Roleplay Paradisu
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Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 23 Sep 2012, 5:02 am
Yuko smiled when Hideaki nodded to her question and looked at the door when it opened and waved back at Hikaru. She giggled at Hikaru and Hideaki's small converation. She leaned in to kiss Hideaki on the cheek. "Well that's good, Aki-kun." She closed her eyes and smiled at him.

Hikaru nodded to Shuichi's comment. "I don't think that Rokuzai would let anything happen to either kingdom. Atleast one of these kingdoms has a more stable king than the other one does though." He stated then turned to HIdeaki and chuckled a little. "Well you'll probably be able to bring everyone else back once you become a full fledged reaper. So keep that in mind."

Kioshi nodded to Itsuko's comment and followed them into the castle. He paced around for a little while and got bored. So he walked over to one of the windows and his eyes widened at what he saw. "Are there anymore dragons in exsistence?" He asked openly as he turned his head around to everyone else.


The second copy missed his punch and yelped in pain when Hisao bit his leg. He twirled in the air for a few second the straightened out as he spread his wings again. "Atleast one of you are going to die in this fight!" He stated and noticed Hisao was going to spit some fire at him. "How do you like that taste of this?" He smirked and forcefully closed his mouth with a pipe like force field when he saw the flames start to come up Hisao's throat.

Izanagi chuckled a little when he heard what Minamoto had said. He tried to dodge the attack but was to slow and got hit in the back of the head. He flew a few feet away from Minamoto and rolleda few more feet. He got up and snickered. "Looks like I have a challenge this time around." He got up and turned to Minamoto with a smirk. "Now show me what you can really do." He lifted one hand a little and made a trail of fire go towards Minamoto and loop around him, making it go back to Izanagi. When it was complete, he made the fire shoot up and they became 30 feet tall and made the shape of a sphere.

Minamoto watched as Izanagi rolled on the ground. He ignored everything that Izanagi said then watched as Izanagi made a ring of fire for them to fight in. "I don't think this is necessary. All I need is two feet and you." He charged at Izanagi then lundged at him.

Rokuzai took a few steps back and tried to guard any attack, but was grabbed and thrown up into the air. He stopped then looked down at Ryuu with a glare. He didn't even flinch when Ryuu threw spikes of hardened dirt at him. He used his wind power to shield himself. "You dirt tricks won't work on me, Ryuu!" He flew back down towards Ryuu as he flew up towards him and socked him as hard as he could.

Ryuu smirked and made a few dirt spikes and threw them at Rokuzai. His smirk faded when the spikes were deflected and glared back at Rokuzai. 'Appearantly not...' He squated then jumped up, flying upwards towards as he growled. He went in for another attack but was to slow and got punched in the face. He rocketed back down to the earth and made a huge crater. He slowly got up and transformed back into his human form. "Looks like he is alot stronger than everyone else here..." He wiped his mouth as he tried to spot Rokuzai through the cloud of dust.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Mon 24 Sep 2012, 12:18 am
Hideaki blushed a little and smiled when Yuko kissed his cheek. He looked over at Hikaru and nodded. "Yeah...probably. Hopefully I can eventually bring everyone back, but Sadao told me it would take years before I became a full fledged reaper, so it might be a while."

Itsuko looked over at Kioshi and walked over to the window and looked at the dragon. "Simple shapeshift. Minamoto could probably turn into one too if he really wanted to." She glanced over at her daughter, then turned so her back was to Kioshi. "May I speak with you in private for a moment?" She whispered and began walking out of the throne room.

Shuichi tilted his head to the side in confusion to Kioshi's question. 'A dragon? Seems unecessary.' He turned his head to Hideaki and smiled. "Well, as long as we know they can all come back eventually, it really isn't so bad."

Katsuo looked around at everyone, then looked back at Haruka and held her tighter. "Ya hear that Haru? Suya can come back. I know you feel guilty, but just tell him the truth. It would be better than him finding out on his own and he might forgive you if you are honest and promise to never do it again..."

Haruka slowly lifted her head and looked over at Katsuo. She nodded, then looked down again, not saying a word. 'How can I tell him that I cheated on him? I wouldn't blame him if he never forgave him...he'd probably never want to see me again if I did tell him...'


Hisao's eyes widened when the fire went down his throat and groaned in pain as he fell to the ground, going back to his human form. He coughed, still feeling the burning sensation in his lungs. "Shit..." He lifted his head and looked over at Alex, glaring at his comment. "Aw, go to hell!" He yelled and slowly began to get up.

Alexander chuckled a little and smirked. "Nice job Hisao. You really showed him," he said sarcastically, then turned to Ryuu. "I'm not gonna let you kill either of us. You're the only one who will be dying today." His smirk faded as his eyes turned black. 'My illusions wont work this time around, but at least he's wounded.' He charged at the copy and before he was about to get hit, he took advantage of his speed and appeared behind Ryuu, kicking him in the back. "It's over Ryuu. You've lost this battle. Just give up already."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Tue 25 Sep 2012, 3:55 am
"Well it's better than not being able to bring them back at all." Hikaru responded with a smile then looked out the window. "Seem's like their having a hard time with a copy of Ryuu's. Just imagine if they had to fight the real thing like Rokuzai is having to do."

"That is true. But I don't know if he's going to live through this." Kiohsi said as he continued to stare out the window. He turned to her and began to grow extremely nervous. "Yeah..." He followed her, wondering what she wanted to talk to him about. "So... W-what did you want to talk about?"

Yuko nodded and sat in the chair next to Hideaki. "Well you can probably gain a better relationship with him if him when you bring him back." He closed her eyes and smiled at him.


The second copy smirked as he watched Hisao fall to the ground and change back to his original form. "Someone can't keep his form very well now can he." He said in a dickish manner, then turned to Alexander as he landed on the ground. "Plenty of people have already died. So you can't really say that I'll be only one to day today. And besides, Ryuu's copies die daily." He's smirk disappeared when Alex charged at him and went to punch him. "Fucking pussy..." He said when he missed Alex and was was kicked in the back, knocking him a few feet away. He got up and growled at Alex. "I'll deal with you later!" He created a think dome of dirt and made a force field around that. He turned to Hisao and charged at him, grabbing him and slamming him into the ground.

Izanagi smirked at Minamoto's statement and took a step backwards and readied himself to dodge an attack. He was surprised that Minamoto transformed into a giant rhino and grabbed his horn, slowly stopping Minamoto. His eyes widened as he was flung into the air. "Holy shit!?"

As Minamoto charged at Izanagi he shapeshifted into a giant rhino and rammed into Izanagi. He glared at him as he grabbed his horn and stopped him. He whipped his head backwards and flung him back. He turned around and transformed back into his lycan from and jumped at Izanagi, kicking him up into the air.

Rokuzai smirked and flew down after Ryuu after a few seconds, cutting a hole in the cloud of dust. He went to punch Ryuu and was stopped dead as he hit something that wasn't there. 'What in the hell.' He had a puzzled look on his face for a second then was hit in the side with a wall of dirt. He fell to the ground and rolled down the wall of the crater, groaning in pain as he held his side.

