Roleplay Paradisu
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 3 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sat 03 Nov 2012, 1:56 pm

As Misaki was laughing, saying that Alex maybe could read minds, she had no idea that it was actually true. Her laugh faded away when Alex told her that he indeed can read people's minds and so she raised her head and looked up to him as she was trying to balance herself. "What?!" she said surprised, glancing at his eyes. Well, she actually was glancing at his chin since Alex was taller than her. She listened to him full in curiosity but she couldn't believe that big of coincidence. She friendly hit his arm and nervously laughed "Nice joke..." she said and glanced at the ground for a second "Is it really a joke? Is he saying the truth? Urrggh I don't know!' she just raised her head and in confusion glanced at him once again "Now that you mention it... How did you know I was here?" she said as suddenly her crutch slipped from her hands "Whoah! Jeez, this road is so slippery." she said kinda giggling as she slowly bent down to catch her crutch. Then she continued "But yeah you know... Let's stop talking about sad things... Um... Say! Do you have any girlfriend? Relationship? Friends with benefits?" she said giggling, covering her mouth.

Daisuke shrugged when Itsuko asked to let her assist him. He sighed, seeing how much she was onto it and he placed his hand on his face for a moment. He then looked at her and chuckled "Even if I say no, you won't listen huh?" he said and then sat down at a chair as he started typing on the laptop. "With you abilities it might be possible to hack into their systems, we could fish some information but we shouldn't do any damage to them for now. We need to know their potential first." and then he opened a map on the laptop, showing some red landmarks. "Usually Misaki is good with these..." referring to hacking "but I can stay behind this screen and help you. I can even send her there, so that you will have some cover. Yeah that would work... What you say?" he said with a smile, turning to her and raising his head to look at her.
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Sun 04 Nov 2012, 8:20 pm
"It's true though. Think anything and I'll be able to tell you exactly what it was." Alexander looked at her and smiled and laughed a little. "It's not a joke. I'm being serious." He went to answer her question, but she slipped and he wrapped his arm around her waist when she almost slipped to help balance her. "Careful." He leaned over and picked her up again. "Don't need you getting hurt again," he said, closing his eyes as he smiled. He opened his eyes and kind of blushed to her question. "Well, not at the moment. I've had girlfriends before, but they all leave for the same reason." He smiled as he started quoting a few of their complaints. "You're too busy at work and you're never home. When was the last time you even took me on a date? You're too devoted to your work to even call me once in a while. Things like that..." He laughed nervously as he continued walking. "Who knows. Maybe they're right. Usually when I think things are going well, that's about the time they break up with me. I've never really been good with relationships..."

"Nope!" Itsuko closed her eyes and smiled with a slight giggle. She stood up and held her hands behind her back as she listened to him. She nodded to everything he said. "Sounds like a plan." She smiled at him again, but it faded as she glanced over at the clock. "I'm starting to get worried about your friend though. It's been a few hours..." She then thought for a moment and looked at her phone. "Come to think of it, my brother hasn't been bothering me either. He would've spammed my phone by now for not being home..."
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Sun 04 Nov 2012, 9:48 pm

Misaki blushed when Alex grabbed her from her waist."Naah it's okay. I got used to getting hurt, so yeah... I'm made of metal!" she said while tried to laugh, so that she wouldn't make him worry. 'Though It hurts...' She stood silent for a moment, listening to Alex and then raised her eyebrow as she tried to get up. She lowered her head but soon raised it up again, glancing at his eyes. "That reminds me of myself actually... Though I have never dated anyone before. Sigh, what a shame for my age and being virgin." she said to Alex as she now started glancing at his lips. She stopped walking and softly held his hand. She looked at his lips once again, leaning slowly towards his side and closing her eyes full in lust. Realizing what she is about to kiss him, she suddenly stops and opens her eyes, trying quickly to think of an excuse "Oh look! A bird! she said pointing behind Alex. 'Am I stupid or something? There are no birds in a spaceship... Great, he will either think i'm nuts, or just crazy!' she thought to herself and awkwardly smiled."Did I say birds? I meant dolphins... Dolphins? No wait... I meant cocun- ... Forget it." she said and shaked her head, while trying to hide her embarrassment.

