Roleplay Paradisu
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Wed 26 Aug 2015, 6:46 am
"Wenn Sie bleiben wollen, als Sie zu bleiben." (If you want to stay than you can stay.) Casey said as he looked at Takato giving her a warm smile. "Come on Kyou enough is enough don't do something that will get you killed." Casey said after lowering his weapons. Casey smiled as he watched Tyree and Takato. "I was so worried about you." Tyree said as he held her against himself knowing she most likely wouldn't understand. Tyree jumped at the sound of the gun fire. Tyree quickly looked over at Kyou as he fell and then tried to keep her from watching. "He was infected and this way he could at least stay human. You think she is scared now? Imagine how she would have felt watching her brother cough up blood and then turn into one of these things." Casey said as he walked over to Kyou's body. "Takato Come on... Please say something..." Tyree begged as he tried to help Mizuki get Takato's attention. "So what do we do Mizuki?" Tyree asked with a voice full of worried. "I'll be taking this." Casey said as he pulled out the journal while searching his body for other useful things. "Well then we should grab her and get going back to the safety of the mine." Casey said as he picked up their bags and walked over to them scooping up Takato in his arms. Tyree leaned over to Mizuki "Have you ever seen him do something like this?" Tyree asked as they watched Casey walking to the mine with her in his arms. "You think he is on drugs or something?" Tyree whispered to her. "I'll get her back to the mine where we can safely treat her." Casey said as he took off sprinting. "Maybe that doctor he is taking Takato to did experiments on him?" Tyree whispered to her as they lagged behind
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Thu 03 Sep 2015, 7:32 pm
Takato continued to be unresponsive as her breathing grew heavier, just staring blankly at nothing in particular. "Well...fuck," Mizuki whispered as she looked over at Casey with a worried expression. "I hope you're ready to explain that to her because I know she'll ask why..." She let out a soft sigh as she looked at Takato, stroking the girl's hair gently. "I really don't know what to do Tyree." She watched in astonishment as Casey carried the bags and was able to pick up Takato without even so much as wincing. She shook her head at Tyree's question. "Never. But damn...," she said as she watched Casey, kind of turned on as she realized just how strong he really was. "I don't know and I don't care. Now I'm just horny," she said and started walking with her arms crossed against her chest, slightly pouting. She looked at Tyree curiously, then shrugged her shoulders. "If he even tries to experiment on Takato he has another thing coming."

Takato felt the hot tears begin to stream down her cheeks as Casey ran back towards the mines. She clung to his shirt, refusing to let him go as she buried her face in his shoulder. She couldn't quite comprehend what was going on around her even though she could hear everyone talking. It was like they were so far away. Her vision began to grow black as she became light headed from her abnormal breathing. All the color drained from her face until her skin was almost grey, beginning to shiver uncontrollably. The only warmth she could feel was coming from Casey. All she could think to do was hold onto him tighter and try to stay awake. She wanted to speak, to tell him how scared she was, but her voice just wouldn't come out. Her mind kept going back to her brother, which only made her panic more by what was happening the more she thought about it. Her eyes were still open, but she couldn't see a thing. She was only able to feel him holding her and hear his voice, continuing to remain unresponsive other than wanting to make sure he was still there.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 04 Sep 2015, 6:29 am
"Understood, when she asks I'll tell her the truth. After all haven't I always taken responsibility for my actions Mizuki?" Casey said as he looked at her and Tyree then back to Takato. "There are a few things we can do but with out medical attention we have to snap her out of it quickly." Casey said as he carried everything and Takato back to the mine. "I've never seen him lift so much and be phased by it..." Tyree said as he watched Casey with a shocked expression on his face. "Uh... yeah that's one way to put it." he said as he looked at Mizuki. Tyree just looked at Mizuki with a shocked look from what she had just said. "You can say that again." Tyree said as he thought of what kind of things the doctor could do to Takato. "We should start running if we want to keep up with them." Tyree suggested to Mizuki.

