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Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Thu 02 May 2013, 6:14 pm
Once, the land was split into 5 regions, districts as one may call it in the capital. Each region has its own race.

The region of Hypotema: Inhabited by the Vampire race

The region of Thyme: The Beast race

The region of Ferno: Inhabited by Devils

The region of Salizha: Home of the Dark Wizards

The region of Culpi: Home of the Demon race

Each year, a tournament is held, for big and small. The grant masters of the capital travel each region to recruit fighters, even though they in fact force most fighters to enter, while others volunteer.

Demons have been secluded from the tournament the past years, but the high leaders seem to continue their enrollment of demons, though they have retorted to recruit only lesser demons.

Roleplay sheet(Main character first, lesser characters further down):

Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll:
Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Thu 02 May 2013, 7:00 pm
Name: Araya
Age: 26
Race: Demon
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Physical Power and temperature change.
Bio: Has been raised like any other demon child in Culpi, with a fascination for the Reaper Cup. Her father died in the Cup when she was only a child, and she still remembers seeing him turn to ashes, slain by one of the vampires. Due to that, she refuses to enter the Cup and keeps her distance from the front when the leaders come to pick up fighters.
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Fantasy_fighter_II__fire_angel_by_AngELofREbellion

Name: Thrias
Age: 523
Race: Devil
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: None, he volunteers.
Bio: Has a history in the Cup with a streak of 30 victories the past 50 years. He on top of his prime and volunteers for every tournament as long he's alive.
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Feldruid_by_sandara

Name: Airi
Age: 34
Race: Dark Wizard
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Puppet Mastery, Magical sword fighting
Bio: A strong believer in the Cup, he has attempted to join for the past 7 years, but was denied each time. He's determined to win and has trained for a lifetime.
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Ivenn_by_sandara

Name: Noctri
Age: 604
Race: Vampire
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Volunteered
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Eli_by_sandara

Name: Ghal
Age: 31
Race: Beast
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll:
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Blackwind_by_sandara

Name: Centauri
Age: 41
Race: Beast
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Speed and Strength and Sword Fighting
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Centaur_by_sandara

Name: Aseroth
Age: 319
Race: Beast
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll:
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] The_pass_by_sandara

Name: Neyri
Age: 152
Race: Beast
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll:
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Dominance_War_by_sandara

Name: Khaul
Age: 294
Race: Vampire
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll:
Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Gyir_the_Storm_Lantern_by_sandara
Posts : 263
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 27
Location : Yaoiland

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Fri 03 May 2013, 10:17 pm
Name: Hayabusa
Age: 21
Race: Demon
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Can manipulate fire, become invisible for a short amount of time.
Bio: Both her parents died at the Cup when she was young, they were forced to participate. Ever since then she was staying with her grandparents until she became an adult. She now hates instantly all those who participate in the Cup volunteeraly as she considers them beasts with no heart.
Appearance:Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Monster___demon_empress
Name: Shen
Age: 31
Race: Demon
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Use of swords, manipulate fire (volunteered)
Bio: Stripped off from most of his magical powers due to a fight he had while trying to protect his family, he is now weak and can only manipulate fire. He volunteered to the Cup in order to kill Araya, the reposible one for his tragedy.
Appearance:Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Tumblr_lpbvuwqmqU1qc2eojo1_1280
Name: Aeris
Age: 23
Race: Dark Wizard
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Volunteered
Bio: She has been volunteering to the Cup ever since she was 18 with 2 wins and 2 looses, the reason? To prove to everyone that she is stronger than she looks.
Appearance: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Female_Warrior_by_xxcaojiexx
Name: Nox
Age: 188
Race: Vampire
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Can create illusions
Appearance:Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Sexy-female-vampire
Name: Leon
Age: 34
Race: Dark Wizard
Powers shown during the enforcement of enroll: Volunteered
Appearance:Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] 561972_447706895312461_871750177_n

Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Fri 03 May 2013, 10:46 pm
It was a quiet day in all the lands. The grant masters from the capital had put up posters, encouraging everyone in the different regions to enter. Thrias, the grant master of 50 years, traveled the regions with some of the stronger volunteers, that volunteered long before the news of this year's tournament was announced.

