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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 4 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sat 24 Aug 2013, 9:49 pm
"That's strange..." Alexander looked up from the files at his sister when she spoke. "What is?"

Itsuko pointed to a map towards a district. "The camera's in this district have all been disabled, but it doesn't seem that way. It plays the same feed over and over to make it seem like they're still on."

Alexander set down the files and stood up. "Then that's where I'll start looking." Itsuko looked at her brother and stood up as well. "Then I'm coming with you." Alexander glared at her. "No you aren't." Itsuko placed her hands on her hips and glared back at him. "Yes I am. Like it or not, you'll need my help finding her. I can help cut your search time in half." Alexander stood there in silence for a moment as he thought about it. She was right, but...

"I don't care. Stay here and see if you can get those cameras back online. Understood?" Itsuko went to say something, but her brother's glare kept her silent. She nodded and sat back down. "Yes..." Alexander turned and grabbed his things, then went out the door.

It didn't take long for Alexander to arrive at the district. He just hope he wasn't too late. But as he looked around, things seemed quiet. Too quiet. 'Where is everyone?' Th district wasn't a very popular one. Everyone pretty much stayed away from it. Military personnel weren't welcome here. The thieves, criminals, even murderers came here for a safe zone. Or, so he had heard at least. As he walked through the empty streets, he thought he heard a noise, but didn't know where it was coming from or if he was just imagining things.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 4 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sun 25 Aug 2013, 12:57 am
Misaki glanced around, watching the aliens surrounding her, she sighed 'It's been a day they fixed my stitches and yet I'm so unlucky to have to fight my way out...' she thought as she made a few steps back, reaching a wall. 'They are just so many, I can't fight them all' she kept thinking as she was observing the place, looking for any weapons or exits. It was no use, the aliens were so many that even if she spotted one, she couldn't reach it. She sighed as she then thought again 'If I had my phone I could call Daisuke for help... Alex has no idea where I am... But... He knew I was in hospital the other day because of my thoughts. What if I think of this place and maybe if I'm luck enough, Alex will notice?' and so she made a step forward, grinning at the alien in front of her as she kicked it at its face "Come on Alex, read my thoughts!" she shouted as she kept punching the alien which she earlier kicked only to be interrupted by another alien who tossed her away at a wall, and so she screamed in pain.
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Sun 25 Aug 2013, 6:05 pm
A bullet hit three of the aliens closest to Misaki. "Why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?" Alexander was standing in the doorway with his gun drawn. The last thing he expected was a bunch of aliens being on the ship. "You alright Misaki?" He asked as he readied his weapon to defend himself as well as her if he needed to.

Itsuko sighed. She was having some trouble hacking into the cameras in the district. "Whoever this was sure knew what they were doing." She leaned back in her chair. "These codes are more advanced than what the military puts up. I'd love to meet this guy," she stated with a smirk. She looked at the time. 'Maybe I should call Daisuke...I'm starting to worry,' she thought as she grabbed her phone and started dialing his number. 'Good thing he gave it to me.'
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Sun 25 Aug 2013, 6:26 pm
Misaki gasped in surprised as she heard a gun firing a few times, she then glanced around and saw Alex. "Alex!" she said excitedly as she got up and grabbed an alien. "I thought it wouldn't work, did my thoughts really come to you?" she asked him as she kept punching the alien she earlier grabbed, leaving him consciousless. She then opened the alien's suit and took two injections ,which were glowing blue, she found in its pocket with a smirk, injecting one to her skin. It was a patent made by the terrorists, giving her high stamina. "Alex we can't kill them all, they will just come more of them. We have to go!" she shouted as she was making her way to him, while kicking any aliens in her way. As she was walking, she noticed the necklace Layton had dropped. She stood for a moment to think and then quickly grabbed as she secretly placed it in her pocket. 'I might need this.' she thought and then reached Alex.

As Daisuke was into the military database, searching for any recording or sightings of Misaki, his attention was interrupted by a call. He quickly took it out of his pocket and answered worryingly "Misaki!" only to soon realize it was not her but Itsuko. He sighed and then responded "Oh... Itsuko. What is it?" he said seeming disappointed.
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Sun 25 Aug 2013, 7:55 pm
"I was in the area. You can thank my sister for that," Alexander explained as she unloaded his clip on a few more of the aliens and quickly reloaded. "Don't you think I know that?" He grabbed Misaki's hand once she reached him and ran out the door with her. "It's not a matter of taking them all on. We just got to be able to get away from them. Whose responsible for this anyway?"

