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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Wed 22 Jan 2014, 10:17 pm
[Started - Still Accepting]

Kamiko stood on her balcony from her bedroom staring up at the full moon. The sky was partly cloudy and lit with the stars and brightness of the moon. She turned her attention to the water that surrounded the island. There was a bridge that connected the mainland to the island castle that was several miles long and covered with guards. How was she to escape? Why did she want to leave? She loved her family, her life. But, she was afraid. Afraid of her duty. Since birth, she was arranged for a marriage with another prince. A man she had only met a few times. A vampire.

The war has stopped between the kingdoms as per the agreement. The vampires would keep to themselves, the humans would stick to themselves. Each was responsible for keeping their kind under control. Until the two kingdoms could someday be one.

Something about the prince made her feel uneasy. Was it his age? Maybe the danger that lurked around him? The smell of fresh death that a vampire gave off? She wasn't sure. Maybe...because she did not love him. She wanted to fall in love and risk everything for that man. Not be forced into a marriage because her parents wanted her too. Whatever the reason, she was leaving. Tonight.

Kamiko quietly avoided the guards as she headed for the back entrance. How would she get off the island without being noticed was the question. She wasn't known for planning ahead. She finally reached the door and slowly opened it. "Where do you think you're going missy?" Kamiko jumped, whipping around to face her personal guard and one of her cloest friends. Aedan stood with his arms crossed inches away from the princess. She hadn't even heard him. "A...a walk," she tried to lie, though she was the worst at it. He shook his head and sighed. "I think you're trying to do more than that," another voice from behind. A feminine voice this time. She looked over her shoulder at Itsuko, one of the ninjas that were entrusted to guard her family. She looked down in disappointment. "You caught me..."

Aedan stood there serious for a moment, then a small smile crossed his lips. "Without inviting us? How rude." Kamiko looked up at him, then at Itsuko who had a warm smile on her face as she nodded her head once. Kamiko's eyes lit up as tears formed in them. "Come on, we don't have much time before they notice you're gone."

The sun was beginning to rise slowly. The cool air was crisp and refreshing after a long night of travel. Aedan docked the boat and hopped off. They were on the wrong side of the island for a princess to be, but it was the only place they could go where the guards wouldn't follow. The vampire kingdom.

It lied just beyond the city on the other half of the island. The place seemed darker than the rest of the island. Vampires could stand sunlight, they just didn't prefer it. A place where humans didn't belong. They would have to be careful. Not to mention that the prince will soon get word of her disappearance and send his own guards after them. They needed to find some sort of shelter til they could find better means of travel. Aedan reached out and helped Kamiko off the boat, then Itsuko. Kamiko looked around in amazement. She had never left the island before. This was a whole new experience for the young princess.

"We need to find some shelter. This is the one place the guards wont follow us. Until the prince finds out, we wont have to worry about him anytime soon," Aedan stated as he kicked off the boat. Itsuko nodded in agreement. "I'll scout out a place. You two lay low for now," she said and with that, vanished into the shadows. Kamiko turned to Aedan and smiled, putting her hood on so no one would recognize her. "Shall we go have a look around and maybe get some food?" Aedan looked at her. No one knew what the princess looked like, and as long as she kept that cloak on, they wouldn't be able to judge her social class either. "Sure. But promise to keep a level head and not go crazy. And don't wander off on your own." Kamiko nodded with a smile. "Promise." She giggled, then turned and headed off towards the market seen in the distance. Aedan sighed, putting his own hood on and followed close behind.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Mon 22 Sep 2014, 1:49 am
Kamiko wandered around the booths, looking at everything being sold in the market. She glanced into the shop windows and eventually drew her attention to the people around the area. She couldn't tell the difference if they were human or vampire. In a way, she liked it. She felt like there could be some peace even at a time of war between the kingdoms. This was considered a neutral zone. Where people could come and not have to worry about being attacked. She looked over her shoulder, seeing that Aedan had been caught by one of the younger vendor girls trying to sell him something. She giggled and watched for a moment, when something caught her eye. A man that seemed to look in his late twenties. She looked back at Aedan who was still distracted, then continued to watch the man. It was a natural instinct for humans to be drawn to a vampire. They had a seductive air about them that led their prey in close to do with what they pleased. She felt like he was watching her. The prince had many allies, and she wondered if he may be one of them.

