Roleplay Paradisu
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Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Sun 15 Jun 2014, 3:06 am
I'm basically writing a more indepth story to the private roleplay that Justin and I did together. Once I finish this one, I'll do the second one. Eventually the third when it gets finished. I hope to get it published for a manga someday ^_^ hope you enjoy.

Update 6-20-14
I know some of the chapters seem short and sorry for the weird format it keeps doing. I just copy and paste it lol. Anyways, as it goes on the chapters will get longer and longer. Each one will start from one of 3 perspectives. Kamiko, Alexander or Rokuzai's. Meaning others will be cut out to make it not exactly like the role play and to eliminate a lot of that filler. Next chapter will be Roku's perspective so get ready ^_~

Update 8-5-14
Sorry about not writing for a while. I haven't felt the inspiration to write lately. Hopefully you enjoyed the next part. Love the support. Message me and let me know what you think of it.

Update 11-3-14
Wow, I didn't even realize how long it had been since I had last written a chapter on here. I will have to get to work pretty soon. I apologize everyone! But not only will I be posting this story on here as well as another one, I will be posting it on as well.

Last edited by MischievousFoxx on Mon 03 Nov 2014, 6:05 pm; edited 4 times in total
Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Sun 15 Jun 2014, 3:08 am

Opening her eyes, the young princess sat up and looked around her empty bedroom. She checked the clock. It was late and her parents would be asleep. Most of the guards would be off duty. Now was her chance.

She climbed out of bed, quickly changing out of her pajamas. Kamiko Tsukiyomi. She was the princess of one of the four great kingdoms, heir to the human kingdom. She was eighteen, beautiful, and greatly desired as a bride. Ever since she was a child, she had been betrothed. The man she loved wasn’t him. Actually, she was terrified of her future husband. He was the heir to the vampire kingdom. She had to leave her home. Give up her life. Meet the man she truly loved. He was waiting for her.

Kamiko put on her cloak, grabbed a few things and quietly opened her door. No guards. Those who were on duty would be patrolling, so she needed to move cautiously. With a deep breath, she walked out her door and slowly made her way down the long corridor to the secret door leading outside where she had a boat waiting.

“Where do you think you're off to at this hour?”

Kamiko turned with a startle, seeing one of her personal guards standing just around a corner as if waiting for her. Aedan was a young swordsman. He was a tall, handsome and a bit overprotective of her in all honesty. “You're not going to stop me, Aedan,” she stated as she put her hood on.

“I never said I was going to.” He took a knee, placing his hand on his chest as he bowed his head. “We have known for a while that you would leave this place. Both of us shall follow you to the ends of this earth if this is what you truly want my princess.”

“We? Who-” Kamiko began to ask in a confused tone when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning her head, she saw Itsuko. Her family had served hers for several generations. Itsuko Akie was heir to the shadow clan, a group of shadow ninjas with skills only learned through many years of intense training and determination.

Itsuko gave a warm and gentle smile, a rare sight to see. “And we aren't taking no for an answer milady. That is one order we cannot follow.”

Kamiko looked from one guard to the other. Tears welled up in her eyes. Quickly wiping them away, she smiled at them with a nod. “Okay, let us go.”
Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Fri 20 Jun 2014, 9:18 pm
Chapter 1

Morning came. Kamiko was restless. She was worried what her father would do, what her fiancé would do when he found out of her absence. She looked at the island as the boat came into port. The place was amazing, though it was a better part of town. This side of the island had races from all over. It was a main trade outpost for the four kingdoms. On the other side, was a much darker and desolated community. Vampires ruled this island. They mainly kept to themselves. She had to get to the other side. In three days’ time, she would take another boat and be rid of this life forever. A smile crossed her lips as she turned to her loyal friends. Never being outside of her home, she was excited to live like a normal person for the first time in her eighteen years.

Aedan stepped off the boat first, taking a look around the dock. “Not quite what I expected for the dark kingdom.”

       Itsuko, followed by the princess, walked up next to him. “This district, as it is part of the vampire’s domain, is more of a national trade port. The other half of the island is where they mainly reside. It is a much darker place where humans without a death wish dare not tread,” she explained to them.

       Aedan looked at the ninja skeptically. “Well, okay…now that we’ve ended that cryptic lesson, shall we find a place to hide until the boat arrives?”

       “I’ll see what I can do,” Itsuko said before vanishing into the shadows.

       Kamiko waved goodbye to her friend before turning to Aedan. “While we wait for her, we should take a look around town.” She had always wanted to explore the cities, but her father would never let her. No one knew what she looked like outside of those who visited her home. She watched Aedan’s face, hoping he would say yes to her request. He seemed to be pondering on the possibilities and risks, as usual. “Please?”

       Aedan let out a long sigh as he answered with a simple, “fine.” Placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, he continued, “But I don’t want you wandering out of my sight. Understand young lady?”

       Kamiko giggled softly with a nod. “Okay!” She exclaimed before turning and skipping along the dock toward the city, her guard following close behind.

       A few hours had passed and Itsuko still hadn’t returned. They had been wandering the city. Aedan rubbed his head as he closed his eyes with a groan. “Hopefully Itsuko is having better luck than we are finding a place. Not that we have had a chance to look yet…”

       Kamiko turned to him with a smile. “I’m not sure, but, knowing her she will find somewhere before it gets dark.” She turned ahead again only to bump into a young girl about her age and falling back.

       Aedan looked at the princess, trying not to laugh as he helped her up before turning to the woman, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going you little brat?”

       Kamiko placed her hand on his shoulder. “It’s alright. It was an accident after all.” She looked at the girl, taking a moment to assess her. Silky purple hair tied up in pigtails, pale yet fair skin, barely pointed teeth still longer than the average human’s…a Dhampir. She had never seen one before. She was a child born of both a human and vampire. The girl seemed caught off guard by Aedan’s comment. “Please excuse my friend for his rudeness. He can be a bit overprotective,” she said with an apologetic bow.

