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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Thu 27 Sep 2012, 8:38 pm
Asuka looked up at Koryama as he cut the web from her mouth. "S-stop it Kory-san!" She screamed and continued to struggle when she heard him unzip his pants. Her eyes widened when he told her to stay quiet. She let out a loud moan as he thrusted his dick into her. "K-Koryama..." Her face turned a dark shade of red as she closed her eyes, nearly screaming from the pleasure. "...Please...stop..." Though, apart of her didn't want him to stop.


Alexander felt someone put their hands on his shoulders. He grabbed Shizune's wrist, pulling her around as he quickly stood up, his chair falling to the floor. He pinned her down to his desk on her back, glaring at her and knocking off several things in the process. "What the fuck did I just say!?" He growled, his eyes glowing red from anger. He gripped her wrists tighter as he turned his head, trying to force himself to calm down. "What do you want Shizune?" He asked reluctantly as he started to losen his grip to get up.


Haruhi walked out to the front of the school and sat down at the fountain. She took her shoes off and swung her legs over so she was facing the water and put her feet in the water, kicking her legs back and forth slowly. She had lost track of Souske and wondered where he had gone. "I can't believe he just ditched me like that." She closed her eyes, pouting a little.


Souske walked through the door to the roof with a sigh. 'Why does she always have to hang around me?" He looked around and jumped up to the roof above the door. He laid down, putting his hands behind his head and crossed his legs. He stared up at the sky and watched the clouds for a moment, then closed his eyes, feeling sleepy from the hot sun.


Daisuke started to get fustrated when he couldn't find Koryama and Asuka. [i]'That fucking bastard! I'll just have to rape her myself when I get the chance.'
He crossed his arms and walked through the hall, not paying attention to anything around him.


Rikku skipped down the hallway, a few feet ahead of her sister. "I can't believe sensei got that mad. He's probably gonna give it to Asu and Kory the next time he sees them. I hope we get to watch." She giggled and stopped, turning to her sister to hear her response.

Miyuki put her hands behind her head with a shrug. "Probably. But I doubt he'll do it in front of us. He'll probably drag them somewhere and knock some sense into them." She stopped in front of her sister and smiled. "But at least we got out of that stupid test."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Fri 28 Sep 2012, 12:10 am
"Why should I stop? Your bodies scent is telling me to give you more." Koryama smirked as he fucked her. He caught a few peoples scent as they walked by. 'Geez. Can't Daisuke let well enough alone!?' He grew a little angry and banged Asuka harder and faster as he took his anger out on her sexually.

Shizune squeaked when Alexander pinned her on his desk and started to growq horny and wet, blushing a little bit. She let him stand up straight and smirked at him. She sat up on his desk and scooted infront of him, wrapping her legs and arms around him, pulling him close to her. "I want your dick, sensai. That's what I want." She stated the moeved her hand to his crotch and started rubbing his cock.

'This is some kind of bullshit...' Iruka thought as he walked up to the school. "I am always late on the first day I go to school..." He looked up and perked up a little when he saw a cute girl sitting at the fountain. 'Looks like my day juist a little better.' He smiled and walked up to the girl. "Hello young lady. My name is Iruka..." He bowed then stood straight up again. "... You you be so kind as to tell me if there is or was any class today?"


"This looks like the place." Hamaki said as she flew on her scythe over the school. "looks like someone is also ditching class. I should pay him a little visit." She smirked and flew down to the him. She hopped off her scythe when she got close enough and tapped it on the ground, making it shrink. She looked over him and smiled. "Hey there cutie. Ditching class I assume?"


'Oh man, oh man, oh man! Why did I have to sleep in!?' Aoi thought as she ran down the, nit paying attention to where she was going. When she turned the corner she ran into Daisuke and fell on her back. She moaned from the pain and slowly got up, rubbing the back of her head. "Ow..." She looked up and crawled over to him. When she was next to him, she sat on her knees. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He eyes widened then crawled around again, picking up his stuff for him.


"School is such a drag, Washu... I don't even know why I have to go..." Hayate said as they walked down the hall. "I mean, I just graduated college and now I'm being sent off to a school that I have never even heard about." He sighed and dropped his head.

"Well maybe it's for a good reason. Your parents wouldn't just send you off to school just to get rid of you. You spend most of your time in your room." Washu giggled as she teased Hayate and rubbed his head. "Well we should go talk to those two and see what information we can get on this school." She smiled at him and waved Rikku and Miyuki.
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 29 Sep 2012, 3:30 pm
Asuka tried to keep her screams from coming out, afraid that someone was going to hear them. She shook her head. "That's...a lie...I don't...want this..." She continued to deny what he said and stopped struggling, starting to feel worn out from trying to get free. She closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs in pleasure as he fucked her harder and faster.


Alexander slid his hands into his pockets and watched as she sat up. He gave her a funny look when she scooted in front of him and wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him closer to her. He took one hand out of his pocket and put it behind her head and grabbing ahold of her hair. "Not interested, now let me go and get out of here," he said as he pulled her head back. "Before I drain the life out of you. Not like having one less student bothers me."


Souske's ears twitched and perked up when he heard a tapping sound next to him. The tip of his tail began to twitch back and forth from irritation when she asked if he was ditching class. He kept his eyes closed, hoping she would leave him alone eventually. "Do you always bother people trying to sleep?" He asked, his tail wagging a little more from annoyance.


Haruhi turned her head when she heard someone say hello. She smiled and stood up on the edge of the fountain, holding her hands behind her back. "You must be one of the new students." She closed her eyes and smiled. "There was class, but sensei got mad and kicked everyone out. You didn't really miss anything." She opened her eyes and looked at him, tilting her head to the side a little. "Just as a warning, when sensei gets mad, don't test his patience. He's kind of scary. But maybe it's just 'cause he's a vampire," she said and giggled, closing her eyes and smiling again as she hopped down. "My names Haruhi. It's very nice to meet you."


Daisuke slid his hands into his pockets and sighed, closing his eyes. 'I don't even know why I bother trying.' As he went to turn a corner, he fell onto his back when someone ran into him. He groaned in pain, holding his head. "Why don't you watch where you're...!" He stopped dead sentence as he looked up at Aoi. He quickly sat up and kind of felt bad that he started to yell at her. "'s alright..." He began to pick up his things as well. He stood up and looked at her again as she crawled around on the floor and blushed a little. 'Nice position...' He walked over to her and held out his hand to her, closing his eyes as he smiled to help her up. "I wasn't paying attention either. Don't worry about it."


Rikku turned her head when she saw someone waving from the corner of her eye. She closed her eyes and smiled as she waved back to Washu. "Those must be some of the new students. We should go say hi Miyu-chan." She looked at her sister and when Miyuki nodded, she turned and skipped over to Hayate and Washu. She stopped in front of them, holding her hands behind her back. "Hello. I'm Rikku and this is my sister, Miyuki."