Then again, no one knows what she looks like. The prince was the only one who had seen her unless they visited the castle. She lived such a sheltered life. Well...that wasn't completely true. Once, when she was a child, she had left. Snuck onto one of the boats and fallen asleep. When she awoke, she was here on the island. She wandered around for nearly half a day when she spotted a man sitting alone. Even now, she was a lot braver than she appeared. She walked up to the man and smiled. Her smile had always brightened up a room. Maybe it was her innocence that drew others to her. Though she couldn't remember what they had talked about or what he really looked like, he stayed with her. She always assumed it was because she was only a child who didn't know any better. But, she enjoyed that time. Every moment she had spent with him. That was nearly ten years ago. She had been under constant watch since.

Kamiko smiled a little at the memory. She looked back to where the man was, but he was gone. She sighed, wondering who he was. Her clothes probably were drawing attention. She definately didn't fit in around her. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back to see Aedan. "What is it?" He asked, wondering why she was so spaced out. She shook her head and gave him a reassuring smile. "Nothing. I just remembered something from my adventures as a kid..." She gasped and turned to him, clapping her hands together. "I know where we can stay!"

Aedan blinked and shook his head. "Jeez, I remember that. You had everyone worried sick. You were gone for over a day when we found you." He was surprised when she said she knew where they could say. "Okay, lead the way."

Kamiko grabbed his hand and led him towards the forest. She had almost forgot, but when she was younger, the man had taken to her to an abandoned building hidden deep in the woods so she could rest. The prince wouldn't be able to find them there and Itsuko would track them before night fell. In a way, she felt like it was her secret little hideout. Though, she hoped she could remember where it was.

(It was Noctis she saw in the market by the way.)
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Sat 12 Sep 2015, 11:57 pm
Walking through the dense vegatation, towards the town, the sun slowly setting, the shadows slowly stretching, as white star stopped and looked at the town, his scythe releasing heat gathered throughout the day. The warmth speading onto him, then walking into the town, seeing some shops close for the night will others stay open but slowly emptying out. People heading in and turning on there lights. Looking around, and heading to an ally way, white star wall runs up the the side of the building, grabing onto the ledge, then pulling himself up onto the roof, and slowly walking on the roof. Feeling the air becoming cold, as white star jumped on to the next roof, looking down at the shops and empty streets once in a while.

