Roleplay Paradisu
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Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 23 Aug 2012, 1:58 am
Yuko jumped in happiness when hugged Hideaki. She looked up at him and as she back away. "I'm Yuko. It's nice to meet you." She smiled and closed her eyes as she she swayed back and both with her hands behind her back. She noticed that Shuichi had ran behind him and took Hideaki's sword. She jumped a little when she heard the door being slammed open and turned around to see that Kaleb was storming out to do something with Shuichi. She turned back when she heard that Shuichi probably deserved what he was about to get and ran over to her father a little scared.

Ryuu moved out of the way when he saw Shuichi running outside. 'Huh... Wonder what he's...' He stopped when he saw Kaleb and started laughing. 'I've never seen him this mad before. I should have come down more often.' He chuckled a little before he stopped laughing. He looked over at Hideaki and lifted his eyebrow as he continued to think. 'Maybe he is alittle like his uncle. Maybe I'll be able to get control of these kingdoms alot easier if I can get him on my side.'

Rokuzai turned around when he heard Suzume say that Kaleb looked mad. He turned some more to see that Shuichi was getting kicked back a few feet by Hideaki. He looked down and shook his head as he got up. "Need me to call over my dog he could clean up the mess afterwards." He said sarcastically as he chuckled. "Come one Suzume, lets go back inside so you won't have to see this." He said as he turned to her and smiled, taking her hand and leading her inside.

Hikaru glared at Shuichi when he wrapped his arms around Kaleb. When Shuichi ran out the front door he followed Kaleb with his sword drawn as well. "I'm going to murder that little bastard if I get my hands on him!" He said as Kaleb kicked the door open. He was about to charge at Hideaki but he was stopped by Kaleb since he wasn't moving.


Tatsuya ran over to her and slammed the door closed before she was able to leave. "I'm sorry Haruka..." He said as he wrapped his free arm around her waist. "I shouldn't have assumed. I shouldn't have basically called you a whore..." He wrapped his other arm around her and held her tightly. "I'm so sorry..." He held his head dwn as he rested it on her shoulder.


Ayane looked up at Aedan when he lifted her head up and smiled at him. "It's ok baby. I know how to deal with you atittude so don't worry about it." She leaned up and kissed him. She then burried her face into his chest again as she held him tighter.

"What do you mean by 'feeling bad for Katsuo'?" Minamoto asked as he watched Katsuo walk towards Daichi and Asuka. He turned to Itsuko when he felt her hold his arm tighter and smiled back. "It must be an issue with Shuichi again. I think they have finally had it with him." He turned to Kaleb and Hikaru as they walked after Shuichi and chuckled.

Minami smiled as Malik kissed the top of her head. She nodded and began following him until he stopped because of Shuichi. "Yeah, he probably did. I don't think i have ever seen Hikaru that mad though." She said as she giggled. "Come on, or we're going to miss it." She said as she started pushing him over to the door.


"Be nice Daichi. He is your brother after all." Asuka said as Katsuo walked up. She nodded in agreement to what Daichi said. "But he won't be getting into any more trouble with me around, so just calm down honey." She said as she leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. She held out her hand to Katsuo as she asked. "So what do you want to do Kat-kun?"


Arisu loved the time they spend making out. She smiled back at Naoki and shook her head when she was that she had a cute moan. She tried to not moan when she felt Naoki's lips kissing and nibbling on her neck but it was no use and she moaned softly. "We... shouldn't do this... Here Naoki...' She was able to say inbetween the moans.


Izanagi chuckled a little when he heard the two of the fucking aorund with Alex. He turned to Junichi when he asked his question. "I don't think Hisashi will let him go. He seemed to have a little bit of fun watching Alex in pain. He's not going to get off easy with them. But if he does manage to get away, my sniffer with sniff him out." He said as he tapped Junichi on the shoulder.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 23 Aug 2012, 5:42 am
Kaleb walked over to Shuichi and kicked him to the ground. "I told you not to touch me at all, did I not?" He asked as he lifted his sword up and went to swing it at him. He blinked as someone caught the blade and looked at Hideaki, slightly surprised.

Hideaki looked over at Yuko and noticed she was a little scared of what was going on. He looked over and Kaleb and walked over, catching the blade with one hand. Blood started dripping from his hand as he glared at Kaleb. "That's enough. You're scaring the princess," he said quietly to Kaleb and let go of the sword and looked at Hikaru to make sure he wouldn't do anything.

Kaleb sighed, calming down slightly as he put his sword away. He reached over and looked at Hideaki's hand to take a look at the wound, but noticed he was already healed and looked at him. "Your father doesn't even heal this fast. Since when are you able to heal like this?" He asked curiously as he looked back at the blood on Hideaki's hand.

Hideaki rubbed the back of his head with his other hand and shrugged. " experiment I was working on...nothing big..." He said and pulled his hand away from Kaleb. He turned and walked over to Yuko and closed his eyes as he smiled at her. "Sorry you had to see that. It's over now Yuko-chan."

Kaleb watched as Hideaki walked away curiously. "An experiment?" He sighed, deciding to ignore it for the moment as he turned his attention to Shuichi and picked him up by his shirt and making him stand.

Shuichi covered his head when he saw Kaleb started to swing his sword at him and closed his eyes. He slowly looked up when he realized he wasn't dead yet, but still smelled blood. He breathed a sigh of relief when Hideaki told Kaleb and Hikaru to stop. He looked over as Hideaki walked over to the princess and smirked. "How cute. Kid has a crush," he said with a chuckle, then squealed a little when Kaleb picked him up and started shaking, afraid of what would happen now.


Haruka gasped, jumping a little when he slammed the door. She blushed when she felt him wrap his arm around her waist and wiped her eyes. She leaned back against him when he wrapped his other arm around her and placed her hands on his arm, closing her eyes and blushing more. "I'm not a slut you know..." She leaned her head back against his shoulder. "...But you don't have to pretend to like me if you don't...I understand Suya-kun..." She started to smile a little, loving how he held her. "Besides, if I was just trying to get in your pants, you wouldn't be able to resist," she joked and giggled a little.

Kamiko jumped, placing her hand on her chest as she closed her eyes. 'Wonder what's going on?' She opened her eyes and walked a little closer to the door so she could hear what they were saying and smiled, holding in her giggles. 'At least they made up from the sound of it.' She turned and headed back down to the throne room.


Suzume took Rokuzai's hand and nodded as she followed him back inside. She let go of his hand when she saw her mother and father and ran over to them, pulling on her mother's dress a little and smiling cutely. "Sorry for making you worry mommy."

Malik laughed and nodded in agreement. "Neither have I. Hikaru usually is pretty calm for the most part." He stumbled a little when Minami started pushing him and looked up when Suzume and Rokuzai walked inside. He smiled at his daughter. "Snuck off to play with your 'boyfriend' huh?"

Suzume looked at her father and shook her head, starting to giggle. "Yuck! Aki-san is just fun to play with daddy because he never says no whenever I ask." She closed her eyes and smiled.

Kamiko smiled as she entered the room and walked over to Rokuzai, leaning over to him. "Our son had his first argument with his new girlfriend up in his room," she whispered so no one else could hear and giggled, taking a step back and holding her hands behind her back. She closed her eyes and smiled. "And probably gonna have more firsts if they stay up there much longer," she joked and giggled some more.

Itsuko shrugged her shoulders and smiled up at Minamoto. "He just sounded disappointed was all." She nodded in agreement as she watched them leave through the front door. She then looked over towards Rokuzai and everyone and turned back to Minamoto. "Shall we go join them?"

Aedan kissed her back and was a little disappointed when she pulled away and hid her face again. He held her a little tighter as well, placing one hand behind his head and closed his eyes. "Is there something else wrong sweetie?"


Daichi sighed and nodded when Asuka told him to be nice to his brother. He blushed when she kissed his cheek and rubbed his head, looking away from embarassment. "D-don't call me that in front of him," he mumbled to her.

Katsuo snickered when he saw his brother blushing. "Never seen you embarassed." He turned to Asuka and laughed when she called his brother honey. He then stopped when she asked him what he wanted to do and shrugged his shoulders. "I um...I don't know...explore I guess?"


Naoki nodded and sat up, looking down at Arisu. "You're probably right." She smiled and got off of her, holding out her hand to help her up. "Come on. We should probably head back inside anyways and see what everyone is up to."


Alexander glared at Hisao from his threat and looked to Hisashi for some help. Hisashi rolled his eyes and sighed, walking over to Hisao and taking the leash from him. "Quit fooling around and let's get him out of that thing."

Hisao turned to them in surprise. "Oh no, I'm not having one of those things put on me just because you two idiots don't want to listen." He took a few steps back from them.

Hisashi and Alexander looked at eachother. They both suddenly got an evil grin on their faces as they looked back at Hisao. Alexander undid the collar and took it off as Hisashi appeared behind Hisao and grabbed him. "Well, you look the most like me. Maybe they'll take you instead of me," Alexander said as he approached Hisao.

Hisao laughed nervously as Alex started putting the collar on him. "C-come on Alex. know I was only kidding."

Hisashi wrapped the leash around Hisao to tie him up with it and pushed him on the ground. Alexander laughed. "Hope they have fun with their new pet and will leave me alone for a while." He crouched down in front of Hisao, closing his eyes as he smiled. "That's a good look for you. Have fun Hisao." He then stood up and vanished with Hisashi.

Hisao struggled on the ground. "You guys can't just leave me here! Come on! This isn't funny anymore!" He stopped struggling after a while and rolled onto his back. 'What the hell is this leash made of anyways?' He closed his eyes with a sigh. "I knew they didn't like me, but I didn't think they'd go this far..."


Junichi nodded as he opened his eyes and dropped his arms to his sides. "True. You've got one of the best noses in the kingdom. He could be gone for a week and you'd still be able to track his scent." He slid his hands into his pockets as he looked around. "So what do you want to do?"
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
Posts : 284
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 23 Aug 2012, 8:13 am
Hikaru walked over to the side of Kaleb and smiled at the look on Shuichi's faces. He looked over at Kaleb when he didn't swing his sword then looked back at Shuichi, beginning to raise his sword. He was stopped by the sound of Hideaki. He looked down as he sheathed his rapier. "One day I will take the life from that son of a bitch!" He said under his breathe. He looked up at Shuichi when he was up on his feet. "Get the fucking messege now!? If I see you even think about touching him, I will torture you until you begged for death." He stormed inside and into the dining room, sitting in one of the chairs.

Yuko watched in fear as everything happened. She looked up at Hideaki when he said he was sorry. "It's alright, I'm going to have to get used to it some how, right?" She said with a smile back at him. "Would it be alright if you showed me some more stuff on your computer?" Yuko asked as she put her hands behind her back and looked down a little bit.

Ryuu was surpried at the look in Kaleb and Hikaru's eyes when they walked over to Shuichi. 'Look's like he just met his maker.' He thought then saw Hideaki grab Kaleb's sword. He had a happily surprised look on his face. 'Maybe he will be of some more use to me than I thought.' He heard what Yuko had said and waited outside for everyone else to go back inside.


"You are probably right, Haruka..." Tatsuya began to say as he chuckled al ittle before looking down. He turned as bright as he could get when he looked down and saw most of her cleavage. "... Especially with you wearing something that revealing, if you started to do anything I wouldn't be able to help myself." He nervously laughed for a quick second. He turned his head and kissed her on the neck since he wasn't able to kiss her anywhere else. "I do like you, Haruka. It was just startling when I saw you holding hands with Katsuo. I don't know if I love you yet, but I hope I will eventually." He said as he smiled. "And you leaning against me like that is a major tease, you know that right." Tatsuya pointed out as he was still blushing.


As they were almost outside, they saw Rokuzai and Suzume coming in. "I wasn't that worried darling." Minami said as she bent down and gave her a hug, picking her up afterwards. "Oh stop it Malik." She said teasingly as he tapped his arm. "Do you want to go watch a sunset with mommy and daddy?" Minami asked her daughter as she looked back to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

When Rokuzai and Suzume walked back inside, he felt her pull away from his hand and smiled as she ran up to her parents. He smiled at Kamiko when she walked up to him and had a confused look on his face when she leaned over. He rolled his eyes when he heard that his son and his so call 'new girlfriend' had they're first fight. Rokuzai had a shocked look on his face when she said they basically might have make-up sex. "And who is this 'girlfriend' of his, Kamiko?" He whispered to her back, started to get a little worried.

"Well he really needs to stop bugging her and making her ditch her classes." Minamoto responded with a sigh. "Yeah, why not, I haven't really been able to talk to him in a long time." He said as he began walking over to Rokuzai and that group.

Ayane shook her head when Aedan asked her is anything else was wrong. "When do we ever get to hold eachother like this anymore, Aedan-kun?" She asked as she looked up at him with a smile. "I really miss holding you like this. Maybe we can make some more time for this later on? I'm not saying we have to stop, I'm just saying that I would really like to do this again later." She said as she gave him a kiss on the lips and rested her head back on his chest, but turning so she could breath easier.


"Oh he's gotta get used to it one way or another, right?" Asuka asked teasingly as she gently pushed him and giggled. She looked back over to Katsuo and nodded. "Well lead the way mister smarty pants." She teased Daichi as she looked up at him and held his hand.


Arisu took Naoki's hand as she got up and held it as she smiled at her. She nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That sound's like a good idea." She said as she tapped Naoki on the ass then gently squeezed as she smirked at her.


"Yeah, hehe. Not meaning to brag, but if he ever escaped and left the kingdom, I think I'd be able to track him down to anywhere in the world." Izanagi said as he smirked and looked at Junichi. "Well i think we should head back now. I bet if they're all not there, the other person has to were the voice command shock collar for a week and be the other one's 'pet'." He said sarcastically as he turned around and started heading back to where he left Alexander, Hisashi, and Hisao.
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Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 23 Aug 2012, 6:07 pm
Hideaki pulled a rag out of his bag and cleaned the blood off his hand as he nodded. "It's fairly lively in my kingdom thanks to them. I find it entertaining to be honest, but I grew up with it," he explained to her as he put the rag back in his bag. "Kaleb trained me since the day I could pick up a sword. He's like another father to me, to be honest." He looked at her a little surprised and started to blush a little. "Um...y-yeah, sure...if you really want me to..." He smiled a little and took her hand, helping her sit down and sat next to her as he pulled out his laptop and opened it. "So...let's see here..." He started looking through some files to see what he could pull up. "Anything specific you can think of wanting to have? I've probably got it." He turned to her and closed his eyes and smiled. "As a thank you for helping me. Just don't tell your dad."


