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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sun 09 Apr 2017, 11:29 am
A shy girl foolishly follows her friend to a street race after confronting one of the participants not too long ago only to end up winning at the illegal betting and being taken out for drinks leading to a night of fiery passion that would spark interests and conflicts.

Name: Ayase
Age: 23
Occupation: University student
Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Biblyoteka.600.2047489

Name: Mikoto
Age: 25
Occupation: Businessman, heir to a small company; Street racer.
Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Zen.%28Mystic.Messenger%29.600.2059664
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Age : 27
Location : Yaoiland

Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sun 09 Apr 2017, 12:29 pm
Name: Jun
Age: 27
Occupation: Struggling artist

Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Erwin.Smith.240.1610596

Name: Mei
Age: 23
Occupation: University student - Heiress to a company

Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Erise.240.2052607
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sun 09 Apr 2017, 12:47 pm
Ayase was laying on her stomach on the bed flipping through the various tabs she had open in her laptop. Her ears covered by the oversized headphones blasting her favourite song at the time, though it wouldn't stay in that position for long. In a couple of days, she would have a different musical obsession and that would happen again and again and again. Her music taste was ever flowing. Sighing as she closed the chat application she usede to talk to her friend, Mei, she waited for the other to come pick her up. They were going to that cafe that Mei's current crush was being a frequent at, what for she didn't pay enough attention to understand but she would go to just sit in a corner as the other did her job. "Let's just hope it won't take long." She sighed as she closed the protable computer and fixed her attire in front of the mirror in the small apartment she was renting as a housing in the town she stayed at. Her flowy dress reaching in her mid thigh was the best she could do to get a little closer to the way she had to dress to go to the places Mei was a regular at.

At the same time, in a nearby city, Mikoto was getting out of his car. He had won again in the underground races and he was going to hit the corner cafe where the girls watching the race would wait for him to pick who would he take home. It wasn't a rare occurance for him to take more than one back to his place and both would be usually very enthusiastic about it. Smirking at that thought, he waited for the news to travel around fast, the internet was after all the best way to communicate things like who's the Street Prince of the town or the neighboring one.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sun 09 Apr 2017, 1:17 pm
Being a young heiress at a publishing company and the only daughter of a rich family surely raised everyone's expectations to Mei's dismay. Business meetings, unnecessary etiquette lessons and strict rules only made her revolt, slowly, over the years until she's reached a stage of no point of return. The short, black, leather dress slid over her white shirt as she then pulled the straps up to her shoulders, retaining her somewhat classy appearance and took a deep breath, trying to zip the tight dress. Mei and Ayase would have 'coffee' at the cafe her crush frequents and they wouldn't attend had Mei not urge - well, force - Ayase to tag along. Those two were quite different appearance and character wise, however it did not stop them from being friends. "Hey, it's me. Open the fucking door." Mei exhaled as she knocked on Ayase's door, hoping they wouldn't be too late. Her crush wasn't going to loiter around forever and it was just now that she decided to finally talk to the man, instead of hiding and cheering from afar. "I got the motor running!" She then yelled and leaned against the door while holding both helmets, one on each of her arms. Yeah, Mei loved fast rides so much she decided to buy one herself.

"Nice driving, champ." Jun teased Mikoto with a tap on the shoulder and a grin on his lips, which to anyone not knowing the man would appear as if mocking him. They both race and both have been opponents at many occassions but today their paths didn't cross on the road. Jun had been racing elsewhere, for lower bids. "Here, to steal yet another lady?" He continued, taking a seat at their table unvited as he searched his pockets for a packet of cigarettes. His hand moved to his lips, placing the cigar in between as he flickered the lighter and then briefly closed his eyes, taking a long drag. Jun himself didn't mind spending the nights with a different company every time but sometimes the attachment made him tired.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sun 09 Apr 2017, 10:13 pm
Upon hearing the voice of her friend outside the door, she grabbed her jacket and purse and opened the wooden barrier to take a look at her friend blinking for a moment. "We're riding your bike while in dresses? Wanna make an entrance Mei?" Ayase chuckled as she took a helmet from her blonde friend and putting it on with a small smile. She couldn't understand what was so good with that racer guy she had been going on and on for so long but she wouldn't be the one to tell her friend that was a bad idea, well, not again at least. They have had that conversation one time too many for comfort. "Will it at least have normal bevereges or will I have to just have some irish coffee instead?" She asked with a slight hint of worry in her voice. She wasn't that used to drinking anything other than wine and even that, it wasn't something she did often. The girl sighed and smiled at the other and walked to the other's ride before locking her door behind her, a habit of hers to ensure that her few belongings stayed hers.