"Let the night be silent for the innocent." white star said to himself, crouching down to stead himself while he was on the edge. Looking around, closing his eyes to reflect on his past, and reminding himself of his training. Getting up and dropping down into an ally, and walking in the street. Then taking off his hood to look up the stars in the sky.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 1:03 am
"So where exactly is this place?" Aedan asked curiously as he looked down at Kamiko. Kamiko looked around, not answering right away as they reached the edge of the forest and tried to remember which path to take that led to her old hideaway. "Umm...," Kamiko said softly as she looked between the few paths. "You don't even know, do you?" Aedan asked, slightly annoyed. Kamiko looked down and shook her head slowly. Aedan let out a heavy sigh and let go of her hand. "Alright, I'll take a look and be back in a few minutes. Don't go wandering off," he said as he gave her a stern look. She nodded and watched him disappear down one of the paths. Kamiko looked around, noticing the streets were fairly empty. It was quite peaceful without all the noise. Something caught her attention as she looked up and saw someone jump down off a rooftop. She tilted her head slightly and looked back at the path Aedan had gone down, then started to wander over to the alley way to get a closer look at what he was up too.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Sun 13 Sep 2015, 2:10 am
The feeling of being watch crawled over white stars skin, making him shiver, turning his head to look behind. Seeing someone looking at him, he slowly looked forward, letting out a deep breath, then walking into an ally way, where the cloak hid him from the person looking at him. Feeling cold as white star stopped and turned around peering out of the ally way. His eyes shinning out, the yellow glow they gave off as he looked around, then looking up at the roof, then climbing the building onto the roof, moving from the house roof to the forest, the feeling of dread following him with each self. Jumping onto the ground, ten feet away from the group on the edge of town, then looking around, seeing the group. Quickly walking back into the town out of the sight of the group, tripping and landing hard on the ground. Slowly getting up and walking to the middle of town.
"What is this town? Who where those people?" white star said to himself, confused as he walked by himself then stopping. Then climbing onto the roof and quietly moving to where the group was, making no sound and laying on the roof to avoid being seen.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 2:27 am
Kamiko tilted her head as he looked back at her, a bit curious as to what White Star was up to. She started to follow him as he disappeared into the darkness when she heard a voice call out to her. "What part of stay put did you not understand?" Aedan asked angrily as he stood a few feet behind her with one hand on his hip. Kamiko stared down the alley, but the man was already gone. She turned to Aedan and gave him a smile. "I'm sorry. I thought I saw something," she said. "Yeah well it's dangerous for you to be wandering off...," Aedan said with a heavy sigh. He hadn't noticed the man spying on them, but felt a little uneasy about being out in the open. "We should find a place to camp out tonight princess...," he said as he looked around the quiet street. "Alright," she said softly as Aedan turned and began walking into the forest and started to follow him. She stopped suddenly and looked up towards the rooftop that White Star was hiding on. She couldn't see him, but she gave a gentle smile as her blue eyes seemed to glow under the rising moonlight. "We should hurry m'lady before he gets angry," Itsuko said as she jumped down behind Kamiko. Kamiko turned around and nodded as she started walking alongside Itsuko, following Aedan.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 2:47 am
Seeing the group walk aways a bit, then seeing kamiko look back and smile. The grim expression on his face remained, as he looked around and slowly follow the group, using the shadows to advantage, looking out for anything that would be a danger. Breathing quietly as possible, keeping caution, the feeling that vampires would be out at nighttime made him the shivers, stopping behind a tree as the group stopped at a building, a distance away from the town. The outside looked nice, but old as if not in use by anyone.
That house does look abandoned, but something does feel right.
He thought to himself, keeping an eye on the group. Looking away, he spotted two bright dots a distance looking at him, looking side to side, before looking at where he had seen them, but they disappered. Making a tight fist, and slowly peaking around the tree, white star, then back at the area where the eyes where, only to see them closer.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 3:36 am
Blaine grinned as he followed not far behind the group silently. All that could be seen in the darkness was his bright yellow eyes. 'Looks like I've been spotted...' He chuckled softly to himself and vanished out of sight. "This looks like a good spot," Aedan said, rubbing the back of his head as he looked back at the girls. "I'll check it out," Itsuko said and headed inside ahead of them. Kamiko sat down on a nearby rock and folded her hands neatly in her lap. Aedan started to wander around the area to see if anyone was around, leaving Kamiko by herself for a moment. "Hello there," Blaine said only a few feet from White Star as he smirked, flashing his fangs. He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. Another vampire appeared behind Kamiko and covered her mouth while her guards were distracted, pulling her back into the forest before taking off. Blaine smirked and gave a small salute to White Star, then turned and began following the kidnapper into the forest that led further into vampire territory.

