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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Mon 06 Aug 2012, 6:49 pm
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Wed 08 Aug 2012, 12:49 am
Itsuko stood up and stretched her arms above her head. "Jeez...what a day..." She set her tools back in her toolbox and started cleaning up her things. She glanced up at the clock. "Guess I can clock out now." She picked up her things and headed into the back room to put them away. Itsuko clocked out, then went over to the restroom to get cleaned up. "I always smell like grease and oil after work. I need a break from working all the time," she said as she washed her face. She grabbed a towel and wiped her face with it before setting it down on the sink. She rested her hands on the sink as she leaned forward, looking at herself in the mirror. "What guy would want a girl like me? Guess I'm stuck here for the rest of my life..."

Alexander had just gotten off of work and was still in his military uniform. He walked into a bar and sat down at a table near the back. He didn't seem interested in the girls dancing or anyone around him in fact. He pulled out his laptop and began typing in his password and information to log into the military mainframe. He started going over some reports that were made earlier that day by other military officers. 'Nothing exciting ever happens here and that's how it should stay.' He adjusted his glasses and continued typing, not paying any attention to anything or anyone around him.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 1:15 am

Misaki was in the same bar, completely drunk after drinking about 5 bottles of beer. She would always do that when she had finish her work.

In front of her, there was a couple kissing, and the man was totally drooling over the woman. She raised an eyebrow and disgusted she glared at the man "Oi... If you want to fuck her, go rent a room." she said and crossed her arms. The man though glared back at her and punched her "Are you even a woman? How you dare talk to me" Misaki tilted her head in confusion as she rubbed her hair "Huh? I'm a woman... It's not like I chose it... Oh wait... Why you punched me?!" she said as she was being dizzy, and then punched the man back and run away.

After a while she noticed a man typing on his Laptop, it was Alex. She had a good sight so she glanced on his screen for a second, noticing the military interface. She then walked behind him, giggling "Nothing exciting ever happens here and that's how it should stay? Naah... Are you a rookie? There are spies everywhere, they notice you, but you don't notice them. You should better write 'I'm at the bar drooling over half naked girls and having fun'" she said as she opened another bottle of beer, drinking it. She then moved next to Alex and sat on a chair, placing her hand on his shoulder "You know... That's not a safe place but who cares? I was even called a man, I mean... How can you even treat a scientist, an ex soldier like that? Tsk tsk tsk, I would kick his ass but he is lucky that I feel dizzy..." she said and then pulled her hand, taking another sip of her beer. She was completely drunk and she was like a tomboy. She then turned her head at the other side, noticing another woman smoking so she smiled, leaning over her as she was drunk "Can I have a cigarette please?" she said and coughed, almost like throwing up. The woman glanced at her and then pushed her over without a word as she stood up and left "Ow that hurt! You are not a lady at all" she said and sighed, rubbing her hair and turning them into a mess. "Women are so tiresome... I don't get why men like them" well... she didn't even realize she was a woman herself at that time. But in fact she was a tomboy.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 5:24 am
Alexander was ignoring Misaki as she was behind him speaking. He glanced over at her when she sat down next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He went back to what he was doing when she moved her hand. 'A scientist and ex soldier, huh?' That peaked his interest a little bit. He watched as she leaned over to a girl and asked for a cigarette. He chuckled a little when she was pushed over, closing his laptop. Alex pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered them to her with a lighter. "You're quite an interesting girl when you're drunk." He waited for her to take one before pulling one out for himself and lighting it as he leaned back. "So, is there something you need miss? Or are you just so drunk that you walked over to talk nonsense?"

Itsuko walked out of the bathroom, tying her hair back. She waved bye to her boss and left the dock to wander the town. She glanced at her watch which was turned so it was on the bottom of her wrist. "I think my brother is off work by now. I wonder where he's at?" She almost never saw her brother anymore since he got promoted. He normally went to the bars after work and then went home and went to bed. It depressed her a little, but she didn't care too much. It was nice to be on her own. She looked up from her watch, placing her hands behind her head and closing her eyes. 'Maybe I should try dating...then again, no one would ever want a tomboy mechanic...I'm not even that pretty to catch a man's eye anyways...' She opened her eyes, looking a little bit sad as she sighed.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 8:50 am
Kale was working late again. He ha recently acquired the genes giving fire control and had tried it on a rat. He had used the last of it on the rat. He sat and watched as he waited for something to happen. The rat was in a glass casing where if it worked, it wouldn't be able to escape.