Miyuki looked at her sister and nodded. She followed her sister and stopped next to her, crossing her arms. "And you two are?" She asked after Rikku introduced the both of them.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:36 pm
Shizune moaned when her hair was pulled and her head was forced backwards. She began stroking his dick as she got wetter and wetter by the second. "I'd... Like to see... You try to... Drain the life... From a witch..." She smirked and continued to moan.


"Well if you don't want this, then why are you trying hard not to scream from the pleasure Asuka-san?" Koryama asked rhetorically as he continued to fuck her. He lifted one hand and cut the rest of the web along with her bra. He moved the bra out of the way and began playing with her tits. "You just going to have to endure it until I'm done." He smirked and began top get a little rough with the groping.


"Well he can't be that scary to another vampire." Iruka said with a chuckle and watched her as she hopped off the edge of the fountain. "So what happened to make him so mad, if you don't mind me asking." He set down his backpack and sat on the edge of the fountain. "And what's a beautiful thing like you sitting her all by youself?"


After Aoi was done picking up Daisuke's stuff she looked up at him and smiled, taking his hand as she got up. She nodded and kind of blushed when she got a good look at him. She let go of his hand and shook her head as she got back into reality and handed him his stuff. "So has the class been let out already?" She asked as she walked back over to the belongings and bend over, nearly showing her underwear.


"Are you always this rude when a beautiful girl wants to talk to you?" Hamaki teased Souske and sat down next to him. She grabbed his tail and smirked. "Now why don't you just calm down. Unless your tail is waggin out of excitment." She continued to tease him as she let go of his tail.


"Well someone's a cold bitch isn't she." Washu said as she crossed her arms as well, looking up and down Miyuki. "Well we're Hayate and Washu. It's nice to meet you Rikku." She turned andswmiled at Rikku, placing her hands on her hips. "So is there class today?"

Hayate nervously smiled at Rikku was she ran up and kind of blushed. He felt a little uneasy when Miyuki walked up and tooka step back. 'She is a pretty cold person...' He placed his hand in his pockets and looked down as he waited for an asnwer to Washu's question.
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sun 30 Sep 2012, 4:37 pm
"Would you now?" Alexander glanced down at Shizune's hand as he felt himself starting to get hard from her stoking his dick. He looked back up at her as he pulled her head back a little more. "You need to learn how to take no for an answer." He used his free hand to grab her wrist, forcing her to get up off the desk. He pushed her up against the wall so she was facing away from him and pinned her hand behind her back, tilting her head to the side. "I'm really getting tired of my students not listening to me." He leaned over and sank his fangs into her neck and began drinking her blood.


Asuka didn't bother trying to answer him. She looked up at him when he cut her bindings and bra, her face turning a dark shade of red. She closed her eyes tight and tried to push him away when he started groping her a little hard. "Please hurts..." She started struggling again, hitting his chest.


"I guess not," Haruhi said with a giggle. She sat down on the edge and put her shoes back on as she went to answer his question. "He was mad that two students ditched class to go have sex. Left right in the middle when he was watching the twins do their test." She looked up at him when he asked why she was by herself and blushed when she realized he had called her cute. "My friend dissapeared on me and my other friend is one of the one's who ditched class. I'm just killing time til they get back." She closed her eyes and smiled, tucking one leg behind the other.


Daisuke helped her up and took his stuff when she handed it all to him. "Thanks." He watched as she walked over to her things and stared at her ass, blushing a little. " was let out early..." He looked away and put his hand to his mouth, clearing his throat. "So uh...who are you anyways?"


"No. Just to the annoying ones." Souske's ears shot up and eyes opened wide as a shiver ran down his spine when she grabbed his tail. He glared at her when she made her comment and sat up, his ears laying down flat. His tail whipped back and forth in anger. "Don't fucking do that, got it!?" He stood up and jumped down in front of the door and started to storm back inside, growling under his breath. 'I can never get these people to leave me alone! Is it so much to ask!?'


"I try my best, unlike you." Miyuki also looked Washu from head to toe with her eyes. "I bet your bitchyness comes naturally." She glanced over at Rikku when she was told to stop and waved her hand, summoning a bat to pester her sister and giggled to her reaction. "I'll stop. This is more entertaining anyways." She closed her eyes and smiled at her sister, sticking her tounge out.

Rikku smiled and bowed to them. "It's very nice to meet you both as well." She stood up straight and nodded. "There was, but Sensei got really mad and kicked everyone out, so it turned into a free day." She whipped her head around to her sister with a surprised look. "Miyu! Don't be so rude!" She then noticed her sister wave her hand and her eyes widened when a bat started flying around her head. She covered her head with her arms and started whining. "Siiiiiiissssss! You know I haaaate bats! They're so creepy!" She fell to her knees and kept trying to smack the bat away from her.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Mon 01 Oct 2012, 3:23 pm
"But you never said no to me trying to seduce you." Shizune said then moaned and squeeled when she was pulled off the desk and pinned to the wall. "Someone's a little forceful." She said with a smirk on her face. She screamed in plasure when he sank his teeth into her. "But... It's this the... Good kind of... Ignorace...?"


Koryama felt a littl ebad when she said that it was hurting and began hitting his chest. "Sorry." He smirked and let go of her breasts, grabbing her wrists and pinning her to ground. "Is that better?" He leaned over and began softly sucking on her breasts.


"Do those two students always ditch to fuck?" Iruka asked as he chuckled. "Well wat are yopu going to do if they don't come back?" He asked curiously and he lifted one leg over the other and placed his hands on his knee. "If you want I can walk you home." He leaned over to her a little and lifted his hand, rubbing the bottom of her chin with his index finger. "It's really dangerous for such a pretty girl to be walking hime at anytime of day."


After Aoi picked up her stuff she whipped and held out her hand. "I'm Aoi. A new student who just transfered." She smiled at Daisuke when he shook her hand. "That's unfortunate that class was let out early. "Hopefully my parents won't get made at me for not going to class." She looked down with a little bit of depression in her voice.


'Someone's a little grumpy. Lets see if we can't calm him down.' Hamaki said as she watched him go inside. She hopped down as well and followed him inside. "Hey puppy, wait up. How about a back massage, or a tummy rub?" She asked teasingly as she joggd up to him.


'Take's one to know one.' Washu said as she watched her wave a bat over to Rikku. "That's not very nice. Your sister just didn't want you to get hurt." She smirked and pointed one of her guns at the bat, killing it in one shot. "Hopefully that wasn't your only pet." She smirked as she put her gun away. "Well I'm pretty glad that class cut short."