Snorting softly at Jun's comment, Mikoto reached down and dropped his phone on the table letting it ring as he made no move to pick it up. "Too bad you weren't there so that I could wipe the floor with your face growing long." He laughed as the incoming call ended and he picked the device in his hand looking rathere busy trying to buy time in answering the other's question. "You know, sex is for before any race. Kickstarts the adrenaline." He smirked as he looked around for the next girl he would pick up for later that night. It was a habit of his picking girls before a race and if they were lucky, after it as well.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Fri 28 Apr 2017, 11:07 am
Mei was about to wear her helmet when Ayase asked a ridiculous question, stopping midway with an arched brow that was followed by a mocking laugh shortly after. "Are you serious?! You think I would offer the boys quite the view - that easily?" Mei replied and then winked, further elabortating. "I wear my biker shorts! And... Let me guess... You don't wear any. Cool. I suppose you can sit on the side then. Unless you prefer taking the bus. You call." She then finally wore the helmet and readjusted her tight black leather dress. God, she could hardly breath in that but the way her waist was showing? Can't not wear this while meeting her crush. As Ayase locked the door, Mei pressed the button to call the elevator and then let out an inaudible sigh while waiting, gently tapping her fingers on her thighs, making faint sounds. "You can just get some cola you know. You don't have to be like them. You are your own person." She offers some words of advice, knowing that in many aspects she and Ayase were the exact opposites and yet still remained friends for some unknown reason. Guess the opposites attract each other after all? Anyway, they both rode the elevator down and then Mei climbed, yes climbed - that thing was huge, on her motorbike and waited for her friend to get on as well and drive off.

Jun took another long drag of his cigarette while shifting his attention towards Mikoto's phone that he refused to answer, causing Jun to feel irked at the sound of the ringtone. "Oh, I bet you got countless girls to pick from." He then says in a semi sarcastic tone, referring to the phone's constant ringing that almost made him shut it himself. "Too bad you don't have real skills and need sex to kick off the adrenaline. Maybe you should watch a pro like me and learn. Aren't you afraid the girls will leave you after finding out you are a huge player? I don't think I would take this chance if I were you." Jun finally says and takes one last drag before extinguishing the cigarette on the ashtray by the table. He then called for the bartender and ordered one more beer. "There isn't long before the race. Maybe you should hurry up and pick a girl to have fun with. I wouldn't want you to stay without... your adrenaline kick."
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Tue 05 Sep 2017, 11:43 am
Her eyes gre wide at the mention of a bus ride. Buses were her mortal enemy and she knew Mei knew that but didn't really bother about it as she sat on the side getting a hold of Mei's waist chuckling. "Good! Good! At least I can chill while you oogle at that guy." She laughed and leaned her cheek onto her friend's back happily. "Why are we going there again?" She asked wanting to rain check with her friend as to the real reason behind the outing.

Mikoto started laughing at Jun's words. "What can I say? It's more fun than just racing. Besides, it's a reward!" He laughed taking a swing from his drink before placing it back onto the table and taking a cigerette for himself humming. "When's your next race? Perhaps I can hook you up with some girl then and realise why it is so nice." he snickered. Although he did have signs this wasn't true, he often came to think his friend was asexual. Not that he had any problems with it, but he'd rather know so he wouldn't make him uncomfortable by accident.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Tue 05 Sep 2017, 12:15 pm
A loud grunt escaped from Mei's lips as Ayashe asked for the millionth time why they are visiting the nearby town just to have a few drinks. Seriously, must she admit that she likes a certain racer? Or does her friend like to place her on a tight spot? "Well, are are going to meet guys, duh?" She stated the obvious and revved the motorbike's engine. "And if you dare to ask one more time I will drive so fast that you will throw up." Mei snickered as they drove on the interstate, feeling thankful for remembering to wear the biker shorts or else she would have flashed every single car on the street with the short and tight dress she is wearing. After what would probably seem like a terror ride for Ayase, Mei finally pulled over in front of a pub, shutting down the engine as she then turned to face her friend. "30minutes to get here... Not bad. You are still alive, right? I would hate to drag you inside dead. Imagine the stares I would get! Talk about first impressions." She teased and then unbuckled the helmet, holding it in her arm as she pointed for them to head inside. Outside, many sports cars and motorbikes were parked, a crowd having gathered already.