Haruka turned a dark shade of red when he called her a tease after kissing her neck and saying he liked her. She giggled a little. "Oh, you want me to be a tease?" She asked with a smirk and turned herself around, pressing her breasts up against him. She looked up at him and slid her hand up his thigh, just barely brushing past his dick. "How's that fo a tease?"


Kaleb watched as Hikaru walked inside and sighed. He took ahold of Shuichi's shirt again and dragged him inside. He pushed him into the throne room and crossed his arms. "Stay out of trouble, got it?" He turned and started following Hikaru's scent, leading him to the dining room. He walked up behind Hikaru, leaning over as he wrapped his arms around Hikaru and held him tight. "I think he got the message this time," he said and kissed him on the cheek. He smirked a little. "If only it was the time an place...seeing you mad like that turned me on a little for some reason."


Kamiko tilted her head to the side a little. "Haruka, of course. Who else would be with him right now?" She giggled a little and turned to look at Itsuko and Minamoto as they walked over and smiled at them. "Are you both enjoying yourselves?"

"True. I could do without that, but he's still young. I'm sure he'll grow up someday." Itsuko smiled and followed him over to Rokuzai and the others. She looked at Kamiko and nodded. "Yes. So, what did I hear about our daughter?" She asked when she heard Haruka's name on their way over.

Aedan smiled, holding her a little tighter. "You're right, but..." He losened his grip a little and smirked as he picked her up bridal style and kissed her cheek. "...Maybe we should sneak off and make up after our little fight?" He asked and laughed a little.

Shuichi crossed his arms and pouted when Kaleb left him there in the throne room. He sighed and walked over to everyone, sliding his hands into his pockets with a sigh. 'Guess I can try to join into their conversation a little at least...'


Suzume's eyes lit up as she nodded to her mother's proposal. She wrapped her arms around Minami's neck and rested her head on her mother's shoulder with a big smile. Malik laughed a little. "Ok, I'll stop." He put his arm around Minami's waist and waved to everyone as he led her outside. He glanced over at Hideaki and Yuko as they past by them towards the beach and chuckled. "Man, he is such a geek. I'm surprised he actually got a girl interested in that 'research' he does."


Daichi rolled his eyes and looked down at Asuka when she took his hand. "Stop teasing me," he said as he leaned over to her so his brother wouldn't hear. He grabbed his brother with his other hand and pushed him ahead of them. "You lead the way."

Katsuo glared at his brother when he was pushed. "Thought you were supposed to be nice to me," he said with a smirk and started walking, putting his hands behind his head. "So...are you two dating now? Too bad you're always busy bro. Where are you gonna find the time?"


Naoki chuckled a little and started walking with her back inside. When they got to the front she glanced over at Ryuu and the kids. "Wonder what they're talking about?" She asked as they walked inside and headed back to the throne room with Arisu.


Junichi nodded in agreement. "You're not bragging. It's true," he said and laughed. He looked back up at Izanagi, putting his hand on his head with a sigh. "I think you like seeing me lose bets even when you're just joking Nagi." As they turned the corner, he stopped, seeing Hisao tied up with the leash and chuckled a little. "Wow, he really is a dick. Left behind his own flesh and blood," he said as he walked over to Hisao and crouched down next to him. "Guess you do get to have some fun Nagi."

Hisao opened his eyes and looked over when he heard Junichi say something. He looked a little annoyed when Jun walked over and hadn't helped him out of it. "I've been here for like 20 minutes. It's getting a little you mind helping me please?"


Alexander leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes as he smiled. "Kind of nice to have a drink and be able to afford it." He looked over at a nearby waitress and leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "Hey sexy. Why don't you come sit with me for a little while?" The girl looked at him and giggled a little, then turned and started working again.

Hisashi smirked as he took a drink. "Nice job Romeo. Silent rejection." He glanced over at the clock to see what time it was. "They've probably found him by now. We should keep moving if we don't want them to find us so we can get out of here."

Alexander shook his head and laughed. "Nah, those dumb mutts won't catch up to us anytime soon. Relax Hisashi. We're faster than they are anyways," he said and took a drink of his beer.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
Posts : 284
Join date : 2012-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Modesto, Ca

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:09 pm
Yuko smiled and nodded when Hideaki agreed. She blushed when he took her hand and helped her sit. She leaned over as he opened his laptop and her eyes lit up when she saw how much he had on his computer.She saw a folder of demon stuff but waited to ask about it. "Ummm... Are you able to make me fly? I've been wanted to be able to fly since my brother and father can." She asked as she looked at him and smiled.

Ryuu walked up to them and leaned over to see what HIdeaki was doing on his laptop. "So I see you're a quick healer, but not a pureblood. How did you manage to do that, HIdeaki?" He asked with a smile as he looked over at him and stood up straight again, putting his hands into his pockets.


Tatsuya gave her a confused looked. He turned as red as he could get when she teased him. "Why do you have to actually tease me? It's not nice y'know." He said then pinned her up against the door. "We can't do anything to jurastic now. One of our parents is bound to come up here and catch us." He said as he leaned in closer to Haruka. He smiled as he placed his forehead against hers, rubbing his hands down her arms to her waist. "Maybe I should show you how much I like you now then, huh?" He asked retorically and began making out with her.


As Kaleb wrapped his arms around Hikaru, he placed his hands on his forearms and smiled. He nodded when he heard that Shuichi got the messege this time. "Well, we could make it the time and the place if we can find somewhere." He said with a smirk as he turned his head to Kaleb.


Rokuzai had a shocked look on his face when he heard who it was, but still wasn't quite sure. He turned to Itsuko and Minamoto when they walked up and rememebr that Haruka was they're daughter after Itsuko said something about it. "I'll... Be back in a second." He said as he laughed kind of nervously. He truned and walked out the door. When he was out of hte castle he jumped and flew over to his sons room, looking in and seeing that they weren't doing anything that bad so he sat down on the window paine with a relieved smirk on his face.

Minamoto nodded and smiled at Itsuko when she said that Katsuo would grow up someday. "Yeah. I missed talking with everyone here." He said when turned to Itsuko again. "That reminds me, where did she go?" He asked then turned to Rokuzai when he said that he would be back in a second and grew a confused look on his face. He shrugged it off then turned back to Kamiko. "So how are you doing?"

Ayane squeaked when Aedan picked her up and blushed when she looked at him. "You've never done this before." She said as she laid her head on his shoulder. She blushed even more when he asked if they shoudl go sneak off and make up. She giggled and shrugged. "That's up to you baby..." She said as she stayed still in his arms.


Minami smiled when her daughter rested her head on her shoulder. She looked over at Malik when he placed his hand around her waist and gave him a kiss on the cheek. When they walked outside she couldn't help but roll her eyes at his comment about Hideaki. "Don't make it out to be like he shouldn't have any girls interested in what he does, Malik." She said as she smiled at them and continued out towards the coast line.


Asuka giggled and tapped his shoulder. She rolled her eyes ewhen she saw Daichi push her brother infront of them. "Can you be a little nicer?" She asked as they began walking. "He is your brother after all. And he might not ditch as many classes if you are nicer to him." She smiled at him and gave him another kiss. She looked at Katsuo when he asked Daichi about them dating. "Maybe..." She giggled. "We'll find time, now quit being so nosey." She teased Katsuo and smiled.


Arisu shrugged when Naoki asked about what the kids and the guy were talking about. She took her hand as they walked inside and walked over to Kamiko and everyone.


Izanagi laughed at Junichi's complaint. He stopped when he saw Hisao and began to grow angry. When they walked up to his he looked back at Junichi. "Those bastard are going to get it." He turned and crouched. "You get him untied. I'm going after that little misquito!" He said then jumped to the rooftop of the building where they were at. He howled when he got Alex's scent and began to follow it as his eyes started to turn black.
Posts : 1301
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Age : 32
Location : Fallon, NV

An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 12:24 am
Hideaki nodded and looked back at his laptop, bringing up a window and typing in a code. A confirmation window came up and it brought up his research on flying abilities. "Ok, looks like I've got one ready to go." He reached into his bag and glanced up at Ryuu as he asked how he healed like a pure blood. "It's not hard, but it's time consuming..." He pulled out a black case and opened it. There were several serums and a needle. He took the needle and one of the vials. "...I've been working on this kind of thing since I was seven. All I need is a blood sample and I can give you any ability that someone else has," he explained as he turned the vial over and filled up the needle about halfway. "Though, it's easier to get the sample than it is to find test subjects." He turned as he set his laptop down next to him to face Yuko and gently took her arm. "Take a look at it if you want," he said to Ryuu, giving him permission to take a look at his research on his laptop as he injected the serum into Yuko's arm. As he pulled the needle out, he smiled at her. "Ok. Just give it a few seconds and..." He closed his eyes and smiled as her wings grew. "...There ya go. Just don't fly up too high till you're used to them. I don't want you to hurt yourself princess."


Haruka giggled a little. "I'm not a nice person once you get to know me," she said and squeaked when he pinned her up against the door, turning as red as she could get. She nodded to what he said and noticed he started leaning closer to her. When he let go of her arms, she moved her hands to his chest. Before she could say anything he kissed her and closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan. As they were making out, she opened her eyes a little to look at him and noticed something from the corner of her eye. She glanced over and her eyes widened, having a mix of shock and embarassment on her face when she realized it was Rokuzai.


Kaleb rested his head on Hikaru's shoulder and smiled at him gently. "It's a big place. I'm sure we could find somewhere to go." He let go of Hikaru and stood up straight, holding out his hand to help Hikaru up.


Kamiko watched as her husband left and wondered where he was going. She turned to look back at Minamoto when he asked where his daughter went. "Oh, she's up in Tatsuya's room. They're making up after some kind of fight," she said and giggled a little.

Itsuko stood there in shock when she heard where their daughter was. "And you're...happy about that...?" She asked curiously.

Kamiko looked at Itsuko and nodded. "They're both old enough. Besides, they're the same age you and I were when we lost our virginity," she said jokingly and giggled some more.

"That...really isn't the point here m'lady..." Itsuko placed her hand on her forehead and sighed, closing her eyes.

Shuichi chuckled a little as he listened to what was going on. He looked at Minamoto to see how he would react. "Looks like daddy doesn't like the thought of his little girl becoming a woman," he said with a smirk.

Naoki rolled her eyes and leaned over to Arisu. "Looks like we came at a bad time. Something about Haruka again from the sound of it," she whispered, then heard what Shuichi said and tried to hold back her laughter. "Oh." She stood up straight, trying to keep a straight face.


Aedan closed his eyes and kissed her cheek before smiling. "Well, Kamiko told me that she would keep my old room availible in case we ever came to visit." He opened his eyes and looked at her. "And you deserve this sweetie." He turned and started heading down the hall towards the upstairs. As they got to where his old room was, he opened the door and smiled at her as he closed it behind him and locked it. He held her a little closer, closing his eyes as he kissed her.


Malik laughed and nodded. "Ok, ok. I'll be nice." He held her a little tighter as they got to the coast line and looked at her. "Why don't you let her down so she can go play on the beach for a little bit?" He asked as he looked at Suzume. "How does that sound sweetie?"

Suzume looked at the sunset in amazement, then at her dad and nodded. "Can I mommy?" She asked as she looked at Minami.


Daichi looked at Asuka and sighed. "I can try..." He rubbed his head and looked down, holding her hand a little tighter. "You might be right Asu..."

Katsuo turned around so he was facing them and walked backwards with his hands behind his head. "Why shouldn't I be nosey?" He asked and laughed. "I should be allowed to know what's going on in my brother's life at least a little bit."


"Don't hurt Alexander too badly!" Junichi called as Izanagi ran off. He looked at Hisao and sighed, untying him and taking the collar off of him and held onto it. 'Why couldn't this one be the original? I like him so much better and he's so obediant.' He stood up and started to head back to the castle to wait for Izanagi to get back.

Hisao sighed as he sat up, rubbing his arms from the pain of all the struggling he did. 'Now what am I going to do...?' He stood up and started wandering around the city, not wanting to see Alex again after what he did to him.


Alexander smiled and smacked one of the waitress's ass and chuckled. "Come on sexy. Just a little kiss..." The woman glared at him, turning around and slapping him across the face before going back to work. "I think she likes me." Alexander asked himself as he rubbed his cheek, swaying back and forth a little.

Hisashi rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Never knew you were a light weight Alex." He stood up and walked over to Alexander, helping him up. "Come on princey, let's get out of here."

Alexander stumbled a little and laughed. "I'm fine, really." He nearly tripped when they got outside and started laughing harder. "Ok, maybe I'm a little fucked up," he said and tried to stand up straight, but kept stumbling and swaying back and forth.

Hisashi shook his head again, sighing as he placed his hand on his forehead. "Great. Gotta deal with a drunk vampire who can't even walk straight." He walked over to Alex and took his arm again, trying to help him walk a little.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 2:05 am
Yuko smiled when she heard that Hideaki had one already. She looked at the needle and felt kind of queezy at the sight of it. She looked away while Hideaki took her arm and put the needle in it. She winced from the pain and closed her eyes. She opened them again when he let go of her arm and smiled at him. She felt a little dizzy after her wings grew and nodded to what he said. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you." She stood up and and flapped her wings in excitement. "Now I can be a full part of my family!" She said as she took off straight up into the sky. She got up so far that she couldn't see Hideaki or Ryuu anymore.'I should give Hideaki a little playful scare.' She thought to herself as she giggled. She stopped flying and bagan to plumit down to the ground.