'Wow... I wonder how they keep from killing eachother while their at home.' Hayate thought as he watched a bat fly around Rikku's head. He jumped back when Washu shot the bat a look at the bat in some terror. 'Did she really have to shoot the poor thing?' "I really wish that there was still class... Looks like I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to see what the teacher thinks of my tech skills since I've heard that pretty much this entire building was bui;d by him."
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Mon 01 Oct 2012, 11:43 pm
Alexander opened his eyes and glanced at her, surprised that she was enjoying it so much. He lifted his head after a little bit. "I'm not planning on having sexual relations with any of my students, understand?" He leaned over and licked the blood from her neck. "Ignorance is one of the worse traits someone can have." He stood up and let her go, wiping the blood from his mouth. "Now leave me alone." He turned and walked out of the class, turning invisible after he was out the door so she wouldn't be able to follow him. He walked outside and looked over towards the fountain as he became visible again and raised an eyebrow when he saw Haruhi running over to him. "What is it now?"

Haruhi shook her head. "Asuka usually is just late to class a lot, but Koryama tends to ditch. I was a little surprised when he left the class with her. Poor thing was tied up, so she couldn't really fight back." She giggled a little. She tilted her head a little to his question. "Not sure. Probably just gonna go home." She blushed as he leaned over and rubbed the bottom of her chin with his finger. "W-well I..." She turned her head when she saw Alexander and quickly got up. "I'll be right back." She closed her eyes and smiled, then ran over to her teacher. "Hey sensei! Are you feeling any better?"

Alexander stayed quiet for a moment. He sighed, his eyes beginning to turn back to normal as he closed them. "Doesn't matter now. I'll deal with those two later." He rubbed his head and looked past her at Iruka. 'Another vampire huh? This'll be interesting.' He looked back down at Haruhi and smiled. "Say hi to your father for me. I'll see you in class tomorrow." He turned and waved to her as he walked back inside, turning invisible again so he wouldn't run into Shizune.


Asuka stopped hitting him when he apologized and looked up at him. She squeaked when he pinned her arms down and shook her head to his question. "Let me...go..." Her breathing got heavier when he started sucking on her breasts, starting to feel like she was going to cum. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. "K-Koryama...stop...," she moaned just as she started to cum, screaming from pleasure.


Daisuke smiled and took her hand. "Daisuke. It's nice to meet you." He let go of her hand and laughed a little, shaking his head. "Don't worry. None of the new students showed up, so he'll probably just let you all off with a warning. Just don't piss him off and get to class on time and he's not so bad." He rubbed the back of his head. 'Though, I think he has it out for me.' He sighed, then looked at her when she said that she hoped her parents wouldn't get mad. "Don't worry about it. He wont call them or anything, so it's not like they'll know. How bout I walk you home? It's not safe in the evenings for a girl to be by herself."


Souske stormed down the hall and noticed that she was following him. 'Oh great. Another girl who wont leave me alone.' He stopped and whipped his head around when she called him a puppy, glaring at her. He blushed a little when she offered to give him a back massage or a tummy rub. "Don't you fucking touch me." He crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall, sliding down so he was sitting. His tail continued to wag back and forth as his ears laid flat again. "Why are you following me anyways? Can't you see I want to be alone?"


"I think it's none of your business what I do with my sister." Miyuki's eyes widened when she pulled a gun out and shot her bat. She glared at Washu, then turned and began walking. "Let's go Rikku!"

Rikku jumped and squeeled when the bat was shot. She stood up and nodded to Washu. "So are we. Sensei had us doing an evaluation test." She then looked at Hayate and smiled. "It was. He's been the only teacher here since the school opened..." She jumped when her sister yelled for her to follow and looked down. She then closed her eyes and smiled at Hayate. "He might be calmed down by now. If you'd like, I can take you to him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind showing you if you're really interested."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Tue 02 Oct 2012, 7:59 pm
Shizune's breathing calmed when Alexander took his fangs out of her and turned her head sigh an unpleasant sigh as she frowned. She let out one last soft heavy breath when he licked the blood off her neck. She stubled backwards when she was let go and turned to say something to Alex but noticed he was already gone. 'Looks like I'm going to have to go get that sexy vampire ass at his house.' She smirked and walked out of the room and went home until it was time to go find Alexanders house.


Koryama started breathing heavy as he sucked on het breasts. He shook his head as he continued and he began to moan softly, gripping her wrists a little tighter. 'Come on, just hold out until she's done.' He thought as he tried to keep himself from cumming as well. After she was done cumming, he pulled out and let go of one of her wrists, moaning kind of loud as he came on her. He smirked then lookat up at her. "Happy now that I'm done?" He sat up on his knees and put his dick back in his pants.


Aoi smiled and nodded at Daisuke's commentlooking back up at him, blushing al ittle again from how stunning he looked. She nodded to his question then began walking back to the dorms with him. "Is it really that bad around here?" She asked curiously.


"Awwwwwwww... Did I get your species wrong. I'm sorry." Hamaki said as she knelt down next to him. "I'm bored and lonely." She replied and placed her hand on his head, scratching behind one of his ears. "Seems like someone needs to calm and get destressed." She smiled at him as she noticed that he was enjoying it.


'God damn it. And I was just about to get her with a kiss too.' Iruka thought as he nodded to what she said and watched her run over to someone. 'That must be the teacher. Looks like it's going to be interesting having two vampires.' He smirked and stood up, waiting for Haruhi to get back.


Washu laughed when Miyuki got mad and looked down at Hayate when he was asked if he wanted to go see the teacher. "Go on, I'll wait for you at the front of the school." She smiled at him and turned, walking back towards the front of the school.

"Really!?" Hayate said excitedly when Rikku asked him if he wanted to go meet the teacher. He looked up at Washu and nodded. He turned back to Rikku and followed her to the classroom. "This must have taken some time to build if it was only one person." He stated as he looked around. "So... What kind of school is this anyways?" He asked as he looked back at Rikku with a puzzled look on his face.
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Wed 03 Oct 2012, 3:06 am
Asuka let out another loud moan when he pulled out of her. She looked up at him when he was done cumming, trying to catch her breath. She blushed to his question and quickly sat up, covering herself. She turned her head away and scooted away from him a little. "I can't believe you..." A few tears filled her eyes as she looked down. "...I wanted my first time to be special..." She shapeshifted into a bird and flew off back towards the dorms, not wanting to hear his response.


"Well, depends." Daisuke rubbed his head with one hand, sliding his other hand into his pocket. "The darker it gets, the more creatures will come out of the forest. It's not common, but occassionally people who break the rules just disappear." He looked at her and smiled. "Never hurts to be too careful though."