"My brother had me hack into the security and the southern district was going through a loop. He went there looking for that girl who went missing, but he's been gone for a while. I've been trying to hack into them, but whoever this was came prepared. I'm starting to get worried..." Itsuko stood up and grabbed her things. "I was hoping you had heard something..." she said as she opened the front door, but stopped when she saw someone standing there. "...One sec," she said to Daisuke, then pulled the phone away from her ear. "Can I help you sir?"
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Tue 27 Aug 2013, 5:07 pm

Misaki sighed as she heard that Alex found her not because she thought about it, but because he was nearby. 'I thought he had some kind of connection... Why am I even disappointed that we don't have one. What exactly is he to me?' she wondered as Alex grabbed her hand. She then without a word let go of his hand and stared at him for a second. "It's a long story." she said and made a jump towards him, stepping on his shoulders and opened a tile at the ceiling before climbing up. She then offered her hand down at Alex with a slight smile "Come on, what are you waiting for? There is no way to escape through the door anyways. They can't fit in here!" she said and extended her hand for him to climb. 'I doubt Daisuke informed anyone I was missing. I guess I'm just lucky that Alex was around, and even was kind enough to save me. Can I really repay this to him... The state I am now?' she thought as with her other hand she squeezed the necklace in her pocket.

Daisuke left everything he was working on and gave all his attention to Itsuko on the phone. As he heard of a girl missing he instantly thought of Misaki. "Perhaps you don't mean Misaki Ohkura right? She was my partner back in the military." he said and then kept listening to her. And then he replied "Yes, I have a slight idea on who they might be but I'm not sure yet. If Alex went there to save Misaki, then I assume they are already safe... for now." he said and stopped as Itsuko told him to wait for a while. Even though Itsuko pulled the phone away from her ear, he could still hear what was going on in the room and as he heard the man's voice he got startled. "Itsuko? Can you hear me Itsuko? Is everything alright?"
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Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:27 pm
Alexander stopped when she let go of his hand and looked at Misaki. "Long story?" He was caught a little off guard when she jumped onto his shoulders. He looked up at her as she climbed into the vent. He smiled as he reached up and grabbed her hand. Once she helped him up into the vent, he looked down at the aliens and sighed. "So, now how do we get out of here?" He asked as he looked at Misaki.

Itsuko stood there with a confused look when the man was no longer there after saying hello. "That was weird..." Though, when she thought about it, it wasn't unusual for people with illusional or teleporting powers to play a joke on the people around here. She shrugged her shoulders and put the phone back in her ear. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just some weirdo. Anyways, yeah. I think it was Misaki. But I don't think they'll be able to get away so easily. Besides, whoever kidnapped her had to have wanted something from her. You said she was a tech expert like me. Maybe they want to use her to hack into the ships systems or something?" She was merely just throwing out ideas, though it wasn't hard to do that anyways. She would know after all.
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Wed 28 Aug 2013, 11:06 pm

As soon as Alex climbed into the vent, she let go of his hand and turned her back at him, falling into her four. Wearing her tight battle suit would make her ass look pretty tight, but she had no idea. As she started crawling she started talking to Alex who was right behind her "I remember crawling in here when I was young. My parents used to guard this ship when it was still under construction." she said with a slight giggle as she remembered the past and then added "I don't know how much the designs from the blueprints have changed, but I hope I can let us out safely..." she said and then stopped, changing quickly the subject on her own as if she didn't want to talk about her past anymore. "Umm so... About the aliens... How to say this..." she hesitated talking to Alex about it, but she had no choice. She needed him to trust her in order to win. It's not like she didn't want to tell him, she just couldn't find the right words. "Um yeah, well I think their boss is linked with some terrorists from the past. I don't know how or why they agreed working with him but whatever the case is, we gotta act fast before they kill more people. Most of the people in this ship aren't informed about the cruelties that occurred here because they wanted to avoid panic. But in fact we have no gas or food supplies that will last for long..." she said and kept crawling until she stepped on a mouse's crap. "Yuck, what is that?" she uttered softly as she raised her hand. It was pitch black so she couldn't see anything, but she then unzipped the front of her suit, making her breasts reveal a little and took out her cellphone, using flash light to see. After watching that she stepped on poop she sighed and wipped it off on her legs area. "Great..." she uttered in disgust. Without zipping back her her suit as she forgot, she kept using the flash light and started crawling again.