He observed as the rat slowly began to burn and evaporate. "Another failed experiment..." he sighed and wrote down the incorrect formula he had just used so he wouldn't use it again. "I can't seem to make this work..." he said and went to another project. "I can't think right now when it's so secluded" he took his block and pencil and headed out to town for some noisy place where he could somehow think better. "No wait, I gotta upload my observation" he quickly went into his lab again and began to type on the computer. This type of research had to go into military matters he had been told. He didn't know why. He typed in the observation and uploaded it as a military report "Experiment x.0 with formula 958849 failed. The subject responded with action 324". "Now to find a better place" he stepped outside and locked the door. Then he typed the password as the lab closed completely and a fingerprint or password was needed to enter. He began heading out of the facility. He greeted a guard who looked at him suspiciously. "Do you have protection?" the guard asked him. "I see you bring your work home so you might as well need the means to protect it well" the guard threw Kale a handgun. kale caught it. "Thanks. Have a nice shift" he placed the gun in his jacked and left for the town.

Kayla sat at the bar with her guitar. She had just spoken to the manager about performing but had been turned down and decided to drown the disappointment. "Just a beer please" she told the waitress. She sat on a bar stool at the counter. "Thanks" she said grabbing the beer. She took a sip and made a face. "Yuck, how can humans drink this..." she thought.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 3:59 pm

Misaki giggled as Alex offered her a cigarette, and she gladly took it. She lit it up and took a sip of it, glancing around. She then noticed a woman, more like one of the bar's girl flirting with men. She then wrapped her arm around Alex's neck and leaned closer to show him "Do you see that woman over there? Near her left breast you can see something that looks like a mole, but it's not. It's a tracking device with microphone. And do you see the man drooling over her, next to her? He is not even human. Look at his hands, he wears gloves, but I can see a small red spot, if he ever raises his hands." she said with a chuckle and turned in front of the bar again, taking a sip of her beer. "I will tell you a secret you might already know. In this spaceship... In fact it stopped. We don't have fuels and aliens are everywhere in here. Be careful rookie" she said with a giggle as she was about to throw up. And so she did, dirtying her own clothes. "Are you kidding me? I just bought this..." she said as she looked at her uniform in disgust and then didn't even hesitate to take another sip of her beer "Like I said, it's in your hand to decide if I'm saying nonsense or not. I'm just a drunk woman... Who cares?" she said with a sigh as she fell asleep on the bar's counter.

Daisuke was also nearby the town. He had just finished a mission and he was still in his uniform. On his way to his apartment, he noticed a tomboy girl and so he chuckled 'Oh well, seems like it will be fun tonight too' he thought to himself with a grin and approached Itsuko. "What a young Miss is doing this night alone?" he said as she put his hands in his pockets and kept waking along with her. He was a womanizer.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 11:32 pm
Alex blushed a little as Misaki wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at her when she leaned closer. He glanced over at the woman and man she was talking about and nodded. He leaned forward against the table when she let him go. "Yeah, I know it's stopped...and quit calling me rookie," he said with a sigh. He kind of chuckled when she got sick on herself. "Can't even hold your liquor." He smiled a little as she fell asleep on the bar. 'Strange girl...but I can't just leave her here...' He looked up at the waitress and asked her to get him a towel. He used it to clean up Misaki a little and sighed. 'How'd I get stuck taking care of some drunk?' He set down the towel and leaned back as he rubbed his head, closing his eyes. "Guess I can just sit here and wait for her to wake up so I can get her home later...not like I've got anything better to do...," he said to himself.

