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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Thu 17 Sep 2015, 11:12 pm
Sakayria moved back into the shadows to avoid being seen by any one else. Sleepi g was not going to happen for her tonight, not with so many loud auras around. From what she had gathered everyone here but thw white haired guy out side was bent on protecting the girl with long blond hair. The boy she just made eye contant with a had an aura bent more towards protecting all the girls around him. Sakayria balanced her self on a beam and leaned against the wall trying to block out every ones aura. The reason she stayed away from people was because of her ability. Being able so sense every ones auras made it hard to focus on other things and often gave her a head ache. She closed her eyes and hoped sleep might find her.
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Fri 18 Sep 2015, 1:07 am
Stopping his training, he stood there, sighing as he listened to kamiko. Feeling one of the guards cold stares at him, watching him and kamiko.
"I guess." white star said, feeling ice cold down to his core, the grim expression on his face and his aura becoming silent, his shirt in torn a bit, and pants had a hole where one of his knees was. Standing still, allowing kamiko to help him. The bandage on his head, drenched in blood. His hair in red patches and streaks from the blood. The rest was snow white, his yellow eyes staring at the ground, falling to his knees, taking the bandage off.
guards and protecting her. She must be a princess but why help someone like me? A homeless boy?
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Fri 18 Sep 2015, 5:02 am
Kamiko gave him a look of relief when he got down on his knees and began taking his bandages off, finally accepting her help. She moved in front of him and reached into her cloak, pulling out a handkerchief. It was made of a unique material that felt as soft as a cloud as she began wiping the blood from him face. She was fairly short, so she was able to stay standing without having to kneel down. "Why do you push yourself like this?" She asked him, her other hand gently resting against his cheek. 'His skin is freezing...' She focused her attention on his wound, doing her best to clean it while she pondered the thought. She didn't have any bandages with her, but she did have a silver scarf. "Is White Star your real name?" She asked as she pulled out the scarf and began wrapping it around his head to cover the wound. She gave him a gentle smile as she removed her cloak and wrapped it around his shoulders before sitting on her knees in front of him and looking up at him. "That's better." Her clothes looked expensive and her posture was . The only thing out of place was the bloody cloth and the bit of blood now on her hands. "Aren't you tired?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to one side.

Aedan opened his eyes and looked around. He sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Kamiko?" He sat there for a moment, trying to wake up before he finally got up and covered his mouth as he yawned. There was a slight hint of fangs, his canines longer than a humans, but shorter than a vampires. He walked over to the door and peeked outside, spotting her as she was bandaging up White Star's wound. A wave of jealously washed over him as his heart sank. Clenching his teeth, he turned and walked back over to the fire, sitting down as his jealousy turned to anger. 'It's my job to protect her, so why the fuck does she keep worrying about that stranger?' He thought with a frustrated sigh. He fell back and covered his eyes with his arm. He loved her, but she had never once seen it. Then again, he was afraid of rejection, so he had never told her his true feelings.
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Fri 18 Sep 2015, 5:45 am
Despite one persons aura having gone a bit quiet, Sakayria was haaving a hard time finding sleep. Especially with a sudden burst of emotion from the boy below. She was no longer able to handle so many people around her so she decided to leave and take her chances in the dark. She began climbing down from the rafters trying to ignore the pounding head ache. She decended the decaying wall ofbthe building as quiet as a mouse. Only about 7 feet above the ground still when one of her feet slipped and she fell.
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Fri 18 Sep 2015, 7:23 am
White star sat there, until asked what his name was real to him.
"White star is the name I was given. Cuase of the rarity it is to be born as a albino. The reason i train my self until i can no longer move is to be strong enough to protect others." white star said, a pained look cam over him as he said that. Feeling his heart slow down, then a crashing from the home. Jolting quickly from kneeling to the door to where the new girl came from. Seeing her slowly get up, pained and a bit annoyed.
"You all right?" white star asked taking the cloak off and giving it back to her and helping the other girl. The fire getting low as white star walked over and placed a little more tender on the fire. The looking into the fire.
"If you are planning to go alone, you should take someone with you." white star said, His tattered shirt and pants had the smell of blood, and his shoes worn down. His body skinny from not eating for days, and his eyes dull with sadness and greif hidden deep inside. Pulling his cloak and leaning next to the door, right beside his scythe. Ready to move on, and prepaird for something bad could happen.
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Fri 18 Sep 2015, 6:21 pm
"I-I'm fine," Sakayria stuttered. She felt tears well up in her eyes but not from the pain of hitting the ground and scrapeing up her elbow, but from the pain radiating from White Star's aura. Sakayia quickly wiped her eyes clear of tears and started to take her leave wanting to get away from all these people. "I'll be fine, I know these woods," Sakayria lied her voice quiet and timid as she began to leave. Sakayria didnt know the woods all that well, only the area around the building. She had a slight limp from the fall and her elbow was bloody but she was so overwhelmed with the auras around her she thought nothing of it.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 12:28 am
Slipping by everyone and following the homeless girl, his aura faint but hard to notice, as he trailed her, using the darkness as his cover, and his black cloak ripping without a sound. Keeping up with her as he moved. This bones acking and his skin pale from pushing himself to the limit. But making sure that this girl is going to be safe and sound until dawn.
This forest must be her home and that house has to be her only safe haven, but we took that from her.
Feelings of guilt stab him, the thoughts acting as his enviroment, as he followed the girl.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 1:25 am
Stopping then thinking.
I guess she knows where shes going, I lost her, and should of stayed. Dam it!
Frowning a bit and then started running as fast as he can back to the house. Seeing his vision blur a bit, then having troubles trying to run before tripping and flying through the air, and landing hard into the ground infront of the house slowly trying to get up on his feet, and crawling to the door, resting next to it. Letting his scythe lay there on the ground.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 2:07 am
Sakayria dropped to the ground when she was far enough from the building to no longer sense any ones aura. She opened her bag of stuff she had retrieved from the rafters and pulled out a small draw string back in which she extracted a rolled up leaf. She unrolled the leaf to expose a brownish green paste. She rolled up her tattered sleeve and applied the salve to her scrapped elbow. putting the leaf back she pulled out an even smaller pouch out which contained poppy seeds that would help with the pain from her fall.