When Itsuko answered back, Daisuke made a sigh of relief as he was worried. "Did anything happen?... Anyways. Yeah, Misaki was a tech and communications expert back in the army. But her speciality was different... She knows how to make explosions even out of water!" he said with his voice sounding kinda of excited. He was admiring that aspect of Misaki. Daisuke listened to Itsuko and then he sighed "I doubt they kidnapped her to hack the ship's system. This ship is out of fuel, and soon out of supplies. Unless they want the data on it... Or steal the ship and ask for money... Or just want to blow us up." he said, having millions of thoughts in his head as he had no idea what would someone want Misaki for as she had quit the army for some years now. "We should meet up. If Alex went to find Misaki, then they might be in trouble. Meet me at the east lobby. It's the same place Misaki and I got attacked."
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Thu 29 Aug 2013, 5:18 pm
Alexander looked up as Misaki turned around to lead the way and blushed slightly. 'Well, at least I get a great view. Too bad it's so dark in here.' "Well, as long as we get out of here then I don't particularly care where we end up. It's pretty cramped," he pointed out as he followed her through the vents. He stopped when she did and gave her a weird look. As he listened to her, he was surprised on how much she knew being an ex soldier. She was definitely a higher rank than he was at one point considering he wasn't even informed of the ships situations. He started to follow her again, but her sudden stop this time made him bump into her. "Why do you keep stopping?" He asked as he moved back a few inches. He heard something unzip and tilted his head to the side a little. When he saw the light from her cell phone, he had caught a glimpse of her breasts and sighed. 'This is just torture...,' he thought before continuing to follow her again. "So what exactly did they want with you?"

Itsuko shook her head without really thinking that he wouldn't have been able to hear her. She walked down the stairway and down the street as she listened to him. "That sounds kind of cool. How exactly does she do it?" She stopped and looked up towards the sky, or, the stars I guess you could say seen through the glass. "It could be anything. The question is, how do we find out what their motive is?" She looked back ahead as she started walking again when he told her where to go. "Got it. Be there in a jiff." She smiled at closed her phone, then headed to the east lobby.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 4 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Thu 29 Aug 2013, 6:29 pm

Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 4 Resident-evil-revelations-04-wallpaper this is what her suit looks like btw.

When Alex asked Misaki why she always stops every one in a while, she stopped and turned back at him, turning the flashlight on his face. "Well I'm sorry I stepped on shit and I'm trying to get us away from it." she said in irony and then glanced at Alex for a while after turning in front of her. Part of her boobs were still exposed. She soon stopped again as she saw a crossroad (dunno if its the right word...) and then sighed. "Which way..." she asked herself softly before turning left. "I know what you are thinking" she said to Alex out of the blue as he was silent. "You wonder what rank I was back in the military, right?" she asked with a slight laugh avoiding Alex's question about the terrorists as she kept crawling. Soon she felt as if air was coming through somewhere, only to realize a few seconds later that small pieces of glass, paper and dust were coming onto her. "Ouch!" she shouted as some hit her face and placed her hand in front of her forehead as she kept crawling "We have to go through this.. I'm sorry if you get some scratches!" she said with a raised voice as she almost couldn't hear from the loud noise of the vents. This lasted only a few moments Aas she quickly turned right and avoided it. "Give me your gun" she said to Alex as she saw something like a helicopter's wings cyrcling around. Those blades seemed pretty sharp.

Daisuke slightly nodded as Itsujo agreed and then said "Okay, meet you there" and hung up his phone, grabbing his gun next to him and then getting off his chair. ' I hope Misaki and Alex are fine...' he thought after exiting his room and headed to the meeting place. He would tell Itsuko everything about Misaki, and how to help them. While he was walking he sighed as he seemed to had forgotten something and then opened his phone, texting to Itsuko. "Forgot to mention, bring a gun if you have or any kind of weapon."
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Sun 01 Sep 2013, 1:38 am
(cant see it. says only admins are allowed)

Alexander squinted when the light was shown in his face and lifted his hand to block it. "Sorry..." He lowered his hand when she turned to continue through the ventilation system and followed her. "Kind of," he said in response to her question. He noticed she had avoided his question, so he didn't push. He could always interrogate her if he really needed to know anything. A piece of metal cut across his right cheek, making him flinch. "Shit," he mumbled, shielding his eyes with his hand. That's all he needed was to go completely blind. He stopped when she asked for his gun and raised an eyebrow, putting his arm down. He reached to his belt and grabbed it, placing it on the ground. "Don't hurt yourself," he said as he slid the gun up to her hand.

Itsuko stopped when she felt her phone vibrate. She opened her phone and looked at the message. "A weapon?" She thought for a moment. 'I think Alex kept a spare gun in his room...' She wasn't too far from the apartment yet, so she turned and quickly ran back. She opened the door and ran back to her brother's room. She looked through his drawers and under the bed. She didn't see it, so she walked over to the closet. She found a small case and opened it, finding a handgun. She grabbed it and put it in her jacket. She looked down at a knife that was also in the case. "He did say to bring anything...I might need it." She grabbed it and slipped it into her boot so it was concealed before standing up and heading back outside.