"Gather around!" Thrias yelled, as he had just arrived in the demon region. "We need fighters, any volunteers?" he looked around the crowd. Many hid behind their mothers and fathers. He continued to look around the crowd for suitable demons to enroll. He spotted Araya trying to sneak behind a house and pointed at her. "You!" he yelled. "Come up here" Araya pretended she didn't hear him and quickly slid inside a house. "grab her for me! She will be joining!" Thrias grinned. Araya's mother frowned. "You can't do that!" she yelled in distress, but was met with no reaction. "You can't!" she continued to complain, but Thrias ignored her screams and instead watched as his guard carried Araya out of the house she hid in. Araya struggled to get free, but to no avail. "I'm NOT joining!" she spat at him. Thrias laughed. "Fiesty one, huh?" he grinned and kicked her. "Move it! We don't have all day!" he yelled at his guards as they rushed her into a specially built cage. The guards returned, but had obvious burn marks on their body. "She's indeed fiesty, sir" Thrias nodded in agreement. "Now!" he then focused on the crowd once more. "Who else wishes to volunteer? No one?"
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Age : 27
Location : Yaoiland

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Fri 03 May 2013, 10:58 pm
As they all gathered around by Thrias' shouting, Shen did too since he was interested in seeing who will be participating. He didn't have any reason or the mood to participate in such contests. He soon heard Thrias yelling Araya's name as he was forcing her to join. He came closer to him and then grinned as he whispered to himself "So she is joining huh? It's time to pay for her actions" he said and raised his hand shouting loud and clear "I want to volunteer, please!" he said and glared at Thrias as he was determined to kill her. But he would be quiet at first, not wanting to show his intentions.

At the same time Hayabusa noticed that her fellow friend demon was volunteering to participate "Is he crazy? He knows that we demons are the weaklings. He will die!" she thought as she sighed, thinking of ways to stop him. "But... I cannot join the Cup, I do not have a death wish just yet... Or should I help him? Uuuuh what to do!!!" she kept thinking in frustration as she kicked a can and tried to hide behind a house. "Someone else might help him, I don't even know him." she said with an innocent grinned as she thought she had found the perfect hiding spot.
Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Sat 04 May 2013, 12:59 pm
Thrias looked at Shen when he spoke up. "We have a volunteer! Come up here and show us what you can do!" he waved him up. Not far fromt here, Thrias noticed Hayabusa sneaking away, but he decided to see what Shen had to offer before drawing attention to her. "Come on up! Show us!" he waved out Noctri. "Attack Noctri here and Noctri" he turned his attention to Noctri. "Do not retaliate, evade, we're not having a real fight yet, only a show" Noctri sighed at Thrias' orders, but complied.

Araya heard Noctri's name and it rang a bell. "That's the guy who killed my father..." she though, clinching her fist.
Posts : 263
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 27
Location : Yaoiland

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Sun 05 May 2013, 10:06 pm
Hayabusa stood still for a moment and heavily sighed as Shen was invited to show off his powers. "Is he an idiot or something?... But of course, what am I asking." she said to herself as she would observe him hidden behind a corner.

Nox on the other hand, had known what happened between Araya and Noctri, and so she walked just right behind Araya in case anything bad happens. She noticed Araya clinching her fist and so she whispered behind her ear. "This is not the right time to get revenge. Thrias is watching us, and if we don't want to participate, we must keep low profile" she said after lowering her head with a grin.

In the meantime, Shen grinned as he drew his swords and flames started to appear around the edges. "Prepare!" he shouted at Noctri as he stoood in a battle position.

Posts : 117
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 29
Location : Aurora City

Reaper Cup[Att:Liz] Empty Re: Reaper Cup[Att:Liz]

Mon 06 May 2013, 1:10 pm
Araya turned around in shock. "Huh?" she asked, looking at Nox with a puzzled expression. "Sorry, I didn't see you there... Can you get me out of here?" she complained.

Noctri looked at Shen with pity. "I am always prepared" he chuckled in a somewhat menacing voice. "Come at me" he stood still, awaiting Shen's first move.

In the beast district, further away. Ghal, Centauri, Aseroth and Neyri were in an argument. They strongly disliked one another, but killing someone was illegal. Centauri made himself tall. "Shut up and leave the village!" he yelled at Ghal. Ghal looked down upon him from his beastly mount. "Ha! I'm never leaving!" he provoked. Aseroth had gotten enough of the fighting and left the scene through an alley way, but turned around as the argument increased in tension. He jumped onto the roof and jumped down in between them. "Shut up both of you!" he pointed his spear at Ghal, then at Centauri. "You both leave! Now!" he yelled. Neyri interfered, disarming Aseroth in the process. "No killing here! No threatening anyone either!" she pointed at all of them with her long claw like arms, 4 of them. "This is getting annoying! And if you really do wish to kill one another, like I wish to kill you..." she paused for a moment and looked at the wall with the tournament poster on and ripped off the poster with her 4th arm and shredded it slightly. She left it to drop down between all 4 of them. "Volunteer and we'll see who lasts the longest!" she giggled evily and left the scene.
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