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Mon 05 Nov 2012, 12:52 am
"Metal huh?" Alexander kind of laughed. "I think you're just accident proned." He looked at her curiously when she started explaining some things about herself. "You're a virgin? That's pretty surprising with how cute you are." He noticed she had stopped walking and glanced down at their hands for a moment, then looked into her eyes as well. He started to blush when she leaned in closer. He kind of smiled when she stopped and started playing along with what she said as he turned his head to see over his shoulder. "Darn, must've just missed it." He started laughing as she continued to try and point out random things that weren't even there. "Ok, ok." He smiled, looking back at her and placing his free hand on her head. "We're almost there. My sister probably has some clothes that'll fit you," he said, pointing out the blood on her shirt from earlier and started walking with her again.
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Mon 05 Nov 2012, 8:40 am

Misaki giggled when Alex told her that she is just accident proned. "Am I? Well that's another way to see things. I just see that whatever happens on my body, bad or good I'm alive. Though I still always wish I could just die instead of getting hurt... Yeah whatever I'm talking nonsense." she said awkwardly laughing, as most of the times she was talking so much about personal things. She laughed when Alex told her she was cute "Me? Cute? When is the last time you checked your vision? I think you might need new glasses" she said and stick her tongue out at him. As they kept walking, she sighed glancing at where Alex pointed "It's just blood, not the plague. There are more important things than that... Ow" she said as she softly screamed in pain. "The aliens I told you... But yea, anyway, you will just say that I'm hurt and not in a position to do anything extreme." she said trying to mimic him in giggles. "You are so mean. You know that? You even say nice things to women, but I guess you know it well since you dated a lot. Plus you have those glasses that make you hot, not to mention your military uniform. In conclusion you steal the hearts of innocent women and lure them." she said jokingly to Alex while laughing. "Also, tomorrow-- Err no, I meant today it's almost morning oh my god.- I have a mission, so I might need your assistance. But on second thought I might not need it. It's not really a good place to go actually..." she said and sighed 'How am I supposed to go to the Red Light District?! All alone?! I should thank Daisuke for this...'
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Tue 06 Nov 2012, 12:09 am
Alexander looked at Misaki with a sigh, not sure what to say to her comment. He chuckled a little when she said he needed to check his perscription. "My eyes are pretty bad. I'm technacly legally blind without my glasses. But with them, I can see just fine. You really shouldn't put yourself down so much." He smiled as they got up to his apartment and pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. He held her a little tighter when she seemed to be in pain. "You really shouldn't strain yourself for a little while, but that's just my opinion. You probably wont listen. I swear, you and my sister would get along great." He opened the door and led her in, closing it behind them. "I havn't dated a lot per say. Maybe five or six, but I guess it depends on your opinion of a lot. Besides, I always figured women liked getting compliments." He blushed a little as he walked her over to the couch and helped her sit down. "I don't really mean to steal their hearts," he said with a slight laugh. "But I do hear that women love a man in uniform. I guess it can't really be helped." He sat down next to her and looked at her curiously. "A mission? I guess I could help you out, but I don't know how much help I'll..." He raised his eyebrow. "...The redlight district huh? And what exactly do you have to do there?" He asked after hearing her thoughts.
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Mon 12 Nov 2012, 6:09 pm

Misaki giggled when Alex said he hadn't dated a lot women. She then sticked her tongue out to him "Well I don't blame them, you are mean. But have you ever thought of falling in love with a woman, that works on the same field as you? Then you could be together..." she laughed awkwardly"Well I don't know, I never dated anyone in my life, or did anything. I get jealous seeing people together, being romantic and stuff... Sometimes I even wonder how a kiss feels. I'm talking nonsense, forget it" she said and waved her hand to hide her blush.