Itsuko glanced at the man who started walking with her and shrugged. "Oh great, another soldier. As if my brother wasn't a pain enough." She stopped, crossing her arms. "I just got off work if you must know why I'm out so late." She looked up at Daisuke. She was fairly short compared to him. "Is there something you want?" She asked as she seemed to be examining him a little as she looked at him from head to toe.
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Wed 08 Aug 2012, 11:59 pm
While Alex was taking care of Misaki, she was even snorting in her sleep! After a while, when Alex was just waiting for her to wake up, she started talking in her sleep "No Mom... I don't drink at nights... Mhhm... No, no the piano music! It drives me nuts" she said and snorted once again. She was sleeping like a baby. Soon, it was time for night program, a classical music night. The introduction started with some piano music, and Misaki startled at the sound of it. She quickly woke up and looked around in panic, taking heavy breaths "No... No.. I... I have to leave this place" she said as she was stopping once in a while, not even able to take breathes in anymore. She was in panic and she placed her hands on her ears to prevent herself from listening to the piano music. Her fear of piano music was because she got caught on a mission, and they tortured her. Ever since then she is afraid of the dark and being alone, and of course she can't even breathe when she hears piano music.

Anyway, she quickly managed to exit the club and as soon as she got out, she sat on the ground next to the bar's door, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes. She was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself "Imagine the seaside, imagine the seaside" she kept repeating as she opened her bag with her hands trembling, taking out a box of pills. She swallowed a few of them and kept closing her eyes, she was full in sweat.

Daisuke chuckled as Itsuko showed such attitude towards him, like she was bullying him or something. He then smiled and looked at his watch "No... Is it wrong to ask you for a drink? Or you might scratch me with your claws?" he said and laughed a bit, looking in her eyes. He then took off his hat and held it in his hand "Then... Taking off my hat is better?" he said, referring to her comment about soldiers. He lit up a cigarette and sighed teasingly "To be honest, you are cute... No... You are not cute at all, I was kidding" he said with a chuckle and then he added "You are attractive though"
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 1:31 am
Alexander looked at Misaki and watched her as she talked in her sleep. He jumped a little when she suddenly woke up and said she had to leave. He watched as she left the bar in a panic as he rubbed the back of his head. "Alrighty then..." He sighed and paid for his drink before he got up to follow her outside. As he walked out the door, he looked at Misaki, walking in front of her and kneeling down. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. Just take deep breaths..." He noticed she kept repeating something about the seaside and smiled a little as he tried to comfort her. "You like the ocean, right? What is it you like about it?" He asked, trying to get her mind off of what happened in the bar.

Itsuko tilted her head to the side, looking a little confused. "Aren't you a little old to be hitting on someone like me?" She smirked. "But I can do a lot more than just use my claws on you..." She put her hands behind her head as he took his hat off and nodded. "Much better." She started to blush when he said she was cute, but glared at him when he said he was kidding. Before she could get mad at him or say anything, he said she was attractive which only made her blush more. She crossed her arms again and smiled as she closed her eyes. "Well, if you're willing to buy a minor a drink, then I don't mind. You're pretty cute yourself."
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 1:58 am
As Misaki was sitting down on the ground, and Alex had placed his hand on her shoulder after kneeling down, she started taking deep breaths but she was full in sweat. She nodded to his question as she gulped. "Yea... My father and I used to go often at the beach when I was younger..." she stopped for a while to take more deep breaths and then she slightly smiled "We used... To collect shells and shiny rocks. But through the years, it was even rare for both of us to be together. He was a soldier, he died on duty. And I... I was young by then, so I decided to follow his career." she said as she then slowly started to recover. She wiped some of her sweat, using her sleeves and then she said with a low voice "But I guess not for long..." referring to her previous comment. She was somehow calmer now, so she looked at Alex in his eyes. She then noticed her dirty shirt so she sighed with a chuckle "I really should control my alcohol" she said with a sigh again, leaning against the wall again with some force "Ouch! What the- Well nevermind, I will just sleep here" she said and closed her eyes smiling. She really didn't bother at all to sleep anywhere, she was used to it. But she then suddenly opened her eyes and leaned in front of Alex again "Oh I forgot, who are you by the way?"

