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Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 27 Oct 2012, 8:42 pm
After Koryama got tackled agaim he said, "Well maybe if you'd just realize that Asuka don't want you, none of this will happen again!" He looked up at Souske in surprise that he joined in and smirked. 'Maybe Daisuke should quit trying to beat the shit out of me since he's almost always out numbered two-to-one.' After a little while longer he felt like he wasn't able to control himself anymore and was slammed against one of the walls, arms and legs being pinned by some invisible force. He glared at Hamaki and hissed at her. "Let me down this second, bitch!" He yelled as he tried to struggle free but was to no avail. He looked up at her when she walked up to him and had a very shocked and surprised look on on his face when she slapped him.

Hamaki awoke to yelling and rubbed her eyes as she sat up and looked around. 'Geez... Is it going to be like this all the time.' She got up and rubbed the back of her head as she turned around to the dog and cat fight. "Alright, that's enough." She said firmly and lifted her right hand, throwing it behind her, making the three fly into three different walls. "This should teach you trouble making trio." She walked up to Koryama and Souske, slapping them without a word said then walked over to Daisuke and flicked him on the nose. She giggled and walked back ofer to the sofa, sitting on it. "Looks like down that really does work on neko's and werewolves." She giggled some more then turned the tv back on.

"I could probably get a better look if you were mine, but I'm no pervert. I just thought you should know." Iruka chuckledthen stood up as well. "Sounds like this is going to be an interesting school experiance." He chuckled some then walked over tot he door and opened it. "Come on, sounds like the fighting has stopped." He said as he looked back at Haruhi and motioned her to follow him as he exited the room.

Aoi jumped and watched as Koryama and Daisuke started fighting. 'What int eh world is up with those to?' She thought puzzlingly as she slowly followed them downstairs. She quietly giggled when she got halfway down the stairs and watched as the three boys were detained so easily and sat on the stairs as she waited for something else to happen.


Hayate quickly looked at Rikku when she apologized started to talk but he wasn't able to get more than a mumble out before she disappeared. "Great. Thanks to you She won't want to hang around me anymore." He said as he hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. He looked at Alex when he started talking and nodded to his suggestion. "But it's not my fault. The damned system grew a mind of it's own..." He looked down and pouted a little bit. He turned his head so he could speak to his backpack. "When we get back tot he dorms, you're going through a complete over haul!"

"Oooohhhh, what's one girl to you where you can generate anyone you want." The backpack said very sarcastically. It gasped when it heard what Hayate had said then started to panic a little bit. "Come on... We don't have to get all hyped up over one girl so we...?" It laughed nervously but knew it would have to be done.
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 27 Oct 2012, 9:48 pm
Daisuke's eyes widened when he was scratched across the cheek. "What the fuck!" He glared at Souske and punched him. As he went to push Koryama off of him, he noticed that he couldn't control his arms or legs, then was suddenly pinned up against a wall. He looked over at Hamaki. "What gives you the right to interefere---ow!" He shook his head after she flicked his nose and kind of pouted. 'Stupid little bitch...' He looked down, his hair covering his eyes, ignoring the blood that ran down his cheek from the scratch.

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "Sorry, but I'm not allowed to date so I couldn't be yours anyways," she said then smirked. "My father still needs to pick my husband. Maybe you'll get lucky," she teased and began following him downstairs. She stopped at the top and noticed the three boys pinned up against a wall and giggled. She hopped over the side, landing lightly on her feet and jogged over to Souske. "Awww, poor Sou-kun. Did you get in trouble? You're usually such a good boy," she said in a teasing tone and patted his head, giggling to his response.

Souske stumbled back when he was punched. He wiped his mouth and hissed at Daisuke and went to pounch on him, but was thrown up against a wall. He struggled and hissed at Hamaki when she approached him. His eyes widened when she slapped him and was a little dumbfounded. He grew an annoyed look when Haruhi ran over to him and his tail started wagging in aggrivation, his ears laying flat. "Touch me again and I'll bite your fucking hand..."