Itsuko soon arrived to the place she was supposed to meet with Daisuke and looked around to see if she could spot him.
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Sat 07 Sep 2013, 9:02 pm

Misaki smirked as Alex told her not to hurt herself and then said "I know what I am doing" or at least... I think I do. she thought and then pointed with her gun at the blades, firing 5-6 shots before finally aiming at the power box. "Got it!" she said as the blades stopped moving and then she jumped down, crossing her arms so that she wouldn't get injured "Oh my God!" she screamed in laughs and fright. It was pretty high, probably about 15 meters. (it takes 8 seconds to land i did the math and its small enough in there to stop with your hands) She didn't want to land down as they had to take another passage inside that vent. She opened her legs and stretched her arms at some point as she kept climbing down without sliding. Her uniform was designed specially for such things. "Now I remember why I shouldn't skip gym in the academy" she said as she found it hard to climb down and kept panting in sweat. She glanced up at Alex as she stopped "How are you holding up? We still got a few meters down... There is another vent on our left, we must enter that before landing." she told him and then tried to move down but her hands slid. "Shit!" she shouted and fell down. "Alex! You have to go left, then go straight and you will end up at the males bathroom." she shouted at him and then knelt down and took a vent on her right "I will meet you there!"
(sorry for this post... lately i feel like i know no english at all- reason i didnt post any reply... I want to rp itsuko with daisuke better so i will do it next turn. I just didnt want this rp to fall behind, eventually i will fix it x.x)
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Tue 05 Nov 2013, 6:51 am
'Yeah...that's reassuring...,' Alexander thought as he sat there and waited for Misaki. He covered one ear to nullify the echo of the shots some. He watched as Misaki went down first, then followed her after she was a few seconds ahead. He stopped a few feet behind her, chuckling slightly to her comment. He decided to keep his opinions to himself, partially hoping she hadn't heard him. He stopped when she did and shrugged to her question. "Don't worry about me." He wasn't struggling as much as she was. He nodded and waited for her to continue so he could keep following. When she slid, he went to reach for her, but quickly caught himself before falling after her. After she gave her instructions, he sighed. "She's such a clutz...," he whispered, but smiled a little as he continued and headed left. He continued down until he reached the area above the bathroom. 'She still has my gun...damn...' He was glad he always carried around a knife though hidden in his boots. He kicked the vent open and jumped down into the bathroom.
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Tue 05 Nov 2013, 4:36 pm

"Jesus Christ!" she groaned as she kept crawling through the vent "Okay... so... I hope I'm going the right way. This should lead me to the Casino." she said out loud to herself and then gasped "Whoah why am I talking to myself now?" she covered her mouth in a gasp "I have gone nuts... And I just did it again, great." she simply let out a sigh with a fade giggle. She was really helpless. Eventually she arrived just on top of the Casino, and with a kick she opened wide the vent to fall down, landing on her knees and then stood still for a while, clenching her teeth. "This hurts more than I expected" referring to her ankles which were in pain from the bad fall. After resting for a few seconds, she glanced around only to see the entire room empty and moreover in pitch black. Nothing could be heard, not even the sound of a machine being on, not even the waterfall that was supposed to be working. "Why is it so quiet?" she murmured to herself as she loaded her gun. 'I better hurry back to Alex... Male restrooms should be just across the hall' she thought and made a few steps around the Casino to find the poweroom. She opened the security door which was next to a slot machine and then pulled a lever which appeared to be the power. "Hehe got it" she said with a smile as she returned back to the Casino, just to find spectacular lights and music be played. But there was something wrong... Why would the Casino be desert in such an hour? The public knew nothing yet of the Aliens, so where they are? Misaki glancing at the colorful lights, was amazed and smiled brightly "That's awesome... I should turn on the fountain too!" she said again to herself as she approached it and pressed a button. It was a wrong choice. Instead of water, some weird liquid of green color started dripping down, making the fish furious and getting out of water "What the?!" she uttered as the fish started mutating and then attacking her. She gunned down a few and then run towards the exit, to the hall, and closed the door behind her. "What the hell was that?!" she said in pants, wipping some sweat from her face with her hand. She then walked down the hall until she reached the male bathroom. 'There is still no sign of humans... Not even robots. Where is everyone?' she wondered before slowly opening the door "Alex?"