Ryuu let his guard down for a split second and heard a whisping sound. Right before Rokuzai landed his hit, Ryuu put up a force field and smirked. "Smart boy. But not smart enough." He turned to him and threw a wall of dirt at him and watched as flew about twenty feet away and rolled down the side of the crater. "Maybe you should think before you act." He chuckled and walked over to him and picked him up by his hair.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Tue 25 Sep 2012, 8:47 pm
Hideaki nodded in agreement to what Hikaru said. He turned his head to look at Yuko as she went to sit next to him. He smiled a little to her comment and reached over, taking her hand. He leaned over, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Everything will be alright eventually. I'll make sure to try and bring everyone back...," he whispered and started to feel a little bad. He looked down, holding her hand a little tighter before continuing. "...Yuko...I can bring my dad back anytime and still see him..." He looked up at her and smiled gently. "...Do you want me to bring your family back first?"

Shuichi was a little surprised as he listened to Hideaki. 'He really is very different from his uncle and father.' He smiled and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He walked over to the window next to Hikaru and crossed his arms as he began to watch the battles. "Not like we're losing anyone important if Alex or that clone of his dies. I'm still confused why he decided to help us."


Itsuko stopped after a little while, keeping her back to him. "My daughter is a young woman, free to make her own decisions." She turned to a window and walked over to it, watching the battles in silence for a moment. "She feels a lot of regret after what happened to Tatsuya...," she began, placing her hand on the window as she stared at the fire sphere where Minamoto was fighting. "...Whether she chooses you or not is up to her. But if she doesn't choose to be with you, I don't want you to interfere." She closed her eyes. "I'm not trying to come down on you and it's not that I dont trust you." She turned to Kioshi, looking up at him with a gentle smile. "Haruka is young and still has a lot to learn about what love is. I want you to promise me something..." She dropped her hand to her side and walked up to him. "...Promise me that no matter what she chooses to do, that you'll still remain by her side. I can tell she really trusts you and cares about you, despite what happened or how she feels right now. I'd really like it if you came to live here in the human kingdom with us." She looked down and closed her eyes as her smile sadened a little. "Minamoto may not live through this battle if he stays in that form too long...she needs someone to look up to. I'm sure my husband would really appriciate it if you stayed as well."


Alexander smirked and waved his finger. "It's not nice to call people names." His smirk faded when he noticed dirt beginning to surround him and tried to escape before it closed, but was too slow. "Shit!" He ran over to the wall and began banging on it, but the dirt was extremely hard and he was barely making a dent with each hit. He grinded his teeth as he clenched his fist. "You better not die on me Hisao."

Hisao looked up and noticed that Alex was enclosed in a dome of dirt. When he turned back to Ryuu as he began to stand up, he was grabbed and slammed into the ground. He groaned from the pain as he laid there for a moment, slightly dazed from the sudden attack. 'Damn...' He glared up at Ryuu as he slowly tried to get up again. "You can knock me down as much as you want, but I'm not going to stay down no matter what!" He gripped the hilt of his sword and went to strike Ryuu.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Wed 26 Sep 2012, 4:02 am
"True." Hikaru commented as he turned his head to Shuichi. "But I think the reason why Alex is fighting on our side is to try to redeem himself for everything that he did." He turned his head back to look out the window. "Either way, I still don't trust them."

Yuko smiled when Hideaki took her hand and blushed when he kissed her on the cheek. She shook her head at his question. "You really need to get your dad back. I know my mother was pregnant, but just as long as you try to bring back everyone else, I'll be happy." She smiled then started to feel a little depressed at her decision, but she hid it from him.


Kioshi stopped next to Itsuko and looked out the window as well. 'Yeah... Who wouldn't...' He thought to her first comment. He stood there and listened to her as he watched the battles.He turned to her when she walked up to him and nodded to her request. "I promise. Itsuko. If she does decide to be with Tatsuya, I might not need to be by her side all the time since she will have someone who is strong and couragous. To be honest I'm not really looking for anyone to be with unless I know their going to be safe..." He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "... And to be honest, the age differance would just be a little weird for me." He chuckled then looked back out the window.


The second copy smirked at what Hisao said and watched as he got up. He glared at him when he rushed at him tried to dodge the attack and went to threw a sharp spire of dirt into Hisao. But he was to slow and got stabbed in the stomach. "Atleast I'm not the only one who is going to die today!" He was able to say, then used the rest of his strength to throw the dirt at him, dieing in the process and not knowing if he had hit Hisao or not.


Izanagi twirled in the air for a second than gained control. "Looks like..." He was able to say before he was kicked higher into. He grabbed his stomach as he groaned in pain. His eyes shot open when he felt Minamoto wrap his arms around him. "What in the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He yelled out then yelped when his head was pulled back. He howled out of pain when Minamoto bit down on his neck. 'Looks like I'm going to see you sooner than we expected, Junichi...' Was his last thought as he fell to the ground. His body bounced and laid there lifeless.

After Minamoto hit Izanagi in the stomach he turned into a bird and flew up to Izanagi as fast as he could, flinging himself as he changed back into his lycan form. He wrapped his arms around Izanagi and glared straight into his eyes as blood started coming from Minamoto's mouth and eyes. "This is the end of the Lycan experiments and for the both of us!" He took hold of Izanagi's head and force it backwards. He opened his mouth wide and clamped down on Izanagi's neck, taking both juggluars, his adam's apple, and and his asophogase in one rip. He let go of Izanagi's body and smiled. 'Now everything is up to you Rokuzai... Now everyone is safe...'

Rokuzai smirked after what Ryuu said and opened his eyes. "You should start taking your own advice, Ryuu." He moved his hair out of the way of his right eye and began to the use his hypnosis. "Now let me go." Rokuzai said after Ryuu was under the hypnosis and dropped a few feet. "Now walked into the ocean after you pick up your family and lackies and don't stop until you hit the very bottom." He watched as Ryuu walked over to Yoshiko, Izanagi, and Junichi and watched as he walked into the ocean. "That's the last we'll see of them." He dusted off hsi hands and walked over to his wife and son, picking them up and heading back to the castle.

Ryuu glared at Rokuzai after his comment and growled. "You think that'll..." He wasn't able to say anymore than that because he was hypnotized and had a lifeless look in his eyes. He let go of Rokuzai and let his arm fall to his side. He nodded and walked over to Yoshiko, Izanagi and Junichi and walked into the ocean.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Wed 26 Sep 2012, 3:07 pm
Hideaki held Yuko's hand a little tighter when she told him not to. He looked over at Rokuzai as he walked in. He smiled a little, letting go of Yuko's hand and looked down at his book. He flipped through the pages that listed everyone's souls collected until he came across the one he wanted. He reached into his bag, pulling out a pen and wrote something in it. He then looked down more, his hair covering his eyes as they began to water and closed the book when the names vanished. He stood up and began walking towards the door, but stopped next to Roku for a second. "They'll...wake up here soon..." You could tell he was trying not to cry as he said that and continued walking. He walked over to his father's body and fell to his knees. 'You understand, right dad? I'm so sorry...' A few tears dropped to the ground as he clenched his fists.

"Maybe." Shuichi nodded in agreement. "I know they say to give people the benifit of the doubt, but it's hard to believe he would change completely. I'll believe it when I see it." He turned his attention to the door when he heard it open. "I can only imagine how Ayane will react when she see's Aedan dead...," he said to himself and breathed a sigh. He then watched as Hideaki left and smiled a little when he heard what was said to Rokuzai. "He gave up his father to bring Yuko's family back. I definately see that Kaleb rubbed off on him quite a bit."