Rizen took in a deep breath smelling for his prey. He had been following the sent of a young homeless girl. There was a building up ahead and he suddenly picked up the sent of more humans. He grinned. 'Guess i'll be having a feast tonight' he thought to himself and started circling to get a better view of who he was hunting.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 3:05 am
Aedan moved his arm and looked over to where the girl had fallen, but noticed that White Star was already over helping her. He tilted his head a little, catching a glimpse at the disappointment in Kamiko's face. 'Asshole didn't even thank her,' he thought as he sat up. He got up off the ground and walked past the two without a word over to the princess. Kamiko sighed softly to herself as she stood up and smiled when Aedan approached her, putting her cloak back on. He slid his hands into his pockets and gave her a sympathetic smile back. 'She's way too nice for her own good. She's always letting things go even when she's clearly upset...,' he thought. Itsuko soon appeared next to them from the shadows and looked at Aedan. "What's the plan?" He asked as he looked at her. Itsuko watched as White Star and Sakayria interacted with each other in silence before turning her attention back to Aedan once they ran off. "We should leave before they come back. It doesn't seem like we're very wanted around here," she pointed out and headed back inside to gather their things. Aedan let out a heavy sigh, taking one hand out and rubbing his head. "Welp princess, we better get a move on," he said and smiled. Kamiko pondered on the thought of leaving, but soon nodded in agreement. "You're right. I don't want to burden them anymore," she said, a small hint of sadness in her voice as she felt like they were only causing the other two trouble.

Itsuko soon came out of the building and saw White Star sitting by the door. "You've returned I see," she said as she observed his state. She looked back to where Kamiko and Aedan had been before going inside. "Seems like they went on ahead. If you'll excuse me," she said and began to walk towards the forest.