'Hmmm. Impresive.' Ryuu thought to himself as he looked back at Hideaki and nodded. He walked over to the other side of HIdeaki and grabbed the laptop. He exited out of the file Hideaki was already in and began looking through the other files. He stumbled upon a folder with demonic stuff and raised his eyebrow. He turned to look at Hideaki. "So what kind of demon and/or demonic stuff do you research?" He asked as he pointed at the screen.


Tatsuya pulled away when he noticed that Haruka wasn't kissing him any more. "What's wrong haru-chan?" He asked then turned around himself. He stood there in fear and backed away from her. "W-w-we weren't going to go that far, dad, I swear!" He explained as he was far enough away from Haruka.

Rokuzai laughed when he saw both of their faces and nearly fell out of the window. "I just came up here to warn you guys that Minamoto might come up here after your mother said something about you guys 'making up' and 'more first's after your guys' fight." He said as he hopped into Tatsuya's room. "So I suggest you back away from that door Haruka." He chuckled as he leaned up against the wall.


Hikaru smirked and took Kaleb's hand. He stood up and began to follow Kaleb. "So where should we go, explaore the castle for an empty room? Go and find somewhere on this island to hide?" He asked them asked Kaleb on the ass.


"I'll be right..." Minamoto started to say then he was interrupted by shuichi's comment. He hit him in the face with the back of his fist. He started to storm off to where Tatsuya's room was and feeling like wanted to kill something. When he got up there he slammed the door open and noticed that Rokuzai was in there as well.

Arisu nodded to what Naoki had said. She almost started laughing as well when she heard Shuichi's comment. "Lets go somewhere... Where there isn't... As much action...' She said as she was able to hold in her laughter, but barely and took Naoki's hand. She busted up laughing when she saw Shuichi get punched by Minamoto and ran outside, making Naoki follow her.


'I deserve it?' Ayane thought to herself as Aedan started walking to where they were going to go. She blushed when she heard the door lock and looked up at him. Be fore she was able to ask any questions, Aedan kissed her. She kissed him back and made out with him for alittle bit. She pulled away and smiled. "What do I deserve, honey?" She asked with a puzled look on her face.


Minami nodded then looked at her daughter. "Yeah, go play sweetie." She said as she set Suzume down and get her a kiss on the head. "So want to go sit somewhere and relax while we watch the beautiful sunset?" She asked as she pulled his arm off of her and held his hand, as she smiled at him.


Asuka nodded and kissed him on the cheek again. "Thank you." She turned to Katsuo and smiled. "Oh, alright. We are a couple. But that doesn't mean that you can ask about everything we do." She said as she playfully waged her finger at him.


'The bar... Of course...' Izanagi thought as he followed his smell to the 'The Underworld' bar. He sat on the roof of the building. He waited for them to come out and laughed to see how drunk Alex and Hisashi were. 'The clone isn't as drunk as the real thing is. I am going to have some fun.' He thought as he began to use his reality warping on both of them. He then jumped down lightly behind them and watched the for a little while.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 4:05 am
Hideaki turned a dark shade of red when she kissed his cheek and rubbed his head, looking down. "Y-you're welcome..." He looked up when she took off and blinked, surprised when he couldn't see her anymore. He stood up and brushed himself off. He turned to Ryuu and looked up at him, feeling a bit intimidated when he realized how tall Ryuu was. "Nothin' big...demonic summonings, possesions, con...tracts..." As he looked back up, he noticed the princess was falling fairly fast out of the sky and his eyes widened. 'Damnit! I told her not to go up so high!' He thought as he ran over to catch her.


Haruka sighed, calming down a little as she moved away from the door. "Maybe I should just leave before he gets here?" She asked, but before she could get an answer, the door slammed open behind her. She turned around, holding her hands behind her back to look at her father. "Oh um, hi dad. Something the matter?" She asked, closing her eyes and smiling nervously.


Kaleb thought for a moment as they wandered down one of the hallways. When he felt Hikaru tap his ass, he stopped and grabbed his arms, pinning Hikaru against the wall and kissing him. He pulled away from the kiss after a moment and looked into his eyes. "I really could care less who sees us you know. I'll rape you right here," he said as he pressed himself against Hikaru and leaned closer, sinking his fangs into his neck.


Aedan smirked as she pulled away as asked how she deserved it. He stayed silent for a moment as he walked her over to the bed and set her down on it. He climbed on top of her, placing his hand on her cheek. "All we ever do is fight anymore. When was the last time we got to make love?" He asked, sliding his other hand down her body and lifting up her dress some. "What you deserve is to be treated better than you have been m'lady," he said with a loving smile as he slid his hand down her panties and started rubbing her clit. He leaned down and started kissing her neck gently.


Kamiko watched as Minamoto left and looked at Itsuko with a worried look. "I was only joking. Tatsuya would never move that fast with a girl." She held her hands behind her back and sighed, closing her eyes.

Itsuko rolled her eyes when Minamoto punched Shuichi. 'Can't he keep his mouth shut?' She looked at Kamiko and smiled with a nod. "I know. If they aren't doing anything, he wont touch Tatsuya. Don't worry about it m'lady."

Shuichi fell flat on his back, somewhat dazed from the punch. It took him a minute to realize what happened as he placed his hand on his face, groaning a little from the pain. 'God, can't he take a joke!?' He slowly sat up and shook his head.


Suzume jumped up and down in excitement and ran off towards the water. She sat down on her knees and started making sand castles and picking up the shells around her to use as a decoration. Malik smiled as he watched his daughter playing in the sand. He turned his head to look at Minami and nodded. "Sure." He walked with her onto the beach. He turned to her and smiled gently, holding her hand up a little. "Minami...can I ask you a question?" He asked as he slid his free hand into his pocket.


Daichi blushed a little when she said that Katsuo shouldn't ask about everything they do. He looked at Asuka and leaned over a little to her. "And what kinds of things are we going to be doing that he shouldn't ask about?" He asked in a whispered tone so his brother wouldn't hear him.

Katsuo shrugged and turned back around and stopped and looked into the library. "Wow...that's a shitload of books," he said aloud and looked at them with a smile. "Mind if we check it out? Or I can go by myself if you two want to be alone," he teased with a smirk.


Naoki busted up laughing when Shuichi got punched and followed Arisu outside. She saw Hideaki and Ryuu talking and smiled, pulling Arisu along with her towards the gardens. "Come on. Let's go watch the sunset in the garden."


Alexander looked up and noticed that everything was spinning and seemed like they were somewhere else. He moved away from Hisashi, feeling a bit dizzy and naucious. "Remind me to never drink so much again..." He said, looking a little paler than normal as he held his stomache and covered his mouth.

Hisashi blinked and rubbed his head, then looked at Alexander. "I don't think this is the liquor..." He turned his head and looked behind him, noticing Izanagi and sighed. "So much for our escape plan idiot," he said to Alex as he turned around to face Izanagi, adjusting his gloves with a smirk, getting ready for a fight. "Got a problem Izanagi?"


Hisao sighed and sat down in front of one of the stores, looking up at the orange and red sky. He leaned back against the store. 'Guess now I don't have to deal with all of Alex's bullshit anymore. I should've ditched them a long time ago...' He then looked around, seeing that the streets were nearly empty for the evening. 'It is kind of lonely though...'


Junichi walked back into the palace and headed towards the throne room. When he got there, he didn't see anyone. 'Must all be in their rooms...' He shrugged and turned to head for the dining room.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 5:32 am
Yuko smirked when she saw Hideaki get under her. Right when she was about to fall into his arms, she adjusted and flapped her wings, accidentally knocking Hideaki onto his ass. She landed and ran over to him as she tried hard not to laugh. "Are you ok, HIdeaki?" She asked. She then cracked and fell on her back laughing.

'Contracts aye?"' Ryuu's eyebrow rose again and turned to Hideaki. But when he turned to him he was on his butt and that made Ryuu laugh a little bit. "Hey, when you're down there, mind filling me up with some of what you gave your 'girlfriend' there?" He asked as she snickered.


Tatsuya jumped and turned to the door when it slammed open. The color from his face slowly faded and he started shaking. "I... I... We... We weren't... Uuuggghhh..." He managed to say before he fainted.

Rokuzai watched as the door opened and saw that Minamoto was pissed. "Hey Moto. Nothing's going on, so don't worry. I got here before anything got any more intimate." He said as he chuckled. He looked over at his son then sat back down on the window paine. He face palmed when he saw Tatsuya faint. 'Is he really my son?' He thought sarcastically."Well why don't we go back down stairs since it looks like nothing is going to happen now." He chuckled some more when fell out of hte window, flying back to the front of the castle.

"You know what..." Minamoto began to yell than saw Roku and calmed down some. He nodded and calmed down more, then he turned to Tatsuya and saw him faint. "Geez... What a scaredycat." He joked as he fully calmed down. He turned back to Rokuzai and nodded once more, turning to his daughter. "You want to stay here with your new 'bofriend' or come down with me?" He asked his daughter with a smile, knowing nothing would happen.


Hikaru's eyes widened when Kaleb pinned him against the wall. He closed his eyes and sloftly moaned when Kaleb kissed him. He opened his eyes after they were done kissing and starred back into his. "Raaape?... Hehe... I could care less what you do to me." He said as Kaleb bit his neck and moaned a little louder.


Ayane squeeled when Aedan threw her onto the bed and blushed, starting to get the idea of hwat he ment. She smiled up at him when he climbed ontop of her. "That is a good question babe." She replied while he rubbed his hand down her body. "'M'lady!? Why do you call me that? I'm not royalty." She said nervously when she felt his hand go under her underwear. Ayane started moaning when Aedan started rubbing her clit. She moaned even more when she felt his lips on her neck. "Quit... Teasing... Me..." She was able to say inbetween her breaths.


Minami smiled at the sight of her daughter playing as she followed Malik. She looked over at the sunset when they were done walking and was about to starte dsaying something but she heard Malik and turned to him. "You know that you don't have to ask me if you can ask a question, Malik-kun." She walked closer to him putting her free hand on his cheek and smiled at him.


"You know... 'Play time.' I can't wait to get into bed with you again though Daichi." Asuka said as she leaned in close to him as well. She stopped when she saw Katsuo stop. She giggled at the look on his face. "We'll join you, I actually haven't been in here." She replied and followed Katsuo into the library.


Arisu also saw Ryuu and Hideaki talking. 'Wonder what they're talking about?' She thought to herself then looked up at Naoki and smiled. She nodded and kissed her on the cheek. "Race ya!" She said as she let go of her hadn and raced off to the gardens.


"Yeah. You two fucks ran off. Now one of you is going to pay for it with your life and the other is going to come back with me." Izanagi snapped at Hisashi as he readied himself. "I should go a little easy on you since you look a little buzzed." He smirked as a red glow formed around his eyes and a black for started pouring out of his mouth.


Kioshi jumped down next to Hisao and stumbled a little. "Sup Alexander clone." He was able to say before falling on his face. He groaned from the pain and sat up, rubbing his face. "Why do you look so lonely?" He asked as he rubbed his own cheek. 'That's gonna smart for a while!' he thought to himself as he looked down.


Yoshiko was just sitting there in the dinning room when she heard foot steps. She turned quickly and sat in a sexy position for when Alex walked in. But when She saw who it was when he walked in, she smirked at him. "You weren't what I was expecting, Junichi. But I haven't fucked a werewolf in his doggy for yet." She said as she made her ears and tail appear when she got up and walked over to him.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 7:37 am
Hideaki fell back on his ass and groaned a little from the pain as he rubbed his lower back. He looked up at her, a little ticked off, but when she fell on her back laughing, his anger went away. He started to laugh after a moment as well. "Yeah, I'm fine." He instantly stopped laughing after he heard what Ryuu said and quickly got up, whipping around and turning a dark shade of red. "S-she's not my girlfriend! We just...we barely...gah nevermind," he said and sighed, looking down. He looked back up at Ryuu and nodded as he walked over to him. "Uh...yeah...sure...I've got enough for one more. I'd have to make more after that though..." He walked over to his things and started getting everything ready. He smiled a little as he stood up and walked over to Ryuu. "So who are you anyways? I never caught your name."


Haruka turned and stood there in shock with Tatsuya fell. "S-Suya-kun?!" She turned to look at her father when he asked if she was staying or not and glared at him. She walked over to him, pushing him out the door. "Just leave us alone dad! Geez, can't you trust me at least a little bit? Don't come storming up here and scaring him like that!" She said once they were in the hallway. She turned and slammed the door behind her, leaving Minamoto outside of the room. She breathed a sigh and looked over at Tatsuya and giggled a little. "I can't believe you fainted." She walked over to him and knelt down, putting his arm over her shoulders. 'I should at least move him to his bed.' She smiled and walked him over to his bed, but tripped and fell onto the bed as well. She turned bright red and looked at him, seeing him on top of her. 'Oh great...what do I do now? If my dad walks back's not like I mind this...' She closed her eyes and decided to relax while she waited for him to wake up, but started to drift off while she waited for him.


Kaleb stopped drinking his blood and smirked, lifting his head a little. "You could huh?" He chuckled, letting go of one of Hikaru's arms and sliding his hand down his body. "Same goes for you master. I could care less what you do to me as long as it's you," he said and smiled, sliding his hand to Hikaru's crotch and rubbing his dick.


Aedan lifted his head a little from her neck so he could answer her. "Maybe not by blood, but you've always been my queen. Right now, I'm just a mere servant trying to please you m'lady," he said and chuckled. "I'm sorry m'lady." He slid his finger inside of her. "I'll do whatever you wish. I'm here to serve you." He started kissing and nibbling on her neck again for a moment, then opened his mouth and sank his fangs into her neck, slowly drinking her blood.


Malik looked into her eyes and smiled lovingly at Minami. "We've been together for twenty years now and we have a beautiful little girl together. It's been the best years of my life, being with you...but, something has been bothering me lately. I feel like something has been missing..." He pulled his hand out of his pocket with his hand still closed. He knelt down and looked up at her, still holding her hand. "...Minami, would you marry me?" He asked as he slid a twenty karrot diamond ring made with real gold onto her finger.

Suzume wasn't really paying any attention to her parents. She started placing some shells on her sand castle and got up to look for something to put on top, walking along the shore line.