As Kamiko laid there for a while after Roku had set her and Tatsuya down, her wounds began to heal. She soon started breathing and slowly opened her eyes. She smiled a little when she saw Roku kneeling next to her. She reached up, placing her hand on his cheek. "I knew you could do it Roku-kun."

Haruka looked up when she heard the door open. Her eyes began to light up when she heard Hideaki say that Kamiko and Tatsuya would wake up soon. She quickly got up and ran over to Tatsuya when he was set down, taking his hand and waited for him to open his eyes. She began to tear up when he finally began to wake up and hugged him tight.

Katsuo smiled as he watched Haruka run over to Tatsuya. He slowly got up and leaned against the wall, wincing a little from the pain of the burn marks on his back. He looked down and clenched his fist. 'I'm going to have to tell Asuka that Daichi's gone...' He stood up straight and headed outside as well. He watched the sunrise as he waited for the boat to come back.


Itsuko nodded and looked back out the window as well, placing her hand on his that was on her shoulder. "Maybe not. But honestly, I probably need the support more than she does." She then giggled a little to the last part of what he said. "Well, age difference never mattered to me. Minamoto and I are twenty six years apart. I may not look it, but I'm two years older than you." She looked down when the flame dome disappeared and closed her eyes to the sight of her husband laying there lifelessly. "I've been left alone again..." She turned her back to him, taking her hand off his. "...Thank you for listening to my request Kioshi." She then began walked towards a nearby room and opened it and started walking inside.

Hisao smirked when the sword went through Ryuu's stomache. His eyes then widened and he tried to move, the spire of dirt going between his shoulder and his heart. He coughed up blood as he held his shoulder and cried out in pain, falling to one knee as he dropped his sword. "That...was close..." He looked down at it and realized how close it had come to hitting him through the heart. He looked at Alex and chuckled a little. "I'll be fine. Just gotta walk it off..." He pulled it out and stood up, stumbling a little.

Alexander looked around when the dome fell and smirked. "He made me miss out on all the fun." He looked over at Hisao and chuckled. "You gonna be alright?" He nodded and watched as Hisao got up. He shook his head and walked over, making Hisao put his arm around his shoulder's to support him. "Let's get you inside so you can rest." He then sighed as he began helping Hisao back towards the castle. "You know, you're a lot heavier than you look," he said as they walked inside. He helped Hisao sit up against the wall and stood up, sliding his hands into his pockets as he looked at everyone. 'I doubt they want me here...I wonder if I should even bother staying?'


Naoki looked over at Minami and rubbed her head as she saw the sun rising. "Think we should head back and see if everything's cooled down yet? We've been gone all night."

Suzume was leaning over the side of the boat, watching the sunrise. She looked at her mother. "Do you think Shu-kun's ok?" She asked with a worried look as she got down and walked over to her mother, pulling over her dress.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Wed 26 Sep 2012, 11:59 pm
Yuko looked up at Hideaki and smiled at him when he let go of her hand and tried to catch a peek of what he was writing in his book. She wasn't able to read anything in his book, so she looked up at him and felt a little bad as he got up and didn't say anything. She looked over at the door when it opened and her eyes lit up when she saw her father walk in. She got up and ran over to her mother when she was set down and knelt down next to her. Her eyes widened and filled with tears as her mother awoke. She wrapped her arms around her mother's neck and began crying.

As Rokuzai walked into the castle he stopped and listened to what Hideaki said. 'What in the world is this kid talking about?' He shook his head in some disbelief, but was really hoping that it was true. He took a few mroe steps inside and set them down, kneeling next both of them. He turned his head when he felt someones hand on his cheek and say that Kamiko was back to life. He smiled and began to tear up, trying really hard not to cry. He tooked her hand and held it tight. He looked back towards the door and thought, 'How did he know they were brought back?' "Eh, I can ask him later." He said outloud then turned his attention to Alex and Hisao when they walked in and kind of glared at them. "I'll be right back." He let go of her hand and walked over to Alex and Hisao. "What do you think you're doing here?"

Tatsuya began to woke up and his eyes shot open when he was pulled off the ground a little bit, blinded by the light in the room. "What is going on?" He asked as he blinked, trying to get his vision back. When he did he noticed that it was Haruka holding him and wrapped his arms around her as well. "Hey babe. Miss me?" He teased then pulled away a little bit, still holding Haruka and looked at her. "It feels like it's been forever and I think I'm ready for some hanky panky."

Hikaru nodded then looked outside. "I wish I could get Kaleb back..." He looked down and listened to Shuichi and nodded, not saying a word. He walked outside and over to Kaleb's body, kneeling down next to him, staying quiet for a long while.


Kioshi nodded to Itsuko's first comment and smiled at her. "Really now? You look like you're still in your twenties." He stated then took his hand off her shoulder and gave her a look of confusion when she turned around. He stood there for a second, then followed Itsuko to the room, closing the door behind him.


Minami nodded and turned to boat around. "I just hope the kingdoms aren't being ruled by that stray dog." She stated then looked down at her daughter with a smile. She nodded and placed her hand on Suzume's head and rubbed it. "I know he's fine, sweetie."

Ayane looked out over the sea as she listened to Minami and Naoki. 'Aedan, please be ok...' She thought as she started to tear up a little and looked down at the ocean.

Asuka held onto her sisters hand tight as she heard their conversation. "Do you think Daichi is alright, Ari-chan?" She asked worriedly then stared in the direction of where the island would be.

Arisu looked at Asuka when she asked her question. "I don't know, Asu-chan..." She said then looked at Naoki and got up, letting go Asuka's hand. She walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "So what do you think happened Naoki?"
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 27 Sep 2012, 8:39 pm
Alexander looked up at Rokuzai as he approached. He stayed quiet for a moment when he was asked why they were here. He placed his hand on his chest, closing his eyes as he bowed. "I don't deserve to ask anything, but my friend here is injured. I only brought him inside to rest until he recovers." He then clenched his teeth, hating what he was asking. "Please, I'm...asking if he can rest here for a while." He didn't like the idea of bowing to someone else. He stood up, avoiding eye contact with Rokuzai. "We'll leave once he recovers. I didn't come here to cause any trouble." He opened his eyes and glared at Hisao. "Do you ever shut up?"

Hisao tilted his head a little when he saw Alex bow. He chuckled a little with a smirk. "You never bowed to the man that saved your life, but you'll bow to someone who hates your guts? Man, that must really hurt your pride." He then started laughing to Alex's question and slowly stood up, holding his wound. He looked at Rokuzai and bowed as well. "He's here because of me. I convinced him to come, so if you're going to blame anyone, blame me. Don't take it out on him. He never wanted to return here after what happened."

Kamiko smiled and hugged her daughter back. She looked at her husband, a little confused as she sat up. She nodded and watched him walked over to Alex and his clone. She then turned to Yuko and smiled. "Who was your father talking about?" She asked curiously.

Haruka smiled and nodded when he asked if she had missed him. A pang of guilt overwhelmed her as her smile faded. She looked down and stood up, taking his hand. "Suya-kun...I..." She didn't want to say what she had done in front of everyone, so she teleported them up to his room. She was silent for a moment as tears formed in her eyes. "I don't deserve to be with you Tatsuya..."