Alexander chuckled as he listened to Hayate rant about his backpack and threatened it, taking cigarette out and lighting it as they approached the dorms. He exhaled the smoke and opened the door. He stepped inside and looked at the three boys curiously. "That's a good look for you guys. Tied up like the animals you are. Looks like someone already has you trained." He chuckled again, then looked at Hayate. "Have fun with that backpack." He smirked and left without another word, heading home through the forest.

Miyuki banged on her sister's door. "Rikku! Open this door before I burn it down!" She yelled, but was getting no response and sighed. "Fine, have it your way..." She mumbled a spell, putting her hand on the door. She jumped back when she got a sudden shock. "She put a spell on her room. That's just great..." She crossed her arms, leaning up against the wall across from her sister's door. "I'm not leaving this spot til you open the door! I'll stay up all night if I have to!"
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Thu 01 Nov 2012, 4:26 am
Washu was nearly dozing off while she waited for Hayate. "It's getting dark, I better get back to the dorms." She said to herself then stood up and began walking back to the dorms. "I think he may have ditched me. Not like it's the first time, but he needs to quit promising that he won't." She giggled as she continued to talk to herself.


Hamaki giggled at all the boys' reactions when she sat down. She looked at Souske and said, "Be nice, she's just teasing you." She flipped through some of the channels before Alexander entered the room. When he did she looked up at him. She smiled giggled at his comment. "I wouldn't say 'trained." She had a curioused look on her face when Alexander said something about having fun with Hayate backpack. Ahe looked at Hayate when she was Alex left and asked, "What did he mean by 'Have fun with your backpack?"

"Oh shut up!" Koryama snapped at Alex when he said that they looked good tied up to the wall, but he was ignored and hissed. He kind of chuckled when Souske started getting bugged. "Well atleast your not having to fight someone off for a girl." He realized after he said that he let out his motives and slowly turned his head to Daisuke. "Hehe, you were never supposed to know that until later on. But it doesn't matter now, You'll never get the chance." He chuckled in a dickish manner then looked Hamaki. "So when are you gonna let us go!? I aien't staying here all night!"

Aoi looked back when she heard footsteps and watched as she bounded over the railing. 'That was cool, but was it necessary?' She giggled then looked back down at the other classmates and giggled quietly. She looked up and watched Iruka walk downt he stairs and followed him down them.

Iruka watched as Haruhi jumped over the railing and rolled his eyes. "That was unnecessary." He said to himself as he walked passed Aoi, looking at the three guys on the wall. 'Geez... If their subdued by a mage that easily I wonder how they fare with the teachers tests.' He chuckled and sat on the couch and chuckled somemore when he heard Koryama's question.

Hayate followed the teacher inside the dorms and looked the boys as well and chuckled a little. He looked up at Alex and nodded, turning around to glare at his backpack. He then turned to Hamaki and said, "Well I have to reprogram the A.I. chip that is in my backpack since he is supposed to be a robot butler, but instead I think I went wrong somewhere." He smiled at her and walked up the stairs and halfway down the hall he noticed Miyuki and smiled and walked up to her. "Hey there. Is she still upset?"

"Oh great... This is going to be 'fabulous'." The backpack said after Alex made his comment. "Why did you even make a robot butler anyways?" He noticed that he was being ignored so he stayed quiet as Hayate started walking up the stairs.
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Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Mon 05 Nov 2012, 7:34 am
Alexander walked up to his door and walked into his home. He took his jacket off and hung it up. He slipped his shoes off and headed over to the fridge, grabbing a beer. "These kids are gonna be the death of me." He opened it and took a drink as he headed to his room. He opened the door and stopped dead with a slightly annoyed look when he saw Shizune laying on his bed, the blanket barely covering her naked body. "How'd you get past my security system?" He sighed as he set down his drink on a nearby table. "Nevermind. Just get out," he said as he losened his tie.

"I know she's teasing me. Now can you let us down so I can go to bed?" Souske asked as his tail whipped back and forth, looking over at Hamaki.

Daisuke looked up and glared at Koryama. "So, the cats out of the bag huh?" He smirked. "You're just some jerk using her for you're own sexual desires. She's probably never gonna speak to you again after what you did anyways, so I don't have to worry anymore." He chuckled, then looked at Hamaki as well and wondered if she was going to let them down anytime soon.