Just as Misaki thought, she got away with her lie, she turned her back for a moment at Alex as she was sitting, but hearing him saying about the Red Light district, she quickly turns around. "Wha-what?" she said surprised, but then sighed "It's no use lying to you huh? You are just gonna do your brainwash or whatever magic and see right through me... I have a mission there. There is a man, who like-and gets attracted to those- you know... sluts" she said with a cough and then continued "So I have to pretend to be one, and get information from him. I'll be fine! Don't worry" ...' I'll just have to wear short skirt... have my boobs out.. great... I just hope he won't do anything dirty to me' she thought with a sigh, and crossed her arms.

She glanced at Alex once again, and then all curious and serious said "You have kissed many girls right? And even had sex I bet. How does it feel?" she said with no sigh of being embarrassed.

Daisuke chuckled as she agreed to the plan. But soon lost his chuckle, and glanced at the wall "You are right, it's late... Maybe Misaki got a lead to somewhere. I don't think she is into trouble, they would have called me if so..." he then turned back to Itsuko and slightly smiled "I think he is just busy, isn't that better... for us?" he said with a grin getting closer to her" I mean, we could work on the plan... Or work on you.." he said and warped his arm around her neck. He then whispered to her ear "Maybe have some fun?"
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Tue 13 Nov 2012, 6:28 am
"I'm not that mean," Alexander said as he rolled his eyes. He gave Misaki a confused look when she asked him if he ever thought about falling in love with someone in the same field as him. "Don't know. Never really considered it. Not that anyone in the same field has been interested," he said and laughed a little. He smiled at her, but his smile faded as he listened to what her mission was. "You're doing it alone? You should at least have someone standing by in case things don't go as planned," he stated with a sigh and leaned back. He couldn't help but smirk. "I'll quit reading your mind, but you'd probably look pretty sexy in that kind of outfit though," he teased and looked up at the ceiling. He could be a bit of a pervert at times. He quickly looked at her as she asked him how it felt to kiss and have sex with someone. "'s not something you can really explain. The feeling is different for everyone I'd assume. You'd have to experience it for yourself..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Anyways, how do you expect to pull off this mission if you've never been with anyone? I doubt you'll be very convincing. Someone with more experience should be the one doing that kind of mission. No offence, but I bet you couldn't seduce someone if your life depended on it."

"Maybe..." Itsuko sighed and closed her eyes, a little relieved that she wasn't getting bugged to death to come home. She looked up at Daisuke and tilted her head a little to the side. "It is?" She asked as he moved closer to her. She blushed when he put his arm around her. "Have some fun?" She poked his chest. "You really are a perverted old man, aren't you?" She teased with a smirk.
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Tue 13 Nov 2012, 1:00 pm

Misaki nodded at Alex as he asked her if she would go on that mission alone "Yes, it's not really big deal..." she then thought for a moment and added "I don't really need someone to watch out for me." she then laughed "Besides, I don't think men will be attracted to those scars I have" she said and then lowered her head with a sigh. She then heard Alex's grin and turned at him with a glare. She raised her eyebrow at his comment, but before she could say anything, he added more. "Hah!... HAH!" she said glaring at him, with her arms crossed. She raised her arm and gently slapped his arm "Yeah right, I don't have any experience. And you are also right, I can't seduce a man. Plus you can't really say that I look cute or beautiful, all I have is scars... Permanent ones!" she said all angered, but then lowered her head and her tone "I know right? But there is no else who can do it, all I can do, is at least to try." she said as a tear dripped down her face, and then quickly raised her head and glanced at Alex "Besides, you said it yourself too. Women want to hear compliments, because they deserve it, they are beautiful. Is it my fault for this?! Is it my fault that they caught me and ruined my life?! Is it?! I'm scared of people, of classical music, of the dark, of men just because I wanted to expose them. Just because... I wanted to save people... Did I ever deserve this?" she kept talking nonstop while crying to Alex, to the point that she could barely breathe from her tears and panic. "So what are you going to do about it?! Are you going to teach me?! Make fun of me?! Fine then, I'll find someone who will teach me how to seduce men. You will see it."