"Yes, you did." Souske turned his head away and pouted a little. "So what if you're bored. Why don't you..." His ears perked up when she started scratching behind his ear, making him blush a little. His tail stopped wagging as he softly began to purr out of pleasure. "That's just not fair..." He blushed more as he tried to keep his eyes open. 'If she keeps this up, I'll end up passing out.' He closed his eyes and purred a little louder, tilting his head towards her hand.


Haruhi waved to Alex and smiled. "I will!" She turned and started walking over to Iruka, holding her hands behind her back. "That was the teacher. He's really not so bad as long as you don't ditch his class or...well...cause trouble in general." She stopped in front of him, closing her eyes as she smiled. "Shall we head to the dorms then?"


Miyuki turned her head and glared at her sister when she walked away. 'Whatever. I'm going home.' She crossed her arms and started heading back towards the dorms.


Rikku giggled a little at how excited he had gotten. She began walking with him and nodded to his comment. "Probably. I've only been attenting a year, but he's definately got this place well equiped." She walked into the classroom with him and smiled when he asked what kind of school it was. "Well it's kind of like..." She quickly turned to the door when she heard the teacher finish her sentence.

"It's a school for the gifted." Alexander smirked as he leaned up against the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "That's all you need to know." He stood up straight and walked into the classroom, looking over at Rikku. "Didn't I kick you all out?" He then looked over towards Hayate. "You'll find out what kind of school this is soon enough. For now, get out of my class. I have work to do." He took a step to the side and tilted his head towards the door.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 2 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 06 Oct 2012, 1:15 am
Koryama look at her with a puzzled look as she covered herself. He wanted to say something after she said she couldn't believe him but could find the words and began to feel a little bad after she said that she wanted her first time to be special. 'Maybe I should just leave her alone from now...' He rubbed his arm as he stood up and began walking to the dorms. "I should atleast apologize to her first..."


Aoi smiled and nodded at his explaination. "So... What kind of stuff do you like to do for fun?" She turned to Daisuke and smiled as she asked, holding the staff behind her back as they drew closer to the dorms.


"It's the only way to calm my little kittens down. And since you're a cat boy, I assumed that it would work on you as well." Hamaki said with a smile on her face as she listened to Daisuke purr. "Now if you answer my first question, I'll continue doing this and take you back to the dorms." She tried to bribe him to answer her question that she had asked earlier.


"I had a feeling that that was the teacher. And don't worry, I won't get myself into anything that I can't get out of." Iruka smiled at Haruhi, putting his hands into his pockets. 'Once we get to the dorms, I'll make my move.' He nodded and began walking towards the dorms with Haruhi.


Hayate looked up at Alexander when he heard his voice. 'Gifted?' He tilted his head in confusion. He felt a little depressed when he wasn't even able to ask his question and let his head fall. "Looks like I'll just have to ask him tomorrow..." He slowly began to walk towards the door to leave the school.
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Mon 08 Oct 2012, 3:39 am
Asuka flew into her room through the window and transformed back to normal, collapsing onto her bed. She hugged her pillow tight and rolled onto her back, burring her face into the pillow. 'Koryama is such a jerk!' She blushed a little and hugged her pillow tighter. She moved it away from her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. 'I didn't imagine my first time being anything like that...but...' She closed her eyes and blushed more. '...I did want him to be my first. I probably shouldn't have gotten so upset. I just wish it was more...romantic...we didn't even kiss...' She soon dozed off as she laid there thinking to herself, forgetting that her window was still open.


Daisuke looked at Aoi when she asked what he liked to do for fun. He looked up at the sky, sliding his hands into his pockets as he thought for a moment. "Not a whole lot. I mostly play my guitar when I'm bored or my piano. Occassionally I'll draw as well. Sketch sceneries, things like that." He looked back at her and smiled as they walked up to the dorm. "What about you Aoi-san?" He asked curiously, opening the door for her.


" shouldn't assume..." Souske blushed more and pouted when she stopped scratching behind his ear as his purring stopped. His ears perked up when she tried to bribe him and turned his head away. "Like I'd want you to continue anyways." He crossed his arms as his tail began to wag from irritation again. "I wasn't ditching. Class was let out early. Happy now?" His ears laid down flat as he closed his eyes.


Haruhi nodded and smiled to Iruka's answer. "He's really nice once you get to know him. He's only a jerk to people who don't listen." She giggled and held her hands behind her back as she began walking with him. "So Iru-san, what brings you to this school? It's not common to get new students here. It's more common for them to disappear actually."


Rikku noticed that Hayate had a disappointed look on his face and was beginning to walk away. She ran over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders and made him turn to face Alexander. "But sensei, Hayate-kun has some things he wants to ask you about." She closed her eyes and smiled, keeping her hands on his shoulders so he wouldn't leave.

Alexander looked at Rikku curiously, then looked at Hayate. "Fine." He sighed and walked over to his desk, picking up the mess that was made earlier when he was dealing with Shizune. "I'll answer any questions, but make it quick. I'm ready to go home," he said as he finished organizing his desk. He walked over to his chair and sat down, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head as he waited for Hayate to ask his question.
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Mon 08 Oct 2012, 6:50 am
It took Koryama awhile to get back to the dorms since he was walking pretty slow. As he looked down he thought, 'Hopefully she isn't to mad at me...' He looked back up when he reached the girls side of the dorm for some reason and saw that her window was open. He stopped and thought for a moment. 'This would be a better time then any.' He took his hands out of his pockets and crouched. He leaped into the air, aiming for the window and landed on the window ceal. He noticed that she was and stepped down, putting his hands back into his pockets. He walked over to the bed and gently sat down. He took out one of his hands and placed it on her ankle. "Asuka... Asuka." He said gently as he tried to wake her.


Aoi was really intriged by what Daisuke liked to the on his free time and was listening intently with a concentrated look on her face. She blushed a little when he opened the door for her and looked away alittle. "T-thank you..." 'Such a gentlemen.' She walked inside and step to the side as she turned to him. "Wa... Wanna go back to your place?" She asked shyly and she looked down and twisted her foot as she turned a dark shade of red.


"Yeah, sure." Hamaki said than smiled at him when she got her answer. She placed her hand back onto his head and began scratching behind his ear again. "So what do you say I take you back to the dorms and put you to sleep by doing this?" She asked and she leaned in closer to him.


"I wouldn't doubt it." Iruka said as he looked over at Haruhi as they walked back to the dorms. "Well..." He looked up into the sky as he tried to word it correctly with out giving to much information. "It's a special request. But it probably sure is nice to have some new students around huh? And it's nice to finally see some pretty girls." He said flirtatiously as he leaned in closer to her.