"Oh man that was way too easy," Malik commented when he thought they were far enough away and slowed down, keeping Kamiko's mouth shut as she struggled. "Don't celebrate until we get her to Alexander," Blaine said as soon as he caught up and looked back for a moment. "Besides, we were spotted by that other guy who was following them and I'm sure her bodyguards will be right behind. We should keep moving," he said as he started walking. "Alright...," Malik said and began to follow. "Quit squirming already," he said, growing frustrated as he forced her to walk.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 6:13 am
The look of surprise by the vampire, keeping his eyes on him, he followed him through the forest, knowing what has happened. Trailing behind him as close as possible, trying to keep up with.
what have I done?! I risked someones life.....
His head pounding with each hit of his heart beating, until tripping and knocking his head on the tree, becoming unconscience, not moving, falling into the subconscience, his scythe falling off his back and laying next to him. Blood dripped onto the ground from his collsition of the tree face first, slowly dripped, filling the air with the smell of blood.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 7:46 am
Malik stopped immediately as the scent of blood filled the air and smirked, looking back over his shoulder. "That smells great," he commented as his eyes flashed red from the smell. Blaine stopped with a sigh and glared at Malik. "We don't have time for this," he said with an annoyed tone. "Yes we do," Malik said as he let go of Kamiko's mouth and grabbed her wrist, dragging her back to where he smelled the blood. "Fine, but I'm not taking the fall for you on this one," Blaine said as he continued forward. Malik chuckled as he continued dragging her. "Please let me go," Kamiko pleaded as she tried to pull away from him. He walked up to the man lying bleeding on the ground and knelt down next to him, forcing her to kneel down as well as he check to make sure the man was still alive first. "Still breathing. Free dinner," he said with a smirk as he started to lean over towards the man's neck. Kamiko hadn't gotten a good enough look at his face to recognize him, but she wasn't about to sit back and watch Malik kill him. She tried to think fast and quickly pulled back so it would yank Malik away from him. "Stay still princess," he growled as he pulled her back to him, but Kamiko continued to resist until she managed to break free and quickly got up and ran away. "Fuck! Blaine is gonna kill me!" Malik said in a panic as he got up and started to chase after her.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 8:01 am
The sound of someone yelling slowly came to mind, moving slowly and shakly trying to get up off the ground, making effort trying raise himself, slowly, getting to a kneeling position, then looking at the vampire, seeing his face. His eyes glaring at the vampire, quickly reaching for his scythe, and trying to swing it at the vampire, only to miss and get the blade stuck in a tree. Trying with his effort to pull it free with no avail. Breathing hard, blood streaming down his face, and his pupils shrunken.
"Why are you after her..."white star said, feeling tired and weak. Slowly letting go of the weapons handle. Then slowly turning to the vampires, looking at them with a grim expression and breathing hard.
got to stall both of them
His blood dripping onto the ground, leaving a trail where his scythe would be from where he left it.
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Sun 13 Sep 2015, 7:51 pm
Malik glanced back as he heard a noise behind him and noticed that a scythe had been throw at him, then glared at the man beginning to chase after him. "Shit..." As he turned his head, he was hit with something hard that knocked him down the the ground. He held his head, left in a daze. Kamiko stood there shaking in fear as she dropped the tree branch she had used to hit him. She stared down at him for a moment, then looked up as White Star approached and her eyes widened when she saw the state he was in. "Are you alright!?" She asked as she ran over to him, sounding more concerned about him than what had just happened to her. Malik slowly started to sit up with a groan. "Damn bitch...," he mumbled as he shook his head, trying to snap out of his daze.
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Mon 14 Sep 2015, 7:01 am
"That is not the concern, I need ti get you out of here." white star said, seeing the one vampire slowly rise off the ground, and calling kamiko a 'damn bitch'. Standing there for a moment then quickly grabbing kamiko and carrying her back to where the two other people where. Running as fast as he can, the wound on his head stinging, and his blood streaking from his forehead into his hair. His yellow eyes quickly darting side to side, looking for the two people that where with this girl. Seeing the abandon build a head, white star halted and let kamiko go, letting her stand, as he leaned against he building breathing hard and sweating a bit. His face streaked with blood and parts of his hair a color red from the blood.
at least she is.... safe for now
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 3:56 am
Kamiko turned to look back at the vampire, then looked up at him. "But you're hurt...," she said, her voice full of concern. She blushed as he picked her up and started carrying her back to the abandoned building. Malik glared at them as they disappeared into the darkness. "The prince isn't going to like this...," he mumbled to himself before getting up and headed towards the castle. Aedan was calling out to Kamiko, sounding panicked as he searched desperately for her when he noticed a man carrying her. "Are you alright!?" He asked Kamiko as he ran over to her. Kamiko nodded to him before looking back at White Star with concern. Aedan glared at the man. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked with hostility in his voice. Kamiko gently placed her hand on Aedan's arm to try and calm him down, then walked over to the stranger. "Let me treat your a thank you for helping me," she said in an angelic voice, reaching up to touch his head. Aedan kept his guard up, ready to attack if he tried anything.
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 4:50 am
Sakayria is making her way back to her camp with a bag full of various roots, berries and mushrooms. As she gets closer to her destination she senses unfamiliar auras. Auras that stood out from the auras of the wildlife around her. She continue her trek but now looking for the people near her camp.
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 4:51 am
Looking at the ground, hearing what kamiko and feeling his head sting, and blood slowly drip down his face.
"dont worry about that. Who are the three of you is my question." white star said, backing away from kamiko, and rubbing his head until it was numb. Putting his hand in his pocket and with-drawling a long strip of cloth, and wraping it around his wound. Shivering a bit, pulling his hood back over, walking a bit away from the building, and leaning against the tree. Sticking his hands into his pockets, the sent of blood filling the air, and heavy breathing.
this group is diffrent, they have some importance, but where are they from?
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 6:21 am
Kamiko gave him a concerned look as he backed away from her. She looked at Aedan who was watching the man closely, not sure how to answer his question. "Who we are is none of your business. Just a few travelers...," he said coldly before turning back to Kamiko and placing his hand on her lower back. "Are you sure you're alright...?" He asked, sounding worried. Kamiko gave him a kind smile as she looked up at him. "I'm fine. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would've happened," she said as she looked at White Star with a thankful expression. Aedan glanced over at him for a moment, then let out a sigh. "I'm supposed to be the one protecting you...," he mumbled under his breath. Kamiko gave him a confused look as she tilted her head to the side. "What?" She asked curiously. "Nothing. Let's just get some rest," he said as he shook his head and moved away from her, then headed inside. Kamiko gave him a questionable look, then looked at White Star. "You're welcome to join us. Thank you again for saving me...," she said, then thought for a moment. She approached him again, but stayed a few feet away from him this time instead of getting too close, thinking he was uncomfortable whenever she was. "My name is Kamiko. Aedan is my personal He can be a bit over protective at times, but he's really a nice person." She closed her eyes with an innocent smile. "What's your name?"