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Wed 14 Nov 2012, 1:24 pm
Alexander sighed and went to say something, but stopped when Misaki gently slapped his arm. His eyes widened a little as she started ranting. He placed his hand on her cheek, wiping a few tears gently from her face. He wrapped his other arm around her waist. "You really shouldn't put yourself down so much. So you have a few scars. So what? You wouldn't believe some of the things that girls hate about their bodies. It's not what's on the outside. Some guys are just too self absorbed to see what really makes a beautiful woman." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I didn't mean to upset you. I don't know how much help I'll be, but I guess I can try to give you a few tips."
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Wed 28 Nov 2012, 5:53 pm

Misaki somewhat calmed down after Alex wiped some of her tears. She listened carefully to him as she kept wiping her own tears with her sleeve. "I guess... You are right... But most of the guys at least I heard... like experienced and pretty women. I wasted my life all this years, I just wonder how normal I would be if I wasn't abducted and tortured..." she said with a heavy sigh, but soon blushed as Alex held her close to him.'It's warm and nice' she thought with a secret giggle and then glanced up to Alex with her swollen, from crying, eyes "So will you help me? I need to approach that man... He has valuable information... and I have to be there in 2 hours!" she told him, looking at him like a kitten that wants hugs. She glanced at Alex's lips for some time and then at his chest 'How can a man look so attractive geez' she thought and then leaned closer to him, by grabbing his shirt. She looked at him deep in his eyes for some seconds but then in embarrassment let go. "I... um... Just- just teach me the basics... Ahem" she said awkwardly, adjusting her shirt's collar.
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Thu 29 Nov 2012, 4:35 am
"I think you're fine just the way you are," Alexander commented and smiled. He brushed some of her hair gently behind her ear. "What happened in the past can't be changed. You really need to quit putting yourself down." He thought for a moment as Misaki continued to speak. "Two hours, huh? That's more than enough time," he stated and looked down at her. He blushed a little when he saw the look on her face and couldn't help but think of how cute she looked. He could feel his heart starting to race as she leaned closer to him, getting lost in her eyes. He smiled a little to her embarassment. "The basics?" He thought for a moment, then looked at Misaki. "Well..." He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned a little closer to her. "Might as well show you how to seduce someone," he said, brushing his lips against hers. He used his other hand to caress her figure, teasingly brushing his hand along her thigh and around her breasts. He moved his head to her neck, brushing his lips against her neck. "The goal is to leave them wanting more." He smiled as he pulled away. "Hope I didn't tease you too badly, but now its your turn. Try and seduce me," he said as he let go of her and leaned back. He put one arm over the back of the couch and smirked at her, wondering if she'd be nervous or not.
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Sun 02 Dec 2012, 4:01 pm

Misaki's face became red as Alex brushed some of her hair behind her ear. She kept listening to him, while looking deep in his eyes full in lust. With a nod she responded to him "Mhm, just the basics..." she said as feeling kinda awkward, she started playing with some of her hair. As soon as he touched her lips, she trembled in fear 'Scary... It's scary!' she thought, feeling disgust as he kept touching her body. She closed her eyes firmly, but this couldn't help but to bring tears to her eyes 'I just have to endure it. Remember your goal, right girl?' she thought multiple times until Alex finally stopped. She was shaken in fear, and looked at his eyes full in terror. "No..." she said softly as she raised her hand, trying to touch him."It's scary..." she said again softly as her hand was trembling, trying to reach him. She had a flash of memory when Alex had touched her. It was back when she was abducted, and the raped her. But she had forgotten it, maybe because she was really scared back then, but eventually it had caused her a trauma. A trauma that changed her whole life. She wiped her tears and kept looking at Alex with a blank stare as she was thinking 'Maybe a world, where I would be dead... I wouldn't suffer, right? I got no right to live, I did nothing, and this is my punishment right?' she thought all this time staring at him, not even realizing that he could actually read her mind if he could.

