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Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 3:22 am
Hikaru looked over at Malik and glared at him after his comment. "There's no use arguing with a kid who can only get it from a slut." He watched as Kaleb walked outside and heard a pound followed by commotion. He got up and walked outside to see what it was. As he opened the door he saw another guy flonting all over Kaleb. Hikaru had a shocked look on his face when he saw the guy trying to kiss Kaleb and stood there speechless.

"That's because you don't need to be snooping in other peoples buisness, you shameless vampire you." Rokuzai replied with an evil smirk. He listened to Malik as he explained the styff that was going on outside with Kaleb. "Well it doesn't look like Hikaru is going to like what he sees." Rokuzai said he saw Hikaru leave the restaurant.

Minamoto quickly glared at Aedan then walked to him kind of fast. He grabbed him by the collar and picked him up passed his head. "How would you like it if I told you that someone was going to bang your chick?! You wouldn't would you?!" His eyes started to turn black, but remembered it wasn't the time to get that mad and slammed him back into his chair and disappeared.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 3:49 am
"Get the fuck off of me!" As Kaleb was trying to push Shuichi off of him, he saw Hikaru and kicked the boy off of him, making Shuichi fall on his ass. Kaleb quickly got up and brushed the dirt off his coat. "Please...don't ask..." He started to walk towards Hikaru, but nearly tripped and looked down to see Shuichi holding onto his leg. "Will you stop it already!?"

"Kaleb! Why don't you ever let me show how much I care about you?" Shuichi whined. He looked over towards Hikaru and got up, hugging Kaleb's arm tight. "Friend of yours K-kun?" He asked coldly as he held Kaleb's arm tighter.

Aedan watched as Minamoto got up and walked towards him. He flinched a little when he was grabbed by the collar and lifted up over Minamoto's head, starting to get a little scared as he saw Minamoto's eyes. As he was slammed down into the chair, he winced in pain, rubbing his lower back. "I didn't mean to make him mad..."

Malik glared at Hikaru. "Don't you ever fucking call her that!" He hissed and watched as Hikaru left the room. He then looked at Minamoto and Aedan and waited for him to disappear before saying anything to Rokuzai. "Well...that was interesting..."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 7:19 am
Hikaru walked up to Kaleb when he heard Shuichi say something to Kaleb. "I'll show you how 'friendly' Kaleb and I are." He replied to Shuichi's question, with a glare, before Kaleb could have a chance to. He quickly moved in and placing his hand on Kaleb's cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not mad." Hikaru whispered to Kaleb then passoinatly kissed him. "Now why don't we go round everyone up so we can get this over with, Kaleb."

Minamoto appeared ontop of the highest building in the city. 'Itsuko... I will come back for you. No matter what.' He thought to himself as he looked out towards the dark, goth vampire castle. 'It looks like the wind is picking up.' He stayed there for as he looked up at the sky.

"Don't worry Aedan, everything is getting tense because of the situation." Rokuzai said as he got up and walked over to Aedan, placing his hand on his shoulder. He turned to Malik and smirked at him. "Minami is a slut, to be honest..." He chuckled as looked down. "... She would actually find it to be a compliment. So don't get to worked up." He placed his other hand on Malik's shoulder and said. "Oh, and don't worry about Minamoto. He might be there already or he might just pop up. he seems like he would be a guy who wouldn't want to miss a fight. Especially if it was for something." He sighed and looked back up. "Come one, we should get going so we won't leave the prince to get too bored." He walked outside and noticed that there was another person with Hikaru and Kaleb. "So I see we have a little tag-along?" He asked as he gave Shuichi a confused and puzzled look. "If so, you better stay back and let the big boys play." He said in a dickish tone. He waved his hand as he walked passed them. "Come on, the sooner we get the, the sooner we can get this over with."
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 7:36 am
Kaleb nodded before closing his eyes and kissing Hikaru back. "Yeah, we should." He looked up at Rokuzai when he said something about Shuichi and shook his head. "No, he won't be going with us." He placed his hand on Shuichi's head and leaned down so he could look him in the eyes. "Go home kid. It's too dangerous and you'll only get in the way."

Shuichi stood there in disbelief with a shocked look on his face as he saw Hikaru kiss Kaleb. He glared at Rokuzai when he was called a tag-along. "Why don't you mind your own damned business?" He then looked at Hikaru with an extremely pissed off look. 'I'm not going to forgive him for that.' He looked at Kaleb as he was told to go home and looked down, a little disappointed. "Ok...but first...," he started to say and smirked. He quickly stole a kiss from Kaleb, then turned and ran away. He stopped and looked back at Kaleb, waving. "I'm not going to give up on you K-kun! Come and see me when you get some free time, promise?" He glanced at Hikaru and stuck his tounge out before turning and leaving to go home.