Daisuke chuckled looking at her reactions and then he started laughing. "Well, since I'm an old man I guess I will have to treat you to a drink." he said and then he grinned "But no alcohol young Miss, you are too young for it" he was obviously teasing her about their age, he just couldn't get enough of her. She was so funny. He then pointed at the bar and sighed teasingly again, crossing his arms "So young Miss, shall we go? Or should I be aware of you? You might scratch me with your claws any moment soon" he said and threw his cigarette away, letting a slight chuckle.
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 2:24 am
Alexander listened to her story quietly. He started to feel a little bad when she started talking about her father dying on duty. He began remembering his father and sat down, crossing his legs as he took his glasses off and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and noticed she was looking at him for a moment. He kind of laughed when she hit her head against the wall. He was a bit surprised as she said she was going to sleep right there. "Don't you have an apartment or something? I'm not really comfortable leaving a girl sleeping outside of a bar..." He blushed a little as she leaned closer to him. He put his glasses back on. "Alex...and you are?"

Itsuko rolled her eyes as Daisuke said she couldn't have any alchohol. "Yeah, whatever. It's not like I havn't drank alchohol before." She shook her head, getting annoyed that he was calling her young miss over and over. "I have a name you know. It's Itsuko Akae, not 'young miss'. Keep calling me that and I'll kick your ass." She uncrossed her arms and closed her eyes as she started towards the bar. "Come along 'old man'."
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 2:17 pm
Misaki yawned and rubbed her hair as she stood up, extending her hand to help Alex stand up too. She then started looking on the floor, moving her foot from right to left from embarrassment. "Well... I have a small apartment... And after hearing the piano music, I don't think I will be able to sleep there alone." she said and slightly laughed, adjusting some of her hair that was in front of her eyes. She then raised her eyebrow at Alex's comment and she laughed "Girl? Last time I was called a girl was um...3 years ago! I don't know... Most people think I'm a boy or something, with blond hair." she said and then giggled, blushing a bit as she remembered again Alex calling her a girl. It was a big deal to her. "I'm Misaki Ohkura, Misaki is just fine" she said with a big smile and then turned towards the street "Well Mr Alex, as I said this spaceship is not safe. So be careful" and then she was about to cross the street.

Daisuke kept laughing while he was holding his tummy looking at her reactions "Yes Miss Itsuko!" he said with a salute to tease her as he greeted her in the military way. He then started following her as she was leading the way " You can call this 'old man' Daisuke ya know. And I'm not old, I'm just 27" he stopped for a bit and then chuckled "I take my words back, you are not cute or attractive. You are interesting." he said with a slight laugh, placing his hands in his pockets and waiting for her reaction again.
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 8:24 pm
Alex sighed as he stood up and nodded. "Well, I would still perfer you to be home where you can be safe. The streets are no place to sleep." He slid his hands into his pockets and smiled. "That's a shame. You're pretty cute Misaki. How someone like you can be mistaken for a guy amazes me." He turned and watched her getting ready to cross the street. He closed his eyes and shook his head, then started following her. "I hope you don't mind if I tag along to make sure you get home alright, do you?"

Itsuko glanced back at Daisuke as he started teasing her again. "Well, it's nice to meet you Daisuke. Though, I doubt I'll see you again after tonight. And I'm only 19, so you are an old man compared to me." She stopped when she noticed he had and turned around to face him. She crossed her arms, closing her eyes with a ticked off look. "You're no different than any other guy out there. So I work on ships for a living and don't wear any make-up or dress all sexy, but at least I'm not some fake bimbo whose just looking for a good time." She opened her eyes to look at him. "So if you don't mind, I'm going home. Seeya..." She started walking past him pouting a little bit.
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 9:09 pm
Misaki turned back to look at Alex after she blushed a little. She then smiled, seeing him following her and so she grabbed his arm to lead the way "Thanks for your compliment, but I'm afraid it's true. All I know about is weapons, explosives and science. Men... Men prefer girls dressed up in girly clothes, wearing high heels. I never had the chance to wear those" she said with a slight giggle as they had arrived at her apartment's front door. It was a building full in cracks, it almost looked like it would fall apart anytime soon. She stopped and pulled her hand away from Alex, smiling at him "So this is it." she said and looked at the building as she then rubbed her head in embarrassment for its condition "Well... There was some incident with aliens and a fire... I guess after we stuck here for good, we don;t have the money to repair it. Too bad the Governor hasn't made any announcement to the public yet. Only military knows about it." she said with a sigh and took out from her bag her keys to unlock the door. She then glanced at Alex and slightly smiled "Maybe you would like some coffee before you leave Mr Alex?"

