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Soubi Agatsuma
Soubi Agatsuma
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Join date : 2013-08-30
Age : 35

Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Fri 26 Dec 2014, 9:23 pm
Setsuna sat in the nurse's office doing her daily routine. She was getting ready to treat any from class zero that were in need of it after their 'orientation' as she called it. Occassionally she liked to go and watch the events going on hiding in the back corner of the classroom. She had been a nurse for nearly eight years now at this school and had kind of gotten used to Itsuko and Kurasame's methods of teaching at this point. She got up from her chair and headed off to the classroom to see who she would most likely be have to treat sometime down the road. Sneaking into the class hiding within the shadows, Setsuna leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms. She was a very quiet person and typically could go unnoticed. Then again, she didn't need to speak. She had telepathy and could speak to anyone with her mind as well as hear their responses back. It was a quick and easy way for people to call her for help when needed.

Lavi had finished his leaflet early on. He didn't particuarlly take his time in choosing Itsuko as his opponent. What could he say? He thought she was hot and that was his only reason for choosing her as his opponent. He kept a summoner's staff at his side and wasn't exactly the best in close combat. But he was useful in what he could summon. He ranged from fire, ice, wind, anything could you think of and he could summon it. His favorite was Ifrit of all things, maybe cause he could use a fire element himself. He was also carefree about his actions. Being able to summon a wide range of creatures, he becomes over confident as the battle goes on. Lavi rested his head on the palm of his hand and closed his eyes with a yawn. He didn't know anyone and wasn't exactly the anti-social type. He decided to try and make conversation with the girl sitting next to him and with a smile he looked over at her. "Hi there. I'm Lavi. Mind if I get your name?" He asked Maka hoping she wouldn't mind talking to him.
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Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Fri 26 Dec 2014, 9:36 pm
Amy hummed to herself in a soft and sensual tone as she finished up her leaflet. Her eyes were lit up at the excitement of getting to show off her skills to Kurasame. Let's face it. The mystery kind of made him more attractive. She was sure he had gotten that a lot from the females within his class over the years. "I'm finished, when can we start?" She asked raising her hand up into the air with her eyes closed and an innocent smile on her face. She hoped they would let her go first or even pair them up in groups like some of the students suggested. "I like the group idea. Maybe we can find out some good team combinations." She said as she looked at Aedan, then at Misora in response to what they had both said about the challenge.
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Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 7:30 pm
Kurasame glanced up to his students who were completing the forms, feeling sorry for them. They were so young, so innocent. Those kids had no idea what the real battlefield is like, how it feels to lose people that you once knew. People that once were your friends, your loved ones. He knew his words were harsh, most students wouldn't take them seriously. He knew it very well. As Itsuko whispered to him, Kurasame leaned closer to her and then took a quick glance at Aedan. He smiled, trying to conceal his laugh as Itsuko used her powers to bring the boy's leaflet to their desks. "Well, would you look at that. Haven't seen once since my days as a student in here." He whispered back and then suddenly his face saddened. Kurasame lowered his head and sighed as he grabbed the leaflet Itsuko gave him. "I really hope that kid is not like me. I'm not a good role model." With that, he stood up and glared at Aedan, reading out loud his form "I, Aedan, student of class 0 choose Kurasame Kyoya as my instructor." he said while shifting the form on the air. "Are you confident in your powers?" he then asked Aedan and the other student that voiced their opinions, Misora and Amy. He stared back at Itsuko for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Admittedly, he was panicked but chose not to show it. Kurasame didn't want the students to fight a war some immature grown ups caused. He then faced back to the students, making a few steps forward. "Some of you have yet to realise that this is not a joke. Your true enemies aren't in this class, they will never be. Your enemies are out there!" he shouted, pointing with his finger at the window. Truth is that no one could see what was going on outside the school's bars. Suzaku was a safe place. A huge place that could count as a city itself. He sighed, calling Akari to get down. "Would you mind gather all the sheets for me and place it on my or Miss Itsuko's desk?" he questioned and then turned back to Itsuko. His glance seemed lost. "For all of you here suggesting we should group you up, first give us your forms and we will discuss this." he added with almost a defeated voice and then walked back to his desk. He whispered at Itsuko "They have no respect for us." with a disappointing look. He raised his eyes at Amy's question and then responded "As soon as everyone gives their leaflets and count them, we can start." Kurasame nodded at her suggestion. "You are smart."