Daisuke was waiting at the place which he made an appointment with Itsuko. Everyone was panicking and running towards who knows where. Before even asking himself what was going on, a cough was heard through the megaphones and then a female voice was heard "Attention please. The Ship is under attack, please stay calm and follow the staff around you. They will give you orders and equipment to keep you safe and also lead you to a safe place. There is nothing to worry about, our military units are already out there placing the order. I repeat, please remain calm and follow the staff. Do not walk on your own or walk far away. The staff will guide you to our emergency capsules which will get you back to Earth. For any questions please ask our staff." Daisuke then heard his phone ringing. It was the Commander. He picked it up and answered "Yes Sir?" he then with a sigh noded and hung up. He was told to go secure the upper floors (misaki and alex are down). All soldiers where given orders right that moment, but Daisuke first called Itsuko once again, waiting for her to answer and inform her of the situation. In the meantime Alex and Misaki had no idea since they were at the vents in that moment... Athough Alex might was given a call.
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Thu 05 Dec 2013, 10:27 pm
Alexander looked around the bathroom. Didn't seem to be anyone around. He began to grow a little restless as he waited for Misaki. "Where is she?" He whispered under his breath. He reached down and pulled out his knife from his boot and began throwing it into the air and catching it to keep his mind off things. His phone began to vibrate. He reached into his pocket and answered it. "Yes sir. Im already on the lower level." He hung up the phone with a sigh. He glanced up as the door opened to see who it was. Hearing a familiar voice, he smiled. "Took ya long enough." He put his knife away and walked over to her. "I just got orders to secure the place. Lucky me."

Itsuko was almost there when she heard the announcement and stopped, looking up at one of the speakers. "Under attack?" Tilting her head to the right slightly, she continued to listen. She sighed when the announcement was over. "Whatever. I'm not leaving without my brother," she stated defiantly to herself, though she knew he wouldn't just refuse orders either way. She could hear her ringtone just barely over the people running in the opposite direction. "Who is..." She smiled when she saw Daisuke's name on the small screen and answered it. "Hey, I'm almost there."
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Wed 22 Jan 2014, 11:42 am

Misaki moved a bit away from the door, to let Alex walk out of the restrooms and then handed him a few bullets "Take these with you... When I was at the Casino the fountain was full of piranhas... No, I mean goldfishes that became like that because of a green substance that started dripping down... It's like they got mutated." she said and loaded her gun. She then glanced around, looking for any sign of life, or at least a robot. "I saw no one on my way here, where is ev--" she got interrupted by a female scream.

"Help me! Someone please help me!"

Misaki turned her head to every direction, so that she could spot where the voice was coming from but she couldn't spot it. "Where are you?" she shouted and then glanced at Alex "We should help her... Then we have to contact Daisuke and find your sister"

Daisuke was worried as Itsuko took a little while to pick up the phone, for him it seemed like ages. As soon as she answered, he smiled and quickly Interrupted her "Itsuko listen, this is important. I guess you already heard the announcement..." the words were not easily coming out of his mouth. Even he was scared of the situation. Was he even trained for a sudden alien attack? "Come to me right now, don't try to do anything by yourself, we have to stick together and find Misaki and your brother. After that I have to go and fight. Please don't let anything bad happen to you, and don't try to help anyone on your way here. It might be a trap."
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Fri 24 Jan 2014, 11:32 pm
Alexander walked out of the room and accepted the bullets from Misaki. He raised an eyebrow to her warning. "Interesting." He loaded up his gun and looked in the direction the scream came from, or where he assumed it did at least. "Agreed," he nodded, looking at Misaki. "Let's split up. It came from that direction. As for which hallway, I'm not sure." There were two hallways splitting off towards different part of the building. "Meet back here in fifteen if we don't find anything." He smiled at her. "Don't do anything too stupid," he warned before heading off down the left hallway.

Itsuko listened to Daisuke, nodding as he spoke. She was struggling to hear him over the commotion and headed into a building that was abandoned for the time being so she could hear him. "Daisuke, I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry. Give me five minutes and I'll be there. But if it's any consolation, I promise to be careful, alright?" She smiled. He seemed concerned. It was kind of nice. "Seeya in a few," she said and hung up on him. She stood there staring at her phone for a moment, then slid it into her pocket and turned to head out the door.
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Sun 25 May 2014, 12:10 pm
Misaki nodded, watching Alex's back as he headed towards the left hallway, uttering "Be careful" before raising her gun. There were 3 bullets, Misaki had to calculate her moves if there was anything to happen. She procceeded towards the right hallway, glancing around the walls and ceiling, noticing at some parts a dark, black substance dripping down. "What's this?" she wondered, sliding her finger on the slippery material. "It's sticking... and gross." she wipped it back on the wall as she continued "Hello? Is anyone there?" No answer. Actually, it was awkwardly silent during the whole time, before and now. No sign of human life, no sign of robots, no sign of anyone actually, excluding the mutant fish. "Please, if you are here answer me. I have come to help you." Misaki yelled once more before het attention got caught by the loud sound of a vase being broken. The noise came from inside the door she was standing at now, a passenger's cabin. She placed her hand on the knob, carefully and slowly opening the door a few inches before sticking her head inside, only to silently gasp at the view.

She closed the door while trying to make no noise and then stood against the door, exhaling "Oh my God. I have to inform Alex, this is dangerous." she searched her suit for the radio, but then remembered she and Alex had no means of communication. She had to go back, find Alex before it's too late. Misaki took a deep breath and walked back to where she and Alex were supposed to meet, but continued walking towads the left hallway, whispering "Alex, Alex if you can hear me come out now.