Aedan started walking into the forest, Kamiko soon following a few feet behind him before White Star had returned to the building. "I wish they would let us help," Kamiko said to herself softly. Aedan glanced back at her as they walked, then looked down at the ground. He remembered what it was like when his mother was still alive. They had lived on the streets and eventually a vampire had taken her life, nearly killing him as well. No one was there to help him when he needed it the most. Everyone turned a blind eye to his distress and pain. What most didn't know, is he was mostly blind. He hid his weakness well, but at times he still had a few issues. However, his hearing far surpassed a normal human's. Kamiko was always so understanding of that. Even when he became her personal guard against her father's wishes, she refused to let anyone else be around but him and Itsuko who was already her guard before he ever came into the picture. He stopped suddenly and Kamiko gave him a curious look. "What's wrong?" She asked as she stopped next to him. Aedan's eyes scanned their surroundings. "We're being followed..."
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 3:18 am
Rizen smirked as the buy in the group heard him. Got a little half-breed I can dispose of. he thought. he skirted the group quietly examining every move deciding who to attack first. The guards would have to be the first to go, then he would have all the fun he wanted with the girl they were protecting. He decided to attack the half vampire boy first. He took a couple running strides before launching himself at the boy.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 4:48 am
Aedan's eyes widened as he turned so he was facing his assailant and quickly threw his arms up, getting tackled to the ground. Kamiko let out a gasp and covered her mouth with both hands, taking several steps away from them. "Kamiko, find Itsuko and get somewhere safe!" Aedan positioned his foot onto the vampire's stomach and kicked him off. Kamiko shook in fear, then hesitantly nodded and turned, running back towards the abandoned building as quickly as possible. Aedan quickly got up off the ground as he drew his sword, blocking the vampire from being able to chase after her. "Who the fuck are you?" He demanded, narrowing his eyes as he tried to focus his vision on Rizen, moving into a defensive stance in case the vampire came lunging after him again.

Kamiko looked back over her shoulder as she ran, unable to see aedan or the mysterious vampire anymore. She kept running until finally she spotted Itsuko and White Star. Itsuko stopped, her eyes widening, then quickly ran over to Kamiko and grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn't collapse from the exhaustion she had after running so far. "What happened? Where's Aedan?" She asked, her voice full of concern. Kamiko breathed heavily as she looked up at Itsuko. "I...I don't know. We were attacked and he told me to come find you...," she said, hugging Itsuko tight and burying her face in the woman's shoulder. "Is it another one of the prince's vampires?" Itsuko asked, not wanting to leave her alone. "I-I don't know," Kamiko said as she shook her head. "Aedan can handle himself. He's fought vampires before. Right now what matters is that you're okay," Itsuko said and held her close. "B-but..." Kamiko looked up at Itsuko, tears filling her eyes as her concern for Aedan began to grow.

(Btw Idk if you realize this, but i dont care if my characters get hurt, kidnapped, ect. Just ask me ahead of time first, but usually i say yes unless it involves killing them. severe injuries are usually fine, minus dismemberment lol)
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 5:07 am
Rizen grinned at the boy in front of him thrilled at the excitement of the hunt layed out in front of him. "Just a hungry vampire looking for his next meal and a little fun!" Rizen narrowed his eyes at Aedan before lunging at him and sinking his fangs into the boys shoulder.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 5:33 am
Aedan couldn't react fast enough as the vampire was suddenly in front of him and he fell back to the ground, dropping his sword in the process. He cried out when he felt a sharp, intense pain in his shoulder, his body tensing up in response to the bite. One hand gripped Rizen's arm, the other pushing against the man's chest. "G-get the fuck off me," he said, his voice strained from the pain. He couldn't adjust himself like last time to push Rizen off, nor did he have the physical strength to fight off this kind of attack. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to try. He shut his eyes and pushed against the vampire with as much force as he could manage, but the motion only made the bite more painful, causing him to cringe as his body shook in response.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 5:37 am
Slowly opening his eye to see blured figures and distant talking. The group came back, confused, he slowly got up, his scythe scratch agaisnt the build.
"Whats going on." white star said, then grabbing his head, then looking at the group, guilt had struck him at the heart, then hearing yelling as if someone was being bitten, came from the forest. His blood, freezing from the cry of pain, then gripping his fists, but stood there, afraid that he would screw something up. Shivering a bit, then looking around.
"I'm having a bad feeling, something is not right." white star said. His head still in pain, but aware of what might happen. Pulling his hood off, and looking around, then taking off his cloak and handing it to one of the guard.
"Wear it, so when we are forced to sperate, you two will blend in. Then regroup hear at day break. Then that one guy, is he going to be okay or will he require help?" white star asked looking in the direction.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 5:45 am
Rizen ripped his fangs through the boys flesh, his blood dripping from his mouth. "Never been a fan a half breed blood, but this sure it fun!" he stood and lifted the boy up then throwing him against a tree. "No offense but I hve much more delicious prey to go after. That blonde looked particualarly apetizing." Rizen licked his lips and picked up Aedens sword then ran off after the others.