Itsuko went to close the door, but stopped when she saw that Kioshi was following her. She smiled a little and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and crossing her legs. "Are you surprised I'm not more upset?" She closed her eyes, folding her hands in her lap. "It was just how I was brought up," she explained as she lifted her head and smiled at him. She stood up and walked over to him. "I'll be fine. It's not the first time I've lost my family." She then looked down again and closed her eyes, trying hard to hold in the tears.


Hideaki wiped his eyes and pulled the sword from his father's throat. He looked at it for a moment, then put it back in it's sheath. "I'm really sorry dad..." He then looked up when he heard the boat in the distance and stood up slowly. He walked over to the shore, sliding his hands into his pockets as he looked down, trying to think of how he was going to tell his mother what happened.

Shuichi looked at Hikaru and felt a little bad. 'I want him back just as much as you do...' He sighed as Hikaru left and followed him out. He watched as he walked over to Kaleb, then turned his attention over to Hideaki. He smiled a little and walked over to him, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Ayane wont stop loving you because of what happened. It wasn't your fault, so stop blaming yourself." He turned his head and smiled as he waved back to Suzume.

Katsuo watched as Hikaru walked over to Kaleb and stood there for a moment. He sighed, rubbing his head as he felt bad. He walked over to Hikaru, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry..." He turned his head when he saw the boat pull up and waited for Asuka, still not sure what he was going to tell her.

Naoki looked at Arisu and shrugged her shoulders. She wrapped one arm around her and looked back towards the island as they approached. She smiled when she spotted Hideaki and Shuichi on the beach. "Looks like they won." Her smile faded though when she didn't see Daichi anywhere, but did see a few bodies and looked at Arisu. "It looks like quite a few lives were lost..." She turned her head back to the island and sighed, seeing Katsuo and Hikaru as well now and started to get a little worried what happened to Daichi.

Suzume closed her eyes and smiled to her mother's answer. She ran over to the front of the boat and her eyes lit up as she waved to Shuichi. As soon as the boat pulled up, she jumped down and ran over to him. "I was really worried Shu-kun!"
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 28 Sep 2012, 12:09 am
Rokuzai rose one of his eyebrows as Alexander bowed to him. He rolled his eyes when he listened to Alex plead him to let Hisao stay there until he was healed enough to leave. He then turned to Hisao and listened to what he had to say. "Alright... You guys can stay, but only until you get better." He turned without saying another word and walked back over to Kamiko.

"He was talking about Hideaki. But I don't think he knows that Hideaki if part reaper..." Yuko replied then looked up at her father with a smile. "So what are you guys going to name the baby?"

Tatsuya gave Haruka a confused look when he saw her smile fade. He held her hand as she teleported them back to his room and asked with a chuckle in his voice, "Why do you say that Haru-chan?"


"I am kind of surprised." Kioshi replied and smiled back at Itsuko. He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Itsuko. "What happened to your family Itsu-chan?" He asked as he placed his hand on the back of her head and rubbed it a little.


Hikaru heard Katsuo walk up but decided not to turn around. He nodded then lifted his head as he heard the boat get closer to the shore. He stood up slowly walked off to try and clear his head.

Minami smiled when Suzume ran up tp the front of the boat. She pulled up onto the shore and smiled at everyone that was there on the beach. She walked over to Shuichi and kissed him on the cheek. I see you we're hurt. I would have expected you to atleast do some fighting." She giggled as she teased him.

Arisu smiled and nodded to what Naoki said and looked up at Naoki. Her smile vanished when Naoki said that there were some lives lost in the battle and looked down. She glanced up at Asuka and felt bad that Daichi wasn't going to be there for her.

As they neared the shore, Ayane saw Hideaki and smiled a little bit. After they landed, she jumped out of the boat and ran over to her son, wrapping her arms around him, holding him tight. "Oh Hideaki... I am so glad you're safe..." She pull away from the hold a little bit and smiled at Hideaki as she let tears stream down her face. "So where's your father?"

Asuka stared hard and long as they neared the island, scanning it for Daichi. She started to get worried when they got to the beach and hopped off the boat. 'Daichi... Where could you be...?' She walked around, looking for Daichi with her hands on her chest.
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Fri 28 Sep 2012, 6:05 am
Itsuko looked up at him when he wrapped his arm around her. She smiled gently to his question as she looked down again. "My brother had betrayed my clan and went rouge. My father's job was to hunt him down and kill him. Unfortunately, he didn't come back. My brother died during the war between the vampire and human kingdom." She looked back up at him, closing her eyes as she smiled a little. "A kid has to grow up quickly when they're left all alone after all."


Kamiko tilted her head a little. "Part reaper huh?" She smiled at her daughter. "Well, it was nice of him to bring us back. He sure has a kind heart." She looked up at her husband and stood up, taking his hand. She looked back at Yuko and giggled a little, placing her other hand on her stomache. "Well...we havn't really talked too much about that yet sweetie. But we'll be sure to let you know once we think of one."

Hisao nodded to Rokuzai and smiled as he stood up straight. He looked over at Alexander and laughed. "Not if it annoys you." He looked around the room as he leaned up against the wall, feeling a little out of place. He turned his head to Rokuzai and his wife and daughter and smiled a little. 'Hopefully, Alex can build some kind of relationship with his family.' He stood up again and walked over to the window slowly as he looked out at the beach. "Ryuu sure did a number on things."


Haruka was silent for a moment. She held her arm and closed her eyes. "You were right...I am just some slut...I..." She looked up at him for a moment, then turned her head as her eyes began to water. "...I thought about keeping this a secret and just going on with my life, but I can't live with the guilt." She wiped her eyes, trying to keep herself from crying as she took a step back. "I cheated on you. I don't deserve to be your first time. I know it wont make a difference, but I'm so sorry. I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to be with some slut..."


Hideaki stared at his mother for a moment when she asked where Aedan was. He looked over towards his father's body, then looked down as his hair covered his eyes. "I'm sorry mom...I..." He started to tear up again as he tried to find the words to explain to her what happened. "...He died...cause of me...if I hadn't tried to help him...he'd probably still be alive right now..." He looked up at Alex when he walked over and began to wonder the same thing as he did before. "You are you anyways? And why do you look so much like my dad?"

Alexander sighed and nodded as Rokuzai walked away. He stood up straight, glaring at Hisao. "You need to learn to keep your mouth shut." He turned and walked out the door, looking around. He rubbed his head and walked over to Aedan's body, kneeling down next to it. He breathed another sigh as he looked over towards Hideaki and Ayane and stood up. He walked over to them, wondering how Ayane would react to him being there. "It's not his fault. Aedan should've never tried to fight Yoshiko. I knew Ryuu wouldn't let Aedan live if he won that fight." He then looked at Hideaki, a little surprised and not sure how to answer. He smiled. "Alexander." He then wondered if he should tell him the truth or not and closed his eyes, rubbing his head. "Should I even try to explain?" He asked outloud and sighed, wondering if Ayane even wanted her son to know the truth.

Katsuo watched as Hikaru left and looked down. He lifted his head and watched as Asuka began looking around. After a moment, he walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, shaking his head. He turned his head away, not wanting to see her reaction. He closed his eyes as he took his hand off her shoulder.

Shuichi chuckled and wrapped his arms around Minami. "Well, I got busy making sure Yuko and Hideaki didn't get hurt." He closed his eyes and smiled. He looked down at Suzume and laughed and picked her up. "Well, I don't know about that. I really don't like fighting."