On her way, Misaki stumbled across an officers dead body. She knelt down, gently taking off the man's helmet which was covering his face, in the hopes of checking him if he was still alive, or at least recognise him. Bad move. As soon as she took the helmet off, Misaki's body shivered in fear upon glancing at an unrecognisable black mass that could not even be identified as a head... or body. The substance covering the body seemed like the one Misaki earlier came across, and it was later confirmed as she touched it, feeling her hands sticky again. "What the hell is this? What happened to you?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. Her glance fell on the officer's radio, attached to his belt. She quickly took it out, knowing how to find Daisuke but sadly, not Alex. Maybe he if had arranged his radio in a way to listen to all frequences he could have, but she wasn't sure. Daisuke was a safer choice.

"Daisuke, can you hear me? Daisuke, it's Misaki. If you ... buzz... respond... buzz... I need" the signal was going on an off.

"Misaki! This Daisuke, where are you? I can't hear you well, check your signal."

"I... Buzz... I can't hear you... buzz... There ... buzz... on the lower levels... buzz... Inform everyone It's danger... buzz..."

"Misaki?! Misaki?!" the line was off.
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Tue 27 May 2014, 6:25 pm
Itsuko soon arrived, spotting Daisuke in the distance. She ran over to him, hearing the end of the radio call with Misaki. "What's happening?" She asked, concerned. She started to worry about her brother, then a thought popped into his head. "I can't get ahold of his cell, but my brother always has his radio on him. I'm not sure which channel he keeps it on though..." She wondered if it would even help. If there was interference with Misaki's radio, then they most likely wouldn't have much of a chance getting through to him.

Alexander walked cautiously down the hall, checking each door as he passed. Dead ends each time. He found a set of stairs leading to the upper floors partially blocked off. He wouldn't be able to fit through there, but maybe Misaki was small enough? He sighed, unable to find the source of that scream. Maybe Misaki had better luck? He glanced down at his watch. It was about time for him to head back to meet her anyways. Perfect timing. He could bring her back here and at least try to get her out. He would have to find another way on his own after that, but he was willing to take that risk. He turned and began backtracking back to where they were supposed to meet.

As he turned the corner, he had forgotten how dark it was in the room. He had come from a pretty decently lit area, making the room seem even darker. Did more of the lights go out? He was probably just imagining it. "Misaki?" He whispered, but no answer. She wasn't back yet. Maybe he should go looking for her? Knowing Misaki, she had gotten herself into trouble. He headed down the direction she had gone. "Misaki, where the hell are you?"
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Tue 24 Jun 2014, 1:43 pm

Daisuke glanced at her and then back to the radio, trying to find a clear signal on every channel Misaki or Alex could possible hear. "I... I don't know. It sounds serious. We should hurry." he tried a few more frequencies before continuing "The military uses special channels, there's a total of five of them. Misaki used one of those, but I'm not sure which one. If Alex has his radio on him, there is a high chance of hearing us." he pressed the red button on his radio and started talking "This is Colonel Daisuke Nomura, leader of the 5th Galactic Squad calling Sergeant Alexander Akae, can you hear me?"

Misaki heard Alex's voice as she was heading further down the hallway, coming to a stop. It was fairly dark and couldn't spot him so she waited till he reached her, suddenly grabbing his hand and sealing his mouth with her hand. "Shhh, be quiet." she whispered, pinning him on the wall. There was a moment of silence for several seconds and her heavy breathing could be heard. "Alex..." she finally said, removing her hand from his lips. "I saw a thing... The scream, did you hear someone screaming? There was something slim and black on top of her... It almost noticed me so I left." she stopped a second, catching up on her breath and then gulped, touching Alex's shoulders "On my way here I came across an officer's body. He was dead and beyond recognision. His... body... if there is any left of it... was turned into something slick and black. The same thing that keeps dripping down the walls! I think... I think this is dangerous... Hell, it is dangerous. We gotta inform everyone." she releases, grabbing her radio from her belt and shoving it to Alex's hands "I tried communicating with Daisuke but the signal was off. Maybe you have better luck?"
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Sun 10 Aug 2014, 4:06 am
(Random question, when's the bad guy gonna pop up again? Just curious since Alex is starting to become important to Misaki and Itsuko can hack just about any system on that ship so I don't know if they can help find him or be useful to the guy in the future lol.)

Itsuko nodded, feeling a bit worried about her brother. She knew he could handle himself, but...she couldn't help but be concerned for her brother's safety. While he was trying to get ahold of one of them on the radio, she turned her attention to the building. Her eyes began to glow and emerald green as she scanned the property. She didn't see anyone on the first floor, nor the second. At least not anyone alive. Then she glanced down, having to do a double take when she spotted her brother and Misaki. "They're stuck on the lower floors. It...looks like they're trapped down...there...," her voice trailed off as her eyes widened. "W-wh-what is that thing!?" She squealed, taking a step back. She saw the same thing that Misaki had earlier, exiting the room...and heading right for them.