Kaleb was still leaning over a little, slightly disturbed with his mouth open. He clenched his fist as he stood up straight, looking down so his hair covered his eyes as his fist started shaking. "I swear to fucking hell, I'm going to murder that brat." He turned and started following Rokuzai, walking a little fast from being pissed off.

Aedan nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, you're probably right. Let's go." He stood up, pushing his chair in and started to follow Rokuzai. He walked out as Kaleb started to storm away angrily. He rubbed his head with a confused look. 'I probably don't want to know...'

Malik crossed his arms and pouted as Roku called Minami a slut as well. "Well, she's not going to be with me around so quit calling her that." He stood up when everyone left and looked down. He breathed a sigh and started jogging over to the door and outside to catch up with everyone.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 9:05 am
Hikaru vigerously nodded his head when he heard that Shuichi wasn't going with them. Then he became flush in shock when he saw Shuichi kiss Kaleb. He was about ready to go running after the brat but he decided not to because realized that he would need all of his strength for the upcoming battle. He chuckled when he heard that Kaleb wanted to kill Shuichi. "It seems like you don't like him very much. Why do you put up with him anyways?" He asked as he followed him.

Rokuzai glared, wanting to say so many things but he couldn't because Shuichi was already to far. "Thank fucking god that kid isn't coming." He said to himself as he led his group to the castle.

"Well, it's a little brighter than I thought. You sure Alex isn't a little in the queer department?" Rokuzai asked sarcastically as they walked up to the castle. "Hey Minamoto, feeling better?" He asked just as Minamoto appeared beside him, coming out of a cloud of black smoke.

Minamoto glared at Rokuzai when he asked if he was better. More smoke was pouring out through his teeth then before. "Maybe we should just defeat these bastards quickly instead of fucking around!" He exclaimed as they saw Kyle and Blaine. He walked over to Aedan and grabbed his arm, making hi stop. "Go on ahead you guys, I need to speak with Aedan for a second."

"This looks like it's going to be fun, huh Kaleb?" Hikaru turned to ask Kaleb. He nodded to what Minamoto said. "You two come out alive." He followed Kaleb as they continued onto the castle grounds, looking up at Kyle and Blaine.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Fri 17 Aug 2012, 9:32 am
Kaleb glanced at Hikaru and sighed, calming down a little. "I saved his life and regret every second of it. The kid does that everytime he sees me. I've been dealing with it for three fucking hundred years...," he said, sounding pretty angry as he thought of how long Shuichi has been in his life. He looked up at Rokuzai and chuckled a little at his comment about the prince. "No. Trust me. He just likes a nice place to live is all." He noticed Minamoto appear next to Roku. 'What happened with him?' He decided not to ask and looked ahead to see Kyle and Blaine waiting there for everyone. "Yeah...," he smirked. "...Someone I can take my anger out on."

Malik sighed as he saw that the gaurds were waiting for them. He glanced back and noticed Minamoto had stopped and told them to go ahead. He nodded. "Kay. Be careful you two." He waved to them real quick and turned his attention back to Kyle as they got closer.

Aedan stopped as he felt someone grabbed his arm. He turned to look up at Minamoto, closing his eyes and nervously laughed. "Hey, no hard feelings, right Minamoto? I was just kidding earlier...please don't hurt me..."

Kyle smirked as he watched everyone coming towards them. He took a few steps forward, holding out his hand. "Do you have an invitation?" His bird flew over and landed on his wrist. "If not, then please..." He whipped his hand to the side as his bird grew several times it's original size. "...Let me show you the way out."

Blaine leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. He lifted his head to look up at everyone and glanced over towards Kyle. He shook his head and stood up straight. "Quit fooling around and do your job," he said to Kyle and stepped forward as well.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Sat 18 Aug 2012, 12:50 am
Rokuzai smirked at Kyle as he whipped his arm out to his side. "You really think that oversized feather duster will be of any help?" He chuckled as him and Malik walked towards Kyle. He stopped about halfway, waiting for kyle and his bird to approach them.

When Kyle's crow grew full size, it screeched and looked up as it vigirously flapped its wings. It flew up into the sky and appeared to be getting smaller then disappeared. As Rokuzai looked up he saw a spec coming out of the sun. The bird came screaming down at Rokuzai and Malik, opening its feet and showing its talons. Rokuzai pushed Malik out of the way as the crow crashed into the ground. It made a small crater as it landed. All Rokuzai could see was the silouette of the crow. 'This might be a little tougher than I thought.' He thought to himself as the bird turned to him. It screeched one more time and flew straight at Rokuzai with extreme speed. It clipped him as Roku tried to dodge, but was a little late, making him spin til he hit the ground. "Seems like you wanna play like that huh." Rokuzai said as he got up, smirking and unfolding his wings. "Come and get me you giant chicken!" He yelled out to the crow as he flew up into the sky. The bird made a sharp turn and headed straight for Roku. Rokuzai blow the crow to the side as the bird got really close, knocking it out of the sky. The crow recovered and flew back up at Rokuzai. After a little while of gettign knocked around the crow fell to the ground next to Kyle's dead bdoy, making a large thud and shaking the ground a little.