Suzume looked up at them and tilted her head to the side a little. She reached up and pulled on Shuichi's jacket. "But if you did have to fight, you could've beaten all of them, right?" She squeaked when he picked her up and hugged him tight.

Naoki jumped off the boat and helped Arisu down. She sighed as she watched Katsuo walk over to Asuka. "Looks like he didn't make it..." She rubbed her head and closed her eyes. "Poor Asu must be heartbroken." She looked at Arisu and smiled. "Better go to her. I'm going to see if I can help with anything."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 29 Sep 2012, 2:06 am
'I'm... Right?' Tatsuya thought as he gave her a confused looked. He began to get the idea of what she was going to say and crossed his arms, starting to feel anxious to heard what she was going to say. His widened when she said that she cheated on him and glared at her. "Get out of my castle, now!" He stated than took a good wiff of who she was with before they back to the castle. He phased through the floor of his room and down to the bottom level, walking to the throne room. He ignored everyone that was there and followed Kioshi's scent.


"I know how you feel Itsuko." He looked down at her and smiled, letting go of her. "I am really sorry that Minamoto didn't make it." He said when he turned and looked out the window. "And since I owe him my life I will do whatever I can to keep you and Haruka safe and happy." He turned his head and smiled at Itsuko.


Yuko smiled ad nodded to her mothers answer. She turned around when she smelled Tatsuya and say that he was really pissed off. "Hey, mom. What do you think Tatsuya is mad about?" She turned to Kamiko as she asked.


Ayane looked in te direction that Hideaki was looking and covered her mouth. She looked back down at him and uncovered her mouth as she began to tear up as well. She smiled a little bit then wrapped her arms around her son. "It wasn't your fault ok? I'm glad your still here though. And he probably really appreciated that you tried to help him." She kissed the top of his head then looked at Alexander when he walked up and gave him a puzzled and annoyed look. She listened to Alex as she let go of Hideaki then looked down at him again. "He's... Your uncle unfortunatly."

After a little while of looking around, Asuka felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see that it was Katsuo. When she saw him shake his head she fell to her knees and began balling as she cried into her hands.

"Well that's better than getting the shit beating out of you." Minami teased Shuichi than looked down at Suzume when she asked her question and giggled a little. "He's to much of a wimp sweetie." She continued to tease him as Shuichi picked Suzume up.

"Looks like it..." Arisu commented then looked up at Naoki and nodded. She gave her a quick kiss then walked over to her sister, squating next to her. "I... I'm so sorry that Daichi didn't make it Asu-chan..." She wrapped her arms around Asuka and held her.
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Sat 29 Sep 2012, 5:20 pm
Haruka took a step back when he yelled at her. She looked down after he had left and covered her face as she started crying. "I'm so sorry Suya-kun..." She wiped her eyes and teleported outside. She sat down, pulling her knees to her chest. She looked up at Katsuo when he walked over and forced a smile as she closed her eyes. "Would you mind going inside and looking for my mom? Tatsuya sort of kicked me out...and I wanna go home..."

Katsuo rubbed his head when Asuka fell to the ground. He turned his head when he saw Haruka and walked over to her. He placed his hand on her head and smiled a little and nodded. "Sure. I'll be right back." He turned and walked inside to go look for Itsuko.

Shuichi nodded and laughed. He then started to pout a little when he was called a wimp. "I could've taken any of them. I'm not that weak. I just hate violence is all." He looked at Suzume and smiled a little to her comment.

Suzume hugged Shuichi tight when he started to pout. "I don't like fighting either Shu-kun." She closed her eyes and smiled at him, then looked over at her mother. "Mommy, when can we go home?"

Hideaki nodded to his mother, but still felt a little guilty. He then turned his head back to Alexander when her mother said he was his uncle and his eyes lit up a little. "I have an uncle!? That's awesome! Are you coming back with us to the vampire kingdom!?" He then turned to his mother after he got an answer. "Can he mom?"

Alexander was a little surprised when Hideaki asked if he was going with them and was silent for a moment. He then smiled a little. "That's really not up to me to be honest. I'll leave that up to Ayane." He closed his eyes and smiled at Hideaki, then looked at Ayane. "I'd like to have a chance to show that I have changed, if possible."

Naoki watched as Arisu went to comfort her sister. She looked around the beach at everyone who had died during the battle. "What a mess all this was..." She sighed and walked over to Haruka, sitting down next to her and putting her arm around her. "I'm sorry about your father Haru-chan."


Itsuko nodded, folding her hands in front of her. "I would really apriciate that Kioshi. We better head back downstairs and get ready to leave." She smiled and walked over to the door and opened it, but stopped when she caught Tatsuya's scent heading their way. "Oh dear..."


Kamiko looked over at her son and smiled. "Hello sweetie..." She tilted her head a little in confusion when he ignored her and left. She looked back at Yuko and shook her head. "I'm not sure. He left with Haruka...I wonder if something happened between them?"

Hisao watched as Tatsuya came and left. He looked over at Kamiko, Rokuzai and Yuko and sighed. "I think I know why he's mad..." He took his hand off his shoulder and walked over to them. "...She cheated on him. He has a right to be mad. He's probably looking for Kioshi to kick his ass, I'm sure."

Kamiko looked at Hisao, then looked up at Rokuzai with a sigh. "Maybe you should go talk to him sweetie. He might listen to you," she suggested and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:36 pm
Kioshi nodded and smiled at Itsuko, following her to the door. "What's the 'Oh dear...' for?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his head and rose his eyebrow. He looked over her shoulder than saw Tatsuya storming down the hallway and gulped in fear. "Oh shit's more like it!" He took a few steps back and his eyes widened when he saw him phase through Itsuko. "Hey, can't we just talk about this?" He smiled and laughed nervously and he waved at Tatsuya to stop and stumbled over the corner of the bed that in the room.

As Tatsuya got a stronger scent of Kioshi he unfolded his wings and stormed around a corner, noticing Itsuko and Kioshi. 'So I see he's going after her now huh?' He stormed down the hall and phased through Itsuko. "There's no use talking after what you did!" He grabbed Kioshi by the collar and glared at him after he watched Kioshi stumble.


Yuko nodded to what her mother said than looked up and smiled at her father. She turned and looked at Hisao with a confused look. 'She cheated on nii-san? I feel bad for whoever that Kioshi guy is.' She thought and smirked a little. "I'll be right back." She said as she smiled at her parents and walked off, following Tatsuya's.

Rokuzai turned when he heard Hisao and was intriged by what he said. "Oh boy..." He face palmed then rubbed his hand down his face as he looked at Kamiko. "There's no stopping him now. And I taught him that it's better to take your anger out on the person your angry at than not to do it at all." He said than looked down at his daughter and nodded with a smile. "Looks like someone's going to go see the action." He chuckled and put his arm around Kamiko's shoulders.


Minami giggled and nodded. "I know." She gave him a kiss on the cheek then looked at her daughter and smiled at her. "Yeah baby. Why don't we go talk to Haruka about taking us back home." She rubbed Suzume's head and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she began walking towards Haruka.

Ayane rolled her eyes again and sighed at how excited her son was. "If it'll make you happy Hideaki." She said than looked at Alex. "But don't try to pull any funny business. You'll have to live with the rest of the vampires down in the city." She stated then turned towards the Haruka. "Come on, we should go join everyone else who is going to be teleported by Haruka." She began walking to towards Haruka.