Daichi stepped back, a little surprised and turning a dark shade of red with a shocked look. "Y-you know it was because I was sick and you refused to leave me alone and I woke up with you in my bed!" He whispered to her and followed her inside. "Not to mention all those other times I've caught you in my bed for various reasons," he said quietly and turned, sliding his hands into his pockets as he wandered off to look for something to read.

Katsuo looked at his brother, confused to why he seemed a little embarassed. He smiled at Asuka. "Alright." He decided to head in the opposite direction of his brother to look around. 'This place is huge...must've been in their family for years...' He though as he turned a corner and stopped, pulling a book off the shelf and taking a look at it.


Naoki looked up when Arisu wanted to race and laughed, running after her. "You cheated, getting a head start like that!" She yelled, but it didn't take long for her to catch up to her. "But having longer legs is a nice advantage."


Junichi stopped and looked a little surprised when he saw the princess in a sexy position. "Sorry m'lady. I didn't realize you were in here," he said, placing his hand on his chest as he bowed to her, closing his eyes. His eyes shot open from what she said and stood up, starting to blush a little when he saw her approaching him. He took a few steps back, pressing himself up against the wall as he turned his head away, blushing a little bit more. "I'm...flattered m'lady, but..." He stopped talking as he tried to gather his thoughts about the situation.


Hisao glared at Kioshi when he called him a clone. "I do have a name you know...," he started to say, but busted up laughing when he saw him fall. He calmed down a little when he heard Kioshi's question. He breathed a sigh, rubbing his head as he looked down a little. "The others kind of ditched me. I'm kind of happy about it to be honest, but I'm not really sure what to do with myself...I've never been alone before. Stupid reason, I know, but still..." He sighed again and stood up, brushing himself off.


Alexander looked over his shoulder when he heard Izanagi's voice. He started to turn around, but stumbled back and started laughing when he hit the wall of a building and slid down so he could sit. "Heeeeey Izanagi! Hows it goin'?" He asked, still having the drunk giggles.

Hisashi shrugged his shoulders. "We're planning on leaving. Now if you..." He heard a thud and looked over his shoulder with an annoyed look at Alex. He rolled his eyes, face palming. "God, idiot!" He shook his head and sighed as he turned his attention back to Izanagi and smirked to what he said. "Well, it's not like you were going to be a challenge. Come on mutt, let's see what you've got."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 10:53 am
"Ha, I made you flustard. I haven't done that to anyone in a while." Ryuu said as he looked over at Hideaki with a smile. "Oh you don't have to make more after this. I have labs filled with at types of blood. Maybe you would like to... Woah woah woah!" He started to say when Hideaki went to put in the needle. "You can't use those types of needles on me. Here..." He took out a needle specifically made for lycans. "... This needle is specifically made for my kind. But has I was saying..." He began to explain again while HIdeaki put the syrum into the other needle. "... We have test sujects al ready for any testing that will be done on them. And no conciquences." He winked at Hideaki as he was done injecting the syrum. He could feel the wings begin to grow then looked up when he heard flapping. He leaned up again the wall and acted casual when Rokuzai came flying by. "Why don't we go talk about this over on the other side of this wall." Ryuu whispered to Hideaki as he grabbed the laptop and ran aorund the corner of the castle, sighing in relief when they got far enough. "Ok... Back to buisness." He said as he chuckled.

Rokuzai came flying around the front of the castle, seeing Ryuu, Hideaki, and Yuko. He landed next to Yuko. "So... When did you grow wings?" He asked curiously with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh, hi daddy." Yuko said nervously. She looekd down and almost started crying from feeling like she was going to be in trouble. She looked up at Hideaki and Ryuu as they ran off behind the building. She looked up at her father and smiled. "I've..." She wanted to lie to him but couldn't come up with anything. "... I let Hideaki use one of his experiments on me..." She looked down and began to rub her arm. "... He gave me the ability to fly because I've really been wanting to be able to fly like you guys do..." She started crying and walked over to Roku and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so sorry daddy. I didn't mean to do it. It was just that I felt left out when you guys would go flying without me... I hope you're not mad at me?" She asked as she looked up at him, still crying.

Rokuzai had a shocked look on his face when his daughter told him everything. "I'm not made ok. Just really, really surprised. I mean it's great that you can fly know, I'm not complaining, It just would have been nice of you to ask me first." He said to Yuko as he held her back. "So do you want to go back inside with me, or do you want to go and try to find where ever they went off to?" He asked as he let go of her with a smile.

"I'll go look for them, ok dad" Yuko replied with a smile, wipping away her tears. She felt him give her a kiss on the head and waved as he went inside. She ran over to where Ryuu and Hideaki were hiding and smiled at them when she saw 'em.


Minamoto was surprised that Haruka had pushed him out of the room. "But I..." Was all he could say before she slammed the door in his face. 'She's right. And I did deserve that.' He thought as he chuckled a little when he started walking down the stairs. When he got down there he waved at everyone and smiled.

Tatsuya began to wake up. He was still groggy so he didn't really know where he was. "Ugh... Why am I on my bed? This is so fucking uncomfortable." He said as he leaned up and saw that Haruka was under him and he blushed a really dark shade of red. He jumped off of her and brushed himself off.


Hikaru smiled at Kaleb when he lifted his head up. He giggled when Kaleb told him that he could care less of what Hikaru could do to him. A smirk grew on his face when Kaleb started rubbing his dick and reached down with his free hand, unzipping and unbuttoning his pants.


"Just quit calling me 'm'lady', please. It's a little awkward." Ayane said as she giggled nervously. She moaned louder when he slid his fingers inside her. She almost started screaming when Aedan sank his fangs into her. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." She wasn't even able to finish her sentence because of all the pleasure she was getting and gripped the blanket as she came.


Minami looked at Malika little confused as he started talking. She looked at his hand when he pulled it out of his pocket, then looked back up at him. Her eyes widened when he got down on one knee. She gasped and almost started crying when she heard Malik ask her to marry him. She looked at his hand as it opened. She started balling and vigirously nodding her head to his question. Minami knelt down and wrapped her arms around his neck after he put the ring on her finger. "This is the best day of my life huney! I love you so much!" She was able to say through the sobbing of happiness and joy.


Asuka followed Daichi to continue the conversation. "But you loved it when you would find me in your bed, waiting for you so we could just cuddle. But know that we're together, we don't have to fear anyone getting in the way... Besides that little rascal." She giggle and looked for a book to read.


"You can't complain, especially with that kind of stride you have." Arisu teased as Naoki passed her up. When they were done, she took her hands and kissed her. "I wish we could stay like this forever, Nao-chan.' She said as she smiled at her, then holding her kind of tightly.


"But nothing..." Yoshiko began to say as she walked up to Junichi. "... I've heard of what you do with other women..." She started to compliment him as she rubbed her finger down his arm and pressed her breasts against his body. "I want you to do the same to me. You big, hairy husky you!" She said as she tried to seduce him.


"Let mommy and daddy handle this dear..." Izanagi began to say to Alex. "... Now just take a nap, you'll feel alot better after that." He said then turned aroud face Hisahi. "Alrighty then." He said as he started to duplicate himself around Hisashi. "You're not leaving here alive, clone boy!" He threatened than grew fire balls out of his hands. "Just don't let me touch, or you will literally become dust." He said as he chuckled.


"Sorry, I never actually caught it." Kioshi said as he brushsd himself off. "No that's not a stupid reason at all. Here, come with me, We can get aquianted back at my place." He said as he looked at him and smiled. "My name is Kioshi by the way." He held out his hand as they walked.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 8:00 pm
Hideaki's eyes started to light up a little when he heard what Ryuu was saying, but was startled when he told him he couldn't use that needle. 'Well, I feel stupid...I should've known that already...' He started transfering the serum to the other needle. He looked at Ryuu, surprised by what he was saying. 'I could...actually do my experiments with no consequences?!' He started to smile as he injected the serum into the king's arm. As he pulled the needle out, he heard the sound of wings and looked to see if it was Yuko, then saw it was her father and his smile faded. He looked at Ryuu and nodded, then saw him grab his laptop and his eyes widened. "H-hey!" He ran over and grabbed his things and stuffed everything into his bag before he followed Ryuu, keeping up with him rather well actually. He stopped and started to look a little disappointed, sliding his hands into his pockets as he looked down. "Look...I'd really like to go, but...there's just no way my dad would let me. He doesn't even like me researching this stuff..." He lifted his head a little when he noticed the princess and waved.


Kaleb smirked as well and reached into Hikaru's pants, pulling his dick out. "Is that a hint?" He asked and chuckled. He kissed Hikaru again, then slowly started to get on his knees. Once Hikaru was fully hard, he closed his eyes, putting it in his mouth and started blowing him.


Aedan started fingering Ayane faster and harder when he heard her getting ready to cum. When she was finished, he lifted his head and pulled his fingers out of her pussy, placing his other hand on her cheek and smiled. He closed his eyes and kissed her, sliding his hand from her cheek down to her waist. "We're no where near done," he said with a smirk as he started slowly moving down her body, taking off her underwear in the process. He lifted her legs when he got down there and started eating her out.


Haruka rolled onto her side when he got off of her, putting her legs up on the bed and curling up, letting out a soft moan. She started to blush a little as she slowly started to open her eyes, but was still a little dazed for the moment.


Malik placed his hands on Minami's cheeks, gently wiping her tears from her face. "When I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I meant it. I'll never leave your side," he said just before he kissed her. He felt like someone was watching them for some reason and pulled away. He kind of laughed when he saw Suzume standing next to them with her eyes covered. "Something the matter sweetie?"

Suzume shook her head and moved her hands from her face. "Why are you crying mommy?" She asked curiously, holding her hands behind her back as she walked a little closer.


Daichi rolled his eyes and sat down as he grabbed a book. "Yeah's not like we'll have much alone time like this. I should just move out of my parents house, but I can't trust Katsuo to listen to them...besides, they're getting pretty old and can't really take care of themselves much anymore..." He breathed a sigh as he opened the book and started reading.

Katsuo laid down on the ground and started reading a book on the other side of the library. He started to feel a little depressed, hearing what his brother was saying about him and their parents even though he couldn't see them anymore. 'Maybe they should've never adopted me then if they can't even handle me...' He closed his eyes, setting the book down.

Itsuko smiled and waved back at Minamoto as he walked over. 'I hope you weren't too mean to that poor boy.' She thought so he could hear. She took his hand and held it, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Kamiko closed her eyes and smiled at Minamoto. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. Tatsuya would never do that when he doesn't know someone very well," she explained and giggled a little.

Shuichi glared at Minamoto as he stood up, crossing his arms. "You didn't need to punch me," he said as he started to pout.


Naoki smiled at her when they got to the garden and laughed a little. She kissed Arisu back. "Oh really?" She asked, wrapping her arm around Arisu and holding her close. She looked up at the darkening sky. "It's such a nice night..."


Junichi looked down at the princess as she pressed herself up against him. He started feeling and uncontrolable lust for her out of no where. He smirked from her compliments and placed his hands on her shoulders as he leaned a little closer to Yoshiko. "I'll do that and more m'lady," he said and kissed her passionately. He forced her to turned with him and pressed her up against the wall and slid his hands down to her thighs as he lifted his head from the kiss and leaned close to her ear. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, letting his gaurd down a little.


Hisao looked at Kioshi curiously and started following him. He smiled a little and shook his hand. "Mines Hisao. It's nice to meet you Kioshi." He let go of his hand and slid them both into his pockets. "So um...what made you want to talk to me anyways? I've noticed most lycans don't take well to vampires...," he asked as he looked back at Kioshi.


"Ok..." Alexander said, waving his hand with a confused look. He closed his eyes and fell over, passing right out.

Hisashi sighed when Alex passed out. 'Great, now I have to carry him when this is over...' He watched as the duplications started to appear around him and smirked. "Oh nice trick. But..." He made two of his own copies and shrugged. "...I can do that too." Though, he wasn't really thinking about it, Izanagi would be able to tell which one was the real one just by his scent. He noticed flames coming out of his hands. "Well...can't do that..." He readied himself to defend himself, waiting for Izanagi to make the first move.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Fri 24 Aug 2012, 10:01 pm
Ryuu waved at Yuko when she came running up. "Oh, I already talked to him about it and he said it was alright." He said trying to reassure Hideaki, then looked back at the laptop. He closed it and looked back up to Hideaki and Yuko. "My name is Ryuu. It's nice to meet you both." Ryuu said as he held out his hand and smiled at them. He chuckled and nodded as he answered the princess' question. "Yes. You can come as well."

Yuko smiled and waved at both of when. "Oohhh. Can I go too?" She asked as she held her hands close to her chest, about ready to jump up and down from excitement. She grabbed his hand after Hideaki and introduced herself. "I'm princess Yuko. But you can just call me Yuko." She let go of his hand and squeeled from Ryuu's answer, jumping up and down as her hands wavered back and forth uncontrolably.


Rokuzai walked inside and smiled at Kamiko. He walked over to them and chuckled when he heard that Minamoto punched Shuichi. He wrapped one of his arms around Kamiko's waist and kissed her. "So whatcha been up to since I was gone." He asked her with a smile.

'I made the boy accidentally faint.' Minamoto thought as he shrugged in fear. 'I didn't touch him though I swear. I think I scared him when it seemed like I was going up there to kill him. And out daughter told me to start trusting her a little more so, I decided to come back down here.' He smiled at Itsuko as he grabbed and held her hand. He looked over at Kamiko and nodded. "It's alright. I need to quit flying off the handle like that anyways." He said as he smiled at kamiko. He then turned to Shuichi and chuckled. "Sorry about that. I was just so pissed off that anything would have made me snap."


"Maybe." Hikaru replied and kissed Kaleb back. He moaned softly when Kaleb put his cock in his mouth. He placed his hand on his head and started thrusting, making his penis go in farther and deeper with every other thrust. "You love it when I'm this forceful huh?" He asked with a smirk on his face.


Ayane began to breath a little heavy when she was done cumming. Her eyes shot open when Aedan said that they weren't done, and looked down at him as he went down on her. She cinched the blanket as he began eating her out. She was having a hard time keeping herself from screaming.


