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Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Empty Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku)

Sat 28 Jul 2012, 2:03 am
A 'normal' life. Part time work. Hardships. The life of a teenager isn't as easy as it seems. Everyone has problems and aren't sure how to handle their problems at times. They can't always find their way...but they can find love...someone who is there to take care of them and support them. Make them feel special.

Right/Left handed:

Other relatives:

Highest education:
Employment History:
Describe living place:
Main mode of transportation:

Food preference:
Sleeping habbits:


Special memories:
Special places:
Character History:


Last edited by Doctor Stein on Fri 26 Oct 2012, 5:05 am; edited 3 times in total
Posts : 1301
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Empty Re: Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku)

Sat 28 Jul 2012, 2:04 am
Name: Kamiko Higarashi
Nickname: Miko
Gender/Race: Female, Human
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Right/Left handed: Right
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: None

Parents: Katsuo (Dead) & Lindsey Higarashi
Siblings: Setsuka (Younger sister)
Children: None
Other relatives: None
Enemies: None
Religion: Christian
Ethnicity: Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: None

Highest education: One year of high school
Degrees: None
Occupation: Student
Employment History: None
Salary: None
Status/Money: Rich
Own/Rent: Neither
Describe living place: Nothing really special, but a pretty large house for only three people and a maid. Large 5 bedroom home with three bathrooms and a large dining and living room.
Main mode of transportation: Walking and train

Fears: Being alone, darkness, stage frieght
Food preference: Strawberries
Sleeping habbits: Normal
Music: Any
Ambitions: Don't disappoint anyone
Addictions: Cutting
Obsessions: Making others happy
Leader/Follower: Follower
Books: Romance and love stories
Group/Alone: Group

Birthday: April 3rd
Allergies: Peanut butter
Handwriting: Neat

Tricks: None
Talents: Playing piano and singing
Passwords: H0p3fu1
Special memories: The first concert she ever did was a disaster and has feared the stage ever since. She avoids playing in front of others, despite what her sister tells her.
Special places: Anywhere she can star gaze
Character History: Her mother is very harsh on her and has a lot of higher expectations of her than Setsuka. She typically gets yelled at for not doing anything less than a 100%.

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Anime-Girl-Cats1_zps209bc340

Name: Setsuka Higarashi
Nickname: None
Gender/Race: Female, Human
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Right/Left handed: Right
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: Pierced ears

Parents: Katsuo (Dead) & Lindsey Higarashi
Siblings: Kamiko (Older sister)
Children: None
Other relatives: None
Enemies: None
Religion: Christian
Ethnicity: Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: Karou (A small snake)

Highest education: Middle school
Degrees: None
Occupation: Student
Employment History: None
Salary: None
Status/Money: Rich
Own/Rent: Neither
Describe living place: Nothing really special, but a pretty large house for only three people and a maid. Large 5 bedroom home with three bathrooms and a large dining and living room.
Main mode of transportation: Walking & train

Fears: Heights, bees
Food preference: None
Sleeping habbits: Heavy
Music: R&B
Ambitions: None
Addictions: Perscription drugs
Obsessions: Teasing her sister
Leader/Follower: Leader
Books: None
Group/Alone: Group

Birthday: May 28th
Allergies: None
Handwriting: Decent

Tricks: None
Talents: Sketching
Passwords: Unstable
Special memories: Her boyfriend had recently died in a car accident and perfers to be alone.
Special places: Amusement parks
Character History: She tries to protect her sister from her mother, but doesn't really make much progress. She typically yelled at for speaking out of line, but she doesn't like watching her sister get hit or be unhappy.

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) 1cceee4e4707c08fe4fad62eaf79efee_zps757f2348

Name: Daisuke Okamura
Nickname: None
Gender/Race: Male, Human
Age: 18
Height: 6'5"
Right/Left handed: Left
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: None

Parents: Hikaru & Amora Okamura
Siblings: None
Children: None
Other relatives: None
Enemies: None
Religion: Catholic
Ethnicity: Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: Katsu (Purebred husky puppy)

Highest education: Three years of high school
Degrees: None
Occupation: Student
Employment History: Works as a waiter at a resturant after school to help pay for college
Salary: Minimum
Status/Money: Middle class
Own/Rent: Rent
Describe living place: One bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and one bathroom that's near the school
Main mode of transportation: Walking