Haruhi poked Souske's nose. "You're always such a loner Sou-kun. You really need to lighten up." She walked over to a nearby chair and sat down, crossing her legs as she leaned back. She closed her eyes, covering her mouth as she yawned. She normally went to be pretty early, so now that it was dark, she was really tired.

Miyuki turned her head when she heard Hayate and glared at him. "Well, let's see, she put a spell on her room so I can't get in and refuses to talk to me. What do you think?" She asked sarcastically, pushing herself off the wall. She poked his chest pretty hard. "Whatever you fucking did to my sister, you better find a way to make her feel better or I'll kick your fucking ass!" She whipped around, throwing a fireball at Rikku's door and watched as it hit an invisible barrier. "She's the only one who can stop my magic, so without her help, nothing will stop me from setting you on fire." She glared at Hayate again, her eyes seeming to have flames in them. She walked over to the door and kicked it, ignoring the few sparks from the shocks she was reciving. "Rikku! Open this damn door right now! I will find a way in there if it kills me!" She was pissed, which was pretty obvious.

Rikku could hear her sister yelling to get into the room and pulled her knees to her chest. She was hoping that if she stayed quiet long enough, her sister would just leave, thinking she was asleep.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 24 Nov 2012, 9:08 am
Shizune chuckled a little when she heard Alex's question. She watched him as he walked over to his closet and giggled at his statement. "Unfortunately for you, neither of us can leave..." She said as she uncovered herself and got off the bed. She strolled over to Alexander and wrapped her arms around his waist, starting to try to help him undress. "... We can't leave until you give me what I want." She continued as she rubbed her body up his back and kissed his neck.


Hayate's eyes widened when Miyuki started yelling at him and took a step back, rubbing his chest after she poked him in the chest. 'Why does everyone think that it's my fault that Rikku is upset!?' He thought as he sighed and watched as she continued to try and get her sister to come out. "Well I-I'll figure it out after I get this damned backpack to work the way I want it to." Hayate stated as he turned his head to look at his backpack. He turned back and began walking towards his room.

"There's no need for that now, sir." The backpack said as it nervously chuckled. "I-I-I can change, even though I am an A.I., I can still try, sir..." It sighed and bounced along as Hayate walked to the room.


When Washu got to the dorms she could hear people talking and smiled, walking into the building. Her smile faded when she saw three boys pinned to the walls by an invisible force and pondered why they were up there. She inhaled heavily and caught Hayates scent and let out a big sigh of relief. 'Well atleast he made it back alright.' She smiled and waved to everyone as she yawned and began walking over to the stairs.

Koryama hissed at Daisuke after he made his comment. 'Just you wait for the next test we're in! I'm not going to go so easy on you if it's a test battle.' He thought then looked back down at Hamaki waiting for a response. He stumbled a little bit since he wasn't really paying attention when she let them go and stumbled a little bit as he hit the floor. He turned to the stairs and ignored anyone who tried to talk to him as he walked to his room.

Aoi sat down in a chair and across the room and crossed her legs, making a book of white mage spells appear in her hands. 'I really need to catch up on my studing... Otherwise I won't be much of a white mage' She thought then looked up when she heard someone ask her a question.

"Alright, alright, fine. Jeez you boys are no fun at all, especially since I was planning on doing something later." Hamaki said sarcastically but making it seem like she was meaning it. She looked over at Iruka when he went and sat next to her. "So are you going to start any trouble as well?" She smirked at him as she waiting for his answer. "Good." She smiled at him then looked over at Aoi when she noticed that she had a white mage spell book and looked at her curiously. "So you haven't learned all the white mage spells from that beginners book yet?" She chuckled and sat forward. "You really need to get going on that because I heard that if you don't know a certain amount of spells by the time your eight-teen, the heads of the white mages either kick that person out or kill them." She said convincingly but didn't mean a word of what she had just said.