"I... I just want to go home..." Asuka said as she tried to calm down and wipped the tears from her face as she looked at her sister. She quickly wrapped her arms around her as well and held her tight for a moment. "Come on..." She let go of her and stood up, holding out her hand for her sister to take. Once her sister took her hand she followed her over to Naoki and Haruka.

Arisu nodded and held her tighter as Asuka held her. She stood up and took her sisters had. "We should go with everyone else that's leaving with Haruka." She smiled at her sister and led her to Haruka and Naoki. "So are we ready to leave yet?" She asked curiously.
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Mon 01 Oct 2012, 1:51 am
"You'll see." Itsuko sighed as she heard his next comment. She turned around after Tatsuya phased through her and watched Kioshi stumble. As Tatsuya grabbed Kioshi by the collar, she walked over and placed her hand on Tatsuya's shoulder. "There's been enough violence for one day. I understand you're angry right now, but please, calm down." She turned her head to Katsuo and nodded. "We'll be out soon."

Katsuo walked down the hall and rubbed his head. 'How am I supposed to find her in this place? She could be anywhere." He stopped when he heard someone yelling and reconized the voice. [i]'Sounds like Tatsuya's a lot more pissed than I thought. Not like he doesn't have a right to be...' He sighed and jogged towards the room where he heard the voices. When he walked in, he saw Itsuko trying to calm things down. "Um...Itsu-chan...Haruka asked me to come get you so we could get going..." He rubbed his head again and looked down, nodding to her answer.


Kamiko giggled and nodded to Yuko and watched her leave. She looked up at Rokuzai and nodded. "You have a point there." She then turned to Hisao, looking him from head to toe. "You sure do look a lot like Alex...Hopefully, you're no where near as bad."

Hisao sighed, rubbing his head as he closed his eyes. "I didn't exactly ask for that ya know." He then smiled and laughed a little. He crossed his arms as he opened his eyes. "Fortunately, the cloning wasn't a full success. I perfer to avoid getting my ass kicked, unlike Alex. He could still learn to keep his mouth shut, but he's gotten better."

"Is that so? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. What are your plans?" Kamiko asked curiously, tilting her head to the side a little from wonder. "And I don't think we caught your name..."

Hisao shrugged. "Not sure yet. Probably just gonna stick with Kioshi...if he doesn't get killed by your son that is." He chuckled a little, then smiled at her when she asked his name. "Hisao. I already know your names. Apart from just looking like Alex, I also have all his memories. Not the most...comforting...but what can I do about it?"


Shuichi blushed a little when she kissed his cheek and smiled. He nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Looks like Ayane's about ready to go..." He turned his head and noticed Alex was following Hideaki and raised an eyebrow. "...Looks like Alex is coming with us..." He looked at Suzume and smiled and started to walk towards the boat. He climbed up onto the boat and sat down, leaning his head back against the side.

Suzume nodded to her mother's answer. She closed her eyes and smiled, resting her head on Shuichi's shoulder. She began to doze off as Shuichi sat down.

Hideaki smiled when her mother said yes. He nodded, then turned to his uncle. "Yeah, we better get going as well." He turned and followed his mother. "So, how come no one ever mentioned you before?"

"I can live with that. Thank you m'lady." Alexander smiled and began to follow Hideaki, sliding his hands into his pockets. He stopped next to the boat and put his hand on Hideaki's head, messing up his hair. "It's complicated. Maybe when you're a little older, I'll tell you. For now, why don't we just forget about it and get to know eachother a little?"

Haruka looked over at her father's body, then looked at Naoki and nodded, not saying a word. She held her knees a little tighter as she continued to wait for her mother and Katsuo to return.

Naoki rubbed Haruka's back and sighed. 'Poor kid...' She looked up at the twins and smiled. "Looks like we're just waiting on Itsuko. Katsuo went to go get her, so we'll leave soon."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Mon 01 Oct 2012, 3:20 pm
Tatsuya looks ocer his shoulder at Itsuko when she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Would you be able to calm down if Minamoto fucked some horny slut!?" He snapped at her then turned his attention back to Kioshi. He let go of him and pushed him a little bit. He went for a punch and hit Kioshi in the temple, knocking him out. "That should teach you. Fucking prick." He turned and walked towards the door. Once he got to the door, he stopped and turned his head. "Hopefully your daughter finds someone who is interested in being cheated on by a slut." He turned his head back around and flew back up to his room, phasing through everything until he got there and locked his door. He turned and walked over to the window and satred out of it, putting his hands into his pockets.

Kioshi looked at Itsuko when she tried to calm him down and felt a little better when he assumed that it work. He stumbled a little bit when he was pushed back and smiled at Tatsuya. "Oh thank yo--." He got socked in the face right before he was about to finish his sentence and fell to the ground hard as he got knocked out by the hit.

When Yuko got closer she smelled some more familiar scents and smiled a little bit. 'Hopefully their calming him down.' She saw a door open at the end of the hallway and heard Itsuko trying to calm Tatsuya down and she ran to the room as fast as she could. But when she got there she saw Kioshi fall down and hit the floor with a loud thud. He eyes widened when her brother began walking towards her and she paniced. She jumped onto the ceiling and crawled over to the door he wouldn't see her. 'Guess they werne't able to calm him down at all... Poor guy.' She hopped down from the ceiling when her brother left and walked into the room. "Is he going to be alright?" She asked when she walked over to him and leaned over as she scanned to see if he was ok.


Rokuzai turned his attention to Hisao and litsented to there conversation. "Well it's really good that the cloning process was kind of a failure because i don't think Alexander would be able to handle basically another version of himself." He chuckled a little then turned to the door. "I have a feeling that everyone is going to be leaving so I better bit them a farewell until next time we meet." He leaned over and gave Kamiko a kiss on the cheek and began walking towards the door.


As Hikaru walked down the beach, he noticed a few people on the boatand smiled. "Looks like it's about time to go." He walked off the beach and onto the land, making his way over to Kalebs body. When he got to his body and knelt down and smiled at him. "The least I can do is give you a proper burrial. He picked Kaleb up and slung him over his shoulder and walked over to the boat.


Minami looked over at Alexander and sighed. "Yeah... Hopefully he isn't trying to get back the kingdom that was taking from him." She said as she began to follow Shuichi. She jumped up onto the boat and sat next to him, resting her head on his other shoulder.

"That's right Hideaki. Just forget about it because you don't want to know." Ayane said as she hopped onto the boat. 'Better be glad Aedan isn't here or he just might have said no.' She sat down across the boat from them and crossed her arms as she looked over the side of the boat, waiting for them to get going.

The twins nodded and sat down next to Naoki and Haruka. "Everything will be alright, Haruka." Asuka said with a smile as she looked at her and placed one of her hands on Haruka's, trying to comfort her a little.