The waitress had arrived with Jun's second serving and carefully placed the bottle of beer on the table, receiving a generous tip from him afterwards. "A consolation reward?" Jun snickered while crossing her legs and then reached for the beer, not even bothering to pour some on the glass but rather drink directly from the bottle. A few drops slid down his cheek from his messy drinking and then slowly exhaled, resuming back to their earlier topic; car racing. A brow was raised at Mikoto's suggestion but wasn't much interested in accepting. Asexual or not, even himself did not know. He just hated the attachment. Suddenly, an idea was conjured in his mind, indicated by his sly grin. "How about we race here? The two of us? Maybe we can settle the score once and for all of who is the best." Jun proposed andthen drank some more of his beer while briefly checking his phone for any new text messages. There were none. Unlike Mikoto, he wasn't one to socialize.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sat 16 Sep 2017, 12:33 pm
The ride to the pub was hellish. Ayase could have sworn she would have vomited after the tenth minute on the back of the bike but opted not to voice her complaints. Instead, once the engine was shut, she jumped off of the bike, straightened herself up and handed Mei the helmet she wore. "Next time, I'm asking mom to get the car keys. I am so not going to let you drive me here again if you do it like that." She huffed as her legs felt a bit wobbly from the dizziness she had acquired sitting like that for 30 minutes. Although she wouldn't tell her friend just yet, she was flirting with the idea of returning by bus to her small apartment and avoiding the death route. "Now let's get done and over with the deal here cause I think I'm gonna throw up." She mumbled and glanced at the pub taking small steps till her legs untied themselves.

A loud snort escaped Mikoto at Jun's words. "Alright. I'll race you, but there's a catch. You'll have to do my method before it and I'll do yours. Trust me, I'm sacrificing more than you by suggesting that." He said and checked his phone opting not to reply to any messages and missed calls just yet. He would never reply fast, it was a thing for him, let them simmer, he'd say, they will mind me sleeping with others even less and it worked for the biggest part. "Now chop chop. Go find a girl." He hummed as the door opened and two girls walked in both wearing dresses but they couldn't seem more different from one another.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sat 16 Sep 2017, 1:00 pm
Jun tried very hard not to roll his eyes at Mikoto's suggestion to race by his rules. Like, what did that even mean? 'His methods'. A sly grin with a hint of confidence escaped from Jun's lips as he emptied the beer bottle and then slammed it on the table as he stood up. "Fine." He accepted Mikoto's challenge and then glanced at the crowd, looking for a suitable girl. All of them were too lusting. Too needy. Suddenly a woman in heavy makeup approached, having overheard their bet, and clung onto him with a smile - a sudden urge of puking overcoming him. The perfume as well was too much. "Don't touch me!" Jun glared at her and then gently shoved the woman aside, receiving a death glare in return. Yeah, he was not really a gentleman, nor a crowd pleaser but if there was a word to describe Jun that would be: Honesty. His glance shifted towards the door, at the two completely different from each other girls and that piqued his interest as he decided to approach them. Jun stopped right in front of Mei, observing her tight leather dress for a moment before shaking his head in disappointment and then turned towards Ayase. Mei glanced back with a snicker, meeting his eyes and then grinned at her friend before proceeding to get closer to the bar area, both the helmets on her arm still. Pfft, she could tell an innocent and simple girl like Ayase would be a big hit to men like Jun. "Good luck!" She mouthed before dropping the helmets on a table and then sat down carefully, in order not to have a serious wardrobe malfunction. Honestly, what were they even doing at that place, it was too crowded anyway, there would be no way to be noticed by the racers. Well, Ayase did get noticed but Mei... Mei is someone whose appearance and character chases men away at first sight. In one instance, she had even been called bossy. Anyway, she was happy that her friend had become preoccupied and so she decided to relax a bit by having a smoke. Her hand reached for the purse, slowly unzipping it as she then took out a single cigarette and a lighter, bringing the first to her lips and then lighted up, inhaling slowly afterwards. At the same time, Jun's glance fell on Ayase, finding the girl too different and out of place - in contrast to the rest of the women surrounding them, indicated by his raised eyebrow that was soon accompanied by a faint smile. "We are having a race and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me?" He asked while leaning closer to her, placing his left arm on the door to block the exit in case she runs away.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sat 16 Sep 2017, 2:47 pm
Ayase was about to rant to Mei about the way she drove but she spotted a man approaching and scanning them over. When he disregarded Mei, Ayase was just about to go on with her friend choosing to ignore the obvious snicker coming from Mikoto's way when she was stopped by that man's body blocking her from joining her friend who seemed a little too happy to see Ayase pinned against the door by a man she didn't really know. "See, I would but there are a couple tiny little problems. First, I don't know you. Second, I am not leaving my friend alone. And last but not least, me and speed don't go well together so if that is you asking me to claim gunshot, you're out of luck." she said in a calm voice trying to look past him for Mei. Mikoto on the other hand was already up, his drink in his hand as he walked towards Mei. She was more his type than the one she came along with. "Hey there. May I?" he asked pointing at the vacant chair on the table. If his friend was going to steal her plus one, perhaps he should keep her company. She was rather attractive too, almost making him not want to go through with his part of the suggestion but perhaps he could leave with her later. "I see my friend has taken a liking to yours.". In the meanwhile, by the door, Ayase was growing uncomfortable by the minute. She didn't know the guy yet their proximity, smelling the cigarette and beer in his breath mix with his scent, she wanted to close the gap and kiss him but of course she would never do that. No, she wasn't a virgin, but that didn't mean she would sleep or even make out with the first guy to come and pin her like that. The guys at her department had trained her well on that.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Sat 16 Sep 2017, 5:37 pm
Mei continued to glance protectively over her friend, just in case things turned awry but she doubted so. Besides, she wasn't new the racing stage and pretty much knew anyone worth knowing, they wouldn't be in danger. Hopefully. Sometimes, she would sneer at Ayase as Jun trapped her with a wallslam, and would discreetly yet playfully wave towards them. At least till Mikoto arrived, causing her smile to slowly fade as her gaze shifted at the racer. "Why bother to ask if you are going to do what you want anyway?" Mei chuckled while taking a long drag of her cigarette and then crossed her legs, trying to pose seductively. "And I can see my friend is a bit... hostile towards your friend. Does he intimidate every girl he meets?" Mei replied in response to his comment, taking one last sip of her cigarette before extinguishing it on the ashtray and then glanced over Ayase and Jun, exhaling slowly in disappointment. Maybe it was a mistake to bring her friend here after all. She was about to stand up and go rescue Ayase, until she saw Jun retrieve his arm from the door, adapting a more friendly stance. Okay, maybe she didn't need rescuing. Mei leaned back to the chair and softly sighed, turning at Mikoto then. "What, you are still here?" She giggled, though her words may be offensive, the way she delivered them was certainly not. Mei just loved to play with people's feelings.