Iruka turned to Hamaki when she asked her question and raised one of his eyebrows. "Of course not. I'm not a stupid scardy cat or weiner dog."He chuckled and looked around at the neko and dog-boy. "And if either of you two have a problem with me calling you guys that, then to bad."
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 24 Nov 2012, 11:10 am
Alexander glanced back at Shizune curiously when she stated that neither of them could leave. He sighed in annoyance when she stood up and began walking over to him. He looked down at her hands when she began undressing him and kissing his neck. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He asked, but didn't seem to be doing anything to stop her this time. "Why is it that you want this one night stand so badly?" He wondered as he turned to face her.


Miyuki glared at Hayate. "You better," she said, trying to calm down a little as she gave up trying to get into the room. She crossed her arms, leaning up against the wall as she watched Hayate leave. She rolled her eyes and leaned her head back, closing her eyes.


Rikku glanced over at the door when she heard the noises stop from her sister trying to force her way in. She looked down and sat there for a moment. 'I should go apologize to him for up and leaving like that...and that people are blaming him...' She stood up and waved her hand, whispering a spell. 'Better sneak out so Miyu doesn't catch me.' She hopped up, now floating thanks to her spell. She didn't know hardly any attack spells like her sister, but she was extremely knowledgable with everything else. She cast another spell and phased through the wall to the outside. 'Let's see...which room is his...' She peeked in through the windows, trying not to be seen in case someone else was in the rooms. When she spotted him, she noticed he was sitting down and doing something with his backpack. She closed her eyes and smiled, going over a little and into the room next to his. She moved til she would've came up behind him and phased through the wall behind him. She leaned over his shoulder, holding her hands behind her back and was still floating a few inches off the ground. "Whatcha doing?" She asked curiously, trying to startle him.


Daisuke stumbled a little as he was let down. He turned his head and chuckled when he saw Koryama fall, then watched as he left without a word. He then turned his head to Iruka and stared at him for a moment before responding. "Better learn to keep your mouth shut or you might end up getting hurt," he said, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Fucking vampires," he then mumbled as he turned with annoyance and walked over to Souske, putting his arm around his neck. "I should punch you for scratching me earlier," he said with a smirk as he used his other hand to point to the scratch on his cheek.

Souske flicked Haruhi in the forehead after he was let down. "You should go to bed too. I'm not gonna drag you out of bed again if you over sleep." He turned and began walking towards the stairs, but stumbled and came to a stop when Daisuke put his arm around him. His tail whipped back and forth in annoyance. "You deserve it for waking me up. Besides, you're the class coward. You really think you intimidate anyone?" He asked, pushing Daisuke away and continuing up the stairs to his room.

Daisuke crossed his arms and pouted. "I'm not that much of a coward," he mumbled, but no one ever caught on that it was an act since they've never seen his true agenda. Hell, they didn't even know he carried a gun on him at all times. He looked over at Hamaki. "Aw, don't scare her," he said, refering to the comment made to Aoi. He turned his head to Aoi and smiled. "Don't worry, she's just messing with you. You should try asking Rikku though if you want some help learning spells."

Haruhi rubbed her forehead when Souske flicked her and stuck her tounge out at him. She turned, holding her hands behind her back as she watched everything. She couldn't help but giggle when she heard Daisuke trying to keep Hamaki from teasing Aoi and ran over, jumping onto his back and wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I've never seen you stick up for anyone but Asuka," she teased with a big smirk, poking his cheek. "Don't tell me you like her now too. Havn't you heard that cats and dogs just don't mix?" She continued and chuckled.

Daisuke stumbled, looking over his shoulder at Haruhi when she jumped on him. He seemed used to it. It wasn't unusual for her to do that to him or Souske. She even tackled Asuka on occassion. He rolled his eyes to her comment, not phased by her tease, keeping his hands in his pockets as he regained his balance. "Don't you have anything better to do than try and embarass others?" He asked. Haruhi closed her eyes and smiled. "Nope!" Daisuke couldn't help but laugh at her response. "Alright, just get off of me."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Location : Modesto, Ca

High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Wed 05 Dec 2012, 11:48 am
"Is it so wrong for a woman to be stubborn about fucking such a hot guy like you?" Shizune asked as she continued to help Alexander undress. She smiled at him when he turned around and let his pants fall to the floor. "Awww, your shirt's in the way." She said in a seductive manner and began lifting his shirt. She smirked when she got the shirt off and placed her hand on his dick, stroking it slowly as she began to grow hornier and wetter.