Hayate looked up at Rikku when she ran over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders and blushed a little bit. He turned around and looked up at Alexander. A small smile grew on his face when he heard that he was able to ask him some questions. He walked over to Alexanders desk and began to speak. "Umm... Sir..." He then stopped when he noticed keypad on Alex's desk and his eyes lit up a little. "What's the keypad for?"
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Wed 10 Oct 2012, 2:28 am
Asuka slowly opened her eyes when she heard someone calling her name. She sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily, holding the pillow to her chest with her other hand. "Kory-san...?" She smiled a little, still not fully awake. She laid her head down on his shoulder and closed her eyes again, cuddling up to him. "I'm really sorry for getting mad...," she said and fell right back to sleep, holding onto his shirt with her free hand.


Daisuke walked in after her and closed the door. "You're welcome." He smiled, not sure why she didn't answer his question, but decided not to bug her about it. He thought for a moment when she asked to go to his room with him. "Sure. I guess it's ok." He waved for her to follow him as he started heading to the boys side of the dorm. He walked up the stairs, sliding his hands into his pockets. "So Aoi-chan, what do you want to do now?" He asked curiously as they got to his room. He open the door and let her in first again. "I could play some music or something if you'd like," he said with a smile as he walked in after her and closed the door.


Souske continued to pout as she scratched behind his ear again, softly purring from the pleasure of it. He blushed more when she asked if she should put him to sleep back at the dorm doing this and his ears twitched a little. 'I wouldn't mind...' He sighed as he stood up. "Fine. Not like you're going to leave me alone anyways." He turned and began walking back towards the dorm.


"Yeah, I've known sensei since I was a little girl. He's also the only one whose ever seen the director or has any contact with him," Haruhi pointed out as she looked up towards the sky. She turned her head to Iruka. "Special request? From who?" She asked curiously. She smiled and nodded to his question. "It is nice. There used to be a lot more students, but when they were sent to the director's office, they just dissapeared." She blushed a little when he started flirting with her. 'Pretty? Me?' She giggled a little and held her hands behind her back. "If you say so." She smiled and walked up to the dorm with him, going inside.


Rikku smiled and walked over to a desk as she watched Hayate go over to the teacher. She sat down and listened to their coversation and waited paitiently for them to leave.

Alexander follow Hayate with his eyes as he walked over to his desk. He glanced down at the keypad, then smirked. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk as he looked back up at Hayate. "That controls most of the things that goes on in this classroom as well as various other switches on this desk. Just don't touch anything. You don't want to release anything by accident that you can't handle. Any other questions?"
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Wed 10 Oct 2012, 5:35 pm
Koryama kind of smiled when he noticed that Asuka opened her eyes and left his hand on her ankle. He placed his other hand on her head when she laid it down on his shoulder, blushing a little from her holding him. His eyebrow rose when she said was sorry and before he could respond, he noticed that she had fallen asleep again and felt a little bad. He smiled again and placed his hand that was on her head, on her back and laid her down again. He laid down next to her and and wrapped his arm that was on her ankle around her after he put the blanket on them. "Good night." He whispered to her as he closed his eyes and smiled. Shortly after that he fell asleep as well.


Aoi smiled and followed him to his room. "I'm not really sure." She said as she entering the room after he had opened the door for her again. 'He is a real gentlemen...' She thought as she blushed. Her eyes widened when he said that he could play some music for her and nodded. "That would be wonderful." She said than thought about the question he had asked earlier that she had accidentally ignored. "I'm really sorry for ignoring your quetion earlier, Dai-kun." She said as she walked over to his bed and sat down. "I really like to sing most of the time when I have time free. Other than that I don't do very much." She giggled in embarassment.


Hamaki smiled at his response and stood up as well. She hopped onto her scythe and followed him. "It would be a lot faster if we just rode my scythe back to the dorms." She suggested as she flew up next to him with a smile. "And I really miss my cats back home, so I probably won't leave you alone. And I don't think that would be a bad thing since I really like to pamper my cats."


'The only one that has contact with the director at the school huh?' Iruka thought as he started devising a plan on how to get closer to the director. 'Maybe if I get close to the teacher... I can get closer to finishing my mission before hand.' He smiled after he tho0ught then looked up at the sky. "Oh... Ummm... My fathers. He thought it would be good for me to go to a school where there is my own kind, in a way." He kind of lied to her, but he knew it would work since they just met. 'Disappearing students? I guess that wasn't just a rumor then. All the more reason to get closer to the teacher.' "I'm not just saying that. You really are a sight to behold." He continued to flirt with her as they walked inside the dorms. "So, what should we do now?"


Hayate's eyes lit up a little more when Alexander said that the keypad controlled most of the this in the classroom and that there were some switches on his desk, that he didn't even noticed. He nodded to Alexander about not touching the keypad or the switches. "What kind of things do you mean by 'release'?" He asked, kind of scared of what his answer might by, but is intriged either way.
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Thu 11 Oct 2012, 4:25 am
Daisuke smiled and nodded when she said she wanted him to play. He walked over to his guitar and picked it up. He looked over his shoulder when she said she liked to sing. "I'd love to hear you sing sometime. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice. For now, why don't you let me sing to you." He closed his eyes and smiled at her, then sat down in a chair and thought about what he should play. "I wrote this a while back nevermind." He blushed a little. "I havn't actually played it for if it's not good, just tell me 'kay?" He leaned over and pressed something on his computer and it began playing other instruments for the song. He closed his eyes again and began playing along with it, singing the lyrics to the song.


Souske looked over at Aoi when she flew up next to him and his ears laid back. He sighed and stopped with a nod. "Yeah...I guess it would be faster," he said as he got on the scythe behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His ears perked back up when she said that she had cats back at her home. "Pamper them?'re one of those crazy cat girls, huh?" He chuckled a little as he laid his head down on her shoulder and closed his eyes. "Well...I guess it can't be helped then...might as well give in..."


"Oh. That makes sense. My father did the same thing, but sensei didn't want me to come here," Haruhi said as she turned to him. "Ever since his family was killed by the director, he doesn't like people close to him anywhere near this school. My father sent me anyways." She blushed a little more as he continued to flirt and adjusted her hat down a little to try and hide her embarassment. "Thanks..." She looked back up at him and thought for a moment, placing her finger up to her lips. "Well, I'm not sure. What do you want to do Iru-kun?"


Alexander was a little surprised on how interested the boy was. "Well..." He glanced over at Rikku, then stood up. "...It'll be easier just to show you than to try and explain it." He punched in a number that was a little longer than the usual four digits he always typed in. "Like my pet." He smirked as a wall opened up across the classroom and a creature came out running at them. He put up a forcefield around the two of them and watched as it ran into it in front of Hayate with a chuckle. "He just wants to say hello. Don't worry though. I don't allow my students to get injured if it can be helped." He walked over to the creature and as it turned to growl at him, he put a field around himself before it attacked. "The tests vary from creatures that I catch in the forest to just simple wits and stamina tests."

