the FBI wants in too. Who else? It's really serious, don't you see?" Danae paused for a small caugh. "Well, this certainly isn't the trip I imagined. If I make it our of here alive, I'm so gonna go straight to England and never travel again." Danae kept glancing over at Kyle as he was reading any medicine bottles he could find. She lowered her head and sighed, knowing there would be no way to find any medicine capable enough of lowering the fever. "Kyle... It's a mess. Stop searching. Just a cold compress or something might work. There are just so many luggages here. No way to find what you are looking for. Give it up." She closed her eyes again, fading into sleep and then waking up after a few minutes into a continuous loop. Danae had gotten worse but still did not reach 38 degrees.
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The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Elinor crossing (Erinoa kōsaten)

Wed 25 Nov 2015, 5:05 pm
Samantha followed quietly, trying to ignore the destruction and dead around her and keeping her focus on her feet. She stopped, nearly running into Dimitri as she looked up at him, then at the few passengers that she could see before shaking her head. "I don't know. That's what the government should be trying to find out and seeing if there is any sort of cure, not trying to cover things up like they always do." She looked up at him in surprise when he stated so easily to just start killing the passengers. "W-wait... there are people on this train with families. Wives, husbands, even children are on board. Just because my family won't miss me doesn't mean any of theirs wouldn't. What if there is a cure and you kill all these innocent people?" She asked, putting her hands up to her chest with a scared yet determined look in her eyes as she tried to get her point across. Though she understood his reasoning, she wanted to make sure that they had done everything they could. Unfortunately, time was running out. Her heart sank at the thought of dying just because the government was scared of something they didn't know how to fix. She took a moment to look at the passengers again who were staring at them, seeing the fear in each of their eyes. She gave them an apologetic expression before turning and slowly following Dimitri into the engine room.

"Might as well," Blaine said as he looked around for anything useful while checking to see if anyone was alive. "Kyle doesn't listen to anyone. Not us and definately not anyone in law enforcement. That guy doesn't go anywhere without a weapon because he doesn't trust people. Once you figure that out, you don't question it anymore," he said with a shrug and a small laugh. He looked over at Anita and nodded in agreement after checking a woman's pulse and sighed. "Just quarantine a fucking hospital and try to find the solution, but creating more problems seems to be the American way," he said to himself before standing up and walking over to Anita, kneeling down next to her to give her a hand.

Kyle didn't seem to have anything to say as Danae semi-lectured him for trying to help her when he seemed to be fine. He stopped searching and watched her as she dozed in and out for a bit, trying to think of what he could do to help her, or at least make her more comfortable. He moved so he was next to her, watching Danae sleep. He rested his hand on her hand and started stroking her hair gently. 'What can I do to help her?' He thought, knowing she would just keep arguing that he should just leave her so he doesn't get sick. He let out a soft sigh, his hand moving to her cheek. 'How can I make her understand that I don't care what happens to me?' He stared at her sleeping face, stroking her cheek. 'If you're going to die then...' "Let's die together," he whispered, finishing his thought as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.
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