Tatsuya laid on the bed next to her and began to run his fingers through her hair, rubbing her head as well. "So I see you were going to fall asleep with me ontop of you huh? Does this mean that we're going now?" He asked with a smirk on his face as he kissed her cheek.


Minami looked up at Malik and nodded. She let out a soft moan when he began to kiss her. She looked over at Suzume when she heard her voice after he was pulled away. She giggled and let go of Malik. She turned to her daughter and began holding her. "I'm alright sweetie. I'm just very happy right now." She explained then kissed Suzume on the cheek.


"You don't really trust anyone do you?" Asuka as she stopped looking for a book and sat next Daichi. She wrappedher arm around his shoulders and leaned her head against it.


Arisu nodded to what Naoki said. "Maybe we should stay outside all night so we won't miss any of it's beauty?" She asked as she leaned her head up against Naoki's chest and starred up into the night sky.


"Ohhh." Yoshiko blushed alittle bit. She kissed Junichi back and slid her arms down his sides until they were at his hips. Her eyes widened a little when she was forcably turned and pressed against the wall. "You naughty dog you." She said as she smirked at him. She grabbed both of his hands and placed them on her beasts as she smiled at him. "I'm the one who asked you to. Now why don't you change into your dog for and ravage me." She said as she made her face get closer to his.


"Well... I don't really like Alexander at all. And you don't like him. So... I'm just not sure why, I just got this weird feeling when I saw you." Kioshi explained as he rubbed the back of his head. When they got to Kioshi's hide out, he opened the door and let Hisao in first. "We don't really care for them, that's the thing. But, since you probab;y have noticed, there are quite a few humans and vampires who live here as well. It's more of a tolerance thing to be honest." He explained some more as they sat down.


Izanagi smirked at Hisashi and made his clones go first. "Maybe you should try to figure out wichi one is the real one." All the clones said and rushed at him. "Because your cloning doesn't work on me." Izanagi said as he went for the first swing with one of his flaming hands.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 12:11 am
Hideaki turned to Ryuu as his eyes widened and a smile grew on his face. "He did!?" He ran over and took Ryuu's hand, sounding excited as he spoke. "My name is Hideaki, prince of the vampire kingdom," he introduced himself as he let go of Ryuu's hand. He looked over at Yuko when she asked to go as well and started to blush a little as he watched her jump up and down and quickly turned his head away. He rubbed the back of his head, hoping she didn't notice him staring at her.


Kaleb moaned softly occasionally when Hikaru started thrusting his dick deeper into his mouth. He started to blush when he heard Hikaru's question and gripped onto his thighs. He let out another moan when he got down to the base and blushed more, tightening his grip a little.


Aedan moved one of his hands and reached up, holding her hand tight. He continued until she came again before lifting his head and looked at her. "I love those sounds you make," he said as he closed his eyes and smiled, letting go of her hand and sitting up.


Haruka closed her eyes and smiled when she felt him rubbing her head. Her eyes shot open and her face turned bright red. She quickly sat up. " about that," she said, sitting on her knees and avoiding looking at him, feeling embarassed. "Only...if you want to..." She slowly lifted her head to look at him and smiled a little.


Malik chuckled a little as he watched both of them and sat down, crossing his legs. When his daughter pulled away, he took her hand and closed his eyes and smiled at her. "How would you like to be our little flower girl at our wedding sweetheart?"

Suzume hugged her mother back and smiled. "Ok mommy," she said and pulled away when Minami started to calm down. She looked at her father and her eyes lit up. She jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. "I get to watch you and mommy get married!" She lifted her head. "Can I help get everything ready?"

Malik held her and started laughing when she asked if she could help with the wedding. He laid back, lifting Suzume above him as he smiled. "Of course you can my little helper. Maybe you can help mommy pick out a wedding dress. I'm counting on you to make mommy look even more beautiful than she already is."

Suzume started giggling with her dad lifted her up and nodded. "Alright!" She said and closed her eyes, smiling cutely.


Daichi looked up from his book and turned his head to Asuka, surprised by her question. He closed the book and set it down as he turned his head away. "Katsuo isn't really my brother..." He closed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his forehead on the back of his hands. "...He was just some kid my parents found abandoned. They always get on my case with the way I treat him because he..." He sighed, sitting back up and leaning back against the wall, opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling. "He was someone they could be proud of. I can't understand it...all he ever does is slack off yet they treat him like he's so much better than me and he's not even their real son..." He closed his eyes again and chuckled a little. "...They keep telling me that I'm just jealous, but I can't help it. I'm tired of everyone treating me like the bad guy when they don't even know the whole story...I guess everything changed when he came around..."

Katsuo got up and walked over to the other side of the shelves they were on and listened to his brother. He clenched his fist, placing it on his chest and looked down, his hair covering his eyes. When his brother finished talking, he walked around the corner and glared at him. "So that's why you always treat me like shit and never want to talk to me!? Because you're jealous of me!? Quit feeling sorry for yourself for once! I don't even know who my real parents are..." Tears started to fill his eyes. He closed his eyes tight before he continued. "...But you don't see me feeling sorry for myself. I've always looked up to you and thought of you like my brother even if you didn't feel the same..." He fell to his knees as the tears streamed down his face. "...I don't care what mom and dad say. I still think you're the best Nii-san...isn't that enough for you?" He asked as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Daichi turned to his brother in shock when he came around the corner and started yelling at him. His eyes widened, leaving him speechless to what his brother was saying. He looked at Asuka when he brother started crying, unsure of what he should say or do. He looked back over at Katsuo, placing his hand on Asuka's shoulder before he stood up. He walked over to his brother, kneeling down in front of him and placing his hand on his brother's shoulder. Katsuo hugged his brother tight and started crying into his chest. Daichi rubbed the back of his head with his other hand and sighed.


Itsuko giggled when she heard that Tatsuya had fainted. 'I wouldn't think Roku's son would faint.' She looked up at him, kissing his cheek. "Well, she is right. We do need to try and trust her now that she's getting older."

Kamiko nodded to Minamoto, then turned to her husband and smiled, blushing a little when he kissed her. "We've just been talking is all. Catching up." She wrapped her arms around him. "So, how are you doing sweetie?" She asked as she laid her head on his chest.

Shuichi calmed down a little and rubbed his head, starting to blush as he looked away. "Ok...It's partially my fault anyways...I shouldn't have butted in and made that comment..." He looked up at Minamoto, closing his eyes as he smiled.


Naoki smiled and sat down, making Arisu sit in her lap. "Well, I don't know about that. If it gets too cold, I'm goin' inside," she said and held her close. "Unless you can keep me warm?" She giggled, kissing her cheek.


Junichi chuckled when Yoshiko called him a 'naughty dog'. He blushed when she moved his hands to her breasts and nodded as he started playing with them. "Anything you want m'lady," he said and gave her a deep french kiss for a little bit. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her. He slid his hands back down and under her skirt, taking her underwear off before turning into his werewolf form. He picked her up and held her against the wall and smirked as he started slowly sliding his dick inside her pussy.


"Ok then..." Hisao walked through the door and sat down in a chair, crossing his legs and leaning back. He rested his arm on the back of the chair and looked at Kioshi. "Well, it's not like I've been outside of the kingdom. All I really have are Alex's memories of the vampire and human kingdoms. Believe me, those aren't anything to brag about." He closed his eyes and sighed. He then chuckled a little. "He got beaten and dethroned by his half brother who was only a dhampire. about weakling. Why the hell do I have to be made from his DNA? Any other vampire, but no, they had to pick Alexander."


Hisashi dodged each of the copies, not wanting to take a chance for any of them being the real one. He jumped back, getting grazed by Izanagi's attack causing his clothes to get burned. He jumped up onto a roof and glared at him. "Why can't you just leave us alone?" He asked as he tried to figure out which one was the real one. He smirked when he thought he figured it out and jumped down, charging at it to tackle it. He stopped dead when he went through the illusion and his eyes widened. 'Damnit...where's the real...'
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 5:08 am
"Well it seems like you've taken a a huge liking to the princess there, huh pervert." Ryuu whispered, teasingly to Hideaki when he saw him looking at Yuko's breasts. "Anyways, looks like it's time to see what my new pair of wings look like." He said as he stood up, handing the laptop back Hideaki. He took off his coat and spread his wings. "Hmmm, not back, not bad." He said as he looked at his wings. He turned back to Hideaki and asked. "So would it be alright if I uploaded some of that stuff my computers?" He put his coat back on and sat back down.

Yuko heard some of what Ryuu whispered when she stopped jumping up and down and blushed. 'I haven't developed that, have I?' She asked herself as she looked down at herself and blushed even more. She covered herself with her hands and looked at HIdeaki with a nervous smile. "I... I don't mind if you look at me lustfully, Hideaki." She swayed back and forth with her hands behind her back.


Hikaru thrusted his cock into the back of Kaleb's throat for a little while longer. He then pulled it out and pulled Kaleb off his knees, turning him around and wrapping his hands around Kaleb's waist. "So what else would you like your master to do to you?" Hikaru asked as he unbutton his own pants, then unbuttoning and unzipping Kalebs.


Ayane felt Aedan grab one of her hands and glabbed it tight. She let out some screams as she came. She blushed when he told her that he lied the sounds she was making. "Well maybe you should do some other stuff instead of fingering me and eating me out. Maybe let me blow you and ride?" She asked as she sat up and gave him a cute innocent smile.


Tatsuya nodded and smiled ather shyness. "Well if you close your eyes, I could answer that for you without even speaking a word." He said as he moved his hand from her head to her cheek as she smiled at her some more. When she closed her eyes, he moved in slowly and kissed her on the lips and held it there for a little while.


Minami smiled at her daughter and Malik. "That would be a great idea." She said as she laid next to Malik and looked at Suzume. "And we'll pick out a cute little dress for you, my little flower girl." She said as she giggled a little. "We should had back inside, it's starting to get a little cold." She said as she got up again, brushing herself off.


Asuka sat there and listened as Daichi explained his side of the background story. She looked up when Katsuo walked around the corner and started to smile, but the smile faded quickly when he started yelling at Daichi. She looked at Daichi when he looked at her and right when she was going to tell him what to do, he turned to Katsuo. She smiled and crawled the both of their sides and and put her hands on both of their backs. "See what happend when you talk to your family. It doesn't matter if you're blood related or not. Some times I think Arisu wished that me and her weren't blood related. But that doesn't fit into this conversation." She smiled at them and gave both of them a kiss friendly kiss.


'Niether did I.' Minamoto thought back as he chuckled. He nodded and smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. He turned to look at Shuichi and smiled. "It's alright. I need to learn how to watch my temper anyways." He shrugged and turned back around.

Rokuzai smiled and nodded to Kamiko. "I'm doing pretty good. Just watched our son faint again." He said as she chuckled. "Oh I've been meaning to ask you this since then. Are you sure he's my son?" He asked with one eyebrow lifted.


Arisu nodded as she sat on Naoki's lap. "Well I could think of a few ways to keep you warm." She said with a smirk and blushed when Naoki kissed her cheek. She turned around so she would be facing Naoki and placed one of her hands on Naoki's cheek as she smiled at her lovingly.


Yoshiko let out a soft moan when he started playing with her tits. She opened her mouth and felt his tounge reach the back of her throat. She blushed when he took off her underwear and was proped up against the wall. She started breathing heavily and moaning when he slid his dick inside of her. She unbuttoned her top and started plaing with her breasts as he thrusted into her. "After a little bit of this, you should put me down, bend me over and fuck me like I've been a bad little princess and deserve to be punished." She said as she tilted her head back and started moaning louder as he sank deeper into her.


Kioshi chuckled at the short explaination of the other two kingdoms. "Well atleast you don't act like him, which is an up side to it." He said as he got up and walked over to his monitors, looking at them very intently. "Oh, would you look at that. Somethingis going down at the bar. Looks like it's gonna be a short fight." He turned to Hisao and smirked. "We should head down there before it ends." He said as he began to run outside.


"Because..." He began to say as he watched Hisashi go after one of his illusions. He ran up to him and grabbed his face, picking him up. "... We don't tolerate people who think that they are higher than King Ryuu!" He said, making his hand start to grow hot. He spun around a few times, catching Hisashi's face on fire, then tossing him up into the air and watched him as he flew with a smirk on his face. 'Never knew Vampires could fly without wings.' He chuckled as he sat on the ground waiting for HIsashi to come back to earth.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 7:43 am
Hideaki turned a dark shade of red when he was caught staring at Yuko's breasts. He rubbed his head and nodded to Ryuu's question. "Y-yeah...I don't mind...I've got it all memorized anyways..." He looked back over at Yuko when she said it was ok for him to look at her like that and started to get a little aroused from the thoughts that crossed his mind. He quickly sat down and crossed his legs, keeping his hands in his lap to hide the fact that he was turned on. He lifted one hand and covered his mouth as he cleared his throat. "S-so Ryuu...when are we going to leave?" He asked, trying to change the subject.


Kaleb looked up at Hikaru as he pulled his dick out of his mouth, then lifted him up and forced him to turn around. He looked over his shoulder at him and smirked. "Anything you want to master," he said with a chuckle and reached his hand back to rub Hikaru's dick.


Aedan blushed when Ayane as she asked if she could blow and ride him. "Well I uh..." He rubbed his head, not expecting her to look so innocent when she asked. "I wouldn't mind if you did that stuff..." He smiled and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned over and kissed her.


"Um...ok..." Haruka said shyly and closed her eyes, feeling a little nervous on what he would do. She moaned softly when she felt his lips press against hers and kissed him back, starting to blush again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body up against his.


Suzume looked at her mother and smiled as she was put down. She hugged herself and shivered a little, but didn't say anything. Malik smiled at Minami and nodded as he sat up. He noticed Suzume was a little cold and stood up, brushing the sand off of him. He took his jacket off and knelt down, wrapping it around her. "There you go sweetie. That better?" He smiled when she nodded and picked her up. Suzume laid her head on his shoulder and hugged him tight around his neck. "Come along ladies. Let's go give everyone the good news," he said as he wrapped one arm around Minami's waist. "I'm sure you'd like to brag about this with the other girls," he joked and smirked.