Casey kept running not stopping for anything until he arrived back at the mine. Casey opened the door to the mine and closed it behind him leaving it unlocked for the others. Casey knelt down placing the bags on the ground while he held Takato in his arms. He laid her down on the bags to make her more comfortable. "Now I just need to shock you out of it... the only question is what would shock her enough to do that?" he said thinking out loud as he rubbed his head thinking. Casey took his jacket off and used as a blanket to keep Takato warm since the mine was still a little chilly. "I got it let's see if this works." he said with a smirk as he took off his shirt and folded it up placing it under her head. he then leaned in gently placing his hands on her cheeks before kissing her. After a moment Casey opened his eyes and looked at the girl to see if the kiss had shocked her back to reality.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 04 Sep 2015, 8:10 am
Takato felt like her body was going numb as Casey laid her down and she felt his warmth disappear. Her breathing was staring to slow as all sound began to fade around her. She suddenly felt his warm hands against her cheeks, then something warm press against her lips. Her vision slowly started to clear, taking a moment to process what was going on. Her cheeks flushed clear as day over her greyish skin, her eyes growing wide. She looked into his eyes as he opened them to look at her. Her heart raced when he didn't pull away immediately as she froze under him. Mizuki and Tyree had finally reached the mines and opened the door only to find Casey kissing her cousin. She tilted her head curiously as she watched them. Takato continued staring at him when their lips finally parted, holding her hands against her chest. After a moment, she looked away shyly and bit her lower lip, trying to find the words to ask Casey why he had kissed her. "Guess that's one way to do it," Mizuki said and smiled, walking over and kneeling down next to Takato to check on her. "Be careful, she might just fall in love with you. She is still a virgin after all and they tend to be clingy," she teased as she smirked at Casey. She couldn't help but glance over at Tyree for a moment before whispering low enough to Casey so the boy wouldn't hear, "And you're making someone a bit jealous, kissing her without a shirt on." Mizuki looked him up and down. "I don't mind sharing the attention though," she said and stuck her tongue out playfully. Mizuki was always a little weird, but never seemed to get jealous as long as she got the same amount of attention if not more. Takato pulled his jacket up over her face, feeling embarrassed. Mizuki looked down at her and laughed, stroking the girl's hair to try and calm her down. "Aww, she's embarrassed. That's adorable! I love how innocent you are!" Mizuki said and hugged Takato tight, only making the girl blush more. "Mizuki, zu stoppen, mich zu necken ..., (Mizuki, stop teasing me...,)" Takato whined, trying to keep her face hidden as Mizuki tried to pull the jacket away from her face.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Sat 05 Sep 2015, 6:36 am
Casey pulled away smiling at Takato as he removed his hands from her cheeks. "Casey what the hell are you doing?!" Tyree asked as he saw the man kissing his girlfriend. 'Damn it! Now i'm turned on.' Casey thought to himself as he noticed Takato biting her lower lip. "Willkommen zurück in die Realität. Hier trink das." (Welcome back to reality. Here drink this.) Casey said as he handed her a bottle of water while ignoring Tyree. "Yeah It was the only thing I could think of that would snap her back to reality." Casey said as he looked at Mizuki. "Casey don't ignore me!" Tyree said pissed off. "Don't you have a girl friend to tend too?" Casey asked giving the boy an annoyed look. "Eh. I've had worse things happen to me. Aren't you still a virgin or was that whole waiting till you were married thing a load of bull?" Casey asked meaning it as a serious question. "Yeah, but your damn shirt back on Casey You're making Mizuki jealous!" Tyree said clearly angry about the situation. "Look a the silver lining Tyree at least I kept my pants on." Casey said with a smirk as he watched Tyree get more angry than before. "Well you can have as much of my attention as you want. now come here." Casey said as he pulled her in and gave Mizuki a passionate and loving kiss without warning. After a few moments they parted lips as he had grabbed her ass. "She is so innocent..." Casey said as he watched the girls.Tyree walked over to Takato and placed his hand on hers and smiled at just thinking on how she was feeling better. "Are you feeling better Takato?" Tyree asked her as he smiled still worried about her.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Sun 06 Sep 2015, 4:53 am
Takato kept her eyes averted as she sipped the water slowly, having finally let Mizuki pull the jacket away from the girl's face. She glanced over at Tyree, quickly realizing why he was so upset. The whole kiss thing was stuck on her mind, causing her to bite her lower lip as she continued pondering on it. Mizuki nodded and gave him a smile. "As long as she's alright. Though she still looks pretty sickly," she said as she noticed Takato still shivering and a bit discolored. "Nope, I'm just not clingy. I still plan to wait I hope you realize," Mizuki said and smirked at Casey teasingly. She looked at Tyree curiously when he mentioned her being jealous. "I'm far from jealous kid. If she's going to lose her virginity to anyone, I'd rather it be Casey because you still haven't earned my trust," Mizuki said and crossed her arms and gave Tyree a warning look not to even think of trying anything with Takato without permission. Takato glanced around at everyone curiously before taking another sip of her water, unsure of what they were all talking about but could feel the tension a bit. Mizuki giggled as Casey pulled her to him and kissed her, then smacked his arm playfully after Casey grabbed her ass. "I wouldn't mind if you stripped. I highly doubt Takato will either," Mizuki said with a teasing smile, rubbing Takato's head playfully. The girl looked up at Mizuki with a confused expression, then to Tyree, then Casey. "Was macht ihr reden? (What are you guys talking about?)" Takato asked, feeling a bit out of the loop. She looked at Tyree and managed a smile when he placed his hand on hers, her skin feeling cold to the touch. She nodded, knowing what he was asking, though she felt pretty exhausted after everything. But she didn't want to keep worrying him.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Sun 06 Sep 2015, 7:22 am