Back to Daisuke's appartment, Daisuke and Itsuke were enjoying their time together. They had no idea what was going on between Misaki and Alex, nor her accident. He smirked as he stood up and then smiled at Itsuko. "Don't you think it's kinda late for you to be staying here? I don't want your brother to come at work and kill me this morning" he said with a chuckle and took a sip of his wine."It's 6am already..."
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Mon 03 Dec 2012, 12:42 am
Alexander looked back at Misaki and was a little surprised to see her so upset. He reached over, taking her hand and smiled a little, trying to reassure her. "Sorry if I went too far. Next time it happens, just tell me to stop, alright?" He placed his other hand on her cheek and whipped her tears gently. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do." As he was whiping her tears, he heared her thoughts and his eyes widened a little. "Don't think like that. Everyone has a reason to live, you just have to find it..." He sighed backing away as he let her go. "Look, why don't we do this," he started as he took his glasses off and set them down on the table. "I can't see a thing without them. I wont be able to do a thing unless you want me to and if you want to do anything, I can't stop you." He leaned back again and crossed his arms, hoping it would make her a little more comfortable knowing he couldn't do anything. "You know...this don't have to go. This guy probably wont be as nice and I don't want to see you get hurt."

Itsuko shrugged her shoulders as she took another drink of wine, starting to feel the effects a little. "If he hasn't bothered me by now, then he's probably with some girl having fun. He wont even notice I'm gone. Besides, I could say I was called into work. My boss'll cover for me." She looked over at Daisuke and giggled a little. "6am? Good thing I'm not due for work til noon. Gives me enough time to sober up a little," she said and giggled again. "But if you want me to go that bad, I'll leave now," she said as she set down her glass and went to get up.
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Fri 14 Jun 2013, 10:32 pm
Misaki sighed as Alex took off his glasses and put them on the table. "I should stop running away from my fears" she said with a deep breath and then added "besides a mision is a mision, and I have to do my best." she said and then leaned back to Alex once again. She stared at his lips for a few moments and then closed her eyes as she tried to gently press her lips onto his, slowlh sliding her tongue in. A flashback came to her mind, from here past tortures but she was determined to ignore it. She then moved her lips down to his neck and started licking it. "Am I doing it right?" she asked as she kept to gently kiss and lick his neck." im sorry by yhe way.... I must look very miserable and I think I annoy you... You dont have to get involved with me."
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Sun 16 Jun 2013, 7:26 pm
Alexander didn't say anything as she spoke. He just listened to her. Why did she put herself through this if she really didn't feel comfortable with it? The feeling of her lips against his snapped him from his thoughts. He had forgotten that helpless feeling that he gets when he couldn't see anything. He began to wonder, was that really how she felt all the time? He closed his eyes slowly and kissed her back, blushing slightly when her tounge slid into his mouth. When she began kissing and licking his neck, he tilted his head slightly away to make it easier for her. "Yeah...," he said in response to her question. He gently slid his hands up her arms and onto her shoulders, pushing her away from him a little. "I think you'll do fine. Just try to remember that you can't let yourself get taken advantage of and you'll be able to pull this off." He released her shoulders, blushing a little more. He didn't particually want her to stop, but he sort of didn't want her to continue either. He wasn't sure why though. He brushed his hair from his eyes, then reached over to see if he could find his glasses.
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Sun 30 Jun 2013, 11:50 am
Misaki looked down as Alex moved her away from him and listened to him without uttering a word. She then glanced up to him and smiled "You don't have to worry about me, I'll do just fine." she said and then opened her phone. She had recieved a message from an unknown number.