Arisu nodded to what her sister said and smiled at Haruka. "She's right ya know." She wrapped her arm around Naoki's shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "So you still up for that little date we had back at your place?" She whispered in Naoki's ear.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Mon 01 Oct 2012, 9:59 pm
Itsuko glared at Tatsuya, but took a step back and stayed quiet. She watched as he punched Kioshi and knocked him out cold. She whipped her head around and stared at the door when Tatsuya left. "Katsuo...take Kioshi down to Haruka. Tell Haruka to take everyone home and don't worry about the bodies. I'll bring them when I leave." She took a step back and vanished into the shadows. She appeared behind Tatsuya and grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn around. She pressed her hand against his chest, forcing him against the window hard, causing the window to crack. "Now you listen to me...I don't care what your parents say, I'm not about to let you talk about my daughter that way!" She glared at him and pressed her hand on his chest a little harder, making the window crack more. "I'm going to let you in on a secret. Haruka was raped by that dog of a guard that Minamoto gave his life to kill. I'm not saying what she did was right, but she felt she needed to feel like someone was protecting her. Kioshi taking advantage of that didn't help. You weren't around, so she felt even more vulnerable. I know this because I felt the same way when I was raped! The difference between me and her is that Minamoto was actually there to comfort me!" She pushed him a little, making the window almost shatter. She took a step back, taking her hand off his chest. "But did you once consider how much courage it took for her to tell you and risk losing you after what happened to her? She's not the only one at fault. She wasn't asking forgiveness when she told you. All she wanted was for you to know the truth because she didn't want to hide something like that from you. And what do you do? You get mad, which is the correct response. But everyone deserves a second chance. If the man who raped me and your mother and tried to take over this kingdom can get a second chance for redemption, why can't she!? After everything I've just told you, don't you even care!? She loves you and you want to know how I know that!? Because of what she was thinking when she saw you lying there dead...I had to pry her away from you..."


Katsuo looked up at Itsuko and nodded. He walked over to Kioshi and knelt down. He smiled up at Yuko. "Yeah, he'll be fine. Probably gonna have a pretty bad headache later though." He laughed a little. "Hideaki's about to leave m'lady. You better go say goodbye. Who knows when you'll get to see him again." He smiled and grabbed Kioshi's arm, putting it over his shoulders. He faded into the shadows, soon reappearing next to Haruka and everyone. "Hey Haru, your mom said to go on without her. She'll bring Daichi's and Minamoto's bodies later so we can have a proper burrial for them." He closed his eyes and smiled, setting Kioshi down.

Hisao couldn't help but laugh to Roku's comment. "You have a point there. He already finds me annoying. I can't imagine how bad he would be if there was an exact copy of him." He smiled and nodded. "Guess I better get going as well then. I think I've overstayed my welcome as it is," he said as he bowed to Kamiko, then began following Rokuzai outside. He stopped and looked over towards Haruka and chuckled when he saw Kioshi knocked out. "Your son didn't go easy on him." He looked at Rokuzai and smiled. "Hopefully, my being a clone of Alex doesn't already give me a bad reputation. Have fun with the lycan kingdom." He smirked and walked over to Haruka. "Mind if I join you guys Haru-chan?"

Haruka looked up at Asuka and nodded. She smiled a little as they both tried to comfort her. "I wish it was going to be alright..." She looked over at Katsuo when he appeared and was a little confused. "Ok I guess..." She stood up and turned her head to Hisao and smiled. "Sure. I don't think my mom will mind." She held out her hands and waited for everyone to take them. She looked up towards Tatsuya's window while she waited. 'I'm wish I could take back everything I did to hurt you Suya-kun...' She looked down and teleported away back home with everyone.

Naoki stood up as well and crossed her arms with a nod. 'Looks like Itsuko's gonna stay behind for a little while.' She smiled, placing her hand on Haruka's shoulder and taking Arisu's hand with her free hand. "You think I'd forget something like that?" She whispered back with a smirk.

Kamiko smiled back at Hisao and nodded. "Good luck." She followed both him and her husband out the door, taking ahold of her husband's hand. She waved to Haruka and everyone as they left, then looked up at Rokuzai. "Let's go say goodbye to Ayane and everyone. And I think you should thank Hideaki for what he did. Yuko told me he gave up bringing Aedan back so she could have her family."

Shuichi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, hopefully." He rubbed the back of Suzume's head as she fell asleep in his arms. "She really is adorable." He closed his eyes and smiled at Minami, putting his arm around her waist.

Hideaki looked at his mother and nodded. "Ok..." He looked over at his father's body, then up at Alexander. "Um...would you mind..." He smiled when Alex agreed. He went to jump up on the boat, but stopped when he noticed Rokuzai and Kamiko walking over to them. He looked down, sliding his hands into his pockets, not sure what to say to them.

Alexander chuckled a little to Ayane's comment. He smiled at Hideaki and nodded. "Sure kid. I'll go get him." He turned and walked over to Aedan's body, picking him up. He walked back over to the boat and jumped up onto the boat. He walked over to Ayane and gently laid Aedan down next to her. "I figured you'd want to say your goodbyes while we're traveling." He smiled at her as he stood up and began to walk to the other end of the boat.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Wed 03 Oct 2012, 3:05 am
Tatsuya kind of jumped when he was yanked around and pushed against the window and winced in pain. 'What the fuck!?' He glared at Itsuko as she lectured him and winced in pain every time she pushed him harder up against the glass, thinking it would break at any time. He was a little shoocked and surprised at what he was told about what happened to Haruka but didn't feel an once of simpathy for her. "None of that is relevant. Especially about you!" He took a step forward and began yelling at Itsuko. "Rape is a totally different subject than cheating! I bet you anything she just wanted him because I was not comfortable with doing that yet! And I don't really how hard you had to pry her off my dead body, she shouldn't have have been tempted to get laid so badly. And yeah, I wasn't there. So it's not my fault at all, It's all their fault, and yours for not raising a truthful daughter! And I don't think Kioshi took advantage of Haruka either. She probably just laid down and teased the fuck out of him until he cracked. And it doesn't take courage to tell someone you cheated on them. It's a choice between two decisions: You tell them or you keep it a secret. Easy as that. But the easiest thing to do is wait the person who you are with to feel comfortable enough to get that intimate." He took a step back and turned back around, looking at the broken glass. "Now why don't you get out of my castle as well before I have you thrown out!"


Yuko took a step back as Katsuo picked up Kioshi's limp body and nodded at his response with a smile. She nodded again to what he said about about Hideaki and walked him outside. When she got outside she looked for him and saw him over at the boat and smiled as she jogged over to him, waving.

As Hikaru got on the boat, he ignored everyone else as he climbed on and sat away from everyone else as he held Kalebs lifeless body. 'Hopefully Hideaki brings you back as well...' He thought as he stroked Kalebs hair.

Arisu stood up when Naoki did and blushed when she whispered in her ear. 'I wonder what kind of toys she has at her house...' She blushed even more at the thought of what erotic fantasies could happen.

Asuka gave Haruka a puzzled look when she said she wished it was going to be alright. "It will, Haru-chan. I promise." She tilted her head and closed her eyes as she smiled at Haruka. She stood up when her sister did and wondered why she was blushing so much.

Minami nodded and smiled at her daughter as she fell asleep. "Best thing that I could ever wish for." She wrapped her arm around Shuichi's stomach and around Suzumes legs as she cuddled up closer to him.

Ayane watched as Alexander went and picked up Aedan's body and rolled her eyes. 'Why is he trying so hard? He's gonna crack again anyways and go back to the ways he's used to.' She looked up at him when he brought Aedan's body over to her and waited until his back was turned and glared at him. 'Don't you think it's a little to late for that!? Prick...' She turned away from the body and crossed her arms.