Rikku stood up and walked over to Hayate, holding her hands behind her back. "Sensei usually pairs us up and does these random tests. You never know what to expect, but it is kind of funny to watch." She closed her eyes and smiled at him, then looked up at the creature. "I've never seen this one sensei. Is it really your pet?"

"Yeah. Still havn't given him a name though. I just caught him recently and as you can see, I've got some training to do." Alexander smiled as the creature kept trying to attack him, sliding his hands into his pockets. He looked over at his two students. "Unless either of you would like to train him? I've been meaning to teach you guys how to tame a familiar anyways."

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Fri 12 Oct 2012, 5:20 pm
Aoi looked down and smiled as she blushed when Daisuke said that he was sure that she had a beautiful voice and nodded. 'He's charming too...' She thought She looked up when he was about to say the persons name that he wreote the song for and had a confused look on her face when he said nevermind. She nodded to his question and began listening to his song and began to tear up a little bit at how sad it sounded. She wipped her tears and smiled at him. "That was really good Dai-kun."


Hamaki smiled at Souske when he hopped onto her scythe and began flying back to the dorms. She looked back at him and giggledwhen he called her a crazy cat lady. "I guess you could think of me like that. I do have about fifty cats." She stated then giggled a little more at his last comment. "Well you're going to be me replacement until I get back home. For all we know, I might just take you back with me." She smiled and placed her right hand ontop of his head and started sctratching behind his ear again.


Iruka listened to Haruhi intently as she explained some things to him about Alex and felt kind of bad for what happened to his family. 'Maybe I can also put Alex at ease once this investigation is over.' He thought then chuckled at her when she blushed. "Don't be so shy..." He placed one arm around her shoulders and got closer to her. "We could just hang out in either your room or mine." He suggested with a smile.


Hayate nodded when Alex said that he would have to show him then turned to the wall that opened and he left like he was going to faint from the excitement. His excitement immediatly turned to fear when he saw the dragon running at him and paniced. He jumped back and covered his eyes as he fell onto his ass. He peeked out and noticed it had stopped. 'You call that 'wanting to say hello!?'' He thought as he caught his breath and listened to Rikku. 'A dragon!? As a pet!?' His eyes widened as he stood back up adn was astonished. "I... I wouldn't mind trying to train him... But I have no idea where to start is the thing..."
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Sat 13 Oct 2012, 1:51 am
Daisuke looked up at Aoi as he finished his song and noticed that she had been crying because of it. "I probably should've warned you that it was a little sad. Sorry about that," he said as he rubbed his head. He blushed and smiled a little, turning his head away when she said that it was really good. "Thanks..." He then started to whisper to himself. "Now if I could sing it to Asuka..." He sighed and stood up, setting down his guitar. He walked over and sat down next to her, putting his hands behind his head as he laid back and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. He turned his head to her and closed his eyes as he smiled. "If you have any requests, I'll be happy to learn a song to play for you if I don't already know it."


"Fifty?" Souske asked as he lifted his head a little to look at her. "That's...a lot..." He gave her a confused look when she said that he would be her replacement til she got to go home and his ears perked up a little. His eyes widened in surprise to her comment. "Take me home with you? Well, that's not going to happen. I'm not the type to be someone's pet." He blushed a little as she reached back and began scratching behind his ear again. He closed his eyes, laying his head back down on her shoulder as he started purring softly.


Haruhi blushed more when he put his arm around her shoulders and moved closer to her. "I-I'm not being shy..." She tilted her head to the side a little to his suggestion. "Sure I guess. Why don't we go to your room then?" She closed her eyes and smiled at him.


Alexander chuckled to Hayate's stunned reaction. "Well, it's my job to show you." He looked up at the dragon as if analyzing it. "With something like this, you have to prove you're strong enough to become it's master. It wont listen to you if you start to show fear. It can smell your emotions after all." He took down the field around him and as the creature came to bite him, he reached up and grabbed ahold of it's mouth with both hands, forcing it to stay closed. He threw the dragon onto the ground and held it there, staring into it's eyes as it tried to struggle to get up. After a few minutes, it began to calm down and Alex took a step back, letting it go. The dragon got up and sat down, staring back at Alex for a moment, then folded up it's wings as if it was waiting for orders. He turned to Hayate and smiled. "Now, why don't you give it a try. Don't show it any fear and command it, even if you have to use a little force to get through to him," he said as he took the shield down around his students.

Rikku's eyes lit up as she watched Alex take down the dragon so effortlessly. "Wow sensei! I knew you were strong, but I've never seen you actually fight anything before!" She turned her head to Hayate and closed her eyes as she smiled. "I know you can do it Haya-kun. Good luck."
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Sun 14 Oct 2012, 8:20 pm
Aoi's ears perked up when she heard him whisper something about someone named 'Asuka' and debated to ask or not. She watched Daisuke as he walked over and laid down next ot her. She looked up at the ceiling and thought for a moment. "None that I can think of right now." She turned back to him and smiled. "I couldn't help but over hear your whisper a minute ago and I'm sorry if this is intruding, but, who is Asuka?" She finally decided to askand laid down next to Daisuke, her robe almost uncovering her breasts.


"Aww... Why not Sou-kun? You would be treated as a pet. But I would count you in as another one of my cats." Hamaki giggled as she commented. She flew down to the stairs infront of the dorms and landed. "Well, we're here." She hopped off anf smiled at him as he got off her scythe. She grabbed it and tapped it on the ground, making it fold up.


Iruka nodded and smiled at Haruhi. "Is there anything I should know before school starts tomorrow. Like anything special events or how the daily school day goes?" He asked as he let go of her and put his hands into his pockets.


Hayate nodded to what Alex had said and watched in amazement how easily he took the dragon down. 'He's extremely strong...' His eyes bugged out when the teacher said he should give it a shot and nervously laughed. He gulped when the field was taken down around him and stared at the dragon, cringing in fear. He looked over at Rikku and nodded. "Thanks..." He began shaking a little as he took off his backpack and placed it on the ground, kneeling next to it. He opened it and started shuffling through it and found a needle with an orange liquid in it. 'Good thing I carry alot of these around with me.' He lifted up his sleeve and sank the point of the needle into his arm and injected the syrum. He got back up and put the backpack back on. When the liquid started taking effect, he walked up to the dragon with a blank expression on his face and looked up at it.
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Mon 15 Oct 2012, 11:36 pm
"Alright. Well, if you think of anything, just let me know," Daisuke said as he smiled at her. His face turned red when she asked him who Asuka was. "J-just a friend I grew up with..." He looked at her when she laid down next to him and his face turned an even darker shade of red as he quickly looked away. 'She's one of those innocent teases...' He cleared his throat as he sat up. "Anyways, it's not really important who she is. Don't worry about it."