Kaleb and Hikaru watched Blaine take a few steps and before they knew it, Hikaru was trown to the side by Blaine's chain. "I've waited a long time to be able to kick atleast one of your ass'." Kaleb said outloud as he ran towards Blaine after HIkaru was thrown. Hikaru rolled for a little bit then stumbled as he stood up. "Damn. I've never been thrown like that before." He said outloud as he held his head for a quick second. He snapped out of his small daze when he saw that there was a chain about wrap around Kaleb. He drew his sword as e ran towards them and poured the last of his holy water that he had on him. "You're not taking me down that easily." Blaine said as he whipped the same chain he used on Hikaru back at him. Hikaru blocked his attack as he saw Kaleb get snagged by the other chain. "You really underestimate us don't you?" Kaleb said as he transformed into into a snake and slithered out of the chain when it fell to the ground. He transformed back and winked at Hikaru. He seemed to have disappeared but there was still a blur of Kaleb as he ran towards Blaine, swinging his sword downward. Blaine blocked Kaleb's attack, but was struggling. Blaine was pushed back a few feet when Kaleb kicked him. Before Blaine could turn to see Hikaru he was kicked in the side with massive force. As he hit the ground, he groaned in pain, holding his side. "How could a priest be so quick and... powerful." He was able to saw inbetween groans. He got back up in time just to both of their swords being swung at him. He tried to block them but was knocked back and got cut into as their swords made contact. He fell to the ground again and scrame in agony because of Hikaru's holy water drenched sword. He got back up and only saw Kaleb. "Where's you little..." He was interrupted by Hikaru's sword being driven through his heart. "I-I-I can't... believe it..." As Hikaru pulled out his sword, Blaine dropped to his knees. The life seemed like it was being drained out of his eyes as the rest of his body fell to the floor.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Sat 18 Aug 2012, 2:09 am
Malik fell and covered his head with his arms as the bird landed to shield his eyes from the cloud of dust. He quickly looked up as Kyle appeared next to him and managed to jumped out of the way to avoid his kick. He landed on his feet and charged at Kyle. Kyle smirked and blocked the attack with ease. "You've always been weak Malik...why don't you give up?"

Malik glared at him. Kyle's smirk soon faded as he heard thunder and kicked Malik away from him. Malik fell to the ground hard. As he started to stand back up, a lightning strike hit him and he smirked as his body began to spark from it, unaffected by the electricity. He charged back at Kyle and as Kyle got ready to block him again, he vanished. Kyle's eyes widened. He quickly turned around as Malik appeared behind him. Malik placed his hands on Kyle's chest, sending electrical currents through his body. Kyle was knocked back several feet and laid there on the ground, temporarily paralyzed from the electricity still running through his body. He looked up at Malik as he walked over. "You...fucker..." Kyle said through his pain.

Malik slid his hands into his pockets as he stopped next to Kyle. He lifted his foot and chuckled with an evil smirk. "You never should've underestimated me Kyle..." He threw his foot down as hard as he could onto Kyle's head, crushing it as blood splattered all over his clothes. He lifted his foot up as the crow landed next to Kyle's body and looked up at Rokuzai, taking a few steps back from the body. "It was easier than I thought." He looked over towards Hikaru and Kaleb, seeing Blaine's body on the ground. "Come on, we should go see if the others need help," he said as he turned to start heading to go find Aedan and Minamoto.

Minamoto shook his head at Aedan and pulled him closer as he leaned over to whisper to him. "Do everything you can to kill that bastard. I'll back you up." He let go of Aedan's arm and began running towards the castle entrance while the others were distracting the gaurds.

Aedan nodded to Minamoto and began following him, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. He looked down as he followed in silence and his hand started shaking. 'Can I really do this..?' He stopped running as he caught up to Minamoto who was waiting for him at the entrance to the throne room. He took a deep breath and opened the door, walking inside with Minamoto close behind him. Alexander lifted his head as they entered the room. "So...they sent you two after me? How bold..." He uncrossed his legs as he sat up straight. "Are you guys mocking me?" He smirked and stood up, vanishing in a second. He appeared between them, kicking Minamoto away and punching Aedan in the opposite direction.