Daisuke grinned with a smile '19 huh? Seems interesting' he thought to himself. He actually wasn't bothered by their age difference at all. As soon as he heard her comment and saw her leaving, he sighed and started following "I... I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to your appearance or anything. I don't like bimbos either" he said and lowered his head as he kept following her. He then glanced at her for a minute and stopped "Could I at least have your number?" well even if she wouldn't give him her contact info, he could still track her since he is in the military. He had a big interest in her indeed.
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 9:49 pm
"You'd probably like my sister. You remind me a lot of her. She's a mechanic and fairly smart for her age when it comes to machines, but when it involves attracting guys, she's not the most wanted girl out there..." Alexander smiled and looked at Misaki. He looked up at her apartment, a bit surprised that she had lived here of all places. "Yeah, I'd heard about it, but I didn't realize anyone still lived here." He shrugged and turned to leave, then stopped as she asked if he wanted any coffee. He rubbed his head and turned back around to face her. "Hmm...sure, why not?" He nodded and walked inside her apartment, looking around for a moment before looking at her. "So you live here by yourself?"

Itsuko glanced back at Daisuke as he started following her and apologizing. "That's a first. A guy like you...I would think you could get any girl you wanted..." She stopped and turned to him with a surprised look on her face when he asked for her phone number. " want to...see me again...?" She started to smile as her eyes lit up. "Yes! O-of course you can have my number!" She closed her eyes and smiled, putting her hands behind her head as she told him her phone number.
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 10:34 pm
Misaki giggled as she closed her eyes and blinked at Alex. She then entered the building, which was full of bugs and cockroaches until she started walking up some stairs, entering a clear white room, full in explosives and gas containers with many laptops. She glanced back at Alex "This is my apartment, I'm staying with an ex- colleague from the Military. You might know him, his name is Daisuke Nomura." she then quickly headed for the kitchen range. The room was one for all, including everything except the bathroom. She started making coffee "If you are wondering what all these are, it's our secret hide out. No one would guess we are here doing our jobs. I help him with the explosives, and he stays here at nights for return." she said as she almost tripped by a cable "Jeez! I told him to move those back" she then managed to make coffee and offered one cup to Alex smiling, as she also sat down "But thanks Mr Alex for helping me at the bar, I hope this will repay somehow..."

Daisuke surprised at her reaction he took out his notepad, writing down her number 'Whoah, I thought she would kick me. She changes mood so fast... Funny.' he thought as he then chuckled, closing his notebook and smiling at her "Then... How about going for a drink now?"
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Thu 09 Aug 2012, 11:26 pm
Alexander glanced at some of the insects as they headed up the stairs. He took a look around the room, a bit surprised by all the explosives and laptops in the room. "Yeah...kind of. I've never met him though if that's what you mean." He shrugged and took the coffee, sitting across from her. He took a sip of it before setting it gently on the table. He looked around the room again. "Don't ever let my sister in here...she'd have a field day..." He looked back at Misaki and kind of smiled. "I'm surprised you're showing me all of this. If it's such a secret, you shouldn't bring guys you just met when you know nothing about them."

Itsuko walked over to him and grabbed his arm, starting to pull him back towards the bar. "Sure! I'd love to have a drink with you Daisuke-kun!" She closed her eyes and smiled, continuing to pull him along til they were back in front of the bar. "So, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself since were here?"
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Wed 29 Aug 2012, 4:31 pm
Misaki giggled at Alex's comment about her sister and then she glanced to Alex. " Let me guess... Your sister is not lady-like at all?"she laughed "Then I guess im the same as her Mr Alex." hearing his comment about why she showed to him thiss room, she let out a big sigh and touched his uniform"You are in the military, my roomate is in the military, i... "She stopped for short while to gulp as she remembered the bad incidents that happen and then she conttinued, bt she lowered her sight. "was at the military. So figure yourself! Even if you are a spy, or something else, I still got nothing to lose." she said with a giggle, placing some hair behind her ear. She was nothing like feminine. Even the way she was dressing up was making People thing that she is a boy. She glanced at Alex again with a smile "You dont look evil to me Mr Alex... So umm...May I ask about your life?"