Souske was starting to get a little aggrivated again when she said that he would be her pet. "No way. I'm a stray and I like it that way." He hopped off the scythe and watched as she folded it up. "Besides, I may be a neko, but I'm still a person. Why don't you go bother the other one?" He said as he walked into the house, sliding his hands into his pockets as he walked over and sat down on the couch. He took one hand out and turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels.


Haruhi thought for a moment if there was anything he should know. "Well, sensei doesn't like people who give up. So, no matter how hard the test may seem, make sure you don't." She closed her eyes and smiled as she followed him towards his room. "No one's ever had any more than a few scrapes and bruises. He never lets anyone get seriously injured." She then wondered if there was anything else he should know. "Oh, and when there are tests like puzzles and things, listen closely to what he said before he starts them. He always give some kind of hint," she explained and held her hands behind her back. "He's probably gonna give us another wits test here soon with all the new students to see what kind of skills everyone has."


Alexander watched as Hayate set down his backpack and was a little curious as to what he was looking for. A small smirk grew on his face when he saw the needle. 'Smart boy.' He leaned up against the wall and watched as Hayate began to approach the dragon to see what he would do.

The dragon looked down at Hayate and snarled, glaring at him. He leaned down so he was right in Hayate's face and stayed there for a moment. He leaned back up and went to swipe Hayate with it's tail.

Rikku tilted her head to the side a little in confusion. 'Is that some kind of drug?' She wondered as she held her hands to her chest and began to watch to see what would happen as well.
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Wed 17 Oct 2012, 5:51 pm
Aoi nodded to his comment and smiled back. "Ok. I won't pry at it then." She said then thought, 'But why did he blush when I asked about her?' She laid there confused at why Daisuke turned even redder and turned his head away then looked down. She turned a really dark red as well when she realized her bossom was almost completely out and sat up quickly, covering herself. "I am so sorry, Daisuke! I didn't mean for that to happen. Its just that this is all I have to wear." She said a little embarassed.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean would, I meant wouldn't. I'm a little tired." Hamaki said as she rubbed the back of her head and yawned. Her eyes shot open when he said that there was another neko and her eyes lit up. 'Maybe he'll ler me take him home?' She thought to herself as she followed him inside. She sat next to him and leaned her head against his shoulder and put her hand on his head and began scratching behind his ears.


'Endurance won't be hard for me then.' Iruka thought as they neared his room. "Nothing more than a few scraps and bruises? I guess that's one way of doing it, but you don't really learn anything from that." He commented as he turned to her and smiled. "Wits huh? Is everyone grouped up into one for one single test or is everyone set up seperately in different test?" He asked as they reached the dorms.


Hayate just stood there when the dragon leaned down to him and stared blankly into it's eyes. He watched as the beast stood back up and got hit by it's tails, still completely emotionless, flipping through the air. He landed on his feet and stumbled a little, but regaining balance quickly. Four arms quickly emerged from the backpack and stopped the dragon from biting him inhalf. He closed the draons mouth and lifted it above his head, staring blankly into the wall across the room. The arms flung the dragon forward, making it slam into the ground and making a small crater. "You really need to learn not to take that drug, Hayate-sama. I feel as if you're using me through brain control." His backpack spoke sarcastically. "Who made who?" Hayate said with a chuckled.
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Fri 19 Oct 2012, 7:14 am
Daisuke nodded when Aoi said she wouldn't pry at the topic of who Asuka was. He looked over at her when she began apologizing and shook his head. "No. It's alright. Just be more careful next time." He thought for a moment as he looked her over a little more closely. "Actually, you and Asuka look like you might wear the same sizes. She probably wont mind if you want to borrow some clothes from her," he said as he stood up, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Come on. Might as well go ask now."

Souske sighed and rubbed his head. "Yeah, yeah. If you're tired, then go to bed already," he said as he continued flipping through channels. He stopped as soon as she started scratching behind his ear again and started to feel tired himself, purring. He slowly closed his eyes, leaning his head on her shoulder. As he started to fall asleep, he cuddled up to her and wrapped his arm around her, burring his face into her neck as his purrs softened.

"Well, sensei may not show it, but he doesn't want any of his students to get hurt. He does whatever he can to protect us." Haruhi closed her eyes and smiled at him as they reached his room and stopped. "Usually he puts us in pairs to see how well we work together and he purpously pairs us up with someone who can easily pass the test with someone who can't. I'm not exactly sure why he does it that way though."

The dragon charged at Hayate and went to bite him, but wasn't expecting to have it's mouth shut again. It let out a growl as it was picked up by his backpack and thrown into the ground. It laid there for a moment, then slowly got up and growled again, but didn't try to attack this time as it sat down and wrapped it's tail around itself.

Alexander chuckled and walked over to the dragon. "Not as hard as it looks, huh? All it takes is knowing what they require to tame them. Once you know that, you can make any creature your familiar." He took his hand out of his pocket and placed it on the dragon and said a quick spell. The dragon vanished and he turned and walked over to Hayate, holding out a paper with a seal on it. "Memorize this seal. You'll be able to summon it from anywhere you have this drawn. It helps to keep it written down for a quick summoning though. Just don't let the seal get destroyed or it'll vanish." He turned his head to Rikku. "Your curiousity is going to get you into trouble one of these days," he said and chuckled again with a smirk.

Rikku's eyes lit up as she ran over to Hayate after he took the paper from the teacher and gave him a quick hug. "That was really Amazing!" She let him go and walked behind him, looking at his backpack curiously. "How'd you do that anyways Haya-kun?" She asked curiously as she poked his backpack.
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Mon 22 Oct 2012, 9:39 am
Aoi nodded and smiled back at Daisuke. Her eyes widened when she noticed him looking at her intently and was a little confused untilhe said something about her being the about the same size as Asuka and blushed a little bit. "Ok..." She said with a smile and got off the bed, following him to Asuka's room.

Koryama woke up to the sound of knocking at the door and ignored it the first time and tried to go back to sleep. He heard the knocking again and kind of growled under his breath as he sleeply sat up and rubbed his eyes. 'Who in the hell is that...?' He got off the bed and walked over to the door and opened it. His eyes shot open when he noticed that it was Daisuke but was confused when he saw the new girl with him. "What the fuck do you want? Don't you see that we're trying to sleep." He said kind of annoyed.


Iruka nodded to her statement and smiled at her. "That's interesting. Wonder who he's gonna put me with since I'm new. He'll probably put me with one of the new students that aren't that capable of not being alone." He said than chuckled and went and sat in his chair. "So how hard do the test get?" He asked as he crossed his legs and arms.