       “Um…it’s alright,” the girl said with a smile. “My name is Ayane. It’s nice to finally meet you princess,” she quickly covered her mouth seeing Aedan’s look.

       “It’s nice to meet you Miss Ayane. My name is Kamiko, and this is Aedan.” Kamiko didn’t mind that some knew who she was. They often had visitors for various reasons. Some were families asking for help while others come for personal matters with her father. Something caught her attention, interrupting their meeting. She quickly turned to see what the commotion was about. It was a news reporter.

       “It seems the prince is offering quite the reward for the return of his future queen. He seems to think that she is here in the vampire kingdom and has his best looking for her. If anyone knows her whereabouts, bring her to the prince at once. In other news…”

       Kamiko looked at Ayane, then Aedan with a worried expression. Aedan quickly grabbed her hand. “We've got to go. Nice to meet you Ayane,” he called as he dragged the princess with him into the nearest ally. “Great. Now we’re going to have every bounty hunter in the city looking to gain that reward. We need to find a place to hide, and fast.”
Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

Tue 05 Aug 2014, 8:12 pm
Chapter 2
The Bounty Hunter
It was still early. A vampire stood, watching people as they passed by the run down home. He was taller than the average vampire, standing at six foot ten. His eyes a deep purple, matching his hair color with one covered by an eye patch. What was underneath was a mystery. Most that saw him thought it was an injury he sustained when human. It was a possibility, but far from the truth. He had his bat like wings tucked behind him. It was a rare trait for a vampire, the ability to fly. He was a unique looking one, and, one of the oldest in existence.
The vampire leaned up against the building, growing more impatient by the hour whilst waiting for his ‘co-worker’. She was taking her sweet time with her victim as usual. Soon the blonde emerged from the home; the smell of fresh blood filled his nostrils. He glared at her. “My, he was a sweet one. And his bed was so comfortable. Why did that have to break in the middle of our ‘play time’…?” She trailed off on her story, agitating the vampire greatly. “What in the fuck took you so long?” He snarled, interrupting her before she grew graphic with her description of ‘play time’. “Why can’t you just kill your target like a normal hunter, instead of screwing every single inch of it?” He sighed, holding out his hand. “Did you at least get me the head?” Why did he bother asking? She never finished the job completely.
“I forgot. Oops,” she said and smiled. “I can always make it up to you Rokuzai. You know, the way I…” Rokuzai quickly interrupted her. Minami was known as the local slut. If it was a man, she fucked it. He was one of the few who hadn’t given her the chance. “I’ll get it myself. I don’t even know why I bother coming with you,” he said, placing his hand on his forehead with a sigh. “Last thing I want right now is your loose pussy. Just do your job without any altercations.” He pushed himself off the wall and headed inside. “Why do they force me to do missions with that slut? I’m always stuck doing her dirty work,” he mumbled, making his way up the stairs. “I need some real work. These amateur jobs just aren’t cutting it.” He walked into the room and whistled. “She really tore the place up this time.” No wonder the prince’s guards where always looking for her. She never could kill someone without leaving a trail linking back to her. He walked over to the body, picked the man up by his hair. “Just one time I’d like to have a reason not to touch a naked dead guy.” He pressed his foot into the man’s back and with a quick yank, ripped the man’s head clean off.
After turning in the bounty, he headed back to the abandoned church grounds. It became a sort of base for him. No one else dared to come on his property without a death wish. Unfortunately, Minami stayed there with him. She owed him a debt. That was the only reason he kept her around. Something caught his attention on a nearby radio, breaking him from his thoughts. There was an emergency news broadcast. “Well then, a request from the high and mighty prince.” His lips curved into a devilish smirk. It was a simple job with a big reward. “That’s more like it. The prince is offering quite the reward for his bride.” Chuckling, he continued on his way down the street. “The possibilities are endless, but where to start? He didn’t give a description of her, nor did he give a location to return her to. I guess I’ll just have to start with looking for an upper-class girl who stands out,” he said to himself before jumping up onto a rooftop to begin scouting.
The day turned to dusk quickly. He hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary and his informants were no help to him. “Not even a single clue,” he said with a sigh. This investigation was going nowhere fast and he knew he wouldn’t be the only one searching for her. He entered the church, looking disappointed and lost in thought as he tried to figure out a way to approach things differently. He walked over to the nearest bench, sitting down with a loud thud as he swung his legs up on the bench in front of him. “No luck today sugar?” Minami asked, appearing in his lap. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts; he hadn’t even noticed she was here. “Don’t worry; you might have better luck tomorrow.” She smiled, running her index finger up his chest to his neck. “Why don’t I…’un-stress you’? It might loosen you up a little so you might not be as cold and heartless.” Minami was trying to seduce him, but he didn’t seem interested. He sat there, unfazed by her advances.
A familiar smell filled his senses. Before he could respond to it, Minami took a deep breath. “What is that delightful smell from downwind?” She moved off of him, inhaling the scent again. “It smells like humans! They never come here, unless…,” she gasped. “We have guests. And one of them smells like a half-breed,” she said with an excited squeal. Jumping up and down, she turned back to Rokuzai. “Okay, shoo! You’ll just scare them off.” Rokuzai shook his head. She was getting excited over nothing in his opinion. Glaring at her with a low growl he said, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She continued to shoo him away. “I like it better down here anyways!” He yelled, a bit childishly as he heard the door lock behind him. “Little bitch. Who does she think she is, ordering me around?” Slumping down, he used his x-ray vision to see what was going on upstairs as he leaned up against the wall. “Let’s see how this all plays out.”
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai)

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