Fears: Sharks
Food preference: Spanish cuisine
Sleeping habbits: Normal
Music: Any
Ambitions: Work hard
Addictions: Drinking
Obsessions: None
Leader/Follower: Leader
Books: Mystery
Group/Alone: Alone

Birthday: August 17th
Allergies: None
Handwriting: Neat

Tricks: Can make it seem like something disappeared, like coins and stuff
Talents: Magic, making people do what he wants by how he words things
Passwords: Shadowking
Special memories: He had gone to a theater about a year ago and saw a movie about finding your true love with his girlfriend. After she broke up with him, he kind of wished that he could find his true love someday, but hasn't really had the time to find a new girlfriend.
Special places: His apartment
Character History: He moved closer to the school when he got tired of commuting during his sophmore year. He had to get a job and take care of himself ever since. When the girl he thought he was in love with broke up with him without giving him a reason, his heart was broken. He's been wanting to try and find another girlfriend, but hasn't really had the time. He also has a fear of falling in love again.

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Schoolboy

Name: Zane Raiko
Nickname: Zero
Gender/Race: Male, Human
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Right/Left handed: Left
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: None

Parents: Atoli (Dead) & Jun Raiko
Siblings: Aedan Raiko (Twin, older brother)
Children: None
Other relatives: None
Enemies: None
Religion: Atheist
Ethnicity: English/Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: Sirino (Weasel)

Highest education: Two years of high school
Degrees: None
Occupation: Student
Employment History: Works as a sou chef for the resturant Daisuke works at
Salary: Minimum
Status/Money: Middle
Own/Rent: Neither
Describe living place: Dorm room he shares with his brother. Two beds in the room, a desk and two dressers. Also keeps his pet there, but it doesn't have a cage.
Main mode of transportation: Walking or skateboarding

Fears: Being alone
Food preference: None
Sleeping habbits: Normal
Music: Classic Rock
Ambitions: None
Addictions: None
Obsessions: Using his pet to make people miserable
Leader/Follower: Follower
Books: Science Fiction
Group/Alone: Group

Birthday: November 17th
Allergies: None
Handwriting: Decent

Tricks: Makes his weasel steal stuff or torment people to mess with them
Talents: Training animals, cooking
Passwords: 4saken_vampire
Special memories: When his mother died two years ago, he's had to move around a lot with his brother. He came to Japan a year ago and already knew the language because his mother was Japanese, but still hasn't gotten used to life there
Special places: Rooftops
Character History: He doesn't really fit in with a lot of people because of his sexuality, but he spends more time dealing with his brother's problems. His brother makes a lot of enemies because of his smart mouth and usually cause Zane to get into a few fights when defending Aedan.

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Untitled4

Name: Aedan Raiko
Nickname: None
Gender/Race: Male, Human
Age: 17
Height: 6'0"
Right/Left handed: Left
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: None

Parents: Atoli (Dead) & Jun Raiko
Siblings: Zane Raiko (Twin, younger brother)
Children: None
Other relatives: None
Enemies: Almost everyone he meets starts to hate him
Religion: Atheist
Ethnicity: English/Japanese
Accent: Japanese
Pets: None

Highest education: Two years of high school
Degrees: None
Occupation: Student
Employment History: None
Salary: None
Status/Money: Middle
Own/Rent: Neither
Describe living place: Dorm room he shares with his brother. Two beds in the room, a desk and two dressers.
Main mode of transportation: Walking

Fears: Being helpless
Food preference: None
Sleeping habbits: Heavy
Music: Any
Ambitions: None
Addictions: Smoking
Obsessions: Making people dumber than they are
Leader/Follower: Leader
Books: Any
Group/Alone: Alone

Birthday: November 17th
Allergies: None
Handwriting: Neat

Tricks: Knows where every pressure point is in the human body
Talents: Photographic memory
Passwords: 5781106*
Special memories: When he was younger, he used to go everywhere with his mother and was happy she never cared about how smart he was. Then she died and he had to live up to his father's expectations, becoming distant from everyone in the process.
Special places: Beach
Character History: He's never really had any true friends. He's always been betrayed by everyone he cared about and the only person he trusts is his brother. He enjoys making people feel inferior to him, but really, he just wants someone to care about him for who he is, not because he's some genious who can help them get an A.

Confessions of a Broken Heart (Shitsuren no kokuhaku) Anime-blue-boy-red-shiki-Favimcom-250436_zps3052623e

Last edited by Izaya Orihara on Fri 14 Jun 2013, 5:40 pm; edited 9 times in total
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