Casey had a small smirk on his face as he noticed Takato biting her lip again. "I guess that's true...." Tyree said as e was trying to calm down. "She'll be fine she just needs to warm up a bit....and I know how to warm her up." Casey said with a smirk. Tyree looked at Mizuki in total shock as she said she would rather Takato have sex with Casey over him. "Mizuki? Did you just give me permission to Screw her brains out?" Casey asked as he tilted his head to the side with a curious expression. "So you're telling me that you have no problem wit him fucking her?" Tyree asked in disbelief. "Wir sprechen über die aus den drei von uns gehen, um zunächst Ihre Gehirne herausdrehen sprechen." (We are talking about who out of the three of us is going to screw your brains out first.) Casey said as he smirked at Takato. "Well then as you wish my love." Casey said as he kicked off his boots and stripped off his pants. "Ahhh. So much better since I quiet wearing underwear." Casey said with a smile as he was now completely naked. "Oh my god Casey put your clothes back on nobody wants to see that!" Tyree said as he covered his eyes. "Why the girls seem to like it better this way?" Casey said as he looked over at the girls.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 12:03 am
Takato noticed Casey was looking at her and averted her gaze quickly, her cheeks turning slightly red. "Bitte nicht mich so aussehen ..., (Please don't look at me like that...,)" she said and bit her lip, not realizing that he was staring at her because of her nervous habit. "And what would warm her up?" Mizuki asked as she looked at Casey, a bit curious as to what he was thinking. "I guess I did give you permission. She is sixteen, so I see nothing wrong with it. Besides, I'd rather it be someone I trust than a total stranger," Mizuki said as she pointed at Tyree. Her attention went to the boy, giving a shrug as a response. "Not any particular problem with it, no," she said and adjusted her glasses. Takato's eyes widened as she stared at Casey, her face turning a dark shade of red. She quickly covered her head with his jacket to hide her embarrassment. "Don't tell her that!" Mizuki said and smacked Casey's chest with the back of her hand. Mizuki stared at him and whistled when he stripped. "Better than I ever imagined." Takato could hear Tyree yelling and slowly peeked out from under the jacket only to see that Casey was completely naked. She quickly rolled over and buried her face in Tyree's lap, turning red from head to toe. Mizuki laughed and rubbed her back. "Well, judging from how red she is I'm pretty sure she likes what she sees. Hopefully you can compete with that Tyree," she said, trying to tease the boy and make him feel insecure. "Ich wusste nicht, sie, dass große bekommen konnte ..., (I didn't know they could get that big...,)" Takato mumbled shyly, keeping her face buried in Tyree's lap as Mizuki laughed harder at Takato's comment. "Basically, she's impressed," Mizuki said to clarify to Tyree what the girl thought, still laughing pretty hard.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 08 Sep 2015, 12:22 am
"Wie was?" (Like what?) Casey asked as he gave her a small smirk while thinking about just how much the simple gesture of Takato biting her lip turned him on. "Casey leave her alone." Tyree said in an annoyed voice as he glared at Casey. "Well if you ladies are up for it, there are some natural hot springs here in the mine. It's the reason they stopped digging here." Casey said with a smirk as he tilted his head to the side. "I see. However I'm not sure that the kid understands what will happen if he tries anything with her." Casey said as he looked over at Tyree. "Okay you are seriously screwed up in the head you and Casey deserve each other." Tyree said with a straight face. Casey reached into a pouch in his ammo bag that was underneath Takato's butt. Casey pulled out a magazine loaded with blanks and threw it hitting Tyree in the forehead. "OW!!! The hell was that for?!" Tyree exclaimed angrily as he rubbed the spot the magazine had hit him. "You can insult me but I will not tolerate you insulting Mizuki." Casey said giving the boy a cold glare. Casey smiled when Mizuki complement his size. "Just wait till you get to try it out." he smirked. "Well now I feel small and insignificant...." Tyree mumbled to himself in a depressed voice. "Es wird größer, wenn es hart wird." (It gets bigger when it gets hard.) Casey said with a smirk as he watched how the girl would react. "Come on kids time for a field trip. I believe this belongs to me." Casey grabbed his clothes before picking up Takato throwing her over his shoulder. "Hey Casey give her back!" Tyree exclaimed as Takato was pulled out of his lap. Casey then picked up all of the bags except Tyree's. "Hey you forgot my bag." Tyree said as Casey started walking away. "I didn't forget it I left it for you." he sad with a smile. "Why did you grab theirs and not mine?" he asked looking annoyed. "I took Mizuki's because she is my future wife. I grabbed Takato's bag because she is still to weak to carry it on her own." he said just to piss Tyree off more. "You know Casey there is a special place in hell for you right?" Tyree said as he grabbed his bag and followed them to the hot springs. "Yeah I know. It's called a thrown." Casey said as he smirked at Tyree leading them to the hot springs. Casey placed the bags against the wall when they arrived in a cavern like room. "Here we are. let me get the lights." Casey said as he gently put Takato down and walked over to a generator. here was a roar from the generator starting before the lights suddenly turned on lighting up the whole room showing the steam coming off of the water. The room was warm and gave off a relaxing feeling. "Ladies welcome to my secret hide away." Casey said as he smiled at Mizuki and Takato.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 08 Sep 2015, 1:04 am