Kaito turned his head at Aedan and looked at him baffled. "Are you fucking crazy?" he stopped, judging the other student from head to toe and then continued "By the looks of it, you look like you can't accomplish shit." Kaito greened and then shook Tori, trying to stop him from sneaking into the other's answers in their forms. "Hey, you! Don't you agree?" Tori glanced at Kaito with a puzzled expression, not sure what was going on in the class as he was too busy seeing which opponment others chose. "Do I even know you dude?" he said loud enough just for the nearby students to listen and then turned his back at him. Aya sighed as she gave her form "Boys are dumb. I won't be surprised if we get grounded." she said to herself. As Kurasame pointed at the window, Kaito jumped from his shit and shouted "I can't see shit. Seriously. I feel like a prisoner, what the fuck is wrong with this place?".
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Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 10:22 pm
Aedan shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes crazy can save your life," he said in response to Kaito. "You should never underestimate someone. Maybe we should have a match. Loser becomes the winner's bitch for the entire year," he said as he closed his eyes with a smile, resting his head on his hand. He was the little gambler and liked to have a challenge to go along with getting things done. It just made things more fun that way. He didn't necessarily care if he won or lost the battle. He opened his eyes and glanced at Kurasame as his leaflet was taken. He didn't seem phased at all by the man. "Confident enough to give it a shot," he said with a smile. He lifted his head and started petting his familiar. He leaned back, crossing one leg over the other and throwing his arm over the back of his seat as he looked back at Kaito. "So what do you say? Accept my challenge tough guy?" He asked. Though he didn't realize Kaito could use earth magic and his fire wouldn't have a much effect. He would have to rely more on his physical strength which was something he wasn't very skilled in or his evasion with his teleportation.

Kamiko giggled as she watched Aedan. She was more of a wallflower, much like Akari seemed to be. She tilted her head to the side as she heard Misora suggest that they should team up and get everything finished with quicker. She looked at the boy and examined him for a brief moment. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. We don't know enough about each other yet and we would only end up getting in each other's way or causing a lot of friendly fire. We have to trust each other and work together...," she said, already seeing some conflict between some of the students and knew this wasn't going to be a good idea. She watched as Akari started gathering the leaflets and looked down at hers. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. 'I wonder just how strong Mr. Kyoya is,' she thought, beginning to have second thoughts about choosing him as her opponent. The teacher's both intimidated her. She wondered if any of the others were just as scary as Itsuko and Kurasame.

Itsuko grinned at the students, but kept her mouth shut for now. "That's true, but he'd be a skilled soldier," she complimented to Kurasame as she stared at Aedan. "He's not going to last long if that's how his attitude is." She let out a sigh and shook her head. She glanced at Kurasame when he leaned over and whispered to her. "No. But they will in time. We'll need to snip the rebels in the butt first and the others will follow suit," she whispered back as she crossed her arms and watched the other students closely. Her eyes wandered to Kamiko as she made a comment about the teams and seemed to be the only one to question it logically. She raised her eyebrow and watched the girl for a brief moment. "Smart girl. You may be able to fight together, but you do also need to be aware of your allies. Not just because of friendly fire. You also need to protect them and work together to win. If you spend the whole time arguing then you'll just end up dead." She listened to Aedan as he began challenging Kaito. She doubted he even knew who Kaito actually was or who he was related too. "Well," she said as she looked at Kaito's leaflet and smirked. "We could always try a two-v-two and shut them both up," she suggested quietly as she handed it to Kurasame.

Maka rolled her eyes as she watched everything. 'Boys...' She tapped her pen against her desk as she continued to listen to everyone. "Can we just get this started? I'm tired of hearing these idiots bicker," she said loud enough for everyone to hear. Her eyes wandered to Lavi and gave him a weird look. 'Is this guy seriously talking to me right now?' She thought as she just stared at him. She closed her eyes, not bothering to face him. "Maka Atarashi," she said, deciding that giving him her name wouldn't kill her. She crossed her legs and opened her eyes as she watched to see what the teachers were planning on doing with the troublemakers. Zidane laid his head on his hand as he doodled on a piece of paper. He was completely bored. He yawned and looked up at the teachers, for once agreeing with his sister to hurry up and get started.
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Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Thu 26 Mar 2015, 4:17 am
Akari closed her eyes and continued to listen in silence. The local wallflower lived up to her name. She opened her eyes again and looked over at Amy and began to nod in quiet agreement when she mentioned that it would be good for them to partner up and see who works well together. Maybe she could make a friend if they did that. Her eyes wandered over to the teachers and watched them closely. She loved to analyze people but she couldn't read the teachers no matter how hard she tried to. They seemed distant and even cold and yet they also seemed to get along with each other in their own way. She closed her eyes again for a moment and focused on each conversation around her in silence. Some were hitting on the girls while others tried not to make themselves stand out like herself. She glanced at the girl in front of her. Kamiko seemed to be the shy and innocent type and she could tell she was trying to get Kaito's attention. A small giggle escaped her lips. 'She's trying to make a good impression on him,' she thought as she watched how Kamiko smiled at Kaito.