Minamoto crashed into the wall. He glared at Alexander as his eyes began to turn black. He appeared in front of Alex and went to grab him, but Alex moved so fast that he was able to grab Minamoto's arm and flip him over onto the ground. Minamoto winced from pain. Alexander went to punch Minamoto, but glanced over and jumped back as a sword was swung at him. Aedan reached down and helped Minamoto up before getting ready to attack again. Alexander lifted his head a little, having an evil smile on his face as his hair moved off of one eye. "You two can't even hit me. How do you expect to kill me? And Minamoto...I thought you were going to get revenge for that little girlfriend of yours?"

Aedan glared at him, but before he could do anything, Minamoto charged at Alexander, ready to take his head off. He stumbled a little as he went to punch Alex, but there was nothing there anymore. Alexander appeared behind Minamoto, placing his hand on his shoulder. "You're nothing but a failed experiment. Go back to your dog house half breed." He pushed Minamoto through the wall into the next room and smirked when he wasn't getting up right away, starting to walk towards him.

"Your fight is with me!" Aedan ran after Alexander, swinging his sword down. Alex turned around and grabbed the sword with one hand and Aedan's neck with the other. "My...aren't you a feisty brat little brother..." He let go of the blade and threw Aedan through the window and outside. He jumped up and went after him.

Aedan hit the ground and rolled a few feet, stopping on a cliff that led towards the ocean, dropping his sword and heard it slide near the edge. He started to get up, but Alex walked over and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up off the ground. "You know..." He smirked and pulled Aedan closer to his face. "...I might just add that cute little school girl to my collection once I kill all of you."

Aedan's eyes widened. He looked down a little, his hair covering his eyes. He grabbed the prince's wrist, leaving Alexander with a shocked look on his face as he was forced to let go. "I made her a promise..." His hand started glowing as he sqeezed Alexander's wrist tighter. "...I promised that I would protect her with my life." He slowly lifted his head, his eyes were glowing a bright red. He turned and threw Alexander towards the edge of the cliff.

Alexander hit the ground hard, managing to keep himself from going over the edge. He looked up and saw Aedan walking towards him and noticed Aedan picking up his sword. "And nothing is going to stop me from making sure she stays safe." Aedan said as he stopped in front of the prince.

Alexander held his wrist in pain when he realized that he wasn't healing. "What the hell did you do to me!?" He glared up at Aedan as he started to stand up. He stopped when the sword was at his throat. "You have abused your power and are no longer worthy of the throne. I renounce your royal birth right and punish you by death," Aedan said and lifted his sword, slashing it across Alexander's throat.

Alexander held his throat, leaning over as the blood began draining out of him, a pool of it forming around him. He reached out and grabbed Aedan's leg and attempted to speak, but couldn't talk because his throat still hadn't healed. Minamoto appeared next to Alex, picking him up by his hair and smirked. "Looks like you're shark food. I hope it's an extremely slow and painful death..." He chuckled and threw Alexander as hard as he could out to sea, watching as he disappeared into the water and the area where he landed turning red from the blood. He breathed a sigh and turned to look at Aedan, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Guess you are worthy of the throne, surprisingly," he teased with a smirk. Aedan rolled his eyes as they stopped glowing red and pushed Minamoto's hand away. "Fuck off," he said with a laugh and put his sword back in it's sheath. He turned and noticed everyone heading over to them and waved to them.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

Sat 18 Aug 2012, 3:03 am
Rokuzai and Hikaru waved back at Minamoto as everyone entered the castle. "You look like shit guys. What did the prince use you guys for, toys?" Rokuzai said teasingly. He walked up to both of them and slapped both of their shoulders and he chuckled. "Atleast you guys were able to take care of him. Now go sit on your throne kid." He said as he pushed Aedan over to the throne, nearly pushing him completely over. He heard what Minamoto said and nodded, following him to the middle of the room after he grabbed aedan. He took his hand and wondered if his teleportation would even work with multipule people.

Hikaru shook his head at Rokuzai's actions. He looked over at Kaleb and smiled. "That was alot easier than I thought." He said as he turned to Kaleb. He followed everyone to Minamoto and held Minamoto's and Kaleb's hands as they waited for Minamoto to take them back to the girls.

Minamoto rolled his eyes as he heard Rokuzai's question. He flinched and quietly groaned in pain when Rokuzai slapped his shoulder. "Hey, instead of that, why don't we go back and check pon the girls?" He said as he motioned everyone to the middle of the room and held out his hands. Once everyone was firmly holding hands, they disappeared.

As the prince washed up onto a beach, a tall, dark figurecame walking up to him and looked at Alex intensely. "Huhuhu. It's been a while since I've seen you last, Alexander." The figure spoke as he evily grinned at Alex.
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An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete] - Page 10 Empty Re: An Immortal World (Fumetsu no sekai) [Complete]

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