"Wie ... einfach aufhören ..., (Like...just stop...,)" Takato said softly as she continued keeping her face hidden, feeling too shy to say that lustful look made her heart race. She looked up at Tyree as he tried to get Casey to stop and smiled a little. "Oh god yes. That sounds amazing," Mizuki said just imagining how good the water will feel. Mizuki gave him a curious look, beginning to realize that Casey was attracted to Takato, but for some reason it didn't really bother her. He might be attracted to her cousin, but she highly doubted Casey would go for someone so young. "Just don't get her hopes up," she said, continuing to play along as she smirked. She glared at Tyree for him comment. Takato jumped and looked down at Casey's hand as it brushed against her ass to see what he was doing. "Tyree, bist du in Ordnung? (Tyree, are you alright?)" Takato asked with concern, lifting herself up a little to look at the spot where the magazine hit. "Nice shot," Mizuki said, crossing her arms as she continued glaring at Tyree. "Not until we're married," Mizuki commented and closed her eyes with a smile. Takato was a bit curious as to why he sounded depressed and tilted her head slightly, placing her hand on top of Tyree's and gave him a reassuring smile in hopes to make him feel better. Her face turned bright red at Casey's comment and lowered her head, biting her lip and trying hard not to imagine what it would look like when it was hard. She pressed her legs together, getting a little turned on and did her best to keep the others from noticing her little gesture. She squealed when she was suddenly broken from her thoughts and thrown over Casey's shoulder, finding herself staring down at his ass and unsure of where to put her hands as she closed her eyes to keep from looking. She really hoped Casey couldn't feel her heart racing being against him like this. Mizuki stood up and pat Tyree on the shoulder. "Calm down kid. He's just trying to make you jealous. The madder you get, the more he'll do it," Mizuki explained in a whisper after Casey had gone a bit ahead of them and smiled at the boy. "You two really hate each other don't you?" Mizuki asked with a laugh as the boys argued while she followed. Takato slowly opened her eyes and put her hands on her chest once she was put down. Her eyes quickly shut again as the room lit up and started rubbing her right eye, wondering where she had put her eyepatch as her eye began to tear up from the irritation caused by the light. She was really wishing she hadn't broken her special glasses that helped her see because she never needed to take them off unless she slept. Mizuki looked around in amazement as her expression lit up, immediately going over to the water and crouching down by the edge. She dipped her hand into the water and smiled. "I so needed a spa day!" She said before looking over at Casey. "You better be ready to share this 'secret' of yours from now on." Mizuki slipped off her shoes and sat down, sliding her feel into the water and gave a relaxed sigh.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 08 Sep 2015, 6:36 am
Casey closed his eyes and gave Takato a playful smile when she told him to stop. "Glad you like the idea." Casey chuckled. "As you wish." Casey said giving Mizuki a loving smile. "I'll be fine." Tyree said as he smiled at Takato not wanting her to worry about him. "Thanks." Casey said as he watched Tyree rubbing his head. "Well I honestly want to marry you as soon as possible if that's alright with you?" Casey asked as he took Mizuki's hand in his and kissed it gently. Tyree looked up at Takato and gave her a warm smile letting her know he was alight. Casey had a small mischievous smirk cross his lips as he noticed Takato biting her lip again. Casey noticed the moment Takato pressed her legs together knowing he had turned her on. 'Oh I'm going to have so much fun with this one!' Casey thought to himself thinking about what he could do to turn the girl on more just for fun. Casey could feel Takato's heart racing as he kept her pressed up against him. 'Huh, this should be easier than I originally thought.' he thought as he realized just how innocent she really was. "Yeah, I know but he just knows how to get under my skin. How do you deal with him?" Tyree whispered back to Mizuki. "Considering how we meet it really isn't surprising..." Tyree said as he grabbed his bag and looked at Mizuki. Casey noticed Takato was covering her eye from the light and remembered Mizuki placed in a pocket on the side of her bag. Casey reached into Mizuki's bag and pulled out Takato's eye patch. "Hier sollte dies helfen.." (Here this should help.) he said as he handed the eye patch to Takato. "Wow and why didn't you tell us about this earlier?" Tyree asked as he looked at the hot springs then back at Casey. "Because I was originally just going to bring them here when you passed out." Casey said trying to make the boy angry. " I hate you so so much." Tyree said as glared at Casey then looked down at the water. "I know but let me give you a reason to hate me more." Casey said as he walked up behind Tyree and pushed him into the water. "What the hell was that for?!" Tyree exclaimed when he surfaced. "For free." Casey said as he closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side while smiling at him. "Well then I hope you enjoy it Mizuki." Casey said as he walked over to her. "I have no problems with that as long as we keep this our secret." he said as he winked at her before getting in. "Come in sweetheart the water is great." Casey said as he looked up at her giving her a loving smile.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 08 Sep 2015, 7:17 am
Mizuki smiled at him. "If you can find someone with a license, then we can get married right then and there," she said to Casey as she watched him for a moment interacting with Takato. She looked at Tyree and shrugged. "I never had a problem dealing with him," she said, then gave him a curious look when he mentioned that it wasn't a surprise that Casey and him didn't get along. She decided not to ask at this point and time, figuring she would ask Casey about it later. Takato looked up as Casey held out the eye patch and slowly took it from him. "Danke..., (Thank you...,)" she whispered, catching a glance of his manhood again and quickly looked down. She put her eye patch on and tried not to think about it as she bit her lip shyly. Mizuki laughed when Tyree was pushed into the water and looked at Casey as he got in as well. "Sure," she said and stripped her clothes off so she was just in a bra and panties before sliding down into the water. "Ohhh that feels amazing...," she said as she sank down until the water came up to her neck. "I could fall asleep in here," she said, the sleep heavy in her voice as she relaxed in the water. She glanced back to tell Takato to join them and realized the girl was gone. "I can't imagine how she must feel. She had already lost her parents and her three sisters. Now Kyou is gone too." Mizuki turned to Casey with a worried expression. "She's a strong girl and will bottle it up because she doesn't want people to worry. I want to leave her alone, but..." she trailed off and sighed, wondering if there was anything she could do. "I can't communicate with her very well unfortunately."