Sakayria is startled awake by a blood curtling scream in the distance. She grabbed he bag and darted off in the direction on the scream.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 6:04 am
"Aedan is a dhampir...a half-breed. He has a better chance of surviving a vampire attack than we do," Itsuko explained to White Star as she looked up at him and accepted his cloak. Kamiko looked back when she heard Aedan's painful cry. Itsuko shook her head as her attention went back to Kamiko. "He heals faster than the average human and can take a lot more damage without a problem. Right now, we need to focus on getting you away from here or else his effort to keep the vampire at bay would be for nothing. I think it best if we return to the city for now," Itsuko suggested and looked up at White Star. "You're too injured. I suggest you join us," she said to him. Kamiko clung to Itsuko as she looked down, forcing back her tears. She knew she had to be strong. It was her duty as the princess. But she worried about her friend greatly and prayed in the back of her mind that he would get out of there. Itsuko took the princess's hand and began running back towards the city without another word on the subject.

Aedan screamed as the flesh was ripped away from his collar bone, blood drenching his clothes. The force from hitting the tree knocked the wind out of him and he struggled to breath as he laid there on the ground in agonizing pain. 'Don't you fucking touch her...' He couldn't seem to find his voice as the vampire ran off after Kamiko. He tried to push himself off the ground, but immediately collapsed again. 'Fuck...' He felt like he had broken something during the impact. His body felt cold and was beginning to go numb. He was losing too much blood from his wound. He tried to get up again, only this time having a dizzy spell before he fell back to the ground. He thought he could see movement in the distance, but couldn't make it out before his eyes closed, starting to lose conciousness as he heard foot steps approaching him.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 6:33 am
Sakayria skidded to a halt next to the injured Aeden just as his eyes closed. His aura was flickering as it fought agaisnt all the injuries and loss of blood. She moved him gently to be laying on his back and focused imediately on stopping the bleeding of his shoulder. She knew imeadiately that it was a vampire attack and the brutlity of it said the vampire was more interested in fun than food. 'probably a rouge vampire' she thought. She pulle out a grinding stone and a various herbs and began grinding them into a paste which she quickly applied to the wound in thick globs. She then took out strips of cloth and putting them on top of the salve she applied pressure. The herbal concoction she made would help the blood coagulate faster and keep infection out.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 6:45 am
Eyes sharpening, and his pale skin shivering, he followed them. Scythe at hand and waiting for anyone to attack, making sure they would get away safely, and that he wound fend off until they know what there plan of attack is. Feeling tired from not resting for days, and the cold trying to make him sleepy had failed. Following the group, listening very carefully.
"I know your a diffrent group. But where I came from, there was no kingdom to rule us. Just hell and chaos. But your diffrent from the city folk, and where I come from. So you must be important. but I will act ignorant if anyone asks." resting his scythe on his shoulder. Feeling the wind giving him some smell of blood in the air.
If he dies, she will be saddend by his death.
His though made his face grim, trying to walk. In the back of the group, keeping an eye on kamiko.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 8:12 am
Aedan groaned as the girl tended to his wound, his body shaking from both the cold and the pain. But soon the pain started to become less and less. He slowly opened his eyes, his vision still pretty blurred as he looked up at Sakayria. 'Isn't that...that homeless girl?' he thought as he watched her. He could just barely feel her touch as she applied pressure to her would, his eyes having a blank look to them. "Thank you..." His breathing was shallow, his voice quiet as he felt his survival instincts trying to take over. He slowly lifted his hand up, his fingers gently grazing her neck and rested his hand on the back of her neck. He gently pulled her down to him, his breath hot against her neck as he whispered, "I'm sorry..." He opened his mouth and sank his fangs into her neck. It would've hurt, but not an unbearable pain. Actually, his bite could almost be pleasurable because he was making every effort to keep it from hurting. Unlike most vampires, even half-breeds, he didn't like to cause people pain if he could help it when it came to the half of him that he despised the most.

Itsuko heard what he said, but decided against saying anything right now until they were safe. Kamiko however, was a bit surprised that he had noticed that she wasn't from here. She avoided his gaze, knowing Itsuko will want to talk to him later. They soon arrived back in town. Itsuko hoped they had gotten away before the vampire could track them. Little did she realize that Kamiko still smelled of White Star's blood from tending to his wounds and would've gotten a good whiff of it, being able to track them with no problem. "We'll stay in an inn tonight. Hopefully, he won't be stupid enough to try and attack inside of town," Itsuko said as she slowed down, seeing the inn not too far. She didn't want them to be out of breath when they arrived or they would only look suspicious. Kamiko followed silently, keeping her gaze down at her feet as she thought of what might've happened to Aedan. Itsuko led them inside, letting go of Kamiko's hand before going over to the counter and paying for a room. They originally wanted to avoid the town as much as possible, but she felt they didn't have much of a choice with a vampire hunting them. Kamiko slowly lifted her head to look up at White Star while she waited for Itsuko to come back over to them. "If I may...I would like to request that you treat me as you would any other person. I am not worthy of my bloodline title," she said with a soft smile, but didn't elaborate on what she meant by 'not worthy'.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 8:32 pm
Sakayria gasps as Aedan sank his fangs into her neck. he's a vampire! she thought, though she knows the difference between a dhampir and a full vampire. Her mind was spinning not in fear of Aedan but the fact that she can no longer sense any aura's around her. It was a dizzying silence that she had been searching for for years. is he going to kill me? she thought. If this is how she is to die, she almost didn't mind if it meant spending her last moments free of her ability.