Alexander jumped when he was suddenly jumped by Misaki, but she covered his mouth before he could yell anything. He blinked and stayed silent when he heard the breathing. It was dark. The few light there was, was a flickering light here and there. "Y-yeah. I did," he said after she moved her hand. He looked around. "We're fucked if we stay here. We wont be able to see it," he whispered and pointed in the direction he came from. He sighed when she shoved the radio in his hand and looked at her. "The stairs are barricaded, but I think there is a gap big enough for you to squeeze through. I'll have to find another way out. See if you can get some help." He knew she would probably object and added, "And it's not a request. It's a god damn order so get moving." Just then, he heard a loud burst of static. "...suke Nomura...5th Akae, can y...ear me?" He froze, hearing a reaction from whatever else was in the room to the noise. It was on the hunt, and it knew where they were. "Shit! Go, I'll keep it off you!" He called, giving her a nudge to get out of here.
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Sun 17 Aug 2014, 9:58 pm

Daisuke glanced at Itsuko surprised, soon turning into fear as he watched her squeal. He stared the floor she was earlier scanning, but then realized he couldn't see. He turned at her while holding the radio and gulped, his eyes filled with agony"Itsuko calm down!" he tried to calm her down. "What did you see?!" he demanded, trying to get in contact with Alex again. "This is Colonel Daisuke Nomura, leader of the 5th Galactic Squad calling Sergeant Alexander Akae..." he repeated, ending with a sigh his sentence as he realized he needed to be short on words and fast. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Alex. We know where you are. Your sister saw what's down there and I can safely assume that it's pretty much dangerous. Please, if you can hear me..." he gulped at his thoughts "Please, don't seperate from Misaki. We are coming to get you. We don't know if we can fight this thing. Just don't leave her out of her sight. We are coming." he said and glanced back at Itsuko with a worried look. "Did you see anything else? We need to get down there as soon as possible."

Misaki nodded upon hearing Alex words "Damn right, we can't stay here. We have to look for another exit." she glanced around, crossing her arms "The vent system maybe..." she turned to Alex, raising her eyebrow at his last sentence. "What? No, I'm not leaving you here. We are going together. No." she listened to him, her jaw dropping at his demand. She thought he was crazy. "Are you suicidal?!" she yelled at him, trying to shake his shoulders, make him snap out of this crazy plan of his. She soon heard a static noise coming out of the radio. She gasped as she heard Daisuke's voice and glanced up at Alex "It's him. They found us... but the signal..." she lowered her head, slightly sighing. Soon, she heard a movement, well maybe not exactly a movement but a presence nearby. She got startled, her instict was telling her to flee, maybe it was that thing she earlier saw. Was it going after them? Before she could complete her thoughts, Alex pushed her away. She made a few steps back, hearing more weird noises behind her back. Her breathing was heavy, she was scared. Without realizing she had wandered off too far away from Alex, it was pitch black, she couldn't see. "Alex?" she whispered, looking for her flashlight. "Alex..." she almost sobbed out, not knowing in which direction to go. Once she found her flashlight, she turned it on, finding an obscure presence in front of her, shaped almost human like. Except it was black and oily, like the same substance she had come across earlier. It had no eyes, lips, ears. Nothing. Just this black substance in the form of a human body standing right in front of her. She screamed as loud as she could, the creature grabbed her neck, struggling her and then throwing her at the wall. Misaki tried to stand up, but she couldn't. Instead, she coughed up some blood before the black entity grabbed again, raising her up in the air as she was being struggled, feeling like suffocating, feeling like dying. Minutes later Misaki woke up after being thrown at the ground. She opened her eyes, they were black. She stood up with a grin, whispering Alex's name as she turned around, from the direction she came from.

(okay so, this black thing is an alien. it can possess people or create hallucinations. they are 10 in total in this ship. bullets cant go through them, their body is like clay or something. they can take any form but their original one is the black human like. i suggest having the other dude to pop up in front of alex, you decide what happens to him.))
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Wed 03 Sep 2014, 5:10 am
Itsuko looked at Daisuke and shook her head. "I don't know. It was all black was shaped like a human but it looked anything but human." She shivered and looked back into the building. She couldn't see in the dark spots and both Misaki and her brother vanished into them. She could see the light from Misaki's flashlight, but couldn't tell who was using it. She gasped when the creature suddenly popped up and knocked the flashlight away and looked at Daisuke, listening to him trying to contact them again. She looked back at the building and scanned it. "Most of the entries are blocked off...but it looked like there is a path out of there. It's quite a detour, but it seems like the only way. A few security doors. Not sure if they're locked though," she said and looked at him. She heard her brother's voice and was a little relieved. "Come on." She turned and started for the building.