Takato watched everyone quietly as she leaned back against the wall, tightly holding Casey's jacket around herself and enjoyed what little warmth that the steam was giving her. Some color had returned to her skin, but she was still pretty pale. She made no attempt to join then, embarrassed that she wasn't wearing any underwear and didn't want the guys to see her naked. She wasn't comfortable enough with her body either way. While the boys argued and seemed distracted, she slowly got up and moved to another area in the room where they couldn't see her and examined the water. It looked warm and inviting, bringing a small smile to her face. She looked around to make sure she wasn't followed before taking off Casey's jacket followed by the rest of her clothes. She slowly got into the water, making sure it covered her completely and hidden from sight from the others. Finally she felt like she could relax now that she was away from everyone. Her mind went back to her brother as she stared into the water. "Bin ich wirklich der einzige, der nach links ...? (Am I really the only one left...?)" She sank down further until the water covered her mouth. She forced back the tears and closed her eye, wishing there was some way she could get her mind off of what happened.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Wed 09 Sep 2015, 8:00 am
"Yeah, but what if we can't find someone?" Casey asked her curious as to what she would come up with for a solution. "I bet that's because he likes you." Tyree said in a teasing voice. "Kein Problem." (No problem.) Casey said when Takato thanked him. "Entspannen Sie brauchen nicht so nervös zu sein." (Relax you don't need to be so nervous.) Casey said smirking at her as he watched her biting her lip again. Casey and Tyree both watched as Mizuki stripped down to her bra and panties before getting in. "See I told you this would be great didn't I?" Casey asked Mizuki as he sat next to her. "I know but please don't I don't want you to drown to death in here." Casey said in a joking manner. "Loosing everyone you love is a difficulty thing..." Casey said as he looked up at the ceiling thinking of his daughter. "That may be so but she will snap one day if she keeps doing that." he said as he looked back to Mizuki. "I'll talk to her...after all I was the one who shot Kyo so I should talk to her." he said as he got up to go look for Takato.

Tyree went off looking for Takato as soon as Mizuki and Casey started their conversation. Tyree hid behind a rock in the water and watched as Takato stripped naked and got into the water. Seeing her naked turn him on. Tyree swam under the water and popped up next to Takato and kissed her cheek. "You look relaxed." Tyree said as he gave er a warm smile. "How are you?" he asked as he the look on his face showed just how worried about her he was. "It's to quiet in here... Where the hell are the kids?" Casey asked as he stood up looking around. Tyree pulled Takato in close and wrapped his arms around her in a loving manner before leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips. Casey walked around exploring the area for and where the kids could be. It was so steamy that it was hard to get around in the room.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 11 Sep 2015, 11:52 pm
"Well, guess we aren't getting married then," Mizuki teased as she grinned at him. She looked over at Tyree and shook her head with a bright smile. "Nope. I think it's just you." She couldn't help but notice them staring at her now that she had stripped down and smirked playfully. "You can look, but no touch boys." She giggled and nodded, leaning her head on Casey's shoulder. " wouldn't let me drown," she said as she closed her eyes. She opened her eyes again and looked up at him as he trailed off. "I hope she doesn't let it go that far," she said and looked down at her reflection in the water. "Alright. Hopefully she'll listen to you." Mizuki looked up at him with a gentle smile. She watched him until he disappeared from view and let out a soft sigh. She turned around and rested her arms along the side, laying her head down. She soon drifted off into a peaceful light sleep.

Takato jumped up with a squeal with Tyree suddenly popped up out of the water and quickly covered herself, hoping he hadn't seen her naked while swimming around underwater. "Tun Sie das nicht! (Don't do that!)" She said, sounding flustered as her face turned a dark shade of red. She looked down when he had asked how she was, unsure of how to answer his question. She looked up at him as Tyree wrapped his arms around her. "Tyree ... was sind Sie--  (Tyree...what are you--)" His sudden kiss cut her off mid-sentence. She put her hands on his chest as a soft moan escaped her lips, her eyes slowly closing. She felt a little nervous kissing him while she was completely naked. "Tyree ... jemand wird uns sehen ..., (Tyree...someone will see us...,)" she whispered between kisses and pushed her hands against his chest trying to move away. She was beginning to feel self conscious since he was still fully clothed and had no idea that Casey was nearby.