Itsuko appeared behind the strange girl from the shadows and noted she was spying on the group, but hasn't been noticed by any of them just yet. 'Thank goodness the princess is safe,' she thought before looking at Sakayria. "May we help you?" She asked Sakayria quietly, careful not to disturb Kamiko and White Star's conversation as she questioned the girl. She paid close attention to the fact that she was wearing ratty clothes and had a bit of messy hair. "...If we are invading your home, we will move to another place. But may I ask...are you homeless?" She asked, also noting that the girl wore no shoes as she moved next to her to get a better look at her face.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Tue 15 Sep 2015, 6:47 am
The cold had made him shiver, as he two people wher concerned and the fact one of them was giving him a glare as if he was dangerous.
"I dont know if those two would be as kind. How ever, I must go recollect my weapon. That is...." white star stopped and stood there face covered by his hood. Shaking his head and rubbing it a bit he contiuned.
"White star is my name." he said, his head hurting, and his eyes looking tired, his vision bluring and slowly fadding from not sleeping for the last cople of days. Shaking his head, a bit bring himself awake, holding onto the tree. Trying to keep himself upright.
"I must go gather my weapon, make sure you are not going to be introuble." white star said heading back in the direction of weapon. Feeling embarssed and a shame, His actions saved someone, but his head in choas would no longer let him think clearly as he found the area where his scythe was. Grabbing onto its icy cold metal pole, struggling to pull it free, taking ten minutes to free it. Then making his way back to the group, placing the scythe back on his back, and slowly thinking to himself.
the vampires where after her, not the others, she must be important, and then theres that other person watching from a distance. Has fate given me a job? Or has destiny made a path that i must follow?