After listening to Ayase's reply, Jun sighed and dropped his arm, thinking he may be scaring the girl. "Your friend?!" He unconsciously uttered and glanced at the back of the room, towards Mei and Mikoto, almost in shock. "The girl in the leather dress?" He then asks to confirm his suspicions and finds it totally unbelievable that those two are friends. "But you don't look alike at all." He then states the obvious, again under his breath and does not realize his voice can be heard. It is only when he catches Mei's waving, accompanied with a sneer that he realized he was being awkward. "Oh... Right. Um. I apologize." His glance fell on Ayase once more, examining her clothes, her skin, her face... They were pleasant to look at. He smiled. "I was just wondering if you could cheer me on then. Since you and speed don't mix well. We are having and race and it is some sort of tradition to have girls accompany us. At any rate, I shouldn't keep you from your friend. I feel like she is staring daggers at me." He politely answered, ending his sentence with a small joke. Well, there was nothing to be done if the girl didn't want a ride. Surely many others would love to offer.
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Heart race [Att: Aominecchi] Empty Re: Heart race [Att: Aominecchi]

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 5:53 pm
Mikoto chuckled and let his drink and keys on the table as his hand instinctively shot up to his heart. "You wound me. And here I was thinking I shouldn't let such a pretty woman alone when my friend occupies hers but I guess the need for chivalry is dead." He smirked before glancing at his friend retreating and dropping the smug facial expression into one of curiosity and worry for his friend. He knew for fact that Jun was usually chased after and that retreat was a little strange to witness even from that distance. "What? You wanted me gone already? Is this the new supersonic dating I've heard about? I'm still a little old school. My name's Mikoto by the way." He laughed and sat on the chair facing her as he reached for his drink occasionally glancing towards Jun and Ayase, somewhat astounded at the new set up.

Ayase laughed at the shock that must have given Jun. She knew her and Mei were almost nothing alike yet they were sticking to one another as if superglue was in effect. "We may not look like it but we're super tight." she slowed her laughter to a chuckle as she held her hand up where her middle and forefinger were entwined. Even though she did sound a bit hostile, she only wanted him to hold his horses just a little. "You don't have to apologize. But here's a pro tip. Next time introduce yourself and offer a drink. Now wanna rewind? Perhaps some of my answers will change." She smiled in a more friendly manner. She didn't mean to intimidate him and she knew that Mei wasn't really helping with her constant over protectiveness over her though she felt the same way towards her most of the times. "Why don't you join us? I see that guy over there has taken an interest in her, and I wouldn't really like to cockblock her."
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