When Hayate entered his room his room, he kind of slammed the door and roughfly took off his backpack. He sat down in his chair and slammed the backpack down on the floor and began fiddling with it. "This is the last time you are going to embarrass me." He managed to pull out the chip with ease and set it aside. Hayate nearly jumped out of his skin, knocking the table over that had a glass of water and the chip. He regained his balance as he held his hand to his heart. He looked down at the spilled water and and all of the color drained from his face as he let his arm fall to his side and his jaw dropped. He was speechless for quite a while.

When Washu got to the top of the stairs she noticed Miyuki leaning up against the wall and smirked. "So what's with the long face, Miyu-chan?" She asked in a sarcastic tone as she walked up to her.


Iruka chuckled at Daisuke's comment and turned around so he was facing him. "Why don't you teach me then, oh great and powerful werepuppy?" He bowed his head as he laughed and in a dickish manner. He continued to listen to their arguing and couldn't help but chuckle every once in a while.

Hamaki turned back to look at Daisuke and kind of glared at him, "All I was doing was trying to get her goat. Now calm down before I strip you and leave you on a crucifix so everyone can point and laugh at your small penis." She smirked and chuckled, turning away as she shooed him by waving her hand at him.

Aoi's ears fell flat and her head fell to where she was looking down at the ground. She felt so embarrassed the she felt like she was about to cry from her comment. She rose her head slowly after hearing what Daisuke said and felt a little better. 'No one has ever stuck up to a bully for me before...' She thought then sat up extremely quick as her face turned a dark shade of red when Haruhi made her comment. She tried to hide it the best she could, but she wasn't seeming to be able to.
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High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā) - Page 3 Empty Re: High School Horror (Haisukūru· horā)

Sat 22 Dec 2012, 5:08 am
Alexander placed his hand on the side of Shizune's neck. "Depends if that's the only reason you want any." He let her take off his shirt, then put his hand back where it was. "Don't expect anything more after tonight." He leaned over and kissed her. He wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her against him as he closed his eyes. He pulled away from the kiss and moved down to her neck, sucking and kissing on her neck.


Rikku tilted her head to the side in confusion when Hayate stood there silently. She looked over at the spilled water and the microchip now laying in it. She landed softly on the ground, walking over to the chip and picking it up. "I didn't mean to scare you." She placed it in the palm of her hand, covering the chip with her other hand as she closed her eyes. In the center of her hand came a yellow glow as she mumbled something softley. After a moment, she opened her eyes and turned to him. "I came here to apologize and tell you that you shouldn't have to do anything to punish it. I was being kind of careless, so I guess I deserved it a little." She closed her eyes and smiled as she held the chip out to him. "My father taught me how to reverse time on an object, so it should be good as new."


Miyuki turned her head when she heard Washu approaching her. "You're idiot friend did something to hurt my sister's feelings and she refuses to come out of her room. Now go away." She turned her head back to the door and stayed silent, ignoring anything else that Washu was going to say.

Souske walked past Washu and Miyuki as he headed to his room, ignoring both of them. He walked to his room and slammed the door behind him. He took his jacket off, walking over to his bed and laying down. His tail whipped back and forth with annoyance as he stared up at the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes. 'I was comfortable too. Those two need to learn how to get along one of these days...'

Daisuke glared at Iruka for his comment. "I don't have time to deal with an annoying brat." He looked at Haruhi and waited for her to get off of him. She stuck her tounge out, then hopped off his back, placing her hands on her hips. "Can't you get along with any of the men in this house? Jeez Daisuke." Daisuke rolled his eyes, then looked over at Hamaki and smirked, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be laughing. If you want, I can prove that." He chuckled, then glanced over at Aoi and noticed her blushing. He decided not to say anything though and turned back to Haruhi. "I'm going for a walk. Cover for me." Haruhi giggled and playfully saluted him. "Yes sir! Just don't stay out all night. Sensei is getting tired of you sleeping in class." She giggled, putting her hand back down. Daisuke nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Seeya brat," he said as he poked her nose. He turned and walked towards the front door to head outside.
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