Slowly moving through the forest back to the building seeing the new face that looked like she lived off the land. Stopping next to the tree, leaning against the tree, then sliding down to sit at the foot of the tree. Staring at the building.
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 7:14 am
"They won't be hostile as long as nothing happens to me," Kamiko explained to him, wanting to reassure him that it was alright. "White Star...?" She questioned, wondering if it was his real name or just a nickname. She decided not to push him for answers on that until he was ready. When she saw how much he was having trouble, she started to reach her hand out to touch him, then stopped and lowered it, her gaze going to her feet. 'I want to help him, but I don't know how to convince him to allow me to do so,' she thought. She looked up at him as he warned her not to get into anymore trouble and smiled, nodding. "I'll do my best." She watched as he walked away, standing there for a moment before turning and heading inside to meet up with Aedan. "I don't know if you should trust someone so easily. We don't even know this guy," Aedan commented, leaning up against a wall with his arms crossed when she entered the building. "I know he's a kind person. That's all that matters," Kamiko said as she smiled at her guard. Aedan looked away, a slight bit of jealousy in his expression that was hidden by the darkness as he kept his mouth shut, knowing arguing with her would be useless.

Aedan had set up a small fire where it wouldn't risk burning the building down inside. Kamiko sat beside it, staring down at the small bit of food she was given that they had brought for their travels from the palace. She turned her head to the door, thinking thoughtfully to herself. 'I wonder if he's hungry?' She stood up, picking up her food at the same time. "I'm going to get some air," she said with a smile. "...Make sure you stay where Itsuko can see you," he said. She nodded and walked outside. Aedan watched her as his expression became jealous again, knowing exactly why she was going outside. Kamiko smiled when she saw White Star had returned and walked over to him, sitting on her knees a few feet from him. "Are you hungry?" She asked with a bright smile, offering the food to him. "We have a fire inside. It must be cold out here...," she said, worried that he might catch a cold if he slept outside. She tried to see his face, but his hood prevented that. Her expression softened as she smiled. "You seem lonely..." Kamiko had the ability to read the future, but she also had a sense to read people as well. One of her best traits was mending people's hearts.
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 7:28 am
Sitting looking up at her, feeling kindness, and et some ability coming from her. White star slowly accepted the food. Slowly eating it, the wind causing it to get colder.
"It is getting cold, you must be insaine to be out in this weather." white star replid. Pulling his hood off, showing parts of his hair stained red with his blood and streaks of blood dryed on his face. Using his saliva to wet a small cloth and wipe his face clean of the blood. Walking into the cabin, resting his weapon at the door, and pulling off his cloak, wearing a black, sleveless shirt, and black pants. His shoes worn down, and his claok surprisingly new. Taking a seat in the far corner of the building. Closing his eyes to think and ponder what he came across.
Lets hope we dont face this problem in the future.
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Tue 15 Sep 2015, 3:17 pm
Startled, Sakayria took a quick step to the side away from Itsuko. she had been so consumed in the people ahead she hadnt sensed Itsuko approach her. Sakayria's bag of edibles had spilled out on the ground and she was now scrambling to get it all back in her bag as quickly as possible not careing how much dirt a twigs mixed in. "Oh no no, y-your fine," Sakayria stuttered. "I'm only passing through on my home." she figured she would sneak in later when they were all asleep to retreive he stuff which she hid in the rafters of the buiding.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Wed 16 Sep 2015, 4:59 am
Kamiko smiled when he accepted the food and slowly stood up. "I didn't want to leave you alone. I was worried you would catch a cold," she said, her honestly being one of her sometimes misfortunate traits. She watched him as he cleaned himself up a bit. She followed him inside the building and walked over to Aedan, sitting down by the fire again. Aedan narrowed his eyes at White Star, then averted his gaze after a moment to focus on Kamiko. "I don't trust this guy princess," he said in a low voice so the man couldn't overhear. Kamiko looked over at White Star, then smiled gently as she looked back at Aedan. "I do." Aedan let out a frustrated sigh and sat down next to her. "You gave him your food, huh?" He asked when he noticed she no longer had it with her. Kamiko nodded and closed her eyes with a bright smile. "I wish you wouldn't be so charitable...," Aedan commented with an annoyed tone.