Misora leaned back in seat, putting his feet up on the table as he watched the commotion throughout the room. He let out a heavy sigh in frustration. As he listened to Aedan and Kaito he began to grow annoyed. He suddenly slammed his hand down on his desk and leaned forward. "Will you guys stop with your damn pissing match and shut the hell up!? You're giving me a headache!" He glared at the two of them, then leaned back and held his head. He had some anger issues which was pretty obvious now. He hated stupid people. More so he hated ignorant, immature brats. He closed his eyes and his personality seemed to calm down again. He had two. Misora and Sora. Sora was the side that came out and was a bit psychotic with a bad attitude. Misora was the complete opposite being quiet and even shy. Sometimes you never really know when one or the other is going to be out. All he's ever wanted was for someone to accept both sides of him but he never thought it was possible.
Soubi Agatsuma
Soubi Agatsuma
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Join date : 2013-08-30
Age : 35

Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Mon 06 Apr 2015, 4:14 pm
Setsuna watched the events unfold in front of her. This certianly was a unique and lively bunch this year. Kurasame and Itsuko were going to have their hands full. A small smile shown on her lips as she closed her eyes. She wondered if maybe things might start to change around here. Maybe the teachers would even grow to care for some of the students in time. Instead of deciding to stay and watch she figured this group were going to be just fine. She pushed herself off the wall and exited the classroom quietly and headed back to the nurse's office to wait and see if she would get any visits when class was over.

Lavi waited with an innocent expression for Maka to answer him. His eyes closed and seemed as happy as can be when she told him her name. "Maka? That's a cute name," he said as his eyes opened as they wandered down her body. He stared at her in silence for a moment with a lustful smile. He had a tenancy to make people feel uncomfortable. "So beautiful, how about we hang out after class?" He asked, his eyes dancing with anticipation for her answer. He was completely ignoring the teachers and the rest of the students. Whenever he found something interesting he would tune out the rest of the world and focus on just that one thing.
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Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō) - Page 2 Empty Re: Suzaku High School (Suzakukōkō)

Fri 09 Oct 2015, 7:01 pm

Kaito glared at Aedan, standing on his seat as he pointed at the other student. "Bring it on bitch! I'll become no one's bitch." He replied with a shout, ready to duel for his dear life. Kaito did not take this challenge lightly. He stared at Misora with anger "The fuck is your problem?" and then proceeded to ignore him. Kaito just had enough with this school. Why did he even have to come? He peacefully lived at the small village of Kasdum, miles away from Suzaku and then one day his older brother, Daichi, brought him forcefully here, in Suzaku. Aya sighed again, placing her palm on her head. "Yeah? You rather go back to tending sheep?" she murmured, giving her leaflet away to Akari. Kaito glanced at her surprised, his jaw dropped as he quickly jumped down from his seat, whispering to her "How do you know that?" Aya laughed at him so much she had to cover her mouth in order to not disturb the others. "I have a cousin over in Kasdum. He told me you are the village's crazy person." The brunet was very confused, he tried several times to reply, not finding the right words each time. He pointed at her with anger and then sat back to his seat quietly. "Wow you really know how to shut him up." Tori slightly leaned and whispered, causing the other students to laugh at Kaito as well.

Kurasame got a hold of Kaito's leaflet, reading it carefully. Much of this information he knew already but took another glance just to make sure. "I can see potential in him but I'm afraid he will waste it on ridiculous challenges such as this one." Referring to Kaito and Aedan's challenge that honestly seemed like a pissing contest to Kurasame. He read a few other leaflets too, taking note of the potentially powerful students. "Take a look at these." He breathed out, handing Kamiko's, Tori's, Aya's, Aedan's, Kaito's, Akari's, Lavi's, Amy's, Maka's and Misora's among others. "I think these 10 students will do well on the battlefield one day." He paused slightly, staring at the ruckus the students had caused around Kaito and then sighed, closing his eyes briefly. "If, and that's a big If, we train them hard. We've got a long way to go." he muttered, his dreams being shuttered in an instant. Just how silly it was to think he could train them with no drama. He stood up, pointing with his pen to Maka. "Yes, exactly. Let's get started. Kaito come over here. You too Aedan." Kurasame waited for them to walk down the stairs and then continued "Starting today, you are a team. I hope you see this as a chance to become friends and not enemies. You have to help each other." Kurasame then walked back to his desk, staring at Itsuko in panic, calling for help. "We should think of the other groups. 5 groups should be good with them right? The rest students on their own."

Tori glanced at Lavi with disgust as he tried to flirt. "Don't make yourself so obvious. You are gross." he said, sticking his tongue out, pretending to throw up. Aya tugged Tori's shirt, signalling him to stop. "Be nice." She whispered, glancing over the other two and then secretly giggling. "You are he is making people around him feel so uncomfortable."
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