Be tomorrow at the lobby 4am, alone.
No questions asked.

Misaki tilted her head slightly in confusion 'Who sent this...?' she thought as she closed her phone and then got up from her seat 'It's in a few hours... I gotta hurry and prepare' she thought again and awkwardly smiled at Alex as she had to find an excuse to leave. "Um... A friend called. She needs help" she said and grabbed her things, ready to leave if Alex wouldn't stop her.

In the meantime, Daisuke was with Itsuko enjoying their time together, as he also recieved a messsage. Before answering to Itsuko he opened his cellphone and read the message:

Be at the lobby at 4am, I need your help.

'Misaki?' he thought as he read the message that put him into serious thoughts. 'Why meet her so late?' he then turned at Itsuko and sighed "You better leave... I have work to do" he said and walked to the door as he opened it for her to leave. He was kind of rude to her. "Sorry"
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Fri 05 Jul 2013, 10:01 pm
Alexander glanced at Misaki as he put his glasses on. He still wasn't sure if she'd be alright, but there wasn't much he could do. He had to head into work soon himself anyways. He stood up as she checked her phone and stretched his arms above his head to get rid of his stiffness. He turned to her when she said she needed to leave. "Be careful, alright?" He didn't feel right about letting her go, but he wasn't going to force her to stay either.

Itsuko tilted her head a little to the side, but shrugged her shoulders and stood up from her chair. "I can take a hint, jeez." She didn't like the sudden attitude change from Daisuke. "Bye," she said kind of coldly as she walked past him out the door. She had stayed up half the night already and debated if she should go home or have some more fun at one of the bars. She was starting to feel the buzz from all the wine she had anyways.
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Sat 06 Jul 2013, 4:57 pm
Misaki glanced at Alex as he told her to be safe and then she closed her eyes, avoiding to make eye contact with him as she didnt want to lie at him. Yet she couldnt just tell him about the weird message she got, it would might put him in danger. She stood silent for A moment and then glanced back at Alex. " I will" she told him as she opened the door, leaving frustrated.

Daisuke glanced at Itsuko as he knew he was being rude at her, but that was him, cold. He kinda frowned as she also acted cold at him and as soon as she left, he closed the door and grabed his glass. "What an interesting woman" he said laughing as he took a sip of his cigarette. "Now into what trouble has Misaki gotten into to meet her so late at night..." he murmured to himself as he opened a black suitcase with metalic corners, taking out a gun machine pistol.

Misaki in the meantime also got prepared. But she didnt do much preparation anyways. She just changed into a black one piece full body suit and took a gun with her. It was her old assasin uniform. She was that smart at least to know that this message might be a trap.

The phone's alarm started ringing and Misaki dismissed it. "So the time has come huh?" she said and closed carefully the door behind her without making any noise. She theb headed for the lobby and stood quietly at the center of it. She soon heard footsteps and loaded her gun. As the footsteps were getting louder by the seconds she poibted the gun over the shadow. "Who is there?" she shouted, aiming with her gun. Daisuke heard Misaki's voice in the darkness and so he answered "Its me" Misaki suprised out her weapon down and raised h er eyebrow, aproqching Daisuke. "Daisuke? What are you doing here?" she asked and then he responded"What do you mean? You sent me a message saying you needed help" he said looking at her confused. Misaki glanced at him also confused "huh? I never did that" she said and then both stood silent " must be a trap..." she whispered to Daisuke and raised her gun, but before she could do anything, someone hit her hard from behind, making her fall at her knees. Daisuke quickly aimed behind her "Who is there?"
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Thu 18 Jul 2013, 6:31 am
Alexander groaned as he heard his alarm go off early in the morning. He sat up slowly, holding his head and feeling grogy from the few hours of sleep. He turned to look at the time, then let out another annoyed groan. He stood up and stretched, then began to get ready for the day.