(Give me more to work with damnit xD )
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Mon 04 Jan 2016, 7:44 pm
( Yes we are restarting it again lol )

Takato sat in the house his group had left him in up in one of the bedrooms. It had been nearly a week since he had seen his group and he was starting to fear that he had been abandoned because he was a liability. He couldn't defend himself and he was always getting sick. He looked through his bag, which didn't have much in it as far as supplies went. A bottle of water that was a little less than half full, a few cans of food with a small pocket knife to open them and a bottle of pain killers that helped reduce fevers. He didn't even have a decent weapon to defend himself if he ever needed it. He was beginning to lose hope that anyone would come back for him. He took a small drink of his water, then set it down on the nightstand next to the bed. He took out one of the cans of food and opened it up. He had only gotten a few bites in when he heard a voice downstairs. He quickly got up with some excitement, thinking it was his group as he ran over to the door. He froze, his hand hovering above the doorknob and started shaking as he realized he didn't recognize the voice at all. He wasn't sure if it was only one person or multiple, but he feared what they would do if they found him. He turned and ran over to the bed, grabbing his bag and unintentionally making quite a bit of noise as he hid under the bed. He covered his mouth to try and muffle his breathing, not realizing he had left his drink and food sitting on the night stand.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 05 Jan 2016, 12:16 am
Hikaru walked along the empty streets of the small town. She had been alone for some time. It had been at least a few weeks since her group had been killed by the undead. "It's getting dark..." Hikaru said as she looked up at the sky watching the sun setting between two houses. Hikaru started walked towards a home with a fence around it. "looks secure enough." she said with a smile on her face as she ran to the building. Hikaru opened the door as she walked into the house before closing it behind her. "Well this looks like it will do for tonight." she said as drew her sword. Hikaru searched room to room and closet to closet finding no signs of the dead. "So far so good." she said as she approched the last room. Hikaru opened the door and looked around before checking the closet. "Finally, I find a some clothes that aren't covered in blood or guts." she said in a happy voice as she put her sword away. She shut the bedroom door before walking over to the mirorr. "It's been so long since I last saw my reflection... I hardly recongnize myself anymore." Hikaru said as she looked at her reflection still unaware of the boy under the bed behind her. Hikaru took her top off and dropped it on the floor before grabbing a rag and a bottle of water to clean herself up with. Hikaru put on a clean shirt and sat on the bed still looking at the mirorr. "I hope big sis is still alive out there somewhere. I have to find her." she said as tear fell down her face. Hikaru looked around the room a little closer now noticing the food and the water on the night stand. 'Someone is here!' she thought to herself as she reaized someone was under the bed. Hikaru stood up and walked over to the door and sat down facing the bed before reaching into her bag and pulling out a box of crackers, spray chesees, two bottles of water and two lemonade packets. She smiled as she opened the bottles and mixed in the lemonade packets for her and whoever was here. "Why don't you come out and eat with me? I won't hurt you I promise." she said as she laid down and looked at the boy under the bed, giving him a gentle smile.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 08 Jan 2016, 12:23 am
Takato watched as the door to the room opened and kept his eye on the young girl's feet as she moved around the room. He listened to her talk to herself and cursed under his breath when he had seen she had closed the door. So much for sneaking out easily. He blushed a little as he saw her shirt fall to the floor and as he glanced over, he had a perfect view of her in the mirror. His judgment was beginning to become a little clouded to say the least as he tried to imagine what she looked like without any clothes on, which in turn made his pants feel a bit tight. He felt a little uneasy when she sat down on the bed and did his best not to make any noise to alert her that he was there. He tilted his head slightly as he watched her go over to the door and begin pulling some things out of her bag, trying his best to keep his stomach from growling. His body tensed when Hikaru called him out, his face turning a bit red from the embarrassment and did what he could to hide the fear he had as their eyes met. At first he was too scared to move, but soon started to come out from under the bed, giving her a better look at him. She didn't seem to be much older than he was and wondered if maybe his group had sent her here to wait with him. He was a little nervous as he sat down on the bed, still unsure if he wanted to go over to her or not. He decided to try talking to her. "What's...what's your name?" He asked, unable to hide the nervousness in his voice.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Sat 09 Jan 2016, 8:30 pm
Hikaru smiled at the boy as he started coming out from under the bed. 'He looks to be about my age.' she thought to herself as she started checking out the boy. 'Wow he is cute! I wouldn't mind having him all to myself. Wait, with my luck he is gay like the last five cute boys I've come across. Oh, God please be straight and single.' Hikaru thought to herself. "My name is Hikaru. What's your name cutie?" she asked as she introduced herself to him. Hikaru kept giving him a warm and gentle smile trying to make the boy feel a little more comfortable around her. 'Oh yeah he is definitely straight from the look of it, and he sure does have a nice package. Wait why does he have a hard on? Oh no he saw me topless!' Hikaru thought to herself while blushing as she was looking at the boy's hard on. "So.. um why don't you come eat with me? I've got plenty of food and I don't mind sharing with you." She said as she pointed to her bag. "How long have you been here?" she asked as she looked around the room.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Tue 12 Jan 2016, 11:18 am
Takato watched her carefully, still unsure if she was friendly or just trying to get him to let his guard down. "It's Takato...," he said, blushing from her cutie comment and quickly looked down at his feet to try and hide his embarrassment. Her smile was working when it came to comforting him and was glad to find someone that was his own age. It had been months since he met anyone his age. He was hesitant, but he soon nodded as he got up and walked over, sitting near her but wasn't sure how close he should get. "About a week... I stayed behind because I was too sick to leave with my group while they went searching for supplies, but they haven't come back yet...," he explained, a hint of doubt in his voice that they were ever coming back for him. "Are you okay? I mean... you seemed a little upset earlier," he said and looked at her with a bit of concern, wondering why she had been crying earlier.