Daichi looked over at Asuka, still unsure of what he should do. He blushed when she kissed his cheek. "Why do you think Arisu would think that?" He asked before he looked back down at his brother and ruffled his hair. "I'm surprised you're not reacting more to her giving you a kiss."

Katsuo slowly lifted his head, still hugging Daichi. He looked a little confused by what he said. "I don't like woman like that though...," he admitted.

Daichi had a shocked look on his face. "Get the fuck off of me now," he said and tried to push his brother off of him. Katsuo held him tighter and started whining. "But Niiiiii-san! Just a little longer! You never let me hug you!"


Shuichi opened his eyes and looked up at Minamoto. 'It's...kind of nice to not get yelled at...' His face lit up a little as he hugged Minamoto's arm tight, closing his eyes as he smiled. "No one's ever been so nice to me!" He yelled excitedly, starting to blush.

Itsuko smiled when Minamoto gave her a kiss on the cheek. She looked a little disturbed when she saw Shuichi hug his arm. 'Well...seems like you have an careful or he'll start attaching to you like he does to Kaleb...' She then sighed and looked at Shuichi, smiling a little. 'He kind of acts like a girl. I never really noticed that before,' she thought and giggled a little.

Kamiko giggled a little as she watched Shuichi attach to Minamoto. She looked at Rokuzai and couldn't help but laugh. "Again? What are we going to do with him?" She then tilted her head to the side, looking a little confused. "I'm fairly sure. You're the only man I've ever slept with after all."


Naoki smirked. "Oh really now?" She watched as Arisu turned around and placed her hands on her hips. She leaned over, resting her forehead against Arisu's. "I can think of several ways to warm myself up as well..." She started caressing Arisu's body gently.


Junichi watched as she started playing with her breasts which only turned him on more and he started doing her a little faster, getting a little deeper with each thrust. He smirked and chuckled when she told him to treat her like a bad princess who needed to be punished. "That sounds like an interesting notion." He continued for a few more seconds before pulling his dick out. He set her down and forced her over to the table, bending her over the edge. He leaned over her, pinning her arms to the table as he slid his dick back inside of her, pushing it in as deep as it would go.


"I guess...just never really had the same goal he did..." Hisao watched curiously as Kioshi walked over to a monitor and looked at it intently. He smacked his forehead, having a bad feeling he knew who was fighting. He got up and grabbed Kioshi's arm and smirked. "If you trust me, why don't I get us there a little faster so we don't miss anything?" He pulled him closer and picked him up, putting him over his shoulder. "Don't be such a baby about this either." He then ran as fast as he could and was at the bar within' minutes. He jumped up onto the roof of the bar and set him down, kind of laughing at his face. He walked over to the edge and knelt down, seeing Alex passed out and face palmed. "Wow. He would pass out during a fight..." He sighed, sitting down and crossing his legs as he watched the battle emotionless. He looked up as Hisashi was thrown into the air and placed his hand on his forehead to help block some of the light from his eyes as he whistled. "Nice throw."

Hisashi turned around and didn't have time to react when his face was grabbed. He cried out in pain when his face caught on fire and then was thrown into the air. When he hit the ground, he groaned from the pain as he started healing slowly and tried to get up.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 10:04 am
Ryuu nodded to Hideaki's response. He laughed a little when he realized that Yuko had heard him. "We'll be leaving as soon as our last guset gets here." He responded with a smile. "So why do people reject your research and not atleast try to understand it alittle bit?" He asked Hideakias he leaned up against the wall.

Yuko blushed even more when she saw Hideaki start to get aroused and giggled. "You're a little more perverted than I thought." She told Hideaki teasingly and sat next to him. "Oh, I need to go get my scythe!" She said as she shot back up and ran to where her window would be and flew up to it. 'Good thing I leave my window open.' She climbed inside of her window and quickly grabbed her scythe. She jumped out of her window and flew back to Ryuu and Hideaki. On her way back she noticed her brother and Haruka making out and giggled when she stopped to observed it for a quick second. She then continued to fly over to them. When she landed she sat next to Hideaki again, laying her weapon next to her.


Hikaru chuckled as he smirked. He let out a soft moan when Kaleb started rubbing his dick again. "Uh-uh." He said as he dropped his pants and Kaleb's. He pushed him against the other wall, making him lean over at a ninety degree angle and spread his legs. He stuck his penis into his ass and began thrusting hard and fast.


Ayane smiled and blushed when she heard Aedan unzip his pants. She kissed him back and when she pulled away she took off her shirt and bra. She nervously smiled and blushed alot more, turned as red as an apple. Ayane rolle dhim over onto his back and took off his pants. As she crawled back up, she rubbed tounge the end of Aedan's ballsack to the tip of his dick. Followed by rubbing the rest of her body over his penis before her vagina was hovering over his cock. She smiled at him as she placed her hand on it so it would stay still as she put it inside of her. She moaned kind of loudly when it was all the way into. "Now it's my turn to have some fun."She sad as she grabbed his arms and pinned them on his stomach as she started riding him.


When Karuka pressed her body against Tatsuya's he started to get aroused, but wasn't ready for that type of action yet. He pulled away and caressed her cheek. "We should go downstairs and see how everyone is doing." He said as he smiled at her. He got up and waited for her as he held out his hand for her to hold.


Minami nodded and began walking with Suzume and Malik. She laughed a little bit when he said that she would like to brag about it to the other girls. "I just might!" She said jokingly back. once they got inside she couldn't help but let out a short squeel. She ran over to Itsuko and Kamiko, pulling them away from Minamoto and Rokuzai. "Guess what, guess what, guess what!?" She said when they finally got out of ear shot from the guys and jumped in excitement.


Asuka giggled when Daichi asked her about her sister. "She's a lesbian. And every once in a while she gets a little too touchy feely." She explained. She turned to Katsuo and gave him a puzzled look before he answered his brother's question. "Well that is a quite surprising." She said as her eyes widened. She started laughing when Daichi tried to pry Katsuo off of him, but of to no avail. "Well there isn't anything wrong with being gay, Daichi. Atleast he hasn't try to put any moves on you." She said teasingly. "If you want a hug, Kat-kun, you can always ask me for one." She said as she smiled at Katsuo.


Minamoto's eyes started to widen as his turned to face Shuichi. He became a motionless corpse for a few second when Itsuko thought that to him. "I never noticed that either, but why does he have to express it so openly when he find's someone that's nice to him!" Minamoto started pouting when Shuichi wound't let go of his arm. "Hey, Shuichi, I'm cool with you being attracted to the same sex... But please, don't do to me what you do to Kaleb. Itsuko would kill you if you tried anything." He said, trying not to be mean about it. He turned when he heard someone squeel and saw that it was Minami. 'Wonder what she's so excited about?' He thought to himself, then his eye's shot open and began to pout when Itsuko was pulled away.

Rokuzai nodded and chuckled a little bit. He turned to Minamoto when he ehard a scream come from that direction and rolled his eyes as he began to laugh. "I feel sorry for that kid. I just hope he doesn't come clinging onto." He whispered to Kamiko as she ended witha chuckle. He heard Minami's scream and turned to her slowly. "What could it possibly be this time." He said outloud. Rokuzai had a confused look on his face when Kamiko was pulled away and walked over to Shuichi amd Minamoto.


"Oohh? Mind showing me after we make out for a little bit?" Arisu asked curiously as she adjusted. She moved in slowly as she made out of Naoki passionatly, wrapping her arms around Naoki's neck, slowly getting aroused at the thoughts of what Naoki would do.


Yoshiko breathed a short sigh of relief when she was she was put down and kind of bent over. She let out a quiet squeak when she was pushed over to the table and bent over it. She turned as red as she could get when Junichi pinned her to the table. She winced from the pain of his hitting the back wall of her pussy for a few seconds, then started progressively getting louder with her moans. She was unable to control the drool that was coming out of her mouth and felt like she was going to cum any time now.


"Umm... Ok, but how are you---" Kioshi began to say when Hisao grabbed his arm, but was interrupted when he was slung over his shoulder. He nodded to what Hisao said and before he knew it they were already there. When he was set down onto the roof top he started to fall backwards, but caught himself with one arm, and placed his other hand on his forehead. "Damn... I can fall from hundreds of feet and enjoy the rush it gives me, but being over a vampires shoulder. I'm dizzy as fuck and I think you may gave given me jet lag." When he calmed down he crawled to the edge and slung his feet over the side. He watched in awe as Izanagi threw Hisashi into the air as a giant fire ball. "Shit... I'm so glad they never did that to me." Kioshi said as he looked back down at Izanagi, chuckling out of nervousness.

Izanagi heard someone and looked up at the top of the bar. He saw Kioshi and Hisao watching him beat the crap out of Hisashi. 'Maybe I should make this show a lttle more flashy!' He thought as Hisashi hit the ground. "Good thing you're still alive..." He said as he walked over to him and picked him up, place his hand on Hisa's face taking the flame from it. "... Because we have an audience!" He lifted Hisa's head so he could see the other two and chuckled. Izanagi let go of Hisashi and took a few steps away from him, engulfing his hands, feet, and the tip of his tail with different colored flames. He turned around and smirked at Hisa. "Ready to play big boy?"
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 6:53 pm
Haruka smiled at Tatsuya. She took his hand and got off the bed, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss. "I'll be down there in a little bit. I'd like to get some air anyways. I promise not to be too long, ok?" She hugged him for a second. "Seeya in like 20 minutes, 'kay cutie?" She then took a step back and waved, then teleported out front. She held her hands behind her back and started walking around the corner towards Ryuu and the kids. When she spotted them, she stopped. 'I should mess with Hideaki.' She smirked then teleported in front of Hideaki, leaning over with her hands behind her back close to his face. She closed her eyes and smiled. "Whatcha talkin' about?"

Hideaki thought he couldn't feel any redder when Yuko called him a pervert and covered his face with his hand to try and hide it a little. After she left to go get her scythe, he uncovered his face and tilted his head to the side, a little confused. "Our last guest? Who else is going?" He asked just before Haruka appeared in front of him out of no where. "Holy--!" He jumped back, holding his chest and breathing extremely heavily from the sudden startle. "H-H-HARUKA!? WHAT THE HELL!?" He glared at her. "Damn your teleporting! Give me a heart attack why don't you!?" He yelled, trying to get his heart to stop racing.

Haruka held her stomache and started laughing. "Sorry, sorry. I just love seeing your face." She wiped the tears from her eyes, then turned and bowed to the princess. "And how are you this evening m'lady?"


Kaleb gasped when he was pushed up against the wall and bent over against it. He closed his eyes and let out a loud moan as he felt Hikaru's dick slide in his ass, turning a dark shade of red. He seemed to moan louder with each thrust as his breathing became heavy.


Aedan blushed when Ayane rolled him onto his back. He covered his eyes with his arm as she took his pants off. He moaned softly when he felt her tounge and looked at her as she crawled on top of him. He closed his eyes as he slid inside of her, but opened them again when she pinned his arms. He smirked. "Do whatever you want," he responded when she started riding him.


Malik chuckled when Minami ran over and pulled the girls away. He walked over to the guys and smiled at Rokuzai's comment. "It's nothing bad. I just popped the question." He looked at his daughter and rubbed her back when he saw her falling asleep. "It's getting a little late. I might leave a little early so I can get this one to bed."

Itsuko shrugged her shoulders. She looked at Minamoto and smiled. "Well, no actually. I don't care if a guy flirts with you. If he was a girl and he tried anything, then yeah, I'd kill her. But Shuichi? I don't care." Before she could hear his response, she was being pulled away by Minami. She looked at Kamiko with a confused look. "Ok. I'll bite. What's going on?" She asked with a smile as she turned back to Minami.

Kamiko giggled. "I don't think he would do more than that if they aren't gay," she whispered back. She squeaked a little when she was yanked away from him and forced to follow Minami. She looked at Itsuko when she looked at her. She turned back to Minami, holding her hands behind her back. "What's going on Mina-chan?"

Shuichi looked up at Minamoto, then looked down, a little disappointed. He let go and took a step back. "I like woman too, but...I don't seem to have any luck with either sex..." He rubbed his arm, looking like he was getting more depressed by the second as he thought about it. He glanced over at Malik and forced a smile. "Congrats..."


Katsuo smiled when his brother quit trying to push him away. He looked at Asuka. "Well, we're not blood related, but he's still my brother. I'm not attracted to him like that." He pulled away from his brother and shook his head. "No thanks. If I need a hug, I just go ask Haruka for one," he said as he closed his eyes and smiled. He stood up and stretched. "Well, I'm going to head back to the throne room and leave you two alone," he said and winked at her, then waved and turned, heading back to the throne room. He walked over to Minamoto with his hands behind his head, wondering what was going on when he looked over at the girls.

Daichi stopped trying to push his brother away and looked at Asuka, starting to blush as he imagined what Arisu would do to her. He looked at his brother as he got up to leave and waited for him to go before turning back to Asuka with an annoyed look. "If he tried anything on me, he would be dead."


"I was just kidding. We don't want to move too fast, but maybe I could still do a few things..." Naoki giggled and started making out with Arisu as she slid her hands up to Arisu's breasts and started playing with them.


Junichi chuckled when he noticed she was about to cum. He let go of Yoshiko's arms and reached around, grabbing her breasts and playing with them. He started thrusting harder and faster as his breathing got heavier, feeling like he was going to cum as well.


Hisashi glared at Izanagi, then noticed Hisao and fell to the ground. He sat up slowly and as he was standing, he started yelling at Hisao. "Get the fuck down here and help me already!" He noticed Izanagi getting ready to attack again and readied himself.

Hisao looked at Kioshi and laughed a little. "Sorry bout that." He looked down at Hisashi when he was ordered to help him and placed his finger on his lip, looking up slightly as he thought about it. "Hmmm..." He closed his eyes and shrugged, lifting his hands a little. "...Sorry, but I'm not gonna bail you two out of trouble anymore. Maybe you should've thought about that before tying me up and ditching me."
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 9:02 pm
Tatsuya nodded and kissed her back. "I'll be downstairs with everyone else." He said as he smiled at her. He watched as she disappeared then walked downstairs to the throne room. As he got down there she saw that the girls and guys were in seperate groups and walked over to where his father was. "Hey guys, what's going on." He said as he put his hands into his pockets.