In the meantime, Daisuke couldnt stop secretly laughing at Itsuko's reactions. She was just so cute to him. 'it seems like I have caught a good fish, the best propably' he thought to himself as he ordered a beer. He then turned to Itsuko and smiled"what you wanna know about this old man who is just twenty eight? Well... Im in the military, special forces and I live with a roomate"
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Wed 29 Aug 2012, 11:34 pm
"Not a bit," Alex said in response as he took a sip of his drink. He looked a little intrigued when she said that she had used to be in the military as well and was slightly taken aback when she said she had nothing to lose. He set down his cup and closed his eyes. "Not much to tell to be honest. My mother died shortly after my sister was born and we were both raised by our father. But he ended up dying in an accident when I was eighteen. So I was stuck raising my sister and to take care of her, I ended up joining the military," he explained, taking another sip of his coffee.

Itsuko kind of gave Daisuke an annoyed look. "Really now? Sounds like an exciting life you have..." She leaned back, closing her eyes and crossing her arms with a sigh. "Man, my brother is the same way. What is it with you military guys and not wanting to talk about your lives?" She opened her eyes and looked back at him. "Well Daisuke, do you have any hobbies or anything? Or are you devoted to your work too and don't have time for anything else?" She asked sarcastically.
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Thu 30 Aug 2012, 6:18 am
Misaki lowered her head hearing to Alex's words and then she glanced at him for a short while" im sorry about your parents. I...umm... I know how it feels like. I lost mine while I was on a mision, back in the military. They were tort..." she suddenky stopped, opening her eyes wide and realizing that she shouldnt have said all these. She bit her lip and sighed "I... Im not good with words. But actually I would like a favor Mr Alex." she said and then turned to his side. Their meeting at the bar wasnt a coincedence at all. She needed help, his help. " Last night... Our meeting in the bar was no coincedence. I knew about you and your sister and i... Need your help." she said and lowered her head, like bowing to him " Im sorry for decieving you, I had no intention at first and about the piano incident... It wss real. But please, please help us. My roomate... Doesnt know I approached you,nwe are working on a plan. Actually , at the pilot room, there are aliens controling everything. We need to get rid of them..." she said and closed her eyes tight. ' I bet his gonna slap me now' she thought to herself.

Daisuje on the other hand, who had no idea about Misaki,s plan, he was flirting with Itsuko. At her comment he chucled and placed his hand around her shoulder, leaning closer to her as be whispered to her ear "are you so interested in me already? I feel flattered" he said teasingly and he then smiled "My missions are secret indeed, but can I trust you my cute kitty?" he said As ue started rubbing her hair. He was such a playboy.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Thu 30 Aug 2012, 10:36 am
Alexander opened his eyes and looked at Misaki when she said she knew how he felt. He looked a little confused. "A favor?" He sat there quietly as he listened to her. He didn't say anything at first and just sat there staring at her. He lifted his hand, but instead of slapping her, he placed it on top of her head as a gentle smile grew on his face. "You could've just come out and asked me. I'd be happy to help Misaki."

Itsuko blushed a little as he put his arm around her shoulder and looked away from him shyly. "I never said I was interested..." She blushed even more and looked up at him when he called her his cute kitty. "I wont tell anyone..." She felt him rubbing her hair and looked down, holding her hands together in her lap as her shyness started to take over.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Thu 30 Aug 2012, 1:15 pm
As Misaki saw Alex raising his hand, she closed her eyes tight and held her hands also tight' he is defenitely going to slap me' she thought, but soon fekt his hand on her head. She glanced at him and noticed his smile. She was somehow confused, but she burst in an embarrassed giggle "i thought... That you would hit me... Th-thank you Mr Alex, I thought that if a stranger would approach you, you would deny... Im sorry im just not good with words anymore... I mean... I have some treatment but I dont think it helps." she said and headed towards a pile of papers and books. She grabbed a big one and placed it in front of Alex. It was the Spaceshep's map. "That is the map of Prometheus, full in detail. Its a constraction wonder, a jewlery to our history. Creating such a big ship, that even have roads and buildings inside it, isnt it wonderful?.. Or that was the case until we run out. If fuel, but guess what. Its a cospiracy within a cospiracy. Talking with you right now, it could lead me jail. This is top secret inFormation that has been leaked out." she said and took a deep breath, sighing. "for now I will just introduce myself to you and tomorrow I will approach you with the plans. My name is Misaki Ohkura, joined the military at 17 being on army. At my 20 I joined the special forces and went on missions solo. At my last mission I went missing for a month and I have been tortured, same as my parents... Bcz I wouldnt tell them information. Now I study science. Explosives are my best treat." she.said and leaned back with a sigh. She didnt really like to talk about her past, but she needed Alex's trust. "I hope my past is not a problem for you Mr Alex. I just need both your sister's and yours as well, help" she said and smiled.