He walked out of his room a few minutes later in his uniform. He glanced over at the couch and saw his sister was sound asleep. He rolled his eyes. "She needs to quit drinking." He grabbed his hat and put it on, then glanced over at his computer when he saw that someone was trying to call him on his personal line. "This better be important," he said with a sigh. Usually only his commanding officer called him on this line, but sometimes that wasn't always the case. He walked over to his computer, took a second look to make sure his sister was still asleep, then hit the answer button.
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Thu 18 Jul 2013, 8:38 am
As Misaki fell down from the hit, Daisuke aimed behind her, but unable to see anything because of the darkness he just kept pointing at blanc. Misaki then tried to stand up but someone tied her hands together "Who are you? Let me go!" she yelled as she tried to untie herself with no success. She then glanced at Daisuke and moved her head to tell him to leave. "Daisuke run, no--" she yelled once again at him, but couldn't finish her sentence as the black shadow covered her mouth with a piece of cloth. She kept struggling as she wanted to escape and Daisuke was standing there thinking whether we should go call for help or just take charge on his own. 'What should I do? If I run they might kill her... No they would have already do that... I could ask for help, after all she belonged to the military once. They will help her' he thought and then glanced at Misaki who was being dragged away "I'll be back!" he said and quickly run towards his cabin.

Once he arrived, he turned on his transmitter and pressed a button to talk. "This is colonel Nomura, this is an emergency, is anyone on this line? I repeat this is colonel Nomura, this is an emergency any units please respond" he said after letting a sigh 'Maybe I shouldn't let her on her own after all... But what else could I do? She told me to run...' he kept thinking again as he had slight regrets.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 3 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sun 21 Jul 2013, 8:50 am
Alexander sighed, recognizing Nomura's voice from earlier. It was on the emergency line, so he knew he needed to answer, though he did wonder why no one else seemed to be responding. He pressed the button to send a message back. "This is Staff Sargent Akae. What's your emergency?" He asked, but began to have a slight worry that it had something to do with Misaki.

Itsuko rolled over and sleepily opened her eyes, annoyed by the noise being made by her brother. She closed them again and was going to go back to sleep, but was a little interested in the conversation, so she decided to pretend to still be asleep. She didn't realize who was on the other line though and knew she wasn't supposed to be hearing this in the first place.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 3 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sun 21 Jul 2013, 10:28 am
As soon as Daisuke heard some finally responding he grabbed his microphone and answered "This is Colonel Nomura, an ex female soldier has gone missing. We were trapped and they kidnap her. Suspects cannot be confirmed as we didn't have any visual on them, but I have a slight idea that there might be terrorists. She had a previous past with terrorists, so maybe they plan their revenge?" he said worryingly over the line, hoping that someone would find Misaki. He then added "The victim's name is Misaki Ohkura, female, 21. She joined the military at the age of 17 only to quit 3 years later due to health problems. I will sent a fax with the rest of her information Staff Sergeant Akae, I hope you find her." he said and closed his mic, opening a drawer and started searching for Misaki's files. Once he find them, the pressed a button and placed them on the fax, them faxed them to Alex.

Misaki finally awoke and found herself imprisoned inside a glass cell. She got up, walking towards the glass and touching it "What the hell is this?" she said as she crossed her arms, looking around her and trying to recognise the place. Inside the glass box, there was only a bed like a table and strong lights, lighting up every corner. She tried using telekinesis to see for any opening inside the box, but it didn't work, she couldn't even use her powers. Then a man came towards her laughing "My dearest Misaki Ohkura, this is a special cell made just for you. You should feel honored." he said as he eventually stood in front of the glass. "This allows no magic to be conducted, and also your room is empty because we know your little hobby, messing up with nature" Misaki glanced at hm, not being able to recognise him and then she yelled "Who the hell are you, reveal yourself!" she said as she kept hitting the glass with her hands.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 3 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sat 24 Aug 2013, 8:05 am
Alexander kind of had an annoyed look when he heard the Colonel's name, but his expression quickly changed when he mentioned a soldier had gone missing. His heart sank a little as soon as he heard Misaki's name. 'Damn it...' "I'll do what I can," he said when the Colonel was finished and let out a sigh when the call ended. "Son of a bitch." He grabbed the papers once they were faxed over. He sat down at his desk and took a moment to read some information on Misaki. How was he supposed to find her when he didn't know where to start looking? Then an idea hit him. 'The security cameras.' He didn't have clearance to access them, but he didn't need it. He stood up and walked over to his sister. "Wake up!" He kicked her leg, rather hard actually, but it was the easiest and quickest way of getting her up.