Yuko jumped when Haruka appeared out of thin air. "Do you do this all the time?" She asked Haruka when she calmed down. She looked over at Hideaki and started laughing a little too. "I'm doing pretty good."

Ryuu chuckled a little when he saw Hideaki jump back ou to fhte corner of his eye. He stood up and brushed off. "And what a coinsidence, here she is..." He said then picked up Haruka, swinging her over his shoulder. "Time to go ladies." He said as he walked over to Hideaki and slung him over his other shoulder after he grabbed his laptop and other stuff. He tore his coat when he unfolded his wings. "Come on Yuko." He said with a smile as he turned, jumping into the air as he began to fly towards to Lycan kingdom.

Yuko turned to Ryuu as he started to pick up Hideaki and Haruka. She nodded and followed them as she starred up into the sky in awe. 'I never knew the night sky was so beautiful.'


Hikaru smirked at Kaleb's loud moans, reaching around grabbing his dick, stroking it kind of fast. "Sounds like you're about to cum." He said as he leaned over a little bit. His breath heavied when he felt like he was about to cum as well.


"I plan on it." Ayane said as she rode him a little faster and harder. Her moans started to grow loud and came in not time. But she continued to ride him until he came, having orgasm after orgasm.


"Well we were actually planning on having everyone spend the night, so." Rokuzai said. "And congradulations. You're still not out of the debt though." He smirk as he crossed his arm. "Why don't you hand her off to me and I'll go lay her down in one of the rooms close to here?" He asked as he held out his arms when he noticed that Suzume was alseep.

Minamoto looked at Shuichi and sighed. "You might also be coming off wrong to either gender shuichi." He said as he rubbed Shuichi's head, tussling his hair. He turned and looked at Malik and smiled. "Good on ya."

"Malik asked me to marry him!" She said with a quiet squeel and showed off her ring. "He also got me this ingagment ring! Isn't it just beautiful!?" She tried hard not to jump up and down from excitement.


Asuka smiled and nodded to Katsuo. She blushed alittle when he winked at her after what he said. She turned back to Daichi and rolled her eyes. "Just shut up." She said with a giggle and pounced ontop of him, kissing him in the process.


Arisu smirked while they made out to what Naoki had said. She moaned softly when she started to play with her breasts. She pulled away from the make-out session. "Why can't we do anything else?" She said innocently as she began to slide one hand down Naoki's side and up her thigh.


Yoshiko moaned a little louder when Junichi started playing with her breasts. She started humping him back when she came and heard him begin to breath heavily. "I don't think i've been through my full punishment yet." She said after he came and waited for whatelse he was going to do.


Izanagi started running at Hisashi with a smirk on his face. He jumped and began throwing fire balls at him from both his hands and his feet. When he landed he threw another one that was twice the size of the ones he was thowing before.

Kioshi nodded and looked back at Izanagi and Hisashi. "Well I'm going down there to get a closer look." He said as he stood up and jumped off the roof. As he began to jump off her heard what Hisao had said and chuckled alittle bit.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sat 25 Aug 2012, 10:19 pm
Haruka nodded to the princess with a smile as she stood up straight. She looked at Ryuu and gave him a puzzled look. "You were expecting me-ee-eeeeeeeeeeee!" She squeeled as he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. She turned bright red and struggled a little, but stopped when they shot up into the air. "Wh-where are you taking me you pervert!?"

Hideaki rolled his eyes when he watched Haruka squeel. He gathered his stuff and stood up, but was surprised when he was picked up by Ryuu. "Wait, wait, wait! I'm not too fond of heights!" He yelled as they flew off the ground. He started to feel a little dizzy when he looked down at the ground and closed his eyes tight, laying his head down and tried not to think about how high they were. "Please tell me it isn't far...," he asked Ryuu with a nervous tone.


"Thanks guys." Malik smiled and looked at his daughter, fixing his jacket so it wouldn't fall off of her. He looked back at Rokuzai and laughed a little. "I had a feeling." He nodded and handed Rokuzai his daughter. "Alright. Thanks." He then thought for a moment, then closed his eyes and smiled. "I'm gonna go find Hideaki. He made me promise that if I ever got married that he would be my best man," he explained and waved to them. He turned and headed out the front door. He stopped outside when he noticed Ryuu standing there and started to walk over to him. "Hey, have you seen the young prince? I need to tell him some good news," he asked as he got closer to Ryuu, leaving his gaurd completely down.

Shuichi blushed a little when Minamoto ruffled his hair. He nodded to what he said and smiled a little. "Yeah...maybe..." He watched as Malik handed off Suzume and leave to go give Hideaki the news. "Took him long enough to ask her," he said with a chuckle. "I'm happy for them."

Katsuo smiled when he realized what was going on. "So there's gonna be a wedding huh? Sounds exciting," he said with a big smile. He looked up at Minamoto with a puzzled look when he saw him being nice to Shuichi. "Why aren't you that nice to me?"

Kamiko's eyes lit up when she heard the news and saw the ring. She put her hands together and started jumping up and down. "That's wonderful Mina-chan! You have to let me and Itsuko help with the wedding plans!"

Itsuko took Minami's hand to examine the ring a little closer. "Mine isn't even this nice. Looks expensive. He must really think highly of you Minami." She smiled and nodded in agreement to what Kamiko said. "We'd be happy to help get everything ready for your big day. Looks like Hikaru gets to perform another marriage."


Kaleb tried not to scream from pleasure as he started to cum. He looked over his shoulder at Hikaru when he was finished as well. "Do you enjoy making me feel so vulnarable?" He asked and smirked as he tried to stand back up.


Aedan tilted his head back and closed his eyes. He moaned louder as he felt like he was almost there. When he was finished, he opened his eyes a little and looked at Ayane, trying to catch his breath. He smiled a little, managing to slid one hand out from her grip and placing it on her cheek as he sat up a little. "Let's try for another kid," he said bluntly. "I...kind of miss having a little one running around...I've been wanting to ask you for a while now..."


Daichi looked at Asuka when she told him to shut up. His eyes widened when she jumped onto him and kissed him, making him fall back in surprise. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her a little so he could speak, his face a dark shade of red. "W-we can' this here..."


Naoki chuckled with a smirk. "If we move too fast, our relationship will only be sexual...unless you're ok with that?" She asked as she slid on hand down under Arisu's skirt and started rubbing her pussy.


Junichi smirked as he came inside of her, his cum overflowing her pussy. "Well, I'll just have to continue then," he said as he pulled his dick out of her. He turned her around, setting her up on the table and making her lay down. He pinned both of her wrists with one hand and continued playing with her breasts with the other as he slid it back inside of her, fucking her as hard and fast as he could.


Hisao nodded to Kioshi and watched him jump down. He watched Izanagi and Hisashi continue their fight. "Meh, I give it a 7 for style Nagi," he said with a smirk, propping his head up with his hand.

Hisashi managed to dodge all of the smaller fire balls. "Is that all you--" His eyes widened as he did a combat roll, just barely getting missed by the larger one. 'He's just fucking with me now.' He thought as he looked at Izanagi. 'I can't just keep being on the defensive.' He smirked and started running at Izanagi.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 12:12 am
Ryuu laughed when he heard haruka squeel and the yelling coming from Hideaki. "Want me to be perverted?" He said as he smacked her ass, negating her teleportation in the process. "It's going to take all night to get to where we're going. And don't puke on me." He said as he decended until he got to about 15 feet over the water.


Rokuzai took ahold of Suzume and smiled at how cute she was. He gently set her her head on his shoulder and began walking to the closest room. When he got there he slowly and gently laid her down and covered her up with a blanket. He smiled at her again and began walking out to the throne room, closing the door most of the way. 'Maybe Kamiko and I should try for another kid.' He thought with a smile as he walked over to Kamiko and them, wrapping his arms around Kamiko.

Minamoto nodded and looked over to Tatsuya. "Pretty good. So where's Haruka? Hopefully you didn't lock her in your closet." He said teasingly. He turned ot look at Katsuo with kind of an annoyed look. "Because you also take my daughter from her lesson's and do god knows what to her. That's why I'm so hard on you." He replied.

Tatsuya nodded to Minamoto's response. "She said she was going outside for some fresh air and teleported out of my room. She should be out in front." He replied wihle he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Who else is there that I would want to help with the arrangements!" Minami replied, still excited about Malik asking her to marry him. "I guess he does. I have never felt like this towards anyone before either. But I'm glad that it was him. He makes me feel special and all that other lovey dovey stuff." She said as she put her hands down. Well it looks like someone else wants some loving too." Minami teased when she saw Rokuzai walk up and start holding Kamiko.

Another copy of Ryuu's began walking up to the castle's front door. He smirked when he saw Malik walk outside and approached him. "No need to worry about them, Malik." He said then grabbed his collar. He lifted his fist and began to pound it into Malik's face. Ryuu picked up Malik by the throat, choking him as he slammed the door open as he walked inside. "This is a warning to you all! If you don't surrender your kingdoms to me, I will have to do it by force! And if you want your children back, you'll do as I say!" He yelled out to everyone that was inside the throne room. He heard a spark coming from Malik's direction and as he turned his face got hit by a bolt of lighting. He starred at Malik for a few second then snapped his neck with a quick jerk of his of his hand.


"Vulnerable?" Hikaru asked when Kaleb stood up. "If I were to make you feel vulnerable, I would tie you up and leave you on my bed as a sex toy." He said as he pushed Kaleb against the wall after he forced him to turn around, starting to kiss Kaleb. He heard a loud bang come from the throne room. "That doesn't sound good." He said as he pulled away and quickly put on his pants and ran back to the throne room.


After the thrid time of Ayane cumming, she could barely hold herself up. She smiled when Aedan placed one of his on her cheek. She nodded and smirked at Aedan. "Stay right here." She said as she got off of him to go get something to clean up with. She walked over to him and cleaned him off as well. She threw the towel off to the side and climbed back ontop of him. "Ready for round two?" She asked with a smirk. She slid his penis back inside her and started riding him again, playing with one of her breasts and clit.


"I wasn't planning on doing anything here, Daichi-senpai." Asuka said as she was lifted a little off of Daichi. She heard a loud bang coming from the direction of the throne room. "We wouldn't have been able to do anything anyways." She sighed and got up, holding out her hand for him to hold it.


"I don't mind." Arisu said and started moaning. "We could find ways to not make it only sexual." She started breathing heavy from how pleasing Naoki's hand felt on her pussy. "Awwww man...." She said when she heard a loud bang. "We're going to have to continue this later..." She got up and helped Naoki up. Arisu began to run over to the front of the castle and heard some yelling.


Yoshiko could feel the cum overflow her vagina and blushed. I've never had anyone do htat before..." She said shyly. She squeeled when Junichi flipped her over and laided her back on the table. She smiled at him when he pinned her and began to fuck her again. "Why don't you put it in my ass instead?" She asked when she looked up at him.


"Only a seven?" Izanagi chuckled and watched as Hisashi come running at him. "I thought it would have atleast been an eight point five. Maybe a nine even." He turned to Hisao to say that. As he turned back around, he got socked in the chin.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 1:40 am
Malik looked at little confused by Ryuu's answer. His eyes widened when he was grabbed by the collar and punched in the face a few times. He was a little dazed, blood coming from his mouth when Ryuu grabbed him by the throat and picked him up. He gripped Ryuu's arm, trying to break free from his grip as they walked inside to the throne room. As Ryuu was giving his speech, he slid his thumb across the symbol on his cheek, creating a spark. "Go to hell you fucker," he managed to say as he shot the lightning at Ryuu's face. As Ryuu snapped his neck, his arms fell lifelessly to his sides and his eyes closed, completely motionless.

Kamiko nodded to Minami and smiled. She turned and looked at Rokuzai as he walked up and put his arms around her. She giggled a little. "Looks like it. What's on your mind honey?" Before he could answer her, she was startled by a loud bang and turned to the door. Her eyes widened when she saw Ryuu choking Malik. "What's the meaning of this!?" She yelled, but then heard what Ryuu said about the children and looked up at her husband worried. She turned back when she heard a snap and gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

Itsuko giggled a little when she watched Rokuzai walk over and hold Kamiko. "Seems someone is in a loving mood." She turned in surprise when she heard the door slam open. When she heard something about the children, she ran over to Minamoto and glared at Ryuu. "Where did you take our daughter!?" She managed to say just before Ryuu got stricken in the face by Malik's lightning. She stood there in shock when she heard his neck snap with almost no effort.

Katsuo glared at Minamoto, also looking a little annoyed. "I already told you, nothing ever happens between us. Why won't you believe me?" He crossed his arms, pouting a little. He jumped and quickly turned to the door. He took a step back behind Minamoto when he saw what was going on. When he heard Malik's neck snap and watched him become limp, he turned his head away and closed his eyes.

Aedan nodded and laid back down, putting his hands behind his head. He smiled as she cleaned him up, starting to blush when she climbed back on top of him. He wasn't expecting her to start playing with herself when she started riding him again and placed his hands on her hips. He jumped, propping himself up with his arm when he heard a bang coming from the throne room. He breathed a sigh and wondered if it was Kaleb again or something and looked at Ayane. He smiled, sitting up and helping her off of him. "I better go make sure everything is ok. I'll be back soon sweetie," he said with a smirk and got up, putting on his pants. He walked over to the door and unlocked it, closing it behind him as he jogged down to the throne room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Malik's lifeless body in Ryuu's hand. 'What the fuck is going on!?'

Kaleb chuckled at the thought of being Hikaru's sex toy. He moaned softly when he was forced up against the wall and kissed by him. He turned his head to where he heard the bang and quickly pulled up his pants. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he followed Hikaru to the throne room. When they got there, his eyes widened in shock. "Malik..." He then glared at Ryuu, drawing his sword ready to fight.

Daichi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. He heard the bang and looked in the direction it came from. "Yeah...I have a bad feeling about this..." He took her hand as he got up, holding it tight as he started running towards the throne room. He stopped and starred at the lycan king, hearing the snap of Malik's neck. He moved his arm in front of Asuka and took a step forward to fight if he needed to.