Hamaki was a little surprised when Souske laid his head down on her shoulder an smiled a little bit. She blushed a little when he cuddled up to her and fell asleep. 'Geez he's cute.' She thought that took the remote and turned off the tv. She wrapped her other arm around him and fell asleep as well.


Hayate looked at Alexander and the drug began to wear off. He listened to what he had to say and watched as the dragon disappeared. He looked at the piece of paper when Alexander handed it to him and took it. "But does that--" He was interrupted by Rikku and his backpack and he rolled his eyes. He turned back to Alexander and continued, "But does that also acount for if the copies and destroyed or just the original?" He asked as he folded the piece of paper. He turned back around to Rikku and smiled a little. "It's pretty complicated. I'd have to show you but that would take just way to long. Sorry Rikku-chan."

"Excume ME young lady. Who do you think YOU are poking!?" The backpack said after Rikku poked it. "Why don't you just go through me and mess up my orginization while you're at it. Mabye you'll find something you won't like." He said rudely.
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Tue 23 Oct 2012, 7:00 am
Daisuke smiled at Aoi as she followed him. He stopped in front of Asuka's room and knocked on the door. He waited for a moment. 'Is she even here?' He decided to knock again and waited for another moment, then heard footsteps and smiled. His smile quickly faded when Koryama opened it and glared at him. He grabbed him and pulled him out of the room, closing the door so it would lock. "Oops. Guess I accidently locked you out. Looks like you'll have to sleep in your own room tonight like you're supposed to," he said as he smacked Koryama's back a little hard. He looked at Aoi. "I'll ask her in the morning." He then looked back at Koryama with a smirk. "Night 'buddy'," he said as he turned to leave.

"You never can tell. It's random each time," Haruhi said as she sat down on the edge of Iruka's bed and crossed her legs, her skirt going up quite a bit, but she didn't notice. "The tests vary in difficulty, but I guess the hard ones for me are his mazes since they're full of traps...but it really depends on the person's perspective of 'hard'." She closed her eyes and smiled, leaning back a little and propping herself up with her hands behind her slightly. "Since you're a vampire, he probably wont give you a physical challenge at first, but you never know. He'll even pair us up to fight eachother sometimes so don't underestimate your opponents because some of our weaker looking classmates are pretty crafty and elusive, like the twins."

Alexander shook his head. "No, it doesn't matter if the original is destroyed as long as you remember how to draw that symbol. If whichever you used to summon it is destroyed, the dragon will merely disappear until resummoned. You'll also be able to communicate with it as it grows to trust you, but no one else will be able to understand it." He turned his head and looked over at the clock, seeing that it was pretty late and sighed. "Come on, you two should've been back at the dorms already." He motioned for them to follow as he walked towards the door. "I'll walk back with you. You guys aren't even supposed to be out after dark."

Rikku looked up at Hayate and smiled with a nod. "It's ok Haya-kun." She looked back at the backpack and went to touch it again, but jumped when it started speaking to her. She giggled and patted it a few times. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." She stood up straight and held her hands behind her back. She looked at her teacher and nodded, then jogged over to Alexander.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Thu 25 Oct 2012, 10:01 pm
Aoi was surprised to see that one og the male students was sleeping in one of the girls dorms and she thought, 'Won't they get in trouble for sleeping in the same room?' She giggled at Daisuke's rude remarks and jumped when Koryama tackled him. She stood there with her hands close to her chest as she watched them rumble, kind of like a cat and dog would.

Koryama nearly fell when Daisuke pulled him out of the room. He glared at him when he closed the doorand made his comment. His ears flattened and hissed when he was smacked in the back and tackled Daisuke and pinned him. "You jealous fuck!" He sat up and took a few swings at Daisuke's face, landing a few hits then got pushed off of Daisuke and began rolling with him down the stairs to the living room when Souske and Hamaki were sleeping.


"Uuugggghhhhh..." The backpack groaned as Rikuu patted it. "Oh thank god we're finally going to be away from that arrogant twit for the night." He said outloud and sighed happily. "When we get back tot he room why don't we study that seal and right it down ona bunch of papers since it looks like we'll probably need him later on."

Hayate nodded to Alexanders explaination then looked at Rikku and nodded at her with a smile. 'It is pretty late.' He yawned than turned his head as he began following Alex and chuckled. "Don't be so mean. But I do need to do that. And since this is my first one I should put it in my skin or something." He said as he turned his head.


"Mmmmm." Iruka responded when Haruhi started explaining. He looked down at her legs when she sat down and noticed that she hadn't realized that she skirt was pretty high up and smirked. 'Nice legs.' He thought then looked back up at her face and let her finish her explaination. "Very interesting. And just to let you know, your skirt is pu pretty high. Just thought you should know." He chuckled when she blushed and quickly pulled down her skirt. He then looked up with a confused looked at the door. "What in the fuck is it!?" He asked when he heard loud thuds outside the door.
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Fri 26 Oct 2012, 4:44 am
Daisuke turned just as Koryama tackled him and glared up at him. "I'm jealous!? You were the fucking one who said she was only eye candy!" He tried to block a few of the punches, but still got hit by a couple and growled. As they got down the stairs, he managed to pin down Koryama. "Why don't you just lay off already!?" He asked as he punched Koryama, but got kicked off before he could hit him again, accidently running into Souske. He got up and tackled Koryama again and started rolling around with him again.

Souske's ears perked up, then flattened in annoyance when he heard yelling and slowly sat up. He rubbed his head as he looked over towards the fight. "Are you two at it again? I swear, all this bullshit over some girl..." He stood up, but fell back onto the couch when Daisuke was kicked into him and the fur on his tail and ears stood up as he hissed. "Oh that's it! You guys are dead!" He yelled as he got up and joined into the fight, scratching Daisuke across the face in the process.

Haruhi smiled, but it quickly faded when he said that her skirt was going up and stood up, turning a dark shade of red as she fixed her skirt. "Enjoy the view you pervert?" She asked as she stuck her tounge out and closed her eyes. She crossed her arms and looked over towards the door. "It's probably Koryama and Daisuke fighting again. It's kind of funny since one's a neko and the other is a werewolf. You'll get used to it."

Rikku was about to say something, but stopped as she heard his backpacks comment and looked down, looking a little hurt. She held her hands to her chest and looked down a little more, her hair covering her eyes. "I'm sorry...," she said quietly, then mumbled a quick spell and vanished, teleporting to her room.

Alexander turned his head when he heard Rikku's apology and watched as she left. He sighed and looked over at Hayate as he stopped. "You could stand to program some manners into that thing. She was just curious and she may not look it, but she could probably kick your ass kid. And watch out or her sister will put a curse on you." He turned and continued walking towards the dorms, lighting up another cigarette.
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