Itsuko closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep when the call ended. She soon heard her brother walking around and it seemed to be getting closer. Then a sudden sharp pain hit and her eyes shot open, quickly sitting up. "What the hell!? Why'd you have to kick me!?" Alexander grabbed her arm and forced her to get up. "Never mind that. Can you access the security cameras for the ship?" Itsuko gave him a strange look, but soon nodded. "Of course." She was one of the best hackers. She may not have looked it, but she was a bit of a genius when it came to technology. Though, she found it strange that he was going to allow her to do this. She walked over to his computer and sat down. "It'll take a minute. Why do you want me to do this anyways?" Alexander sat next to her and grabbed the files again. "I need you to see if there was anything unusual going on that could've been easily missed. This ship is covered in security cams." Itsuko shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, but I don't see how this will help." Alexander looked down at the files. "Trust me, it will." He didn't need to necessarily know where she was, but if there was something on them, he would at least know where to start looking.
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Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen) - Page 3 Empty Re: Doomed spaceship (Unmei uchūsen)

Sat 24 Aug 2013, 11:41 am
"Aww Misaki, you can't even recognise my voice? I don't blame you, it's been years since we last met. But I won't forget that because of you my comrades were arrested. We should have killed you instead of torturing you, that way they wouldn't spot us. But oh well, past is the past." the voice said with a laugh. Misaki kept looking everywhere she could from inside the box, searching for the man who talked. But soon she realized it was the terrorist from her last mission as a soldier. "Layton! Is that you? Show your face you ugly son of a bitch!" she shouted loudly in anger. Layton laughed once again. "My Misaki, you shouldn't search of me but instead think of why I brought you here." Misaki then answered "For revenge isn't it?" she said as she sat down on the floor sighing, thinking of how to escape. Layton then appeared in front of her, inside the box and Misaki gasped as she didn't expect him. "Revenge?! I don't want revenge anymore. I want to rule everyone, and my plans include you helping me." Misaki then laughed hard as she heard him and stood up, staring at his eyes "Rule the world? And you expect me to help you?" she said and then grabbed his necktie "Because of you I now have to suffer many phobias and can't even be a normal person anymore. You ruined my life and I will help?! Never" she said angrily as a few drops of tears fell down her eyes. She knew she was pitifull but didn't have the courage to change herself.

Layton then removed her hands off his necktie and said "Didn't you know?" he said and reached his pockets to grab a necklace with a red diamond. Misaki glanced at it confused. "With this, you will be a whole new person and forget about your illness. As long as you wear it." he said and reached down at her as he was ready to put it on her, but Misaki slapped his hand away. "I don't need that shit. I won't help you rule the world even if I die." she said with a glare and then turned her back at him. Layton slightly grinned and responded "As you wish..." and clapped his hands, causing the glass cage to disappear. "Then I guess I just have to kill you." Misaki glanced back at him confused but soon heard many footsteps coming towards her, only to realize that there were some nasty big creatures, aliens, glaring at her. "What in the world..." she uttered almost speechless glancing at all the aliens surrounding her. "They have already taken over the ship, with human appearances. Only a few humans are left anyways, so I guess I don't need you." Layton said and then walked away. Misaki glared at him and shouted as she was about to catch him "You bastard, wait!" only to be tossed at a wall by an alien and scream in pain.
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