Akito yawned as he wandered the dirt roads and rubbed his head. "It's pretty quiet around here. Guess that's the advantage of living in a secluded area," he said as he looked around. "Hey Borya, what do you think? It's getting pretty dark and a bed might be a nice change," he said with a smile as he looked over at the man. They had met up shortly after everything had started and had been stuck with the man since. Even though the guy could be an asshole, he had to admit, he liked him. In more than one way, but he was pretty good about hiding his feelings and sexual preference. He never really thought Borya thought of him in that way even though Akito did have more of that feminine look to his figure and had more of that pretty boy face. "Besides, we're running low on supplies and these house might not have been gone through yet," he pointed out as he closed his eyes and smiled, sliding his hands in his pockets. Even though he figured he'd never be with him in a sexual way, he was still loyal to the man and would do just about anything for him.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Wed 13 Jan 2016, 10:32 pm
"It's nice to meet you Takato. You have nice name." Hikaru said as she smiled at him. "I've nevr heard of a group leaving their sick alone while going to look for supplies. On that note I've never heard of a group taking a week to search for supplies." she said realizing his group had left him to die. "I don't know. about week ago my group was over run by those things and as far as I'm aware they're all dead. My sister and I had gotten seperated. I'm worried that my big sister might not have made it out of there." she said as her voice hinted at her sadness. "Here you still seem nervous so lets do this." Hikaru said as she walked to the dresser behind her and placed her Katana and side arm on it before walking back over to him and sat down. "If you want you can travel with me and we could start our own group?" Hikaru asked as she smiled at him before taking a sip of her drink.

Borya streched his arms as he walked glancing around. "Yeah, no kidding. Just means less to worry about." Borya said as he smirked at Akito. "Yeah, I agree. been a while since I last saw a bed." he said with a chuckle as he smiled back at his friend. "You make a fair point. Alright let's do it." he said as they walked. Borya smiled at the man before checking his weapon. "Pick a place and we'll check it out." he said as he looked at the man. Borya's favorite thing about Akito was his skills and loyalty. They had been together so long Borya thought of the man as a brother.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 29 Jan 2016, 5:35 am
Takato couldn't seem to bring himself to look her in the eye as she complimented him. "Well... mines different," he said and turned his head away even though he knew the reality of the situation. "I'm sure she's alright. If she is alive I bet she's just as worried about you as you are her," he said as he looked at her in an attempt to comfort Hikaru. He watched her as she went over to the dresser and set her weapons on it. It did help him relax a bit that she would make herself vulnerable and trust a stranger. "I... I don't know," he said as he looked down at his hands in his lap. He wasn't sure if he should leave. What if his group did come back for him and he wasn't there? He had grown so close to them to the point where he thought of them as family. The thought of being abandoned scared him and right now he had a wall up to keep her out. "There were so few of us and we each had a job to do. It's not unusual for us to separate or leave in pairs then meet up again a few hours or days later. We could cover more ground that way. Or at least, that's the logic we all followed. We'd just pick a town or a place on a map and find each other again, but..." He stopped, realizing even that was a limited plan. You could only stay in one place for so long before moving on. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on his knees. "They're not coming back for me... are they?"