Itsuko knelt down and began helping the girl pick up the food she had dropped. "I didn't mean to startle you." She kept her head down as she spoke. "You'll have to come up with a better lie than that." She looked up at the girl as she held out the food to give it to her, then stood up and started to walk towards the building. "You don't need to move. We'll be gone in the morning as long as you don't mind a few guests for the night. Otherwise, we'll leave," she said and headed inside, walking over to the opposite side of the fire from Aedan and Kamiko before sitting down.
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Join date : 2015-09-12
Age : 27
Location : Hell

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Wed 16 Sep 2015, 5:24 am
Sakayria took the food from Itsuko and watched her walk away. Her aura had no ill intent and neither did any one else's but there was a uncertain tension between the strangers that she wanted to avoid. With her bag of edibles Sakayria quietly mad her way into the building and climbed up into the rafters. She was about to leave then decided it was too dark to find a new place and decided to stay. She stayed in the rafters and watched the group of people bellow curious as to who they were and what they were doing this far out in the woods.
Posts : 66
Join date : 2015-09-11

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Wed 16 Sep 2015, 6:21 am
Opening his eyes, and slowly headed for the door.
"Training." white star said, leaving his weapon and cloak behind, walking into the dark. Still in the front of the house, white star breathed then started practicing kicks, punchs, and flips. Doing so, he trained up to the past hour until felt his body ache but contiuned to train, the bandage on his forhead becoming damp from the wound on his head as the blood was flowing. Ignoring the pain as he made his pound with each beat of his heart, and breathing hard for his breath to be show in the air. The look of pain showed in his eyes, as if something he never planned on and never though of.
That is the day, when my journy has started, but i will reget for my whole life.
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Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Thu 17 Sep 2015, 5:34 pm
"...That guy is seriously weird," Aedan commented when White Star left the building. Kamiko watched him leave and let out a soft sigh. She removed her hood, letting her long golden blonde hair fall down to her lower back. She was somewhat glad the man and the young girl didn't know what the princess looked like because she wanted to be treated as an equal. Itsuko stayed silent as she ate. When she was finished, she stood up. "I'll keep an eye out tonight," she said before vanishing among the shadows. "I'm not complaining about getting some sleep," Aedan said and smiled as he laid down on his back with his hands behind his head. He stared up at the rafters, meeting Sakayria's gaze for a moment. He had this strange urge to protect women, probably due to the fact that he couldn't protect his mother. He gave the girl a sudden smile, then closed his eyes. "You should get some rest too m'lady," he said to Sakayria, not Kamiko, but the princess was the one who looked back at him and nodded, though she made no attempt to lay down.

Kamiko was growing worried the longer White Star stayed out and wondered why he was pushing himself with his injury. She watched Aedan who had seemed to have dozed off. She knew Itsuko was still lurking around in the shadows. It was one of her clans specialties, using the shadows to their advantage. She had heard rumors that the clan could even manipulate the shadows and travel faster because of them, but she had yet to see it with her own eyes. Knowing Itsuko would keep an eye out for danger, she stood up and walked over to the door. She opened it just a crack and began watching White Star as he trained. 'He seems like he's in a lot of pain...,' she thought and debated whether to try and convince him to come back inside. He seemed to want to keep his distance from them and she wondered why. Then a thought occurred to her as she suddenly made up her mind. She opened the door and stepped outside, approaching him cautiously. She called his name in a soft, angelic voice. "White Star?" She asked, a concerned look in her eyes when she saw his wound was still bleeding. "Let me help you..."
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