Naoki nodded to her answer. "Hmm...we could. That's true." She smiled when she heard Arisu's moans. She looked over her shoulder towards the castle and sighed. She stood up and ran over to the front of the castle with her. She stopped in the doorway and froze, unsure of what had just happened as she saw Ryuu standing there holding Malik by his throat.

Suzume woke up to a loud bang coming from downstairs. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes with the sleeve of her father's jacket. She crawled off the bed and slowly walked out of the room. As she entered the throne room, she saw Ryuu drop her father's body to the ground and stood there confused for a moment. "Daddy? What's wrong?" She asked worried and innocently.

Shuichi laughed a little at Minamoto's answer to Katsuo. He turned to hear the door slam open and took a few steps back, holding his hands to his chest. When he saw Ryuu kill Malik, he quickly turned his head and looked over at Minami with a worried look on how she would react to all this. He then turned to hear a soft voice and saw it was Suzume and his eyes widened. He quickly ran over to her and picked her up, holding her close and tried to keep her from looking.

Suzume struggled in Shuichi's arms and kept trying to turn around. "Put me down! I want to help my daddy!" She yelled and started hitting him. Shuichi couldn't even look her in the eye and just held her tight so she couldn't get away to run over to her father and let her hit him.


"I'm glad you don't mind that I did," Junichi said with a smirk. He looked at her curiously when she asked him if he wanted to fuck her in the ass and chuckled. "Sounds like fun. I might just take you up on that m'lady." He continued fucking her in that position for a moment, then pulled his dick out. He took his hand off her breast, holding her leg up a little as he slid his dick into her ass slowly, keeping her pinned with the other hand.


Hisao laughed when he heard Izanagi comment on the point system he made. "Well, I was being generous when I gave you a seven," he said sarcastically as he watched Izanagi get punched in the face.

Hisashi smirked when he got a hit in while Izanagi was distracted. He turned a little and kicked Izanagi back and charged at him again, punching him in the stomache. "Not so tough now, are you?" He asked confidently as he went to punch Izanagi in the face again.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 4:52 am
Before Rokuzai was able to reply to Kamiko's question, he turned to the sound of a door being slammed and saw Ryuu holding Malik by the throat. He had a schocked look on his face when he saw that the lighting bolt barely phased Ryuu and stood there in shock when he heard Malik's neck snap. After Ryuu dropped Malik, he let go off Kamiko and walked infront of the girls and spread out his wings just in case anything happened, glaring at Ryuu. 'Why in the hell did he just come here and aact all nice if he was just going to take our children!?' "What in the fuck did you do with Yuko!?"

Minamoto nodded and rolled his eyes. "Ok, ok." He was able to say before he heard the door slammed opened. He turned to see Ryuu holding Malik. After Itsuko yelled over at Ryuu he wrapped his arm around her and held her tight. He heard a little girls voice behind him and turned to look and saw that it was Suzume. 'That bastard is going to pay!' His eyes began to turn black as he started snarling. He took a few steps forward and a dark red fog began pouring out of his mouth. "Answer the god damned question!" He growled at Ryuu as his body began to slowly pulsate.

Tatsuya stood that and chuckled from the tiny arguement that was going on. He turned and saw Ryuu holding Malik up by the throat when he heard the door open with a slam. He looked over at his parents then back at Ryuu when he heard the lighting strike Ryuu's face. His jaw dropped when he heard Malik's neck snap like a twig. He just stood there in fear, surprised he hadn't fainted yet.

Ayane sighed and didn't have a happy expression on her face when Aedan helped her off of him. She nodded and got dressed after Aedan closed the door. She chased after him to see what all the comotion was about. When she go tto where Aedan was, she saw Malik's body drop from and hit the floor. She covered her mouth when she noticed that Malik wasn't moving. "Honey... Where's Hideaki?" Ayane asked as she slowly walked down to him, placing one hand on his shoulder.

As Hikaru entered the throne room, he saw Malik fall to the floor lifeless. 'What is wrong with this sick fuck!?' He thought as he grabbed the hilt of his sword. He heard a tiny voice and looked over to see that it was Suzume. 'Oh good god. I hope she didn't see any of that.' He ran over to Shuichi and Suzume, trying to help him stop her from seening what happened to her father.

When Asuka ran into the room she heard Malik's neck snap and covered her mouth as she sqeaked. She looked up at Daichi when he put one arm infront of her as he took a step forward. She took a step behind him and grabbed onto the back of his clothes and starred in shock.

When Arisu opened the door, she saw Malik in Ryuu's grip, struggling to get free. She jumped when he Malik hit Ryuu with a lighting bolt and covered her mouth as she quickly screamed. She stood there as she watched Malik's neck break and fell to the floor in shock.

"Haruk, Yuko, And Hideaki are on their way to my kingdom." Ryuu chuckled as he looked down at Malik, wipping the blood from coat and cheek. He kicked Malik in the head and began to laugh. He stopped when he heard Minamoto and looked up at him. "So this is where you've come. Huhuhuhuhu. To bad you didn't stay, you might have surpassed Izanagi as one of my guards. But don't worry, you'll be able to see your daughter one last time before you die." He surveyed everyone with a smirk as he noticed that a few of them were ready to fight if needed. "There's no use fighting here. So I suggest you calm down. Besides, I'm only a copy of the Lycan king. If you killed me, it would make no difference, Ryuu would still be alive. But I think this scar would look nicely on him." He chuckled evily and turned around. He pushed Arisu and Naoki out of the way. He stopped and turned his head right behind the two girls. "I advise you do what I say, or your little friends death would be invain." He chuckled then flew off.

Minami jumped when she heard the door slam open and her eyes widened when she saw her fiance in Ryuu's grip. She was surprised that 'Ryuu' would do something like this. A smile started to grow on her face when she heard and saw what Malik did, but it quickly faded she heard his neck snap, and watched in slow motion as his body became limp and lifeless. she turned when she heard Suzume's voice and tried not to cry. After Ryuu left she ran over to Malik's body, shaking it to see if he would wake up. "Malik... Babe... Wake up... Malik..." Minami said as she hystairically laughed as she lightly shook him.. "It's just a dream and I'll wake up in your arms... Malik...?" She slapped him in the face a few times and realized it wasn't a dream. She burried her face into Malik's arm and started to cry pretty loud.


Yoshiko smirked when Junichi said he would do her in the ass. She moaned as he continued to fuck her in that position for a little bit. She smirked when he took his dick out of her pussy and into her ass. "You wimp. You call that 'punishment'?" She said teasingly as she softly moaned from him softly humping her. She put her free hand down to here vagina and began vigirously fingering herself as she lifted both of her legs higher.


After Hisashi punched Izanagi in the stomach, he fell onto the ground, with his eyes closed. He smirked and began to laugh like a pshyco after he heard Hisashi's question. He let him sock his face a few times as he continued to laugh. "I'm going easy on you." Izanagi said as he stopped Hisashi's next punch with his hand. He made his hand burst into flames as he tightened his grip. "What would you give me if I gave you a really flashy finish?" He yelled out to Junichi and chuckled as he sat up.
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 6:03 am
Suzume started kicking and screamig at Shuichi to put him down. "Put me down! Daddy's hurt! I need to go help him! Please!" She screamed as she continued to struggle. "Mommy! Daddy! Make him put me down!" She started to cry when he wouldn't let her go.

Shuichi opened his eyes and looked over at Minami, then back at Suzume. He winced in pain each time she hit and kicked him. He hugged her tight, then looked up at Hikaru. "C-can you take her?" He asked, trying not to cry from her words. He handed her to Hikaru and wiped the tears starting to develop in his eyes. He looked over at Minami, hearing her trying to get Malik to wake up. He slowly walked to her slowly and sat down next to Minami and Malik. He looked at her for a moment, then looked down for a moment. "Minami I..." He looked back up at her, hesitating for a moment, then placed his hand on her back. "...I'm so sorry...," he said, trying to comfort her a little.

Kamiko watched as Minami started to lose it a little. She walked over and hugged Rokuzai tight, beginning to cry herself as she burried her face in his chest. "That man has our daughter...our little girl...we have to do something..."

Aedan looked at Ayane in surprise when she asked where their son was, then looked around. When he didn't see Hideaki, anger began to build up inside of him. He glared at Ryuu when he said that his son was on his way to the lycan kingdom and clenched his teeth. When Ryuu left, he turned around and hugged Ayane. "There's no way I'll let anything happen to him. I will find Hideaki no matter what," he said, trying to reassure her. He then looked over towards Minami and Malik. "That bastard is going to pay for this..."

Itsuko couldn't believe what she was hearing or seeing as everything began to sink in slowly. "Haruka is...gone?" She fell to her knees, covering her ears with her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks. She started to shake a little from the shock as she closed her eyes tight.

Katsuo looked at Itsuko worriedly, then at Minamoto. 'I had no idea he had that kind of power...he's scarier than I thought...' He rubbed the back of his head and looked down, unsure of what to say or do after everything that has happened.

Kaleb put his sword back in its sheath. He looked over towards Hikaru and watched as Shuichi handed on Suzume to him. He walked over, placing his hand on Hikaru's shoulder and placed his other hand on Suzume's head to try and get her to calm down so she would listen. "Suzu...I need you to listen to me. You're father...isn't going to wake up..."

Suzume calmed down a little when Kaleb put his hand on her head. She then glared at him. "You're lying!" She moved so she was leaning over Hikaru's shoulder a little. "Daddy! Tell Hikaru to put me down! Da...ddy..." She started crying harder when she saw her mother crying and kept struggling so she could go see her parents.

Daichi put his arm down when Ryuu left. He moved a little and put his arm around Asuka, looking over at Malik and Minami. As he heard Suzume's cries for her father, he looked down and closed his eyes.

Naoki gasped as she was pushed out of the way when Ryuu walked past. She hit the wall and slid to the floor, not wanting to move until he left. She crawled over to Arisu and wrapped her arms around her neck, holding her close. "How could this happen?" She asked retorically as she looked over at everyone.


"You want me to 'punish' you? Fine..." Junichi chuckled and pulled his dick out. He made her get off the table as he turned her around again. He put his hand over her mouth and held her other arm behind her a little. He bent her over a little, but made sure she was still standing as he stuck his penis back into her ass and fucked her hard and fast. It almost seemed like he was raping her at this point.


Hisao chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Eh...depends if you put on a good show or not," he said and smirked as he jumped down off the roof. He slid his hands into his pockets and walked a little closer to get a better view.

Hisashi's eyes grew wide as his hand was grabbed. He screamed out on pain when his hand burst into flames as he tried to pull away, but wasn't having much luck. He turned and tried to kick Izanagi in the face in hopes he would let go when he hit.
Tails the Fox
Tails the Fox
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An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Immortal World: Rise of the Lycans (Fumetsu no sekai: Lycans no taitō) [Complete]

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 7:21 am
Hikaru told Suzume when Shuichi handed her over to him. He stood htere tring to calm her down, but it wasn't working. He looked over at Kaleb when he set his hand on his shoulder. "Su...Suzume... He's not lying baby girl." He said kind of depressed trying to get her from struggling still. He turned a little when he felt Suzume being lifted off of his shoulder and smiled at Minami. "I'm so sorry Minami..." He said as he place one on his hands on her shoulder.

Minami turned to Shuichi when put his hand on her back. She quickly huged him tight and continued to cry into his chest. "Why did this have to happen...? Why did he decide to accept this invite...?" She calmed down a little, enough to where she could talk. She looked up at Shuichi and smiled at him. "Thank you..." She walked over to Hikaru and Kaleb, gently taking Suzume and holding her close. She looked at Hikaru and smiled back, but tears still streamed down her face as she nodded to him. "Baby girl... Daddy isn't... going to wake up..." She tried to say without breaking down again.

Rokuzai held Kamiko back kind of tight and nodded. "We will get her back." He leaned his head over Kamiko's and placed one hand on the back of her head.

Ayane hugged Aedan back and slowly began to cry. She nodded to what He said and held him tighter. "Just promise me you won't let your ego get in the way of what's important?" She asked him as she look up at him, kind of giggled as she wipping the tears from her face.

Minamoto calmed down and turned to Itsuko, kneeling down to her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I promise that we'll get our daughter Itsuko." He kissed the top of her head.

Asuka wrapped her arms around Daichi and started to cry. She heard Suzume's crys for her father and couldn't help but cry harder. "I... Feel so bad for Suzume..." She burried her face in his chest. "I wish none of this would have happened.." She said as she held him tighter.

Arisu hit the wall, but bounced off when Ryuu pushed her. She stumbled but gained her balance quickly. She felt Naoki's arms wrap around her neck and looked at her as she wrapped her arms around Naoki. She shrugged to her question and laid her head down on Naoki's shoulder. "Why do there have to be people in this world like Alexander and Ryuu?" She asked her retorical question as she closed her eyes.

Tatsuya quickly grew pissed at Ryuu when he said that he had Haruka. He thought about chasing after him but thought not to. He walked over to his parents and crossed his arms. "So what are we going to do to get those three back!?" He said with kind of an atittude.


Yoshiko giggled then squeaked when Junichi pulled her off the table and bent her over, covering her mouth and holding one hand behind her back. She closed her eyes tight and started screaming into his hand. She spread her legs a little and reached her free hand down there so she could finger herself again. "Oh my god, you ar ethe best sex partner I have ever had!" She was able to say miraculously inbetween her muffled screams. She pulled her free hand away from her pussy and was able to pull Junichi's hand away for a little bit. "We should take this back up to my room since I have some things that would help with this 'rape'." She giggled when she said that.

Izanagi grabbed Hisashi's foot and stood up as he calmed down. "Boy, these vampires need to quit underestimating me." He said as he started to stretch Hisashi. "Having fun yet?" She smirked as he put the flame out, still holding him in the air. When he got his answer he letgo of him and kicked him over at Junichi. Right before Hisashi hit Jun, Izanagi created a tall, strong spout of extremely hot air which should have sent Hisashi flying.
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