Rizen followed the group straight into town, using his ability to manipulate emotions to make sure no one thought twice of him. He stayed just far enough away from the group so the wouldn't notice him as he stalked them. There was a new male in the group but Rizen didn't care, He could take care of them no problem.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 9:30 pm
Walking with the group, he felt his body relax a bit, feeling concern as he relaxed. Seeing the edge of town up a head, but something else didnt fit with sense. His skin was numb and his eyes became exadingly heavy with sleep. He was slowling down with each step, and his scythe felt like it was becoming heavy.
Whats going on? Im slow and becoming weak?
He felt his though echo and be sent to the group and anyone else to hear the though. Grabbing his head in pain, trying to make it look like he was rusling his hair. His scythe dragged behind him and was having a hard time keeping up, but keeping silent, so the group wouldn't noticed.
"Once we get there, I'll help pay." white said, his eyes looking around trying to stay awake.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 10:48 pm
Aedan drank her blood slow, almost like he was savoring the taste of her blood. He was already beginning to heal, but it was a much slower process than it was for a full vampire. It would still take him a few hours at minimum before he was fully recovered. After a moment, he lifted his head a little and licked the blood off Sakayria's neck. He laid his head back down, blood dripping from his mouth as he avoided looking directly at her. He hadn't taken enough blood to do any real harm, just enough to speed up his healing. He was already regretting it either way. "I'm sorry," he repeated, guilt starting to wash over him. He hated being half vampire. He slowly started to sit up, cringing in pain as he grabbed his shoulder. He couldn't move his left arm and realized it had broken. 'Damn...that's going to take longer than a few hours to heal...' He hesitantly looked at Sakayria. "Are you alright?" He asked, sounding more concerned that he had hurt her rather than the state he was in.

Kamiko looked up at White Star with concern and went up to him, putting her hand on his arm. "You don't look so good," she said, wanting to help him. Itsuko shook her head as she paid for the room herself. "You helped us earlier. Allow us to help you," she stated as she turned and walked back over to them. "Let's go," she said and moved to his side as if offering to help him walk. Kamiko was starting to feel like everyone was getting hurt because of her. She hesitated to follow them at first, turning to look back the way they had come from. 'Is he following us?' She thought, beginning to have a bad feeling. She turned and began to follow them, keeping her head down as she walked.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 11:08 pm
Sakayria staggered backwards from Aeden as all her senses came back stronger than normal. She shook her head trying to clear it then stared at Aeden not sure how to respond to any of his words. He eyes were shifting colors rapidly as her mind settled from the sudden change in her abilities. "how did you do that?" were the only words Sakayria could muster. She stared at Aedan wide eyed still in shock. Part of her wanted him to bite her again, the other part wanted to run. His aura Radiated concern but that of five people not one.

Rizen waited right outside the Inn waiting for the group to go to their room, where as he would follow them straight up and feast away, maybe even take one with him to last for a couple days. He licked his lips in anticipation his fangs buzzing to sing into human flesh.
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Sat 19 Sep 2015, 11:37 pm
He accepted there help, feelings of guilt overwhelmed him as he though of the man back there. Fighting whatever creature has came along. The feeling of dread have made it hard for him to think clearly, as his felt himself become more asleep. Given a room by free of change was something he never had happen to him. Closing the door slowly behind him, he turned around and collapsed onto the ground in front of the door, his scythe laying against the wall, next his door. His body blocked the door from anyone who would enter, making it harder for them to enter. The window closed and the moon light shining into the room. The light inch's away from his body while he laid there in the dark. His sub conscience actively working as he fell deeper and deeper into the black pit of nothing where dreams never show. Then memories as he began to sweat a bit from fear.
'Where am I? Where is this place?'
He felt his mind become more in pain as he looked into his memories.
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