Akito glanced around again and nodded with a smile. "Yeah. I'd say it's pretty lucky that it's been almost two days without seeing a single one of those things. Guess the more secluded the better." He walked over to a fence to a house that was about to his waist and took a moment to examine the place. "Shit, a shower would be even better," he commented with a sigh. He didn't like to show it, but he actually did care about his looks. He even liked wearing girl's clothes and when he did, especially with some make up and hair accessories, could easily be mistaken for a young woman. Maybe they would get lucky and find some extra water somewhere so he could clean up a little bit. He glanced back at Borya and gave a nod before hopping the fence. "This one looks secure," he said to himself and walked up to the porch. He glanced in through the windows. The house seemed pretty quite, no movement or dead from first glance. Though, it wouldn't be the first time they've found some locked in a room or a closet, even an attic and basement a few times. He had noticed a pattern with it. It was usually a family member that they couldn't bring themselves to take down. He knew just how hard that choice was to make. He walked over to the front door and checked it, glad he got lucky and it was unlocked. It was always annoying finding it locked and having to break in. He opened the door slowly and stepped in, careful not to make too much noise. It wasn't surprising to see the place in disaray, but it didn't seem like it had been raided yet. He motioned for Borya to follow him in before going through the house and checking the rooms.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Sat 06 Feb 2016, 5:39 am
"Different isn't the word I would use. I would say it's unique." Hikaru said as she gave him a kind smile. "Your right I'm sure she is out there somewhere." she said as she thought about what her sister could be doing. Hikaru smiled a little when she noticed that he was less tense now that she had removed her weapons. "Think about it what do you have to loose by coming with me?" she asked as she thought about how she could convince him to travel with her. "gong off for a few hours or days in pairs is one thing but the whole group going off for this long all at once without saying where they were going to meet up with you is another thing entirely." she said knowing fully well that his group had abandoned him there, leaving him for dead. "....I wish I could tell you that they were, but we both know that would be a lie." she said as she scooted closer to him, "If you join me I promise you will never have to worry about this happening again." Hikaru said as she wrapped her arms around him placing his head between her breast with out thinking about it.

"Yeah, no kidding. I'm just happy that we finally caught a break. Maybe we could make a place for ourselves out here for a while." Borya said as he glanced around some more. "Well, I can't argue with that. I would be happy with anyplace that still has working plumbing." he said with a smirk as he followed Akito. "Only one way to find out. After all looks can be deceiving." he said as he hopped the fence and followed the man. Borya followed Akito in and started searching room by room. "Place looks nice for being in the middle of nowhere." he said to himself as he looked through the rooms. Borya stopped when he heard scratching coming from the other side of door. Borya took out his knife and quietly walked over to the door, gently placing his hand on the door knob. 'And behind door number one is.....' he thought to himself as he opened the door ready to strike. As he opened the door our ran a raccoon. Borya smirked as he watched it running in Akito's direction. "Heads up! dinner incoming!" he yelled to let Akito know it was coming his way before chasing after it.
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Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein) - Page 5 Empty Re: Wake of the Dead (Att: Snowstein)

Fri 04 Mar 2016, 2:57 am
"I guess I don't have anyone else anymore...," Takato said, hugging his knees to his chest. He really didn't have anything to lose because he had already lost everything. His eyes began to water the more he thought about it and lowered his head, fighting back the tears as best he could. "I get sick easily... they never seemed to have a problem with it before. I thought... I thought they were my friends." It was easy to hear him choking back the tears. "My brother wouldn't have left me. He was away at college... I don't even know if he's alive... I wish he was here," he mumbled to himself and buried his face in his knees. He blushed slightly when Hikaru placed his face in her breasts. 'They're really soft,' he thought, remembering how she didn't have a bra on either. He was still upset, but it was difficult to be totally sad being so close to her. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, tears starting to run down his cheeks, unable to hold back the tears now that she was hugging him. "I'll come with you," he whispered, trying hard not to let her see him cry. He sat there quietly and just held her tight, not wanting to let go.

"That's a nice thought," Akito said as he thought about having a bit of a normal life again. He laughed a little and glanced back at Borya with a smile. "Some electricity wouldn't hurt either. Maybe we'll get lucky and find a place with a generator or something." He carefully examined the place as he listened to Borya. "We haven't seen any of those things in a while. It's almost like the area was already cleared out...," he said, beginning to get an uneasy feeling for some reason. There wasn't even any animals around. "I grew up in a place like this. It's quiet and plenty of open space. My siblings and I used to spend our time playing hide 'n seek or going down to the creek to try and catch fish," he said with a big smile as he remembered the past. He never liked talking about himself. This was the first time since the two had met that he had mentioned anything about it or his family. He turned the corner and walked down the hallway as Borya continued searching the other part of the house. He started to open up a door when he heard the man yelling for him and smirked the moment he heard the word dinner. He pulled out his knives and was about to step away from the door to cut the raccoon off when the door flew open behind him and was hit in the back of the head with the butt of a gun before he had time to react, knocking him out instantly. The guy quickly grabbed him and dragged him into the room, shutting the door before Borya came around the corner to see anything. The only mistake he made was not picking up Akito's weapons still laying in the hall, which he never went anywhere without. Hell he slept with them. The man picked Akito up and threw him over his shoulder, then looked at the other two standing in the room. "Take care of the other one, get what you can, then head on down," he whispered as he headed down a stair way and closed the door, locking it behind him. There was more than one entrance, but finding them was the hard part and all but one was usually locked. One of them covered it with a rug before moving into position and drawing his weapon. The other one leaned up against the door quietly, listening to see if he could hear Borya anywhere nearby.
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