Alexander ran into the darkness, hoping to distract the creature. He looked around. The room was dead silent. A bit nerve racking to say the least. A creak from behind him startled him and he turned and aimed, getting knocked down before he knew what hit him. He hit the floor, his glasses getting knocked off and his gun sliding further into the darkness. "Shit," he said, instinctively reaching for his knife. As if it wasn't hard enough to see. He felt around, trying to find his glasses. He sighed and stayed still, listening, but it didn't attack again, which concerned him. Suddenly, he heard a scream. "Misaki!?" He stood up, placing his hand on the wall as he held his knife up with the other hand. When she didn't answer, he started walking towards where he heard the scream. "Misaki, answer me damnit!" He whispered. Silence. He was starting to worry. He couldn't find her if she didn't answer him. "Misaki where--" He stumbled over something. He knelt down and felt around til he found what it was and picked it up. It felt like...a flashlight? Was it Misaki's? He couldn't even tell if it was on. Not like it would help him either way. His radio started again and he set down the flashlight, snagging the radio off his belt. "A bit late. We seperated already. I'm trying to locate her now. Got any updates on getting us out of here?" He decided not to mention that he had lost his glasses. Misaki missing would worry him enough. He didn't want Daisuke to know he wouldn't be of much help without them.
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Mon 13 Oct 2014, 10:39 am

Daisuke had all his attention drawn to Itsuko, trying to imagine the creature she was describing. It was impossible. Maybe he had an idea of what it looked like but it was too hideous to be true. He tried to stay calm by repeating over the radio what Itsuko had just told him. He took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Alex, I'll drop the formalities for now. This is a dangerous situation you are in. Listen. Most exits seemed to be blocked off but your sister says there is a path out of there. It's not the fastest way but it's your only chance. You will come across by some security doors and the chances are high of being locked. We will try bypass them from here but ask Misaki if she can do something from your end. Be safe." He said and closed the transmitor, glancing at Itsuko worringly. "I don't know if he heard that... The signal is not good. We have to help them unlock the doors, we can't depend only on Misaki." he said and started following her. "So what did you really see? Maybe I can see if there is a match to your description in our database. We might know how to fight it that way."

Misaki squeezed back through the tiny space Alex had pushed her into without making a single noise. She slightly grinned upon watching Alex losing his glasses and then stepped over them, tossing them to the side. "Alex." she pronounced slowly and clearly, just loud enough only for him to hear. "Alex, are you okay? I heard your voice so I came back. I was worried." she continued calmy, tossing her hair to the side. Her walk was more feminine, so was her aura. She was like another person. "Alex." she kept repeating which was oddly enough, considering she occassionally called him by his name. "Alex, are you alright? Do you have a flashlight? I lost mine and it's pitch dark out here." she smirked, knowing she was lying. "Do you know a way out Alex? It's so scary in here."

(so ummmm yeah. she is possed by that alien. if alex tries to read her mind, he wont be able to. he can only realize misaki is not who she is by watching her reflection at a mirror. instead of misake or any other possessed person, the creature will appear.)
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Mon 13 Oct 2014, 10:31 pm
"We need to find a computer. I can try to hack the security system," Itsuko said as she walked through the doors and looked around. She tried to remember how it looked exactly when Daisuke asked her to describe it. "Um...i-it was completely black, and kind of weird looking like it was made of goo or clay or something. It just seemed unnatural. It didn't look like it had a face either, but I'm not really sure. I didn't get a good look at it before it blended with the darkness..." She let out a sigh, wondering if that would even help. She spotted a computer behind the front desk and ran over to it. 'Whatever that thing was though, I'm really hoping it doesn't get out,' she thought to herself. "If we can't communicate with them, then I'm not sure how we'll guide them out. The only other way is to go get them ourselves...," she said and looked up at him with concern.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Misaki's voice and stood up, looking in the direction it was coming from. "I'm fine. Fucking thing knocked off my glasses though," he said as he put his hand over his eyes, sounding a little frustrated. He felt a shiver run down his body when she repeated his name. Something about how she said it made him feel erie. He shook his head and dropped his arm to his side. "Uh...yeah. Here," he said as he reached down and felt around for the flashlight, grabbing it for her. "Daisuke said there was a way out, but I've lost the signal again. We need to find a security door that's probably locked. I'm assuming he's going to find a way to open them," he explained. Misaki's voice sounded oddly calm and something just didn't feel right. "Bottom line is I can't see. Either we find my glasses or you're just gonna have to help me out of here." He held his gun a little tighter, not sure if he would feel comfortable giving it to her or not.
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