Daisuke chuckled as he took a sip of his beer and he then peaned close to Itsuko again "Im usually on missions involving cospiracies. Thats why im on this ship right now. But... Lets forget about me, and talk about you. Do you know that your eyes are sparkling like the stars?" he said and smiled, caressing her cheek " no need to be shy"
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Fri 31 Aug 2012, 5:34 pm
"I don't hit girls," Alex said as he took his hand off her head and leaned back. He nodded and watched as she got up and walked over to some books and papers. He looked down at the map she placed in front of him curiously. "It is pretty wonderful." He turned his head to look at Misaki when she said she could go to jail just for talking to him and rubbed his head. 'That sucks...' He nodded and listened to her story. His eyes widened a little when she mentioned that she and her parents had been tortured and could tell that it bothered her to talk about it. He shook his head. "It's no problem. But I have to deny my sister having any part in this. I joined to keep her safe, not put her in any danger." He sighed, putting his hand on his head as he closed his eyes.

'Conspiracies huh? Sounds pretty interesting.' Itsuko looked up at him, her face turning a dark shade of red when Daisuke placed his hand on her cheek and complimented her. She shook her head slowly, left speechless by his words. She snapped out of it when he told her not to be shy. "It's...not like I'm used to someone complimenting me..." 'Or flirting,' She thought and sighed, looking away from him again.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Fri 31 Aug 2012, 9:14 pm
Misaki sighed hearing Alex denying about having his sister taking part in it. She folded her hands and leaned closer to Alex " Look, I understand your concern about your sister, but we really do need her as much as we need you Mr Alex. You are the only ones ww can turn to now, and trust. If you are worried about her safety, then I will be in charge of keepiny her safe." She took out a clipper from her pocket and then adjusted her hair with it. With another sigh, she lowered her glance " If I were to say this in other words... I beg you to help us. The government plans to let the aliens eat us, not to mention that they might blow up Prometheus!" Misaki said in a worried tone, hoping that Alex woukd understand and eventualy agree. Misaki then grabbed Alex's hand tight and pouted " Accept or I' m not letting go of this hand. Pfft like we arent in danger already... What nonsense do they feed you in army nowdays?" she said teasingly to Alex. But she wasnt holding his hand really tight, you could even say she was gentle towards him. She then sticjed her tongue out to him and giggled.

Daisuke looked Itsuki in her eyes, touching and raising her cheen, he smiled "but I see a wonderful woman right in front of my eyes. Men must be blind for not liking you." he said and then offered her another drink. He then grabbed her from her waist and leaned closer to her " now how about we go to my place" he slightly grinned.8
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Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sat 01 Sep 2012, 3:17 am
Alexander took his glasses off as he closed his eyes, thinking about her request. He opened his eyes and looked at her when she took his hand and blushed a little when she said she wouldn't let go until he agreed. He set his glasses on the table, then leaned back in his chair. "I guess I could talk to her, but if she says no then thats it. Don't try to force her, got it?" He put his free hand on his head and closed his eyes with a sigh. 'How can I say no when she puts it like that? Not to mention that cute face when she pouts...'

"Yeah, right..." Itsuko said under her breath to his comment. She smiled a little and took a drink, blushing when he wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned closer. She set her drink down and looked up at him. 'He did say he had a roommate so...I guess it wouldn't hurt to go...' She closed her eyes and smiled at Daisuke. "Sure. Ready to go whenever you are."
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