Rokuzai smiled at Kamiko when she took his hand and waved at Haruka and them as they let as well. He looked at his wife and nodded. 'He really did that for Yuko?' "That's nice and all, but what I would like to know is how he did it." He said with a little nervous chuckle in his voice as he rubbed the back of his head. As they got to the boat he smiled at everyone and turned his attention to Hideaki and motioned him off the boat.
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Sat 06 Oct 2012, 1:17 am
Itsuko stood there and listened to Tatsuya as he continued to insult her daughter. As soon as he turned around, she glared at him. "Let's get one thing straight. This is not your kingdom, it belongs to your mother. She over rules even your father because it is her royal bloodline and until you take this kingdom over, I do not answer to anyone but her. And my daughter will someday take my place, so you're just going to have to get used to her being around." She turned her back to him. "If you have a problem with my daughter, you have a problem with me. I will not allow someone to talk about her that way no matter what she did. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your mother." She vanished into the shadows without another word and appeared outside the castle. She walked over to Kamiko, still extremely pissed off. "If your son ever talks badly about my daughter again, I will kick his ass. You and Roku better teach that boy some manners." She turned and stormed over to Minamoto and Daichi's bodies before Kamiko could answer her. 'Haruka! Come pick me up, now!'

Haruka appeared next to her mother after recieving her thoughts and looked at her mother. She looked down and decided to stay quiet when she saw her mother was mad. She knelt down and placed one hand on her father's body and the other on Daichi's. She waited for her mother to place her hand on her shoulder and vanished back home.

Kamiko shook her head. "She said he was part reaper apparently, but other than that, I'm not sure." She followed him over to the boat and smiled at everyone. As she was waiting for Hideaki, she heard Itsuko and turned around. Her eyes widened a little in surprise. "B-but Itsu-chan..." She wasn't able to say anymore when Itsuko walked away and sighed. She looked up at her husband. "You need to have a talk with that boy. It takes a lot to piss off Itsuko and I wouldn't doubt she would knock some sense into him, despite what I say." She turned her head to Hideaki and smiled when he noticed how happy he was to see Yuko. "Looks like someone has taken quite a liking to our daughter."

Hideaki looked over and noticed Rokuzai was motioning for him to come over. He jumped down off the boat and walked over to them with a nervous smile. He turned his head and waved back to Yuko, closing his eyes as he smiled. He looked back up at Roku when he got closer and stopped in front of him, rubbing the back of his head. "You wanted to talk to me?" His face turned red from Kamiko's comment and quickly looked down from embarrassment.

Shuichi smiled and blushed as Minami wrapped her arm around them. He leaned his head back against the side of the boat and wrapped his free arm around Minami's waist. He stared up at the clouds for a moment, then closed his eyes.

Alexander sat down by himself when he got to the other side of the boat and watched as Hideaki jumped off and walked over to Rokuzai. He looked over towards Aedan and Ayane. 'She could've at least said thank you. Guess that's expecting too much...' He sighed and rested his arm on his knee as he looked off towards the sea, spacing out in his thoughts.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 8 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Tue 09 Oct 2012, 2:26 am
Tatsuya whipped back around when Itsuko started talking again and listened to everything she had to say. He glared at her as she turned her back to him and watched her vanish. "That bitch needs to now where her place is! I have more rights than she thinks!" He said kind of loudly. He turned and looked back over at the window. "First things first, she's getting a bill to fix this window."


"That's very interesting. I'm not sure if I should be kind of mad at him for playing with that sort of stuff or be happy he did." Rokuzai chuckled a little then turned to Itsuko when she appeared. "Ummm... Oookkay?" He said cunfused by what she said then looked down at Kamiko. "I don't there's any getting through to him hun..." He chuckled again. "... To be honest I probably would do the same thing he did." He then turned to Hideaki and smirked when Kamiko said something about him taking a liking to Yuko. "Well he's better than anyone else." He replied and continued to smirk when Hideaki walked up. He placed one of his hands on his shoulder and his smirk turned into a smile. "I wanted to thank you for for bringing my family back. I really appreciate it."

Yuko blushed a little wqhen she had heard her mothers comment as she walked up. She smiled when her father thanked Hideaki and nodded in agreement. 'I still feel alittle bad for him not bringing back his father though.' She thought and continued to smile, even though she started growing a little depressed.
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Tue 09 Oct 2012, 4:52 am
Hideaki looked up at Rokuzai when he placed his hand on his shoulder as he closed his eyes and smiled. "You're welcome sir, but..." He rubbed the back of his head as he opened his eyes. "...It really is no big deal." He looked over at Yuko and smiled at her with kind of a loving look in his eye. "I just couldn't stand seeing Yuko-chan unhappy. My dad will understand." He looked back up at Rokuzai, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Besides, I'll get to see my dad almost daily when I'm training, so I wasn't really going to gain anything if I brought him back before anyone else." He looked over at the boat. "I should probably get going. Looks like everyone is waiting on me." He smiled at Rokuzai and Kamiko, then turned to Yuko, rubbing the back of his head again as he blushed a little. "I guess I'll see you later Yuko-chan."

Kamiko shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "You have a point. He inherited your attitude after all." She smiled at Hideaki and nodded in agreement to her husband's comment. She nodded to Hideaki when he said he should get going and smiled, looking up at her husband. "He reminds me of Aedan at that age. You know Roku, if he and Yuko get married someday, you and Aedan will be related," she teased and poked his arm.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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Wed 10 Oct 2012, 5:34 pm
Rokuzai smiled at Hideaki's explaination and nodded. "Well it is a big deal for us. Hideaki. And it's really good that you are able to see your almost daily. Just don't do anything you'll regret." He said then nodded to Hideaki's comment on him saying that he should go. He turned to Kamiko and smiled at her. His smiled quickly turned to a frown when she said that Aedan and him would be related and his eyes widened. He turned his head to his daughter quickly and said, "You are to not marry that boy. No matter how much I like him." He chuckled and looked back at his wife. "We should go back inside and rest. It's been a long few days." He started walking back to the castle.

Yuko nodded to her fathers comment then looked back at Hideaki. She blushed a little whe he smiled at her with a loving look and smiled back. 'He needs to quit making me blush...' "See you later Aki-kun." She said as she waved to him as he walked over to the boat. She turned to her father when she heard something about her not marrying Hideaki and looked down becoming a little sadened by his teasing joke. She nodded to his last comment and followed him towards the castle.
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Thu 11 Oct 2012, 4:12 am
Hideaki smiled and nodded to Yuko, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He turned and jumped up onto the boat, waving to everyone as it pulled away from the shore. He looked over at his mother and walked over to her, kneeling down next to her. "I promise I'll bring dad back someday..." He smiled at her, kissing the top of her head. He sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Kamiko giggled and shook her head to Rokuzai's comment. She nodded and took his hand as they started heading inside. She placed her other hand on her stomache and smiled. "Looks like we will get to meet our new little one after all."


Hideaki walked back up to his room once they were back home and looked around as he closed the door. He locked it, then walked over to his desk and sat down. He opened up the book and continued reading it. 'There has to be another way to bring them all back. I could just wait til I finish my training, but that could take years acording to Sadao.' He then noticed something interesting and smirked. "Now that's something I can work with!" He closed his eyes and smiled as he stood back up. He said an encantation and walked into the portal that appeared. 'Now to have a talk with Sadao.'
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